IHR taken over by enemies? Leon Degrelle and The Hitler Century Manuscripts

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IHR taken over by enemies? Leon Degrelle and The Hitler Century Manuscripts

Postby Otium » 3 years 6 months ago (Sat Nov 09, 2019 4:32 pm)

Leon Degrelle's book "Hitler Democrat" published by The Barnes Review is truly lucky to have been printed. But I'm not satisfied.


Michael Collins Piper in the beginning of this book gives us the short run down of Degrelles life, his political activity, duty in the SS and subsequent escape to Spain where he survived two assassination attempts by Jewish groups with lots of money and powerful backing by Mossad agents and no doubt other interested Jews groups, even the Belgian government who'd demanded Degrelles extradition and execution. The second kidnapping and assassination attempt implicated "Nazi Hunter" Simon Wiesenthal.

Degrelles tale is blood boiling and illustrates the corruption which gave birth to our current political malaise still in practise today to all of us who're interested in World War Two and the Holocaust.

I'm writing this because I want to submit an appeal to any revisionist out there who might have some insight and knowledge into what I think is most important to the history of Revisionism.

Leon Degrelle, living in Spain took up the endeavour to write a 14 volume series called "The Hitler Century" which outlined Adolf Hitler's role in the 20th Century, illuminating the facts and dispelling the myths of all the lies and slander but not ignoring the things Hitler actually did do.

Degrelle explains:

"Whenever I hear the Allied side of history, I am often reminded of the reporter sent to report on a brawl He scrupulously recorded all the blows delivered by one side and none from the other. His story would truthfully bear witness to the aggression of one side and the victimization of the other. But he would be lying by omission. I do not deny anything that Hitler did, but I also point out what the Communists and their Western allies did, and I let the public be the judge."

Leon Degrelle, Hitler Democrat (The Barnes Review, 2012), pp. 16

I heard about this project which never came to fruition a few years ago. I had vague ideas about it, and I was under the impression it never materialised because Degrelle himself died in 1994 unable to write more than the one Volume that was printed by the IHR known to many seasoned revisionists as "Hitler: Born at Versailles"

I came to find out that this was untrue. And I'm startled by the facts of the real situation. But before I explain that, here's some more from the book:

Degrelle was guaranteed that he would receive all the necessary funding for the project, and in short order, Degrelle turned out the first volume, a handsome book published by the Institute for Historical Review (IHR),
then based in Torrance, California, which Willis Carto had founded in 1978 and which had become the driving force behind what has come to be known as the historical revisionist movement

Degrelle's first volume-an indisputable masterpiece-was Hitler: Born at Versailles. Based upon the premise that "there would never have been a Hitler without the Versailles Treaty'' and that the history of Hitler and Germany can be understood only within the context of the Versailles Treaty and the harsh subjugation of Germany by its implacable enemies, Degrelle's 535-page volume surveyed the Franco-British intrigues in the affairs of Central Europe, the systematic betrayal of Wilson's Fourteen Points, the secret treaties that doomed Wilson's mission from the start, and the cynical dividing up of vast territories by the major powers concluded without regard to the will of the millions of hapless inhabitants-the mutilation of Germany and Austria-Hungary that parceled out many millions of ~germans (and German Austrians), Hungarians and others like cattle to the hostile rule of alien neighboring countries.

Piper goes on to illustrate what the other 13 volumes were to be titled. And if they don't get you excited I have no clue what's wrong with you.

Widely hailed upon its release-with readers worldwide eager for more from Degrelle's pen-this first volume laid the foundation for the forthcoming series of books to follow. The proposed additional volumes were: Hitler Democrat; Hitler and the Germans; Hitler and the Church; Hitler and the United States; Hitler and Stalin; Hitler and England; Hitler and France; Hitler and the Banks; Hitler and the Communists; Hitler and the Jews; Hitler the Politician; Hitler the Military Strategist ~ and Hitler and the Third World.

Degrelle was:

Enthusiastic about the new project the general threw himself into his work with a devotion that was remarkable. At 79 years of age, Degrelle had tackled a project that few men of any age would ever even dream of
attempting to undertake. By 1993 Degrelle had completed six additional volumes, and the IHR was into the translation and production of volumes II and III of the series when tragedy struck.

So.....Degrelle had written 6 additional volumes before his death. This fact has my mind reeling, about what the contents of these manuscripts maintained. This tragedy has me feeling angry and confused to be quite honest, and this is partly where I wonder if anymore seasoned revisionists, familiar with the scene have any particular insight.

