What difference would the truth make

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What difference would the truth make

Postby borjastick » 3 years 1 week ago (Tue May 26, 2020 8:16 am)

I was having a Covid-Catch-Up with an old friend of mine the other day by telephone at a very responsible distance I might add. So distanced were we that we were actually in different countries! He's not bothered by the holocaust at all but knows it's a passion of mine and puts up with my rantings about it from time to time. I'm fairly sure he believes the standard 6m and gas chambers position but hey ho we're not going to let a little thing like the truth get in the way of an old and very trusted friendship.

It wasn't part of our catch-up chat but somehow we got onto the subject and he listened a bit then asked a very interesting question and one I didn't really have an answer for. Basically he accepts that I am 100% certain that it didn't happen and that the jews and Russians etc have all lied, stitched up the Germans and the German country and that israel is the result of that stitch up.

His question which sort of came out in two parts was as follows. Having accepted that I know my subject and he doesn't and that it bothers him not one jot if it happened or not he wanted to know why I am so passionate about spreading the 'truth' on the matter. He phrased it like this 'what difference would it make to you and me if the truth came out?' and then 'why is it so important for the truth to be known?'

I don't have an off pat answer to this but am working on one now and feel I sure the truth should be known.

My not well thought through answer would be along the lines of the truth is important and if six million jews were not murdered that's good news for jews, but the wrongs inflicted on Germany and its people need to be righted. Also that billions of dollars have been extorted over this and that should be stopped and corrected, and finally that I am no fan of israel and if the truth were to result in a complete loss of credibility in israel that would suit me just fine.

So I ask for your own ONE PARAGRAPH answer. Let's not turn this into War and Peace Part 2 if you cannot answer with pith and brevity in one or two short paragraphs then don't.

Over to you...
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: What difference would the truth make

Postby Merlin300 » 3 years 1 week ago (Tue May 26, 2020 11:24 am)

Good Topic and something we should all have an answer for.

I am a Revisionist because I dislike being told that I have to believe in something I know is untrue.
This is the reverse of your question and a generalized concern but I think it leads to the profound values of Revisionism.

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Re: What difference would the truth make

Postby Spect3r » 3 years 1 week ago (Tue May 26, 2020 12:01 pm)

That's very easy.
Imagine the Middle East without Israel? Imagine the USA government without the Israeli lobby? Imagine a world where ADL (and others like it) doesnt dictate what you can say, read or watch?

That's the difference the truth would make.
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Re: What difference would the truth make

Postby katana » 3 years 1 week ago (Thu May 28, 2020 6:48 am)

The importance of exposing a lie all depends on it the consequences that follow from doing so. If Mr X said that they had egg and bacon for breakfast when they stayed at a friend’s house 20 years ago, and you could prove that it couldn’t have happened, then, so what? Well, if it involved an unsolved murder of such friend, and he was a strict vegan, and the guest, Mr X, was a Muslim or jew, then exposing that lie could be very important to solving that murder case for that family. Now — and this might turn into a War and Peace paragraph — by exposing the Holocaust as the hoax that it is, we then have the beginnings of an unravelling of a whole lot of things that deeply impact us today. Besides the Holocaust lie being the foundation stone of the creation of Israel, etc., it forms the basis of the White guilt industry that has pacified Whites into a state of psychological submission to the organized jewish, aka, orgjew, agenda of racially destroying all White countries through the importation of non-Whites. So Whites as a race have been guilt tripped, via Holocaust propaganda, into accepting our slow motion racial demise, our own genocide, if things continue. Then there’s also the horror of realizing the full implications that the Holocaust is a hoax, that the perpetrators of this hoax, the so-called victims, are in fact in control of our governments, behind the scenes, to such a degree that they are able to continue this gigantic fraud! And what other frauds have they, are they carrying out against us now? To round off this paragraph, realizing that the Holocaust is a hoax, is approaching an insight as profound as realizing the earth is not flat. It changes everything!
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Re: What difference would the truth make

Postby EtienneSC » 3 years 1 week ago (Thu May 28, 2020 4:05 pm)

My one paragraph would be that the holocaust increasingly comes up as a touchstone in dealing with other subjects and doesn't deserve the credit it gets. It affects our view of human nature - psychology, history, poetry, even music, according to Adorno. Our culture should not be led astray by a few dishonest or naive people like CD Jackson, Elie Wiesel and the other suspects. It affects people's attitude to German history and Germany is the central Christian nation of Europe. I have no objections to Israel. If the worst comes to the worst, I'd sooner be spat on by a Rabbi than beheaded by a Jihadist if I ever decided to visit the Holy Land - not that that is likely anytime soon given Israel's holocaust denial laws.

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Re: What difference would the truth make

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 1 week ago (Fri May 29, 2020 1:46 am)

Because I am tired and about to sleep (and a bit lazy right now) I will give a paragraph, but I will quote someone else, an American by the name of Dr. William Luther Pierce:
"The fact is that Hollywood's lies about Germany led to millions of White Americans and Europeans being slaughtered solely for the sake of punishing the Germans for throwing the Jews out of Germany. And we are put at a great disadvantage even today by those same lies, because they prevent so many of us from examining the past honestly. And if we cannot understand what happened in the past, we are much less likely to choose a wise course into the future. But the real point of my example of Hollywood hate-propaganda about Germany before and during the Second World War is that the Jews, with their control of so much of the mass media today, are able to sway the attitudes of the whole country to suit themselves. They are able to persuade us to give precedence to their interests and concerns instead of ours. They are able to change the course of history to their advantage and to our disadvantage by changing the way the American masses see the world. They were able to do that in the 1930s and 1940s, even before television. Today, with television, they are even more able to change American attitudes and opinions to gain advantages for themselves."

From "Media Myths": http://web.archive.org/web/201908051853 ... 081598.txt
Originally an audio broadcast, which you can find here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/cMUtgalg7eB/
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NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: What difference would the truth make

Postby Vukdar » 2 years 3 months ago (Wed Feb 17, 2021 8:18 am)

Because when you uncover truth about this then it feels like you are born again, like some immense burden was lifted of your chest. Your worldview changes completely as you get rid of judgement because "judgement is what defeats us." This is something Marlon Brando said in Apocalypse Now.

I became better person living a better life, and I can only feel sorry for people that still believe this, and as a consequence feed themselves with death, lies and judgement everyday about everything. People that strongly believe holocaust story without knowing anything about it are like that about everything. It is very disturbing and destructive.

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