Reliability of Thies Christophersen

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Re: Reliability of Thies Christophersen

Postby GurtKerstein » 1 decade 3 years ago (Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:06 pm)

Thies Christophersen never claimed to have known everything about Auschwitz--but it is reasonable to believe that if there had been any mass gassings, he would have certainly known about them.

Not only he would have known about them, everybody with no exception would have known about them as there is no way to keep such a mass extermination secret for such a long time in such a public location and it would have been the "talk of the camp" without a doubt, yet all Auschwitz survivors who talked about the crematoriums during and after the war, seem to remember the gas chambers only "after the fact", which is evidence to the power of post-war propaganda.

This also relates to my earlier proposition that none of the believers here bothered to address, that Auschwitz as an extermination camp would be an absurd choice for a "secret genocide" since it was a humming industrial place the size of a small city with civilian workers, civilian contractors, red cross visits, family visits, etc. Nobody in the right mind would pick Auschwitz as a location to carry out a "secret extermination". Sites like Treblinka and Sobibor would make a lot more sense in that respect, but even for those there is little evidence to suggest the sinister function that Holocaust mythmakers attribute to them.
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Re: Reliability of Thies Christophersen

Postby Wahrheit » 1 decade 3 years ago (Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:23 pm)

GurtKerstein wrote:
Thies Christophersen never claimed to have known everything about Auschwitz--but it is reasonable to believe that if there had been any mass gassings, he would have certainly known about them.

Not only he would have known about them, everybody with no exception would have known about them as there is no way to keep such a mass extermination secret for such a long time in such a public location and it would have been the "talk of the camp" without a doubt, yet all Auschwitz survivors who talked about the crematoriums during and after the war, seem to remember the gas chambers only "after the fact", which is evidence to the power of post-war propaganda.

This point does not follow, as we know of events that occurred in Auschwitz-Birkenau that Christophersen did not know of (shootings, crematoria, open air cremations, etc...). Thus, if one wasn't in close proximity to the gas-chambers (say in Birkenau), all one would have would be rumors...

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Re: Reliability of Thies Christophersen

Postby GurtKerstein » 1 decade 3 years ago (Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:43 pm)

Wahrheit wrote:This point does not follow, as we know of events that occurred in Auschwitz-Birkenau that Christophersen did not know of (shootings, crematoria, open air cremations, etc...). Thus, if one wasn't in close proximity to the gas-chambers (say in Birkenau), all one would have would be rumors...

Shootings and hangings would not have been sensational information as execution of inmates who broke camp rules were not even a secret and were common policy in all concentration camps. If you are referring to mass shootings of inmates for no reason whatsoever, he could not have known because they did not happen.

Open air cremations too would not have been any significant news since one would expect those when there was not enough crematorium capacity and it does not imply any criminal intentions or genocide.

Regarding crematoria, he was not aware of all of them but he was definitely aware of the policy to dispose of bodies through cremation.

Now your main claim seems to be that the information about mass gassings could be contained to the Birkenau inmates. Now that is ridiculous because it would require complete isolation of the 50,000 Birkenau inmates, a claim which cannot be supported. Moreover, you would expect the Germans to exterminate all Birkenau inmates because they would be witnesses to alleged crime as the crematoria were in plain view of the camp's inmates.

Once again, Auschwitz/Birkenau as an extermination center would be an absurd choice. Nobody in the right mind would pick such a humming place to carry out a "secret extermination".
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Re: Reliability of Thies Christophersen

Postby Wahrheit » 1 decade 3 years ago (Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:03 pm)

GurtKerstein wrote:Regarding crematoria, he was not aware of all of them but he was definitely aware of the policy to dispose of bodies through cremation.

Yet the only one Christophersen recalls hearing about is Krema I. Despite his visits to Birkenau, he did not know of any of the other four. Perhaps we should open a specific thread on this topic.

Also, while it has not been confirmed, it has been reported that a videotape exists and made the rounds in Europe during the early 1990s in which Chrisophersen acknowledged the existence of homicidal gas chambers, and justified his denial out of loyalty to the Nazi state. As I can't find the tape, I wouldn't consider this point proven.