I'm going to quote the entire section here so as not to omit anything important.

The IHR itself was taken over from within-literally at gunpoint-by a group of conspirators who were being supported in this treason from behind the scenes by a shadowy San Francisco real estate heir, who not only had intimate family ties to the legendary and powerful Straus faintly of New York's famed "Our Crowd" Jewish elite, but who also had been engaged in activity (both in the Middle East and Asia) traceable directly to the intrigues of Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, and allied elements inside the American CIA.

So the forces behind the IHR' destruction were certainly the same forces that had conspired for so long against Degrelle. Thusi it is absolutely no surprise that, immediately after the takeover, the cabal now controlling the IHR targeted Gen. Degrelle Hitler Century series, with the intention which was successful-of terminating it.

The IHR assassins went out of their way to attack the general's work. One affidavit filed by the conspirators referred to Degrelle's works as being an embarrassment to the IHR because they were "flagrantly pro-Hitler." Another described Degrelle's monumental work as a "white elephant with a big swastika on its side."

The campaign against the Belgian general was bizarre to say the least, if only because Degrelle's Hitler Century series had been one of the IHR's most highly regarded projects.

What's more, the sales of the first volume, Hitler:· Born at Versailles, had been a tremendous financial boon for the IHR, and it had been expected that the forthcoming volumes would also be equally popular.

In any case, the subversion of Degrelle's work clearly laid bare the agenda and motivations of the group now in control of the IHR: their mission was to destroy the historical revisionist movement at its core. And the legacy of Degrelle was a primary target.

Ironically, however, thousands of miles away in Spain, Gen. Degrelle did not know of the treason at the IHR and was continuing his work, believing that the manuscripts he had completed were safe in the hands of the IHR and being systematically readied for release. However, what happened next was an episode difficult to comprehend by a normal human mind. On Jan. 28, 1994 a letter was sent to Degrelle by the conspirators. The letter read as follows:

Dear General Degrelle:

It is our difficult task to inf onn you that an editorial review here has established that, as so far recei~ed1 the several volumes on the biography of Adolf Hitler you have submitted are unpublishable. The problems include: A fundamental lack of historical objectivity; numerous errors of fact; excessive reliance on other texts, either properly
cited or with citation omitted; frequent repetitions. At this time, supported by our board of directors and on the advice of our attorney, we must ask you to stop work on the Hitler project.

The letter was signed, "sincerely." In 1985, the author of the offending letter, in writing an introduction to Degrelle's Campaign in Russia, referred to Degrelle as "one of the great men of this or any century," and declared that, "Degrelle has no qualms about telling hard truths and making hard judgments."

The conspirators at the nm were in possession of the manuscripts Degrelle had completed. The Hitler Century series had been successfully killed. The conspirators refused to give up the precious manuscripts and as this is written (many years later) they have never been published and it is likely that they have been destroyed. Although Degrelle was 87, he was still in remarkable health and retained full mental capacity. But the receipt of the malicious letter coupled with the events at the IRR, coming at such a critical time in the twilight of his long career, hurt the general severely. He immediately sickened, and on April 1, 1994 the Angel of Death finally took this man who had cheated him so many times before. Communist bullets, flame-throwers, grenades, shrapnel, tanks, assassination squads, jailers and torturers could not kill Leon Degrelle, but treason did.

Degrelle's widow, Madame Jeanne Degrelle, commented in a letter of June 22, 1994 (published in The Spotlight):

"I take here the opportunity to affirm against the lies of these doubtful individuals. My husband was meticulous on all his historical facts; he was in possession of a huge pool of references, historical documents and writings at every level All his works, past and future, were of the highest academic level. Numerous historians from the entire world paid tribute to him for his prodigious contribution to the history of the world."

The tragic circumstances surrounding the final months of Gen. Degrelle and the loss of his valuable manuscripts must be a part of the record-unfortunate though the details may be-for they illustrate the lengths to which Degrelle's foes would go to silence this vibrant voice in history. Yet, despite the outrageous turn of events that had led to the destruction of the IHR ( and ultimately of Degrelle ), all was not lost.

By the genuine grace of God, both Willis Carto and Degrelle's wife still controlled earlier drafts of some of Degrelle's writings and with Madame Degrelle's generous support and through a laborious process of careful reconstruction-
requiring hundreds of man hours, including the efforts of multiple translators and editors-the staff of THE BARNES REVIEW (the new journal launched by Willis Carto and loyal revisionists in 1994 in the wake of the IHR's destruction) was able to literally resurrect Degrelle's lost work-or certainly a significant part of it.

