The plot to kill Hitler and British Intelligence.

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The plot to kill Hitler and British Intelligence.

Postby Merlin300 » 8 months 4 weeks ago (Sun Sep 11, 2022 10:42 am)

In late June 1944, the Special Operations Executive (SOE) — a secret espionage and sabotage organization established by Winston Churchill — decided to once again begin drawing up plans to murder Hitler...Operation Foxley

The Operation Foxley dossier contains masses of photographs, drawings and intelligence about Hitler’s routine, when he was staying at his Berghof vacation home, security precautions and staffing, as well as the topography of the local area and layout of buildings at the Obersalzburg mountain complex. It also contained a section euphemistically titled “possibilities of action in the Berchtesgaden area.” ... ll-hitler/

This shows the amazing depth of British Intelligence about Hitler; which belies British claims to have been unaware of "the Holocaust."

Remember that the British "explained" their inaction on the Holocaust by claiming German operations were so "Top Secret" they never learned of them.

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Re: The plot to kill Hitler and British Intelligence.

Postby hermod » 8 months 4 weeks ago (Sun Sep 11, 2022 4:24 pm)

A number of officials in the British Government patently knew that the 'Holocaust' was just a combination of propaganda lies rehashed from WWI and that it was mostly a Zionist weapon of psychological warfare devised to force the gates of Palestine closed by the British White Paper of May 1939 (see the MacDonald White Paper on Palestine) by public pressure.









"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: The plot to kill Hitler and British Intelligence.

Postby Archie » 8 months 3 weeks ago (Sun Sep 11, 2022 8:23 pm)

Allied intelligence also got wind of the V-2 rocket program, another top secret program. Yet for the death camps, the earliest "intel" almost invariably came from ... the World Jewish Congress. Or the Polish Underground relying on reports written by Jews who supposedly made miraculous escapes from the camps. There would have been ways to find out what was going on at the camps without having to rely on miraculous inmate escapes! In the case of Belzec, the camp was not remote at all. It was close to the main railway. If they were gassing thousands per day and digging huge burial pits, that could be discovered rather easily. And certainly if they'd dug up the bodies and burned hundreds of thousands of rotting corpses you would not be able to keep that secret. A lot of that would be visible at some distance. You could also develop informants within the camp which should have been easy since most of the accounts describe the Ukrainian guards as greedy and venal. Auschwitz had a large number of civilian contractors that did work at the camp.

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Re: The plot to kill Hitler and British Intelligence.

Postby hermod » 8 months 3 weeks ago (Mon Sep 12, 2022 12:28 am)

Archie wrote:Allied intelligence also got wind of the V-2 rocket program, another top secret program. Yet for the death camps, the earliest "intel" almost invariably came from ... the World Jewish Congress.

Good to know that the World Jewish Congress (a U.S. Zionist propaganda organization posturing as global, as Jewish and as a congress) was founded by the founder of American Zionism (Stephen S. Wise) and the post-WWII leader of Zionism outside Israel (Nahum Goldmann) when the Zionist colonial enterprise was failing.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: The plot to kill Hitler and British Intelligence.

Postby Merlin300 » 8 months 3 weeks ago (Mon Sep 12, 2022 10:38 pm)

Archie wrote:Allied intelligence also got wind of the V-2 rocket program, another top secret program. Yet for the death camps, the earliest "intel" almost invariably came from ... the World Jewish Congress. Or the Polish Underground relying on reports written by Jews who supposedly made miraculous escapes from the camps. There would have been ways to find out what was going on at the camps without having to rely on miraculous inmate escapes! In the case of Belzec, the camp was not remote at all. It was close to the main railway. If they were gassing thousands per day and digging huge burial pits, that could be discovered rather easily. And certainly if they'd dug up the bodies and burned hundreds of thousands of rotting corpses you would not be able to keep that secret. A lot of that would be visible at some distance. You could also develop informants within the camp which should have been easy since most of the accounts describe the Ukrainian guards as greedy and venal. Auschwitz had a large number of civilian contractors that did work at the camp.

In fact, Polish and Zionist propaganda pretty well rubbed the face of British intelligence in the claims of the "extermination."
The claim the "Holocaust was a surprise" is absurd.
The Story below was publish in London in October 1942.
Note the exact location of Treblinka Camp I and II was given.

