Jews & other prisoners released from Nazi concentration camps

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Jews & other prisoners released from Nazi concentration camps

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 10 months ago (Fri Jul 12, 2019 10:21 pm)

I stumbled across this silly image:
It says concentration camps have "No release date" - this graphic was probably made in reference to the comments by Congresswoman AOC (See thread for that discussion: viewtopic.php?t=12538)

However, we do know that there are some instances of Jews and other prisoners being released from German concentration camps. I did not find a thread dedicated to this topic, but I think we should have one. I'll post what I have found in a few minutes of searching. If you have any more examples, please post them here.

From the now unavailable blog "winstonsmithministryoftruth"
Hitler orders 36 Jews be released from Auschwitz

Eckart Klessmann, a German historian specialising in 19th century history, and not in anyway a Revisionist

In February 2000 Klessman wrote an article entitled Resistance of the Heart, which appeared in the German newspaper Die Welt (The World)

Widerstand des Herzens
Die Berliner Demonstration von 1943
Von Eckart Klessmann

Am 6. März 1943 befahl Goebbels, alle jüdischen Männer, die in „Mischehe“ lebten, freizulassen, nachdem er sich der Zustimmung Hitlers versichert hatte . . . Die Demonstration in der Rosenstraße richtete sich ja auch nicht gegen das Regime selbst, sondern bezog sich einzig auf die ihren Frauen entrissenen Männer. . . Nicht nur die 1700 in „Mischehe“ lebenden Juden wurden wieder freigelassen, man holte sogar 36 nach Auschwitz Deportierte von dort zurück. Fast alle Entlassenen haben das Hitler-Reich überlebt.


Resistance of the Heart
The Berlin Demonstration of 1943
by Eckart Klessmann

On March 6, 1943, after first gaining Hitler’s agreement, Goebbels ordered the release of all Jews living in “mixed marriages.”
. . . The demonstration in Rosenstrasse was not directed against the regime as such, but was concerned only with the men torn away from their womenfolk. . . Not only were the 1,700 Jews living in mixed marriages released again, they even fetched back thirty-six who had been deported to Auschwitz. Almost all of those released survived the Hitler Reich.
Die Welt - 26 February, 2000



3.6. Releases

Large numbers of inmates were released, even after the beginning of the war. According to Polish sources, 5,000 inmates were released from Stutthof concentration camp,[64] while the incredible number of 20,000 inmates were released from the alleged "extermination camp" of Majdanek[65]. The total number of inmates released from Auschwitz is unknown, but must have been considerably high. Danuta Czech, in her Kalendarium, for the period between February 1942 and February 1945 indicates a total of 1,100 released inmates;[66] the very fragmentary release records which have survived, however – records found by C. Mattogno and myself and covering the period between June and December 1943 alone – show almost 300 releases; suggesting that the actual number of total releases must have been far higher. Most of the releases involved educational inmates transferred to Birkenau "work education camp" for 56 days in punishment for violation of their labor contracts (this practice resulted from a Himmler order dated 28 May 1942[67]). Many of these short-term inmates were released in the summer of 1944, at the same time as the alleged mass extermination of the Hungarian Jews. We are therefore supposed to believe that the National Socialists continually released witnesses to their own mass extermination program, so that the witnesses, in turn, could inform the world about German atrocities at Auschwitz! Prior to the evacuation of the camp, the German authorities at Birkenau left 4,299 inmates behind to await the arrival of the Soviets.[68]

Release document of an inmate from Auschwitz-Birkenau camp dated July 21, 1944[63].
National Socialist Concentration Camps - Legend and Reality

The following PDF is cited in:

How Danuta Czech Invented 100,000 Gassing Victims

Footnote 1:
Danuta Czech, Auschwitz Chronicle 1938-1945, Tauris, London 1990; German original: Kalendarium der Ereignisse im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz-Birkenau 1939-1945, Rowohlt Verlag, Reinbek 1989; I have posted OCR-processed scans of Czech’s 172 pages devoted to the year 1942 here: ... 42-OCR.pdf.

From the PDF, under January 19 it says:
"38 prisoners are released from the camp."
Under February 10:
"67 prisoners are released from Auschwitz."
February 18:
"35 reeducation prisoners are released from the camp."
February 26:
"26 prisoners, including 13 reeducation prisoners, are released from Ibid., pp. 83-85. the camp."