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Re: Reliability of Thies Christophersen

Postby Friedrich Paul Berg » 1 decade 3 years ago (Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:28 pm)

What bullshit. The real reason Wahrheit "can't find the tape" is because there is NO such thing. What an effen LIAR. Go back to your "holocaust studies" course, Wahrheit, and stay there.

In the meantime, I will look in my files for that videotape recording I have of Elie Wiesel admitting he concocted his entire Auschwitz experience. I can't seem to locate it just now but I am sure it is there somewhere, so just take my word about it until I find it.

Friedrich Paul Berg
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Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast!
The Holocaust story is a hoax because 1) no one was killed by the Nazis in gas chambers, 2) the total number of Jews who died in Nazi captivity is miniscule compared to what is alleged.

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Re: Reliability of Thies Christophersen

Postby Wahrheit » 1 decade 3 years ago (Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:50 pm)

Friedrich Paul Berg wrote:What bullshit. The real reason Wahrheit "can't find the tape" is because there is NO such thing. What an effen LIAR. Go back to your "holocaust studies" course, Wahrheit, and stay there.

From the interviewers of Christophersen, who he wrongly mistook for fellow Nazi "companions":

Christophersen seems to be more and more bewildered.
He does not know what to say. It is nevertheless a
a matter of mass extermination of human beings by
gassing. And he claims in his Auschwitz Lie that it
never took place. But here, in front of what he believes
to be "companions", he unsmaks himself. He tries to
explain why he lies. He speaks to us man to man,
to pronounce these few sentences that unmask him
and his Auschwitz Lie :

"I want to exonerate and defend us, but I cannot do
so with what we have really committed. I do not deny it.
But no advocate having something to defend would
ever present the charges against him."

I listen to him. He has just got himself into deeper and deeper water. And he did not even notice it. He explains
to me he has already endured a lot "because of the
book". But despite the arrest, despite the exile ("now,
they have freezed my bank accounts, do you realize
that !"), he wants to be a model in the fight for the
"truth". "My honor is fidelity" - it was the oath of the
SS. And a SS never gives up.

"But that does not affect me. I continue. I would
feel like a traitor to my friends if I go back today
on what I has said. I never did it." ... tler-thies

Very suggestive of a determining political/social motive behind Christophersen's denial.

One wonders what FP Berg would say if he found a similar news article on Elie Wiesel, which quoted Wiesel as stating, "I would feel like a traitor to my friends f I go back today on what I have said."

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Re: Reliability of Thies Christophersen

Postby Friedrich Paul Berg » 1 decade 3 years ago (Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:41 pm)

If the statement is true, which is possible, all it means is that he was being put under enormous pressure, near ruin and facing more imprisonment or incarceration, and so he, at more than age 80, is trying to ease the pain. He is admitting nothing. Why did he NOT tell his supposed Nazi companions that there was something to the gassing stories? He didn't tell even them, obviously.

Wahrheitseeker and his ilk at Nizkor are grasping at straws because they have nothing better. If Elie Wiesel were brought into Nazi custody, or subjected to similar pressure, and made such a statement--who would take it seriously?

But despite the arrest, despite the exile ("now,
they have freezed my bank accounts, do you realize
that !"), he wants to be a model in the fight for the

Friedrich Paul Berg
Learn everything at
Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast!
The Holocaust story is a hoax because 1) no one was killed by the Nazis in gas chambers, 2) the total number of Jews who died in Nazi captivity is miniscule compared to what is alleged.

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Re: Reliability of Thies Christophersen

Postby NLH » 7 years 6 months ago (Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:34 pm)

I believe Thies Christophersen wrote a book called The Auschwitz Lie. I cannot find this to purchase in English, only German:

Their is also one by him available on Amazon entitled Auschwitz: A Personal Account ( ... xwb2EKJ8GX), and one called Auschwitz: Truth or Lie which doesn't appear to be available.

Are these the same books? Is it worth getting? I ask because I respect the work published in the Holocaust Handbooks series, but cannot find anything by him. Why is that? Does anyone know if their will be?