Official Report Submitted to the Polish Government

The village of Treblinka is situated near the Warsaw-Bialystok rail-
road line, a few kilometers from Malkinia, in a sandy and wooded
area. The population consists of Polish peasant-farmers and forest
workers. In 1940, the Germans established a penitentiary concentration
camp, Treblinka A, on the sandy stretches near the village, for Poles
who were guilty of transgressions against the occupant, of not supplying
the demanded amounts of agricultural produce, or who were caught
smuggling. The discipline at the camp is very strict; prisoners are shot
on any pretext. The camp is as notorious as the penitentiary camp at

In March, 1942, the Germans began the construction of another
camp, Treblinka B, in the vicinity. That camp has become the slaughter-
house for the Jews of Poland and of other European countries. Poles
from the nearby Treblinka A, as well as Jews caught in the neighboring
villages, were put to work at the preparatory construction. That work
lasted until the end of April when the centra) building of the camp,
death-house No. 1, was built.

Treblinka B is situated on sandy hills among woodland. The area
of the camp is comparatively small, some 5,000 hectares (about 12,500
acres). It is entirely surrounded by a green fence interwoven with
barbed wire entanglements. Part of tire fence runs llrrough a young
forest in the north. At the four corners of the camp, observation points
were placed for the Lagerschutz (Camp Guard). The Lagerschutz
consists mostly of Ukrainians armed with machine-guns. At the obser-
vation points strong searchlights have been placed to light the entire
place at night. Observation posts ate also set in the middle of the
camp and on the hills in the woodlands. The western border of Treb-
linka B is formed by the rail embankment along which runs a side-track
that connects the camp with the main railroad-line. The side-line was
constructed in recent months, in order that the trains of transports might
be delivered directly to the slaughter-house. The northern border of



the camp is formed by the forest; east and south the border cuts through
sandy hills. In the area of the camp, bushes form a long stretch parallel
to the railroad tracks starting in the north.

A railroad-crossing is adjacent to the side-track; trains with trans-
ports halt there. From that barrier there is an entrance to a square which
holds two to three thousand persons. The square is fenced in with
barbed-wire. On the square, not far from the northern border, there
is a wooden barracks. In the south-western corner of the square there
is a guard-house with a military post on 24-hour duty. South of the
square, outside of the fence, there is a cloth-sorting place [Lnmpensor-
thrungsplatz)^ and further south, there is the execution place of the
camp-commandant and the graves of the victims murdered by him. The
arrival-square is connected with the rest of the area by an entrance in
the north-eastern corner of the fence. From there, a path runs through
the woods for about 200 meters eastwards and then turns at right angles
to the south and runs along the forest, parallel to the western limit of
the arrival-square. This road stops at a large building of an unusual
shape: it is an unfinished one-story brick-construction, about 40 meters
long and 15 meters wide. (When we received the information concern-
ing Treblinka B In the first half of September, this building was about
to be finished.) The Germans began the construction of that building
after the action started, probably in the middle of August, with the help
of Jewish artisans picked out from among the Jews brought to Treblinka
for slaughter. It is significant that the bricks for the construction had
been brought from as far as Warsaw, in trucks attached to each trans-
port. The bricks were loaded in the Warsaw U mschUigplaiz by Jewish
workers. According to the report of an eyewitness, the interior of the
building is as follows; a corridor 3 meters wide runs through the
middle; there are five chambers on each side; the height of each chamber
is about 2 meters; the area about 35 square meters. The execution
chambers are without windows, but they have doors opening on the
corridor and a type of valve on the outside walls. Next to these valves
there are large scoops (they remind one of large vessels) . In tire walls
pipes were installed from which water-steam is supposed to pour into
the chambers. This was to have been death-house No. 2.