Additional documents unearthed by Graf and Mattogno establish that remarkably large numbers of prisoners were released from Auschwitz. (This is in addition to prisoners who were transferred to other camps.) During just a few days in June and July 1944 alone, 186 short-term prisoners were set free. (Over the entire period of the camp’s existence, there must have been thousands.) Most of these were Poles who had been sentenced to “re-education by labor” at Birkenau for terms of four to ten weeks for breaking employment contracts. After serving their sentences, says Graf, these prisoners returned to their factories. Nothing has so far been published anywhere about these large-scale prisoner releases. As Graf notes, if many tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews were actually killed in Auschwitz in May–June 1944, as alleged, the released prisoners could easily have told the world about it.
Important Documents Found in Moscow Archives

Factual or documentary proof for a German policy to exterminate Europe's Jews, or for the existence of homicidal gas chambers, simply does not exist. On the contrary, the huge amount of wartime German documents not only provides no proof for the existence of an extermination policy, they point to the contrary. To cite just one example: German wartime documents in the archives of the Auschwitz State Museum in Poland show that 15,706 wartime camp prisoners, nearly all of them Jewish, received medical care at the hospital of the Auschwitz III (Monowitz) camp between July 1942 and June 1944. Of these prisoners, 766 died in the hospital, while the rest of them were released.[note 2] This fact simply doesn't square with an extermination policy.
2. Panstwowe Muzeum w Oswiecimiu (Auschwitz State Museum archives), Syg. DAuI-III-5/1, 5/2, 5/3, 5/4.
What Happened to the Jews who were Deported to Auschwitz but were not Registered There?

Another example:
Due to his former membership with the German Communist Party, Wilhelm Dibowski was taken into “protective custody” in May 1939 “for the length of the war,” even though there was no war at that time yet. In January 1941 he arrived at the Auschwitz main Camp, and from the winter of 1941/1942 up to February 1943 he was at Auschwitz-Birkenau, where he had to unload construction material of the Huta Company at the Auschwitz railway station (p. 1007). On May 5, 1943, he was released from Auschwitz, and until the end of the war he worked as a mine worker in Salzgitter (p. 1008).
From the Records of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, Part 8

Jewess admits she was released from Majdanek
Stevia wrote:In chapter 9 (Release From Majdanek, pp. 134-149) of the vile, anti-German hate propaganda book:


A Personal Account of a Holocaust Survivor

By Luba Krugman Gurdus

Walden Press, 1978

The hate filled Jewess author Luba Krugman Gurdus admits that she was actually released from Majdanek.

"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Jews & other prisoners released from Nazi concentration camps

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 7 months ago (Tue Oct 22, 2019 8:40 pm)

Why were so many "Sonderkommando" members at locations such as Auschwitz not killed, since they were allegedly witnesses to the gas chamber killings, and there was supposedly a conspiracy to hide the Holocaust?
"The orthodox historians must be deeply embarrassed by the release of 20,000 inmates from Majdanek “extermination camp,” each one of which must have been a witness to the cruelty of the “mass exterminations,” if any such exterminations ever took place there; or by the fact that the National Socialists released large numbers of inmates in the summer of 1944, in the midst of the alleged extermination of the Hungarian Jews. They cannot explain either why the Germans, during their withdrawal from Auschwitz-Birkenau, left 4,299 inmates behind, almost all of them Jewish, each of whom would have been an accuser of the Third Reich if the official version of Auschwitz squared with the historical facts."

- Jürgen Graf, National Socialist Concentration Camps: Legend and Reality
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Jews & other prisoners released from Nazi concentration camps

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 5 months ago (Wed Dec 11, 2019 9:16 pm)

From: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6967&p=94734#p94734
Hektor wrote:
Lamprecht wrote:I found a curious document
Release of 8 ill Poles from the forced labour camp Treblinka, 18.10.1943

Reference Code

Creation Date
1943-10-18 - 1943-10-18

Number of documents

Scope and content
Letter of the commander of the forced labour camp Treblinka to the administration of county hospital Klimowizna, administrative district Sokolow, on the release of 8 ill Polish prisoners from the forced labour camp.
The following information is contained: name, first name, date of birth, place of birth.
https://collections.arolsen-archives.or ... ,title=asc

Why would sick Poles be released from Treblinka 1? This is supposedly the same month T2 was destroyed, supposedly it would have been the workers themselves who did that. Why would they let these witnesses just go somewhere else and tell the stories of what happened at T2?

Good question.

