Australian Inmate at Terezin Says No Gas Chambers

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Australian Inmate at Terezin Says No Gas Chambers

Postby Mortimer » 1 decade 5 years ago (Sun Aug 26, 2007 9:31 pm)

Alexander McClelland is an Australian world war II veteran who served in North Africa and Greece. He was captured in Crete and spent the rest of the war in captivity including being an inmate of Terezin which is the fortress associated with Theresienstadt. The author of the novel Holocaust (on which the miniseries was based) Gerald Green has written Artists of Terezin and claims that there was a gas chamber there. As a former inmate McClelland disputes this. He has written about his life experiences in a book THE ANSWER - JUSTICE. Because of a media blackout and being blacklisted by bookstore chains by the usual culprits not many people have heard of him. He has set up his own website to get the message across - After doing his own research he is a fully fledged holocaust revisionist and states that there were no gas chambers in any of the camps or any attempt to exterminate jews. The politically correct media like to label all holocaust revisionists as fascists, nazis, skinheads, white supremacists etc but here is an Australian war veteran who fought fascist Italians and nazi Germans who is a holocaust skeptic. Their answer is to ignore him and to hope he goes away but as you can see by his website he is a fighter and dedicated to the truth.

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Postby Malle » 1 decade 5 years ago (Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:34 pm)

In another thread I was searching for a forum. I found this posted written by Alex McClelland.



Alex McClelland

The buildings housing the alleged "gas, chambers" of Auschwitz'-Birkenau Crematoriums 2,3,4,5 were destroyed by explosives. The questions are: When? And by whom?
a) By retreating German Nazis, who had tried to, destroy the evidence of gas execution chambers?
b) By Soviets, who later tried to, destroy the morgues and claim them to be gas chambers where 4 million Jews were killed?
At the Nuremburg War Crimes Trials in 1946, the Soviets claimed that the German Nazis were responsible for the massacre of 15,000 Polish officers and intellectuals at Katyn. On 14 April 1990, the Soviet president, Gorbachev, admitted that the USSR (under Stalin) had been responsible for the Katyn massacre, not the Germans as was previously claimed; this upheld the 1943 International Medical Commission finding ("Katyn Massacre", 1977, by Louis Fitzgibbon, Chapter 8 ). The Medical Commission had been convened because the Soviet Government had refused permission for the International Red Cross to investigate.
The added claim that Germany used Zyklon B gas to destroy 4 million Jews at Auschwitz-Birkenau was taken as further proof of the evils of Nazism and the German people in general. This is despite a 1944 international Red Cross inspection of Auschwitz which found no evidence of gas Chambers (International edition of the French Jewish L'Espress magazine, 26.01.1995, article by historian Eric Corian).
Since 1948, these doctorines have been heavily promoted by Zionists from many quarters including: the World Jewish Congress, Israel, and various Jewish organisations which exist world wide. The eminent professor William D Rubinstein stated (Quadrant, Sep. 1979, p.27) that "If the holocaust can be shown to be a 'Zionist myth' the strongest of all weapons in Israel's propaganda armory collapses."
Having personally visited Auschwitz-Birkenau in June of this year (1999), I find it impossible to believe that the Nazis (as the Russians had claimed) used explosives to, destroy the Crematoriums - especially No.2 with its "gas chamber". If the Nazis had used explosives to demolish the alleged gas chamber, why was it not totally destroyed as was the rest of the Crematorium building which contained it ? In fact, the gas chamber has remained remarkably intact! The Germans are renowned for their technical expertise, so how could they Have made such a "blunder" as the incomplete destruction of vital evidence - their use of Zyklon B in the killing of millions of Jewish people, as claimed by the Soviets after the war?

I have read and evaluated "The Leuchter Report (1988)", by eminent US execution gas chamber engineer Fred Leuchter, and "The Rudolf Report" (1993)", by industrial chemist Germar Rudolf. In them, the reader is faced with proof that the claims of the morgues being used as gas chambers are false - there is no forensic evidence that Zyklon B (hydrocyanic acid gas) was used in the morgues. This contrasts with the delousing chambers, where significantly measurable amounts of Zyklon B residue was clearly visible as a Prussian Blue discolouration which permeates the masonry (completely, in some portions).