I believe he is mentioned in Auschwitz Lies: Legends, Lies, and Prejudices on the Holocaust, 2nd, revised edition, July 2011 by Rudolf and Mattogno:

Also, In the film Die Auschwitz-Lüge und ihre Folgen ("The Auschwitz Lie and Its Consequences") he was interviewed by Ernst Zündel. Is this available?
"Believe me, I came into Auschwitz in a much worse condition than I actually left it."
- Kitty Hart-Moxon, Jewish Holocaust Survivor (June 1998 testimony, USC Shoah Foundation, Visual History Archive. Part 2 - YouTube - 1:21:42)

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Re: Reliability of Thies Christophersen

Postby NLH » 7 years 6 months ago (Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:05 pm)

NLH wrote:I believe Thies Christophersen wrote a book called The Auschwitz Lie. I cannot find this to purchase in English, only German:

Their is also one by him available on Amazon entitled Auschwitz: A Personal Account ( ... xwb2EKJ8GX), and one called Auschwitz: Truth or Lie which doesn't appear to be available.

Are these the same books? Is it worth getting? I ask because I respect the work published in the Holocaust Handbooks series, but cannot find anything by him. Why is that? Does anyone know if their will be?

I believe he is mentioned in Auschwitz Lies: Legends, Lies, and Prejudices on the Holocaust, 2nd, revised edition, July 2011 by Rudolf and Mattogno:

Also, In the film Die Auschwitz-Lüge und ihre Folgen ("The Auschwitz Lie and Its Consequences") he was interviewed by Ernst Zündel. Is this available?

Found an online version. It is the same book, just under a different title. I might pick up a copy, although i'd prefer additional commentary on it by people such as Germar Rudolf as to its contents. ... tophersen/
"Believe me, I came into Auschwitz in a much worse condition than I actually left it."
- Kitty Hart-Moxon, Jewish Holocaust Survivor (June 1998 testimony, USC Shoah Foundation, Visual History Archive. Part 2 - YouTube - 1:21:42)

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Re: Reliability of Thies Christophersen

Postby Hektor » 7 years 6 months ago (Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:07 pm)

Wahrheit wrote:,,,,

"But that does not affect me. I continue. I would
feel like a traitor to my friends if I go back today
on what I has said. I never did it." ... tler-thies

Very suggestive of a determining political/social motive behind Christophersen's denial.

One wonders what FP Berg would say if he found a similar news article on Elie Wiesel, which quoted Wiesel as stating,
I would feel like a traitor to my friends if I go back today on what I have said.

Well, where is the German text on this. The translation seems to be rather sloppy. Or is it just NIZKOR?

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Re: Reliability of Thies Christophersen

Postby NLH » 7 years 6 months ago (Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:40 am)

NLH wrote:
NLH wrote:I believe Thies Christophersen wrote a book called The Auschwitz Lie. I cannot find this to purchase in English, only German:

Their is also one by him available on Amazon entitled Auschwitz: A Personal Account ( ... xwb2EKJ8GX), and one called Auschwitz: Truth or Lie which doesn't appear to be available.

Are these the same books? Is it worth getting? I ask because I respect the work published in the Holocaust Handbooks series, but cannot find anything by him. Why is that? Does anyone know if their will be?

I believe he is mentioned in Auschwitz Lies: Legends, Lies, and Prejudices on the Holocaust, 2nd, revised edition, July 2011 by Rudolf and Mattogno:

Also, In the film Die Auschwitz-Lüge und ihre Folgen ("The Auschwitz Lie and Its Consequences") he was interviewed by Ernst Zündel. Is this available?

Found an online version. It is the same book, just under a different title. I might pick up a copy, although i'd prefer additional commentary on it by people such as Germar Rudolf as to its contents. ... tophersen/

Also, their appears to be some good video interviews with Thies Christophersen on youtube but unfortunately theyu all appear to only be in German with no English subtitling - ... stophersen Does anyone know if their are subtitles for any of these or of subtitles in English can be worked on?
"Believe me, I came into Auschwitz in a much worse condition than I actually left it."
- Kitty Hart-Moxon, Jewish Holocaust Survivor (June 1998 testimony, USC Shoah Foundation, Visual History Archive. Part 2 - YouTube - 1:21:42)

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