Mass Graves claimed to be found at Treblinka

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Jerzy Ulicki-Rek
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Re: Mass Graves claimed to be found at Treblinka

Postby Jerzy Ulicki-Rek » 1 decade 10 months ago (Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:53 am)

"This is the picture of the gas chamber.
If you are unable to see it does mean that you are ANTI-SEMITIC!!!!!!"


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Re: Mass Graves claimed to be found at Treblinka

Postby Fergi » 1 decade 9 months ago (Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:16 pm)


I see no GPR images whatsoever.

Heres one:


Assuming that this is the alleged "lazarett" that the Pole Luzawhatshisname excavated (Kues "grave" #3), Colls has just shown him and Krege to both be liars.


Generously assuming Rosenberg’s estimate of 6 meters (Rajchman’s estimate of some 12 meters can be safely dismissed as an exaggeration), and even more generously assuming (for the sake of argument) 6 meters to be the effective depth, with the pit walls being vertical instead of sloping (an obviously unrealistic assumption, which is moreover contradicted by Sturdy Colls statement that this pit had a “ramp” at the west end and a “vertical edge to the east”, implying that three out of four side walls were oblique – but again, for the sake of argument…) pit #3 would have a volume of (26 x 17 x 6 =) 2,652 cubic meters. Assuming an average capacity of 8 corpses per cubic meters,[12] this means that the pit in question could have contained in total (2,652 x 8 =) 21,216 corpses.

Looks to me that Kues can cut his estimate of this "grave's" volume by more than half.

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Re: Mass Graves claimed to be found at Treblinka

Postby Fergi » 1 decade 9 months ago (Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:31 pm)

I cannot believe this. It looks like Colls is now claiming that the lazarett is two "graves," not one


That lazarett pit sure does have some amazing magical qualities, doesn't it?

Every map I look at it moves to another location.

But now it has split in two!


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Re: Mass Graves claimed to be found at Treblinka

Postby Mkk » 1 decade 9 months ago (Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:16 am)

Fergi wrote:Hanover

I see no GPR images whatsoever.

Heres one:


Assuming that this is the alleged "lazarett" that the Pole Luzawhatshisname excavated (Kues "grave" #3), Colls has just shown him and Krege to both be liars.


Generously assuming Rosenberg’s estimate of 6 meters (Rajchman’s estimate of some 12 meters can be safely dismissed as an exaggeration), and even more generously assuming (for the sake of argument) 6 meters to be the effective depth, with the pit walls being vertical instead of sloping (an obviously unrealistic assumption, which is moreover contradicted by Sturdy Colls statement that this pit had a “ramp” at the west end and a “vertical edge to the east”, implying that three out of four side walls were oblique – but again, for the sake of argument…) pit #3 would have a volume of (26 x 17 x 6 =) 2,652 cubic meters. Assuming an average capacity of 8 corpses per cubic meters,[12] this means that the pit in question could have contained in total (2,652 x 8 =) 21,216 corpses.

Looks to me that Kues can cut his estimate of this "grave's" volume by more than half.

Much more than half, likely, taking into account the following:

Kues assumes the grave to be 6 meters deep. Colls claims she could only penetrate to 4 meters. On previous threads, though, it's been shown she almost certainly could have gone further than that. Thus there are good reasons to think she just couldn't find anything deeper than 4 meters. Kues dimensions of (26 x 17 x 6 =) 2,652 should thus be reduced to (26 x 17 x 4 =) 1768 cubic meters. Kues estimates that 8 bodies can could fit in a square meter. This is a maximum, but probably too much. For arguments sake I will say 6 bodies to a square meter. Thus (1768 times 6) about 10608 bodies could be fit in the largest pit.

if my calculations are correct, and they are probably in the vicinity or even too high (because some parts of the grave may have been dug for other reasons or never filled) then there'd need to be 80 times the space, but from looking at Colls' map there's only about four times the space of the largest pit.

Thus, the pits based upon the current info could only have held about 5 percent of the amount of people deported.

To allow for the 860,000 victims, the number of bodies per square meter would have to be (6 times 8) about 480, which is ofcourse impossible.

The Treblinka hoax has been well and truly exposed.
"Truth is hate for those who hate the truth"- Auchwitz lies, p.13

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Re: Mass Graves claimed to be found at Treblinka

Postby Fergi » 1 decade 9 months ago (Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:19 pm)


Much more than half, likely...

Yes, probably closer to 2/ 3.


Thus there are good reasons to think she just couldn't find anything deeper than 4 meters.

I disagree. If you look at the image, you can see that, if the bottom of the pit is supposed to be 1.5 meters across as alleged, it would be a little deeper than 4 meters. The bottom of the pit appears to be about 4 meters across.