The reader should note that Zyklon B had been THE delousing agent used since the 1920's, and lice are the main carriers of the deadly disease typhus. According to the manufacturer's technical information, the chemical substance must be used in very specific, extremely controlled conditions which were non-existent at the alleged gas chambers (refer to "The Lauchter Report" for the manufacturer's specifications).
As an Australian 2/1 Infantry Battalion 6th Division AIF WWII veteran and a Nazi Concentration Camp survivor, I am only interested in the historical truth being passed on to future generations. I do this in fairness to the roughly 120,000 Jewish people and 500,000 of German origin who have made their homes in Australia.
The Australian International Justice Fund - which have I founded - is funded from sales of my book "The Answer - Justice" published in 1998. What really needs to be undertaken is the further forensic examination of the "gas chamber" in crematorium 2 at Auschwitz-Birkenau (which was featured in the debunked book "Stoker" by Australian author Donald Watts, and "Auschwitz" by the Hungarian doctor Miklos Nysizlis).
My plan is for the proceeds of the AIJ Fund to be used in bringing together the representatives of 4 European countries that were neutral during WWII; - Spain, Ireland, Sweden, and Switzerland - to witnesses the removal of masonry samples from the alleged Crematorium No 2 gas chamber. These samples will then be individually forensically tested at an independent laboratory in each observer's country. The publicly available results should then finally determine either that there were gas chambers as claimed, or that the claims were only WWII propaganda. As Phillip Knightley stated in his book "The First Casualty" - in war, the first casualty is usually the truth.

The following books published on the "Holocaust" have been used to justify the claims made by Holocaust promoters. These three books were published by Schocken of New York, USA.
1. Holocaust by Gerald Green (Out of Print)
Classified by the author and publisher as fiction, from which an 8 hour documentary was produced and shown worldwide.
The Daily Mail, after the documentary's release, ran an article entitled "Holocaust - History or Hokum"
2. Artists of Terrazin By Gerald Green (out of print )
Classified by both author and publisher as non-fiction, it makes false claims including, the use of gas chambers; that of 15,000 children at Terezin, only 150 survived; that the Terezin camp section at Auschwitz-Birkenau, were gassed and cremated on March 5 1945, (37 days after history records the Soviets had liberated the camp on January 27, 1945.)
I was extremely lucky to obtain a copy of this book as it was withdrawn from all UK libraries in August 1989.

A headline in the The Australian Jewish News (March 12 1999):

"Tide Turning Against Holocaust Memoirs"

"The author of a widely acclaimed Holocaust memoir was this week
facing an investigation into the book's authenticity which could
potentially lead to the withdrawal of a major literary prize.

"....Daniel Ganzfried, another Swiss author,... claimed to
have found documents showing that the "Fragments" author was not
a Jew born in Riga, Latvia, as the book says, but the Swiss-born
illegitimate son of a Ms Grosjean who put him in a children's
home before giving him up for adoption in 1945."

Another Holocaust myth being exposed!
In 1984, an Australian made "Holocaust Documentary" (to be called: "The Greatest Nazi Hoax") was financed in the following manner. 50% Channel 7 under Christopher Skase; the other 50% funded by 30 Jewish businessmen from Sydney, who put in between $5,000 and $10,000 each. This information came from Paul Rae, who was both script writer and co-producer.
In 1985, the film was released using the new title, "Where Death Wears a Smile (the smiling face of Auschwitz)". It was shown twice in Australia, and shown in New Zealand, USA and Germany, being presented as the true story of Australian POW's held at Terezin Concentration Camp in Czechoslovakia during 1945. This "documentary" had won the award for Best Political Documentary at the New York Television and Film Festival in 1985.
The film successfully Australianised the Holocaust with the claim that the Nazis murdered 40 Australians and New Zealanders, and included many other (as I later discovered) false claims. However, the alleged murder of these forty soldiers worried me quite a lot as I believed that some of them could possibly have been my mates!
On 4 July 1988, I visited the German War Crimes Office in Dortmund. I asked to see the affidavit made by Moritz Mittelman, the Czechoslovak Jew who claimed to be the only witness of the Terezin "massacre" (National Times, 24-30 May, 1985). There was not one affidavit signed by this man, but three! Because of their mutually contradictory nature, these affidavits provide irrefutable evidence that there had been no such murder of 40 Anzac POW'S. Producer Paul Rae, it seems, had cannabilised" the three affidavits into one, "proving" that the forty were murdered by SS guards.
The fact that Paul Rae and his co-producer had copies of the same 3 affidavits (in 1984) that I obtained at Dortmund, is corroborated by observing that each sertence quoted in the National Times article (May 30 1985) is word perfect with those in the statements by Mittelman.