A path skirts the building and runs along its western wall finally
ending at the next building near death-house No. 1. This building is
at right angles to the death-house No. 2. It is a brick construction much
smaller than the other. It consists of only three chambers and a steam-
room. Along the northern wall of this house runs a corridor from which
there are doors to the chambers. The outside walls of the chambers



have valves (uiUi) recently doors which had been chan^geil into valves
for utility reasons). Also here a scoop in the shape of a sliallow vessel
is placed at the height of the valves. The steam-room is adjacent to the
building. Inside the steam-room there is a large vat which produces the
steam. The hot steam comes into the chambers through pipes installed
there, each having tlie prescribed number of vents. While this machinery
of death is in action, the doors and valves are hermetically closed. The
floor in the chambers has a terra-cotta inlay which becomes very slippery
when water is poured over it. There is a well next to the steam-room,
the only well in the whole area of Treblinka B. Not far from the death-
house, south of the barbed-wire and wooden fences, there is a grave-
diggers' camp. The grave-diggers live in barracks n6.xl to which arc
the kitchen buildings. On both sides of the camp there,,are tv/o guard-
houses. The remaining area of Treblinka B is destined forThe murdered,
victims. A part of that area is already a large cemetery. AtlifsC"PoIes
employed in the camps dug the graves; later, as the slaughter was intensi-
fied and the need for more ditches grew, special digging-machines (bull-
do2ers) were brought, which run day and night at grave-digging, A
Diesel-motor supplies the energy and its rattle is a characteristic sound
at Treblinka B.

The supervisors and execution-staff are small in numbers. The
slaughter-house is commanded by an S.S. man of the rank of major;
his name is Sauer. The German staff’, consisting of S.S.-men, are in
terror of their chief. The moment they see him from the distance they
drive the Jewish workers as well as the victims on their way to death
with even greater energyu Altogether, there are ten Germans and thirty

The German crew changes from time to time; sometimes S.S, -men
from various towns of the General Government who were active at the
deportations there, arrive in the camp.

In addition to the German-Ukrainian Lagerschutz^ there is also the
Jewish auxiliary, part of whom are busy at the sorting place for the
clothing of the victims [Lumpensortienmgsplatz), and part of whom
act as grave-diggers. They empty the execution chambers and bury the
dead; the rest work at the arrival-square. The groups of the Jewish
auxiliary service are headed by group-leaders whom the Germans call
"kapos." They are relatively better fed than the rest and wear a tri-
angular yellow patch at their knees to distinguish them from the others.
The personnel of the Jewish auxiliary service undergoes almost daily
changes. Rarely can a Jew stand that service for more than two weeks,
due to the inhuman treatment they receive at the hands of the Germans.


They are constantly tortured and whipped; corporal punishment (2?
strokes) is very frequent as well as the shooting of the weak ones who
lose their fitness to work This is done mostly by the chief himself,
Every day there is a roll-call. The German asks who does not feel
strong enough to carry on with the work? A few men step out of the
row, report their unfitness and beg him — as though for a favor^ — to be
shot. The executions take place at a special spot; the victim himself
stands erect over a giave while the chief shoots at the back of the victim’s
head The next victim has to step nearer and throw the body of the
murdered one into the ditch, and then a few moments later, share the
fate of his predecessor. These young Jews are so overworked that all
will to resist is gone; on the other hand, the German terror is so atro-
cious that it makes them even want to die so as not to suffer further
inhuman tortures. In one of the first days of September, the chief of
Trebhiika thus murdered 500 young Jews by shooting them one after
another with his gun; what is startling is that not one of this group of a
few hundred men attempted to resist death The execution lasted from
7:30 to 3 P.M

The relatively lightest work in the death camp is the sorting of the
clothing of victims. While assigned to that work, one can eat to one’s
heart’s content, for the "deported” Jews took along large food-stocks,
bread, marmalade, fat, sugar. But the chief docs not leave the men at
this work for any length of time; after a few' days, he transfers them to

The gaps in the Jewish auxiliary service are supplemented from
among the transports arriving in Treblinka. As a rule, two transports
arrive daily: one in the morning and one toward evening. In the period
of greatest intensity of the action a few transports arrive daily. Each
train consists of a few score of freight cars Some of the cars halt at
the side-track straight across from the arrival-square, while the remain-
ing cars are shifted to the side to wait until the first part is taken care of.
The cars are quickly emptied. The tortured and excited throng breathes
with relief when let out on the square. They are immediately taken over
by the Jewish auxiliary guard headed by the "kapos.” These give orders
in Yiddish. The women and children are ordered to enter the barracks
immediately while the men remain in the square. Looking around, they
see a high pillar with a poster bearing a large inscription; Achiunp
Warscbauer (Attention, natives of Warsaw) despite the fact that trans-
ports of Jews from many other towns of the General Government, from
Germany and the states of Western Europe are also brought to Tre-
blinka. "Do not worry about your fate," continues the poster, "You
ai'e all going eaitwarcl loc woik; you will work and your wives will
take care of your households. Before leaving, however, you have to
take a bath and your clothing must be disinfected. You have to deposit
your valuables and money with the cashier (of Treblinka) for which
you will get receipts. After the bath and disinfection, you will receive
everything back unharmed.”