That surviving material-published in THE B~ REVIEW over a period of years-is now, at long last, appearing in its entirety in Hitler Democrat between two covers for the first time.

So, in the end, this volume is not only a monumental work of history, a genuine epic, but it is also, in its own fashion, a tribute to the man behind it: General Leon Degrelle.

How then does one conclude what is admittedly an insufficient assessment of this remarkable man? Perhaps the defiant words of Gen. Degrelle himself sum it up best. Once, when asked by a journalist if he had any regrets
about World War II, Degrelle responded: "Only that we lost."

To all this I don't even know what to say. I simply have questions.

How could this happen?

Who were these people?

Why are there no copies of these highly significant important manuscripts?

Why wouldn't there be copies?

Is it possible they still exist? Perhaps at the IHR?

Why has nothing been done about these people and their disgusting acts defiling revisionism and a very important voice in our community of interest?

What do others know about this?

So many questions. I felt compelled to make a thread on this and ask all of you what you think, and what you know. Imagine if these manuscripts were uncovered if they haven't been destroyed. Which seems most likely. This loss to revisionism really pisses me off. I'm glad we have this book, but as it stands the volume is no doubt much less complete. 6 volumes is a lot of work, "Born at Versailles" is a volume easily the size of TBR's "Hitler Democrat" I can only imagine how much material is missing from 6 entire volumes.

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Re: IHR taken over by enemies? Leon Degrelle and The Hitler Century Manuscripts

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 6 months ago (Sat Nov 09, 2019 10:56 pm)

A lot of very bad things have been said about the IHR. This is not at all surprising. Then of course we have the situation with The Forced war by David L. Hoggan.

I suggest:

IHR: From Flagship to Millstone How the IHR Became a "Black Hole" for Revisionist Dollars

Also this post by FPB: viewtopic.php?p=34502#p34502
"Over the last ten years, who has done more harm to the holocaust revisionist movement than Mark Weber? ... No single person anywhere in the world has done more harm to what so many of us are trying to achieve than Mark Weber." - FPB

As for:
The IHR itself was taken over from within-literally at gunpoint-by a group of conspirators who were being supported in this treason from behind the scenes by a shadowy San Francisco real estate heir, who not only had intimate family ties to the legendary and powerful Straus faintly of New York's famed "Our Crowd" Jewish elite, but who also had been engaged in activity (both in the Middle East and Asia) traceable directly to the intrigues of Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, and allied elements inside the American CIA.

First time I have heard of this. Any more details? I know that the IHR was firebombed in an arson attack. I would think that back then, before the widespread use of the internet, anyone who would write any work to submit to the IHR would have kept copies for themselves. Why would Degrelle not have exact copies of all of his work that he sent to the IHR with him and his wife as well?

It seems as though since somewhere after 2000, the IHR just turned into Mark Weber posting news articles on the website.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...


Re: IHR taken over by enemies? Leon Degrelle and The Hitler Century Manuscripts

Postby Otium » 3 years 6 months ago (Tue Nov 26, 2019 10:00 am)

Lamprecht wrote:A lot of very bad things have been said about the IHR. This is not at all surprising. Then of course we have the situation with The Forced war by David L. Hoggan.

I suggest:

IHR: From Flagship to Millstone How the IHR Became a "Black Hole" for Revisionist Dollars

Also this post by FPB: viewtopic.php?p=34502#p34502
"Over the last ten years, who has done more harm to the holocaust revisionist movement than Mark Weber? ... No single person anywhere in the world has done more harm to what so many of us are trying to achieve than Mark Weber." - FPB

Thanks for the recommendations! I have seen the thread but not yet read it, and haven't seen FPB's article, thanks for letting me know about it. Although these things I have heard before but never to such a degree as how Degrelle experienced them.

First time I have heard of this. Any more details? I know that the IHR was firebombed in an arson attack. I would think that back then, before the widespread use of the internet, anyone who would write any work to submit to the IHR would have kept copies for themselves. Why would Degrelle not have exact copies of all of his work that he sent to the IHR with him and his wife as well?

It seems as though since somewhere after 2000, the IHR just turned into Mark Weber posting news articles on the website.