A headline in the UK Jewish Chronicle (23 April 1999, page 31) reads,

"Is Truth the Real Sacrificial victim ?"
This article claims that 93 Jewish schoolgirls took poison to prevent the Nazis from using them as prostitutes in a brothel for Nazi troops in 1942. Later, the girls were portrayed as "martyrs" and the story was featured in several Jewish publications, including a prayer book! Ronald Leaton, a survivor from the Krakow ghetto, believes the story to be completely untrue. The following are extracts from the article.

"According to ... Yad Vashem's Professor Yehudah Bauer: 'The
story about the 93 girls ... simply didn't happen.'

"So small was the ghetto, says Ronald Leaton, who was 12 in 1942,
if anything happened at one end, people at the other end would
know about it. We would have known of anything remotely of this
nature. Jews would not generally congregate in large numbers...

"It is extremely important that the history of the Holocaust is
not polluted by preposterous falsehoods ... If we want the world
to believe the true testimony of survivors, we must be absolutely
certain that we are not perpetuating sensationalist myths."

A further Holocaust myth exposed !
The most interesting fact about the 93 schoolgirl martyrs is that the evidence of this came to the western world via Switzerland in August 1942. This is the same month and year that the news of the Auschwitz gas chambers was issued via Dr Gerhard Riegner, Geneva representative of the World Jewish Congress In a telegram sent to Jewish leaders - Sydney Silverman in the UK, Stephen Wise in USA - Dr Riegner stated that German Nazis were planning to use gas chambers to exterminate the 3.5 to 4 million Jews that were in Nazi Occupied Europe.
Fact - in 1965, The Aufbau (New York Jewish paper) printed that there was 3.375 million Jewis people claiming compensation from Germany. How is the figure of 6 million Jewish "Holocaust" victims arrived at?
In an article published by newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (10 May 1982), a Dr Listojewski was quoted thus: "If we Jews continue to maintain that millions of Jews were murdered during the Third Reich, then that is a lie." Jewish author of "The Thirteenth Stone", R. Lewis, in the chapter entitled "Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics", goes even further than this on page 467:

"It is known that there were fewer than four million Jews in what
became German-occupied Europe. Of these, two million migrated to
Russia - out of German reach - and more than one million to other
destinations. If we also subtract the number of Jewish survivors
after the cessation of hostilities, there are fewer than 300,000
unaccounted for, this being the number of Jewish dead."

Even the 26-member Auschwitz State Museum Committee, established in 1990 and including Israel Gutman as its Israeli member, installed a 50th anniversary commemoration plaque with a total camp death figure of only 1.1 million (with 960,000 Jews) after a "... considerable haggling over who had suffered the most." ("Thirteenth Stone", p.467)

WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING -' Illuminism in Zionism
"The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies has lodged a complaint with
the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board in relation to comments
attributed to the mayor of the northern NSW coastal city of Coffs
Harbour and one of his councillors."

The action was taken following joint discussions with the
B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation Commission.