It gets even better. The Poles are not only to be released, they are also to be paid out money that had been deposited from or for them (The Commandant insisted on this):
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Jews & other prisoners released from Nazi concentration camps

Postby Dugong_Terbang » 5 months 2 weeks ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 12:33 am)

Lamprecht wrote:From the now unavailable blog "winstonsmithministryoftruth"
Hitler orders 36 Jews be released from Auschwitz

Eckart Klessmann, a German historian specialising in 19th century history, and not in anyway a Revisionist

In February 2000 Klessman wrote an article entitled Resistance of the Heart, which appeared in the German newspaper Die Welt (The World)

Widerstand des Herzens
Die Berliner Demonstration von 1943
Von Eckart Klessmann

Am 6. März 1943 befahl Goebbels, alle jüdischen Männer, die in „Mischehe“ lebten, freizulassen, nachdem er sich der Zustimmung Hitlers versichert hatte . . . Die Demonstration in der Rosenstraße richtete sich ja auch nicht gegen das Regime selbst, sondern bezog sich einzig auf die ihren Frauen entrissenen Männer. . . Nicht nur die 1700 in „Mischehe“ lebenden Juden wurden wieder freigelassen, man holte sogar 36 nach Auschwitz Deportierte von dort zurück. Fast alle Entlassenen haben das Hitler-Reich überlebt.


Resistance of the Heart
The Berlin Demonstration of 1943
by Eckart Klessmann

On March 6, 1943, after first gaining Hitler’s agreement, Goebbels ordered the release of all Jews living in “mixed marriages.”
. . . The demonstration in Rosenstrasse was not directed against the regime as such, but was concerned only with the men torn away from their womenfolk. . . Not only were the 1,700 Jews living in mixed marriages released again, they even fetched back thirty-six who had been deported to Auschwitz. Almost all of those released survived the Hitler Reich.
Die Welt - 26 February, 2000

Interestingly what i found in the first opening paragraph of your article here
1943 at 6 a.m., trucks rolled in front of the gates of the factories in Berlin. Gestapo and SS men broke into the factories and arrested all the Jews working there, around 5,000 people. The people, who were shivering from fear and cold, were herded onto the trucks and driven to the Jewish community's administration building on Rosenstrasse, to barracks and temporary collection points. From here, those arrested were to be deported to the extermination camps.

Why the all the Jews that were working there were arrested ? There must be a reason behind it ?? And I'd like to know why

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Re: Jews & other prisoners released from Nazi concentration camps

Postby Hektor » 5 months 2 weeks ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 3:30 am)

Lamprecht wrote:I stumbled across this silly image:
It says concentration camps have "No release date" - this graphic was probably made in reference to the comments by Congresswoman AOC (See thread for that discussion: viewtopic.php?t=12538)

However, we do know that there are some instances of Jews and other prisoners being released from German concentration camps. I did not find a thread dedicated to this topic, but I think we should have one. I'll post what I have found in a few minutes of searching. If you have any more examples, please post them here.

From the now unavailable blog "winstonsmithministryoftruth"
Hitler orders 36 Jews be released from Auschwitz

Eckart Klessmann, a German historian specialising in 19th century history, and not in anyway a Revisionist

If detention is for the length of the war, what release date should be given, when end of war is not known?

If resettlement was purpose people may not even be registered in the camp, but released on arriving at some destination for resettlement. The Holocaustians make a big fuss about 'unregistered' prisoners. But there is probably nothing behind it. Just another opportunity for innuendo shocking, they try to exploit there.

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Re: Jews & other prisoners released from Nazi concentration camps

Postby Lamprecht » 5 months 1 week ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 6:25 pm)

Dugong_Terbang wrote:Why the all the Jews that were working there were arrested ? There must be a reason behind it ?? And I'd like to know why

All of the Jews were being removed from Germany by this time.

17 May 1942, Goebbels' diary:
"We are trying now to evacuate (evakuieren) the remaining Jews in Berlin to the East, on a larger scale. One third of all Jews living in Germany are located in the capital... due to the fact that, in Berlin, relatively many Jews are working in the military-industrial establishment, and, per regulation, neither they nor their families can be evacuated (evakuiert). I am seeking a repeal of this regulation, and will try to remove (aus…herauszubringen) all Jews from Berlin who are not directly engaged in war industries."

2 March 1943, ibid:
"We are now definitely pushing the Jews out (aus…hinaus) of Berlin. They were suddenly rounded up last Saturday, and are to be carted off (abgeschoben) to the East as quickly as possible."
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Jews & other prisoners released from Nazi concentration camps

Postby hermod » 5 months 1 week ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 6:57 pm)

If memory serves me right, there was a big release of concentration camp inmates at Christmas 1933.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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