My guess is it's about 4.5 meters deep.

But then again, the bottom of the pit could have been enlarged from the excavations.

The bottom line is, it is very obvious that this pit is not near the 7 meters deep that it was claimed to be.

"Protocol of the tasks performed on the grounds of the death camp Treblinka, which forms the object of the judicial examination.

From November 9 to 13, 1945, the examining magistrate of Siedlce, Z. Łukaszkiewicz, together with the State Attorney for the District Court of Siedlce, J. Maciejewski, performed the following tasks on the camp grounds:

November 9, 1945

Excavations were begun on the grounds using the services of 20 workers who had been mustered by the village administration for carrying out roadwork. The excavations began at the location described by the witness Rajzman on November 6, where the so-called 'camp hospital' had stood and where, according to the witness, a mass grave is supposed to exist. Since a bomb crater 4 to 5-meter deep is present at the said location - two bombs still lie at a slight distance from this crater - the digging was begun in this crater. In the course of this work numerous Polish, as well as Russian, German, Austrian, and Czech coins as well as broken pieces of various kinds of containers were discovered. At the end of the work, at approximately 3 pm, at a depth of 6 meters, we encountered a layer which had not been reached previously. There were no human remains found.

November 10, 1945

The work was continued, with 36 workers assigned who had been commandeered for roadwork. At a depth of 6 meters begins a layer which has never before been uncovered by anyone. It consists partly of all sorts of kitchen utensils and different kinds of household objects; there are also pieces of clothing. At a depth of 7 meters, we reached the floor of the pit - a layer of yellow sand which is not mixed with gravel. By means of expansion of the excavation we succeeded in determining the shape of the pit. It has sloping walls, and the bottom measures about 1.5 meters. The pit was presumably excavated with an excavator. During the course of the excavations, numerous more or less badly damaged Polish documents were discovered, further a badly damaged personal identity card of a German Jew, as well as several more coins: Polish, German, Russian, Belgian, and even American. After we had made certain that this pit, filled with broken pieces of the containers mentioned, ran in a north-south direction on the grounds of the camp area - 2 meters more had been excavated - the workers started work at this location.

So Łukaszkiewicz has been proven to be a liar by a liar. (How ironic is that?)

What else was he lying about?

And let's not forget that Krege has been proven to be a liar as well.

Have you ever seen so much fraud?

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Re: Mass Graves claimed to be found at Treblinka

Postby Fergi » 1 decade 9 months ago (Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:44 pm)

Is this the most reprehensible quote you have ever heard?

Caroline Colls:

There are some very vocal Holocaust deniers who use spurious archeology to claim that the Holocaust never happened. That’s why it’s so important that we use the most up-to-date scientific techniques. This can be done, and it should be done.

What do you think of this creature after reading that?


Some years ago, Richard Krege proved with ground penetrating radar that there is only undisturbed soil on the site. Who disturbed the soil since then?

That's a good point. Some of the pits may have been dug since then.

But how do you prove that?

Oh, I know how: All Krege has to do is release his GPR data and we can compare his results to Colls.

Richard??? What are you waiting for?

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Re: Mass Graves claimed to be found at Treblinka

Postby Hektor » 1 decade 8 months ago (Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:47 pm)

Mkk wrote:...Thus, the pits based upon the current info could only have held about 5 percent of the amount of people deported.
To allow for the 860,000 victims, the number of bodies per square meter would have to be (6 times 8 ) about 480, which is ofcourse impossible.
The Treblinka hoax has been well and truly exposed.

What was the figure on the Treblinka death records?

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Re: Mass Graves claimed to be found at Treblinka

Postby Mkk » 1 decade 8 months ago (Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:03 am)

Hektor wrote:
Mkk wrote:...Thus, the pits based upon the current info could only have held about 5 percent of the amount of people deported.
To allow for the 860,000 victims, the number of bodies per square meter would have to be (6 times 8 ) about 480, which is ofcourse impossible.
The Treblinka hoax has been well and truly exposed.

What was the figure on the Treblinka death records?

There aren't any. We do know from The Korherr* report and other deportation lists that about 860,000 Jews were deported to Treblinka, and under the official big H storyline they were nearly all killed there aside from a few people picked out to be sonderkommandos.

* [spelling corrected by Moderator1]
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Re: Mass Graves claimed to be found at Treblinka

Postby borjastick » 1 decade 8 months ago (Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:02 pm)

It's the old Holohoax trick. Claim figures of people deported and then end the trail, all of which equals a certain and indisputable death toll. To add cream and a cherry on top completely ignore the physics and project management of it all. In other words the practicalities of the act itself. Then to add a little coffee and ice cream after the main meal fail totally to find any survivors and believe the crazy, and various, stories of the method of killing.