They were also quoted in an article as voicing anti-Semitic
views and doubts about the accuracy of the Holocaust."
Who are these people who continually - in their ethnic newspapers worldwide - accuse anyone who doesn't agree with their rigid ideas of the Holocaust as being anti-Semitic? Benjamin Freedman, a Khazar Jew who knew the top Zionists, states in his book, "Facts Are Facts", "Anti-Semitism serves only one purpose ... as a smear word ... when so-called Jews feel that anyone opposes their real objectives ..."
Some writers refer to themselves as being "New Jews", or Ashkenazi (title taken from the biblical tribe of Ashkenaz). Well, they really are of more recent origin than the older Sephardic Jews ('Sepher' in Hebrew means 'book'), whose ancestors were dispersed from ancient Palestine by the Romans in about 70 AD, and moved to Spain via North Africa. These "New Jews" comprise about 85% of people who claim to be Jewish worldwide, however their ancestors did not come from Palestine as had the southern European Jews ("The Thirteenth Stone", p.504).
"The Jewish Encyclopedia" 1925, Vol.5, p.41 says "they are actually Edomites" and "Edom means Red." (Emphasis added) These Edomites lived in ancient Byzantium near the Khazar Kingdom, which lay in the region between the Black Sea and the Caspian (Khazarian) Sea. "This Khazar empire was infiltrated by large numbers of Byzantine Jews", who then began a "...process of inter-marriage..." with the locals. ("Behind Marxism" by Frank L. Britton, page 14).

As outlined in "The Thirteenth Tribe", by a Jewish scholar and former Communist, Arthur Koestler, the Khazars were "...people of Turkish stock... " (p.13) a fierce tribe of wily traders, whose "... main source of income was foreign trade ...slaves from the north" (p.47). They also relied on military power, tax collection (a 10% GST!), customs tariffs, arts and crafts, and skilled goldsmiths. In about 740 AD the King of Khazaria "...embraced the Jewish faith, and Judaism became the state religion" (p.15). His subjects quickly saw the benefit of this new religion.

Around 965 AD, Khazaria was taken over by the Russians and then finally destroyed by Ghengis Khan in the 1200,s, with the remaining Khazar-Jews dispersing into Eastern Europe. Having been settling in Europe over the early part of the second millennium, the Khazar-Jews quickly set themselves up into "...Jew's streets or Jewries...- (autonomous ghettos) (Valentine,s Jewish Encyclopedia, 1938, p.589). The natural Khazar ability in trade (both legal and illegal) gave them easy entry into every country,s commerce until "... every European country's economy was ... in their hands" ("Pawns In The Game" by William Guy Carr, 1958, p15).
This point in time (the Middle Ages) ushered in the birth of modern banking. ("God - the Ultimate Paradox" Dec. 1997), by Jewish author David Ash, describes the two basic competing banking systems (p.lll):

"The first system involved the bank investing money ... as a
joint, profit-sharing enterprise or on the basis of charging fees
for services rendered .... For example,.. Bank of Amsterdam ...
"The second banking system involved the bank lending money at
interest and holding the property of the borrower as collateral
This system is called usury.
"The first system brought prosperity...The second... ruin."

Promissory notes (receipts), a feature of early banking, were issued by a banker (moneylender) to his depositors for the safekeeping of the silver or gold lodged with him. Over time these became banknotes promising to pay the bearer a certain amount in a precious metal. However, not all depositors will withdraw all their holdings at once, so the bankers only kept a fraction of their receipts as deposits. Modern banking uses nothing to back the banknotes issued.
This deposit system, when combined with usury, allowed the bankers to create loans "out of thin air", enabling them to "...strip real wealth from the people, through interest paid on 'phantom money,. This has been an effective way for the bankers to rob nations and centralise their wealth." ("God - The Ultimate Paradox", p. 113) It was this second system which gave birth to the modern banking system - adopted by the "Jews" - which eliminated the first system described above.
Jewish bankers began to loan large sums to royalty for wars - which became difficult to repay - with the victor usually being the king to whom they loaned the most and the vanquished saddled with huge debts of reparation. As bankers and tax coltectors, these Ashkenazi "Jews" became despised by the citizenry of various countries because of the debt which burdened them with taxes; so much so that even the placid Sephards were persecuted, especially by the harsh Spanish Inquisition.
England was the last country to come under Khazar-Jewish influence and first to expel all Jews in 1290. "The Great Eviction", as it became known, occurred thus: France 1306, Saxony 1349, Hungary 1360, Belgium 1370, Slovakia 1380, Austria 1420, Netherlands 1444, Spain 1492, Litiiuania 1495, Portugal 1498, Prussia 1510, Italy 1540, Bavaria 1551, Hungary 1582 ("Behind Marxism" pages 4-7). This period also marked the transition of Europe into the Renaissance - a rebirth of culture and learning which coincided with the wresting of commercial control from the money-lendlng Khazar descendants.
I must be a mushroom - because everyone keeps me in the dark and feeds me with lots of bullshit.