I'm sorry, these are all the details on this I have. The firebombing wasn't mentioned in TBR's books because it's not connected with that, and the manuscripts were submitted after, as the first volume of Degrelles series was published in 1987 and the bombing was in 1981 IIRC.

The most shocking part to me is why on earth did Degrelle not keep copies? So I agree that this is baffling, and somehow all they had were previous drafts? I was thinking that surely IHR would've made copies but those would've been destroyed or hidden away too. There's really no good reason I can think of as to why he or his wife didn't have copies unless this event hasn't been fully investigated. Maybe Willis Carto would've known, but unfortunately he isn't alive for us to ask him.

This really is a big mystery I would like to see solved one day. Surely the manuscripts HAVE to be out there?

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Re: IHR taken over by enemies? Leon Degrelle and The Hitler Century Manuscripts

Postby Sannhet » 2 years 10 months ago (Sat Aug 01, 2020 12:00 am)

In any case, the subversion of Degrelle's work clearly laid bare the agenda and motivations of the group now in control of the IHR: their mission was to destroy the historical revisionist movement at its core. And the legacy of Degrelle was a primary target.

Ironically, however, thousands of miles away in Spain, Gen. Degrelle did not know of the treason at the IHR and was continuing his work, believing that the manuscripts he had completed were safe in the hands of the IHR and being systematically readied for release. However, what happened next was an episode difficult to comprehend by a normal human mind. On Jan. 28, 1994 a letter was sent to Degrelle by the conspirators. The letter read as follows:

Dear General Degrelle:

It is our difficult task to inform you that an editorial review here has established that, as so far received, the several volumes on the biography of Adolf Hitler you have submitted are unpublishable. The problems include: A fundamental lack of historical objectivity; numerous errors of fact; excessive reliance on other texts, either properly cited or with citation omitted; frequent repetitions. At this time, supported by our board of directors and on the advice of our attorney, we must ask you to stop work on the Hitler project.

The letter was signed, "sincerely." In 1985, the author of the offending letter, in writing an introduction to Degrelle's Campaign in Russia, referred to Degrelle as "one of the great men of this or any century," and declared that, "Degrelle has no qualms about telling hard truths and making hard judgments."

The conspirators at the [IHR] were in possession of the manuscripts Degrelle had completed. The Hitler Century series had been successfully killed. The conspirators refused to give up the precious manuscripts and as this is written (many years later) they have never been published and it is likely that they have been destroyed.

Michael Collins Piper does not name him, but "the author of the offending letter" in 1994 appears to be Ted O'Keefe (find the original passage referred too by Piper in the Archive.org version of this 1985 Degrelle book; ctrl-f for "has no qualms" will find it).

O'Keefe, who I believe was the Journal of Historical Review editor for many years, was himself purged from the IHR in 2002, about the time the very last issue of the JHR ever to appear was published.

I do not claim to know any of these people, but my impression is O'Keefe was a conscientious scholar and got things done. What was his role in the 1994 letter? It was signed by him, true, but who knows. Maybe he has (or can) speak to this at some point. He's still around, as far as I know, now past age seventy and no longer as active as in his younger years.

I'll also say this while on the topic you've raised ("IHR taken over by enemies"):

The "IHR Decline narrative" favored by M.C. Piper (whose writing you are citing) and naturally by Willis Carto (the founder of the IHR, who was expelled from his own organization in a palace coup) on what happened to the IHR does appear to be basically correct, viewed now from 25 years' distance in time. Your phrasing, "Taken over by enemies," would have sounded melodramatic in the 1990s to a neutral observer, I'm sure, and many would shy away from it even now. It need not be "enemies" if it is "do-nothings," "incompetents," men desiring sinecures and office-politics people: The effect is the same.

Think tanks are often plagued by this problem and it takes talent and maybe also luck to avoid it as well as a sense of driving mission. The early IHR seems to have had all of those things, talent/skill at the helm, luck, great momentum and a driving sense of purpose.

The IHR, despite great inertia from the heyday of Revisionist activity in the 1980s and pushing into the early 1990s, despite the breakthroughs into the semi-mainstream in those years, squandered it all. It eventually sort of stopped functioning altogether. It has been truly defunct for any practical purpose at all by the late 2000s. That's fifteen years now in which it no longer exists except in name. The IHR appears to have hosted no events since a small gathering in spring 2011. Long gone are the days of conferences; long gone are the days or the Journal of Historical Review, new books, or really anything. It now does nothing.