In the first period of murder in Treblinka an S.S. officer with a kind,
confidence-inspiring face used to come to the square and hold a speech
along the same lines. However, when in the course of the action ever
larger transports arrived from various parts and the crowds had to be
quickly liquidated, the Germans cancelled the speech as superfluous.

To make the Jews believe that actual classification according to trades
would take place at the arrival-square in order to send occupational
groups for labor, they placed small signs with the inscriptions: Tailors,
Shoemakers, Carpenters, etc. It goes without saying that such segrega-
tion never took place.

The "kapo^" quickly put the men in rows of ten, ordering them to
take off their shoes, undress completely and prepare for a bath. Every-
body is permitted to take along a piece of soap and his documents. In
the meantime the sorting-service men take away the clothing to the
sorting-place. Women and children also have to undress completely.
Now comes the last act of the Treblinka tragedy. The terrorized mass
of men, women and children starts on its last road to death. At tire
head a group of women and children is driven, beaten by the accom-
panying Germans, whips in their hands. The group is driven ever
quicker; ever heavier blows fall upon the heads of the women who are
mad with fear and suffering. The cries and laments of the women
together with the shouts and curses of the Germans interrupt the silence
of the forest. The people finally realize that they are going to their
death. At the entrance of death-house No. 1 the chief himself stands,
a whip in his hand; beating them in cold blood, he drives tlie women
into the chambers. The floors of the chambers are slippery. The victims
slip and fall, and they cannot get up for new numbers of forcibly driven
victims fall upon them. The chief throws small children into the
chambers over the heads of the women. When the execution chambers
are filled the doors are hermetically closed and the slow suffocation of
living people begins, brought about by the steam issuing from the
numerous vents in the pipes. At the beginning, stifled cries penetrate
to the outside; gradually they quiet down and 15 minutes later the
execution is complete.

Now comes the turn of the grave-diggers. Shouting and cursing, the


German overseers drive the diggers to their work, w'hich consists of
getting tlie bodies out of the execution chambers. The grave-diggers
stand at the scoop, near tire valves. The valves open but not a body
falls out. Due to the steam all the bodies have become a homogeneous
mass stuck together with the perspiration of the victims. In their death
agonies, arms, legs, trunks are intertwined into a gigantic macabre
entanglement. To make it possible for the grave-diggers to get out
single bodies, cold water from the near-by well is poured over the mass.
Then the bodies separate and may be taken out. As a rule the surfaces
of the bodies are not defaced; only the faces and buttocks are purple.
The grave-diggers, constantly beaten and driven by the Germans, place
the corpses on the scoops until the chambers are empty. The bodies lie-
piled up like slaughtered cattle. Now the burying takes place. Formerly
(during the first half of August), the Jewish grave-diggers had hand-
carts to convey the bodies to the ditches, which had to be done at top
speed. Lately, however, the chief did away with them. "Eln Mann —
zwei Lekhen” (one man — two corpses), meaning that each grave-
digger has to bury two corpses. He ties the legs or the arms of the
body with his belt and running, pulls it from the scoop to the ditches,
throws it in and, again running, returns for tlie next load. Formerly
the graves were right at the death-house so that the burying of corpses
could take place quickly. As new victims were added, the grave-line
moved ever further to the east and the pulling of the corpses to the
graves takes longer and longer. After the ditch is filled, the grave-
diggers quickly cover the bodies with earth and the digging-machine
nearby prepares the next grave.

The execution of the men is identical. They also are driven through
the road in the woods to their death. The victims react differently while
being driven in the direction of the death-house; some repeat loudly
psalms of penitence, confess their sins; others curse God; but a sudden
shout of the Germans and the blows falling upon the backs of the
doomed men immediately brings silence on tlie whole crowd. Some-
times all the victims cannot get into the overcrowded chambers; then
the Germans keep the rest in the woods near the slaughter-house. These
people see and hear everything but there is no attempt at self-preser-

This is irrefutable proof of the atrocious terror wielded over their
victims by the Germans.