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Postby Mortimer » 1 decade 5 years ago (Fri Sep 07, 2007 9:45 pm)

McClelland has 1000 copies of his book THE ANSWER - JUSTICE packed in crates in his home because the bookstore chains and newsagents won't sell them because if they did they would face economic boycotts from Jews. He is now 87 and in frail health.

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Re: Australian Inmate at Terezin Says No Gas Chambers

Postby Mortimer » 1 decade 3 years ago (Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:23 am)

Sadly Alexander McClelland died on January 29 2010 of heart failure aged 89. He let it be known that his relatives were not happy about his holocaust revisionism being a brainwashed group who believed media lies. I don't know how long his website will continue operating so if people wished to transfer the contents to disc for reference purposes I would do so as soon as possible
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Re: Australian Inmate at Terezin Says No Gas Chambers

Postby HelenChicago » 1 decade 3 years ago (Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:02 pm)

And what'll happen to those crates of books? Bet they'll be hauled
off to a dump or be tossed onto a pyre. Damned shame. :evil:

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Re: Australian Inmate at Terezin Says No Gas Chambers

Postby Jazz » 1 decade 3 years ago (Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:10 am)

I tried to send an e-mail to ask where I could buy a copy of the book but it didn't work :(

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Re: Australian Inmate at Terezin Says No Gas Chambers

Postby Inquisitive » 1 decade 3 years ago (Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:02 am)

Jazz wrote:
I tried to send an e-mail to ask where I could buy a copy of the book but it didn't work

...wrote a few e-mails (2 years or so ago) as to how I could acquire the book, never received an answer. :(

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Re: Australian Inmate at Terezin Says No Gas Chambers

Postby HelenChicago » 1 decade 3 years ago (Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:24 am)

As of today (Saturday, March 13), there are two copies for sale via
Both run about $50, plus shipping from Australia. If interested, better be quick . . .
you-know-who will try to disappear them. :wink:

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Re: Australian Inmate at Terezin Says No Gas Chambers

Postby Jazz » 1 decade 3 years ago (Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:08 pm)

Ordered one. Thank you for the link HelenChicago :P

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Re: Australian Inmate at Terezin Says No Gas Chambers

Postby Mortimer » 1 decade 2 years ago (Wed Aug 11, 2010 1:46 am)

JR Books has a mirror of Alexander McClelland's site located at The man has gone but his website remains for others to look at.
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Re: Australian Inmate at Terezin Says No Gas Chambers

Postby vladkampfer » 1 decade 2 years ago (Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:46 pm)

When I was first looking into the holohoax, I didn't put much weight on "skeptics and scholars" who just did some studying. But when I came across this site, I found it extremely interesting that a man who fought against the "evil fascists" would have such a point of view. It was small coincidences like these that kept me on the track of holohoax reading until the lightbulb finally clicked.

Also, pick up the program called TELEPORT PRO and download this man's website. Download a copy of every major website and save them to a DVD-R - especially since Net Neutrality is going down the drain and big companies are seemingly going to be able to pick and choose which content they want to have.