Many will charitably say the IHR was an "analog" organization and failed to transition to "digital," whatever that exactly means. The IHR Youtube channel has two videos: One is a video of Mark Weber asking for donations in 2010. The second is of Mark Weber asking for donations in 2012. That's the end. Were other videos deleted by Youtube censors, or is that it?

Ted O'Keefe himself, some time after his 2002 firing, published some graphs quantifying the rapid decline at the IHR. Measured by Journal of Historical Review subscriptions, the decline began in late 1993, accelerated rapidly in 1994, and proceeded in 1995. Thousands of JHR subscriptions were lost amid endless delays in publishing. Many of these losses were also presumably protesting the ouster of Carto from his own organization and moved onto the new Barnes Review, in which the indefatigable Willis Carto put out soon after his ouster. Carto came up with new revisionist magazine from nothing, with the first issue already published in October 1994 -- and it's still going strong today in 2020, even five years after Carto's death.

By the way, HMSendeavour, you may find this, from the very first issue of The Barnes Review to be of interest as it is exactly on topic:

(Volume 1 Issue 1 is dated Oct. 1994; this came into readers' hands just as the IHR was starting its decline. It was written mere months after the IHR's letter to Degrelle telling him "on the advice of our attorney, we must ask you to stop work on the Hitler project.")

Leon Degrelle Redux

Among the much-appreciated letters we have received—many of which are reprinted on the back covers of this first issue—is one from a very special lady, the widow of Gen. Leon Degrelle, one of the authentic heroes of this or any other age.

Pygmies may carp that Degrelle was on the German side during World War 11. But the truth is, by any decent measure he is an admirable figure and one whose memory is honored more by men who tasted military combat on the Allied side than by those who did not. Those who would judge Degrelle, or any other hon¬orable fighting man, by the side he was on rather than his personal qualities are unfit to judge real men at all.

The full story of Leon Degrelle must wait for another issue. In this one we can only note with pride that beginning with the November issue we shall begin the printing of chapters from his unpublished works.

The story about these unpublished documents is itself almost an epic. A once-admirable institute which planned to publish the manuscripts in book form was taken over by persons whose agenda included trashing the contract with Degrelle and throwing the manuscripts down the Memory Hole. The outcry from their supporters persuaded them to try to reverse their course. However, a contract once broken is broken and General Degrelle’s widow, disgusted with the impostors, assigned all rights to us.

Thus, our fortunate subscribers will profit from the malice of those who sought to silence Leon Degrelle, and the ghost of Degrelle will rest easier now that he knows that the great labors which consumed his time in the latter days of his life will not be unrequited. [end]

This appeared as an editorial at the front of Barnes Review Issue 1. Probably written by Carto himself, or, if not him, then certainly by someone who had Carto's full trust.

Intriguing is this: "The outcry from their supporters persuaded [the IHR] to try to reverse their course" on banning the Degrelle books. Maybe 'try' was too generous and 'claim' was a better fit here. Nothing came of this supposed course-change.


Re: IHR taken over by enemies? Leon Degrelle and The Hitler Century Manuscripts

Postby Otium » 2 years 10 months ago (Sat Aug 01, 2020 2:45 am)

Sannhet wrote:I do not claim to know any of these people, but my impression is O'Keefe was a conscientious scholar and got things done. What was his role in the 1994 letter? It was signed by him, true, but who knows. Maybe he has (or can) speak to this at some point. He's still around, as far as I know, now past age seventy and no longer as active as in his younger years.

If he were such a scholar, and if there's any truth to the idea that the enemies in the IHR wanted to reverse their course, then surely someone would've ensured the survival of the voluminous manuscripts written by Degrelle, instead of the pittance of them compiled from old drafts Degrelles wife was fortunate enough to keep. The current book "Hitler Democrat" is a book made from scraps, much like ancient literature of old. This fact doesn't imply anything other than villainly within the IHR. Attempting to reverse the damage to their reputation in any way they could is a worthless facade.

Sannhet wrote:I'll also say this while on the topic you've raised ("IHR taken over by enemies"):

The "IHR Decline narrative" favored by M.C. Piper (whose writing you are citing) and naturally by Willis Carto (the founder of the IHR, who was expelled from his own organization in a palace coup) on what happened to the IHR does appear to be basically correct, viewed now from 25 years' distance in time. Your phrasing, "Taken over by enemies," would have sounded melodramatic in the 1990s to a neutral observer, I'm sure, and many would shy away from it even now. It need not be "enemies" if it is "do-nothings," "incompetents," men desiring sinecures and office-politics people: The effect is the same.