Then to add insult to injury, resolutely refuse to waver from the narrative and absolutely refuse to allow any scientific research and on site technical appraisal. There you are folks, the Treblinka myth and proof all in a single sitting. 800,000 deaths at Treblinka, who on earth could argue with that?
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

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Re: Mass Graves claimed to be found at Treblinka

Postby Jillo » 1 decade 8 months ago (Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:43 pm)


Is this the most reprehensible quote you have ever heard?

Caroline Colls:

There are some very vocal Holocaust deniers who use spurious archeology to claim that the Holocaust never happened. That’s why it’s so important that we use the most up-to-date scientific techniques. This can be done, and it should be done.

What do you think of this creature after reading that?

I'm insulted.

The most up-to-date scientific techniques include GPR that can view much further down than 4 meters.

What a fraud.

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Re: Mass Graves claimed to be found at Treblinka

Postby Atigun » 1 decade 8 months ago (Fri Sep 21, 2012 2:22 am)

Why is there any mystery about the location and the size of the mass graves at Treblinka? Yankel Wiernik built a model of Treblinka that is complete down to very small details. The mass graves are clearly shown and the dimensions are given in his book, 'A Year In Treblinka'. Wiernik spent an entire year in Treblinka and while he may have omitted some details from his model, I doubt that he would have misplaced a feature that measured over six thousand square meters in area. Using high tech electronic gear to find something that has been so carefully located and documented is akin to using radar to locate one's nose.

So, is Dr. Colls in fact telling us that Wiernik and his 'cornerstone of the holocaust' 'A Year In Treblinka' is no longer operable? Is Wiernik's 'seminal work' being modified? Has Wiernik's fantasy become such an embarrassment to the hoaxers that it's being nudged toward the memory hole a la the shrunken heads of Nuremberg? In any event, if we are no longer to believe Wiernik concerning the mass graves, why should we believe any of his claims?

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Re: Mass Graves claimed to be found at Treblinka

Postby Turpitz » 1 decade 4 months ago (Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:41 am)

Turpitz wrote:"Mass Graves claimed to be found at Treblinka"

It never, ever progresses further than this does it? And deep down everyone knows that physically, it will come to nothing. Year after year the Jew keeps the stupified Goy clutching at straws with their tall tales. All this hollow clap-trap does is keeps the guilt fresh in the Goy's mind, and gives a chance for the "repeaters" to reiterate the tiresome phrases, and their "facts and figures".

I'll come back in a year ( if that "Shitty Little Country" hasn't started WWIII) and I guarantee nothing will have come of this. Typical, from the scum BBC to be propogating bullshit, should we expect any different when one looks at their legacy of lying?

Well, it's been a year and not so much as a fingernail has surfaced from the 'mass Graves', how predictable! Still, the BBC have had a busy year trying to keep a lid on the pedophile rings that make up their ranks, so we shan't blame them.

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Re: Mass Graves claimed to be found at Treblinka

Postby Kip » 1 decade 4 months ago (Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:46 pm)

Has it really been a year? My how time flies.

I have sent a number of emails to Colls and she hasn't answered a one.

Which got me to wondering - Has anyone that posts here gotten a response from her?

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Re: Mass Graves claimed to be found at Treblinka

Postby Haldan » 1 decade 4 months ago (Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:27 pm)

Kip wrote:Has anyone that posts here gotten a response from her?

Nope. No matter how courteous my messages to her have been - still no response. I urge others to contact her, too.
She has her page here:

By the way: welcome aboard Kip :P

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Re: Mass Graves claimed to be found at Treblinka

Postby Kip » 1 decade 4 months ago (Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:04 pm)

Why thank you Haldan.


So, is Dr. Colls in fact telling us that Wiernik and his 'cornerstone of the holocaust' 'A Year In Treblinka' is no longer operable? Is Wiernik's 'seminal work' being modified? Has Wiernik's fantasy become such an embarrassment to the hoaxers that it's being nudged toward the memory hole a la the shrunken heads of Nuremberg? In any event, if we are no longer to believe Wiernik concerning the mass graves, why should we believe any of his claims?

People like Berg and Gerdes were making mincemeat out of Wiernik's tall tales, so he had to be put down the memory hole along with so many other things regarding Treblinka.

But their replacement fable wasn't very well thought out. So many blunders. The fraud was exposed in a heartbeat. That's why there has been nothing but silence since the fake investigation.

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