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Re: Australian Inmate at Terezin Says No Gas Chambers

Postby Mortimer » 9 years 8 months ago (Thu Sep 26, 2013 5:25 pm)

Anyone who is interested in obtaining a copy of Alexander McClelland's book THE ANSWER - JUSTICE will be pleased to know that the Historical Review Press has this title available. They are in Britain and the price is 15 pounds. Go to and scroll down the page.
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Postby hermod » 9 years 8 months ago (Thu Sep 26, 2013 8:43 pm)

Not surprising. Wasn't "the father of Holocaust revisionism" - Paul Rassinier - a former inmate at Buchenwald and Dora after all? :wink:

Malle wrote:In another thread I was searching for a forum. I found this posted written by Alex McClelland.

Having personally visited Auschwitz-Birkenau in June of this year (1999), I find it impossible to believe that the Nazis (as the Russians had claimed) used explosives to, destroy the Crematoriums - especially No.2 with its "gas chamber". If the Nazis had used explosives to demolish the alleged gas chamber, why was it not totally destroyed as was the rest of the Crematorium building which contained it ? In fact, the gas chamber has remained remarkably intact! The Germans are renowned for their technical expertise, so how could they Have made such a "blunder" as the incomplete destruction of vital evidence - their use of Zyklon B in the killing of millions of Jewish people, as claimed by the Soviets after the war?

That's true.

So who destroyed the Crematoria?

The Soviets? Possible. Claiming "the fascists have tried to erase all the traces of their crimes" was a usual trick of the Soviet wartime propaganda.

The Nazis? Possible. After Majdanek was captured in mid-1944, the Soviet propaganda focused on pictures of crematory ovens, cremated corpses and piles of ashes. Dismantling the Auschwitz crematoria was a logical thing to do before the arrival of the Red troops there. And there was no need to destroy the underground morgues completely. That would explain why the underground morgues (the alleged gas chambers and undressing rooms) of Krema II and III were so well preserved.

Why the Germans Destroyed the Crematoria but left the "Gas Chambers" Intact

By Andrew Allen

A common argument in support of Exterminationism is that the Germans "destroyed the 'gas chambers'" as they retreated from the Auschwitz/Birkenau complex in January of 1945. However, a review of German destruction of the "evidence" at Auschwitz/Birkenau shows that, first of all, the Germans left a mass of documentary evidence untouched; including the complete record of the construction and operation of the so-called gas chambers.

The names, ranks, time cards and duties of the persons building the chambers, along with signed blueprints, signed change-work orders and even photographs of the individual SS personnel working on the site were left by the Germans. From this mass of paper we know who did what when. This clear, detailed and complete documentary record could have been destroyed with a match. It wasn't.

It is also clear that the destruction focused on crematorium and ovens, not on the rooms which are claimed to have been gas chambers. At Auschwitz/Birkenau all crematorium facilities were dismantled prior to Soviet liberation but not the actual "gas chambers" themselves. The Main Camp gas chamber rooms at Krema I and Block 11 were 100% intact on January 27,1945, the date Soviets occupied the Camp.

The two most important gas chambers of the entire Holocaust Myth are Leichenkeller 1 of Krema II and Leichenkeller 1 of Krema III. Leichenkeller 1 of Krema II was/is almost entirely complete, with its floor and walls untouched. The roof consisting of two layers of waterproofing and a thick concrete slab roof have partially fallen into the room below. About 35% of the room is still easily accessible. Leichenkeller 1 of Krema III was also left in a highly "inspectable" state, but with its roof completely dropped.

On the other hand, the crematoria sections of Krema II and III have been demolished down to the floor of the second level. All traces of crematorium have been removed except for the rail tracks. Even the chimneys have been reduced to scattered bricks.

It is worth noting that the explosions which brought down the crematoria structures and damaged the alleged gas chambers occurred just hours before the Germans abandoned Birkenau, again highlighting the hasty nature of the German's departure. Why leave a clear paper trail and much of the actual gas chambers themselves but remove all traces of crematoria? It doesn't make sense from an Exterminationist view. What's the Revisionist view?

The Germans were not destroying evidence of gas chambers but were destroying evidence of crematoria. Why?