There's a difference between being a "lazy do nothing" and going out of your way to find an excuse to cancel and suppress the publication of an eagerly awaited, 14 volume Hitler biography, that would seriously challenge the historical narrative and public perception of the Third Reich. Degrelles undertaking was massive, it was comprehensive, and it would've dwarfed the orthodoxy in its scope. Degrelle had the ability to present Hitler in an honest way; by a man who knew him personally, no less. Degrelles credentials are by virtue of who he was more compelling than any ivy league scholar whose name is of no historical importance. Because of this, there's no doubt in my mind that the interest of the reading public would've been piqued.

The conspirators from within the IHR were and ARE still enemies. There is no way to soften this fact behind a veil of good intentions, or some such excuse. Call it melodramatic, it is what it is. The fact that the IHR declined after this coup is by virtue of that fact alone, proof of their surreptitious motives to suppress revisionism. In the case of Degrelle's work it is all the more insidious. His books would've been, in my view, the flagship of the IHR, it's enduring legacy, a massive historical achievement. But they refused to publish it, they didn't ask him to rewrite it, or return the manuscripts so that they could potentially be published elsewhere. This would've been the responsible thing to do if you were committed in one way or another to get the information published for the sake of revisionism. That's of course presuming the excuse not to publish them was truly informed by some attorney or board of directors. It would've presumably been no skin off their back to hand the manuscripts back. But instead they were kept and probably destroyed. The letter they sent was nothing but an excuse, as they essentially told Degrelle to "fuck off". Nobody who wrote that letter, or signed it, can be considered a friend of revisionism. They are enemies.

In any case, it's laughable on its face that an institute that publishes revisionist material as it's sole purpose would've been dissuaded from publishing further revisionist material.


Re: IHR taken over by enemies? Leon Degrelle and The Hitler Century Manuscripts

Postby Otium » 2 years 10 months ago (Sat Aug 01, 2020 2:58 am)

I think Degrelles wife would agree with me, based on her sentiments toward the IHR:

However, a contract once broken is broken and General Degrelle’s widow, disgusted with the impostors, assigned all rights to us.

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Re: IHR taken over by enemies? Leon Degrelle and The Hitler Century Manuscripts

Postby Mongol » 1 year 4 months ago (Thu Feb 03, 2022 5:27 am)

Lamprecht wrote:As for:
The IHR itself was taken over from within-literally at gunpoint-by a group of conspirators who were being supported in this treason from behind the scenes by a shadowy San Francisco real estate heir, who not only had intimate family ties to the legendary and powerful Straus faintly of New York's famed "Our Crowd" Jewish elite, but who also had been engaged in activity (both in the Middle East and Asia) traceable directly to the intrigues of Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, and allied elements inside the American CIA.

First time I have heard of this. Any more details?

It's covered in Mike Piper's book "Coup d'Etat: The Bizarre Inside Story of How an Intelligence Operative Tied to the CIA and Israel's Mossad Orchestrated the Take-Over of the Institute for Historical Review And Set in Motion the Ultimate Destruction of Liberty Lobby". Mirrors for PDF:


Piper presented material from the book in a series of five episodes of his radio show in 2009: https://archive.org/details/2009TheFallOfLibertyLobbyAndTheIHR.

Later on May 10, 2015, in one of his last shows before he died, Piper said that Willis Carto also sold out (https://www.bitchute.com/video/HTeOO4KlvM9B/):

(1:21:52) I now have information that the federal authorities basically allowed Willis Carto and his corrupt wife Elizabeth Carto to make their way - probably out of the country - with at least a million dollars belonging to Liberty Lobby, given to the populist organization by its supporters. At the time, Mark Weber - and Mark Weber is still totally corrupt, ladies and gentlemen, totally corrupt - Mark Weber and his backers forced Liberty Lobby into bankruptcy. That was part of the deal, I now understand. Carto and his wife ran away with a million dollars, at least. I know how they did it. I know the individual they used to steal the money. And frankly at the time - I only found out about it a year after the fact - I thought they were going to put the money into American Free Press. And honestly folks, I said, OK, well I'm glad they did it, because I thought they were going to help American Free Press. But rather than doing that, they started starving out the employees of American Free Press, cutting our salaries, after they put the money overseas. And I know the name of the specific individual who helped that. ... So Carto and his wife cut their own deals with the Kosher Nostra, and the organized crime elements in the Justice Department.

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