The new death-house provides for the liquidation of 8,000 to 10,000
victims. If we consider that right now 2,000,000 murdered Jews, ot
the greater part of Polish Jewry, are already buried in the area of


Treblinka, the disturbing question arises: for whom do the S.S.-tnen
intend that new house of death; who are to utter their last breaths in
that slaughter-house? Most probably the death-machine, once started,
will not limit itself to murdering Jews. At present, the specter of death
in steam chambers rises before the Polish population; there have already
been some signs of it: according to a report of an eyewitness, the Ger-
mans exterminated a group of Poles in death-house No. 1, in the second
half of August.

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Re: The plot to kill Hitler and British Intelligence.

Postby nut butter » 8 months 3 weeks ago (Tue Sep 13, 2022 1:34 am)

The plot to kill Hitler and British Intelligence.
Unread postby Merlin300 » 1 day 14 hours ago (Sun Sep 11, 2022 10:42 am)

This shows the amazing depth of British Intelligence about Hitler; which belies British claims to have been unaware of "the Holocaust."

Remember that the British "explained" their inaction on the Holocaust by claiming German operations were so "Top Secret" they never learned of them.

not from what I've read they didn't, in fact quite the opposite.

There is indeed evidence that the Allies were using rumors about Auschwitz as propaganda, just as they used fake propaganda atrocity during the First World War to demonize the Germans. This was admitted by the head of British Intelligence, Victor Cavendish-Bentinck:
“In my opinion it is incorrect to describe Polish information regarding German atrocities as ‘trustworthy’. The Poles, and to a far greater extent the Jews, tend to exaggerate German atrocities in order to stoke us up. They seem to have succeeded.

I think that we weaken our case against the Germans by publicly giving credence to atrocity stories for which we have no evidence. However, he cast doubt on reports that were received regarding the Nazi genocide of the Jews. In late August 1943 the Polish Embassy in London informed the British government of the deportation and annihilation of hundreds of thousands of Jews from Lublin and Bialystok provinces. The chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, Victor Cavendish-Bentinck, deplored Polish and Jewish information about atrocities. He wrote this information as an attempt to 'stoke us up' He added: 'I feel certain that we are making a mistake in giving credence to this gas chamber story.

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Re: The plot to kill Hitler and British Intelligence.

Postby Hektor » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Sat Sep 24, 2022 7:03 am)

nut butter wrote:.....
There is indeed evidence that the Allies were using rumors about Auschwitz as propaganda, just as they used fake propaganda atrocity during the First World War to demonize the Germans. This was admitted by the head of British Intelligence, Victor Cavendish-Bentinck:
“In my opinion it is incorrect to describe Polish information regarding German atrocities as ‘trustworthy’. The Poles, and to a far greater extent the Jews, tend to exaggerate German atrocities in order to stoke us up. They seem to have succeeded.

I think that we weaken our case against the Germans by publicly giving credence to atrocity stories for which we have no evidence. However, he cast doubt on reports that were received regarding the Nazi genocide of the Jews. In late August 1943 the Polish Embassy in London informed the British government of the deportation and annihilation of hundreds of thousands of Jews from Lublin and Bialystok provinces. The chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, Victor Cavendish-Bentinck, deplored Polish and Jewish information about atrocities. He wrote this information as an attempt to 'stoke us up' He added: 'I feel certain that we are making a mistake in giving credence to this gas chamber story.

I think it is clear that Allied Intelligence were aware of rumors. And in this regard, especially the British. Rumors that may actually have been started by others of their agencies... On the other hand, it is also transparent that their top intelligence officials knew very well that the rumors and atrocity stories were actually lies (they don't say it outright loudly of course, but in a rather diplomatic way). Also apparent:
Cavendish-Bentinck realized that pressing those rumors as fact bore a risk of being exposed as liars and peddlers of swindles as long as Axis/Germany still could talk back or e.g. get neutrals to inspect a site of alleged atrocities. When that risk ceased atrocity stories immediately shot up into oblivion.

If there narrative was true, all that underhandedness and psycho-trickery would have been totally unnecessary... They could sit in the back-chair and let objective investigation do their work... But they didn't.

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