Majdanek or, to be precise, the propaganda use that the Majdanek crematoria "ovens" were put to by the Soviets after their capture July 24, 1944. Majdanek Camp was captured complete, without any dismantling of its facilities. Martin Gilbert writes in his compendium of Holocaust myths, fairy tales and occasional truths The Holocaust:

"Also on July 24, Soviet forces entered Majdanek. War correspondents from all the Allied armies gazed in horror at gas-chambers, crematoria, and the charred remains of human beings. Photographs of these remains were published throughout the Allied world." (p. 711)

The Soviets and Allies, then, made major propaganda use of the crematorium ovens or "gas ovens" as they were sometimes called then. What is most likely to have happened next was that an order went out "from Berlin" in late September or October saying in effect: "Avoid leaving evidence of crematorium." At Auschwitz Main Camp, Krema I already had its ovens and chimney removed in 1943 so the building was ignored. Block 11 was never a crematoria and was ignored. The mass of paperwork and plans was simply overlooked. At Birkenau, Kremas IV and V were not in use and were the first to be dismantled in October 1944.

As an aside, an order to dismantle the crematorium may be the basis of the persistent camp rumors of "an order to end the killing," which was allegedly issued at this time. No order to "end the killing" has been found despite a good deal of searching. Perhaps an "order to demolish" will be.

The retreating Germans did destroy "evidence" as they left Auschwitz/Birkenau but it was the crematoria related evidence which had provided powerful fodder for Soviet propaganda. The actual pattern destruction; i.e. what was destroyed and what was ignored and left, fully supports the Revisionist thesis.

Example of Soviet wartime propaganda after the capture of Majdanek:

Eastern Exposure

David Shneer's new book on Soviet Jewish photographers and the pictures they took offers a new perspective on 20th-century history, from the Russian Revolution to the Holocaust

Courtesy of Emmanuel Evzerikhim and the Fotosoyuz Agency

Georgii Zelma, Semyon Fridlyand, and Evgenii Khaldei aren’t among the best-known 20th-century Jewish photographers—those would be men like Roman Vishniac and Robert Capa—but their work is equally important. They’re some of the Soviet Jewish photographers who documented life on the far side of the Iron Curtain, shooting haunting images of Soviet industrialization, of the creation of the Birobidzhan, the Jewish autonomous region established by the late 1920s, and of the Holocaust. Historian Shneer examines their work, and that of other Soviet Jewish photographers, in his new book, Through Soviet Jewish Eyes: Photography, War, and the Holocaust. Shneer, who directs the Jewish studies program at the University of Colorado, spoke to Vox Tablet host Sara Ivry about this new view on early-20th century European history and how it reshapes our perception of Jewish life then. [Running time: 26:55.]

Mikhail Trakhman, Boris Tseitlin, “Majdanek Death Camp,” Ogonyok, August 31, 1944. ... osure-2/#6
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Australian Inmate at Terezin Says No Gas Chambers

Postby Mortimer » 9 years 7 months ago (Wed Oct 09, 2013 3:53 am)

Here are some extracts from the book of Alexander McClelland THE ANSWER - JUSTICE
There are 2 sides to every story - always listen or read both points of view and make up your own mind. Don't let others do your thinking for you.

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Postby Ted well read Bear » 5 years 4 months ago (Sun Jan 14, 2018 2:04 am)

Malle said:
In another thread I was searching for a forum. I found this posted written by Alex McClelland.

[see Malle's quoted text earlier in this thread - Mod]

My friend knew the gentleman concerned and ghost-wrote the original "Update 2000" for Alex.

alexMac2.jpg (141.99 KiB) Viewed 5092 times

However the people Alex found to help him ended up sabotaging his efforts. Even the publisher of the book didn't follow his instructions to the letter and according to Alex somewhat botched with spelling mistakes, etc. Once, while delivering pamphlets in Bondi he was viciously assaulted by a jewish thug which worsened his existing injuries that he had received from jewish kapos while in Theriesenstadt.

terezin.jpg (414.14 KiB) Viewed 5092 times

alex37.jpg (211.77 KiB) Viewed 5092 times

This is the original "Update 2000" edition of the site from Archive (and an associated Bitlink): ... pdate.html

RIP Alex

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