!!! Seven Dwarfs pulled from a gas chamber !!!

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Re: !!! Seven Dwarfs pulled from a gas chamber !!!

Postby hermod » 1 year 3 months ago (Tue Feb 08, 2022 9:58 pm)

Mongol wrote:Pressac quotes a medical field manual published by the United States War Department in 1940, which says that for the disinfestation of clothing and equipment, "lice and their eggs are killed in one minute when subjected to dry heat at a temperature of 155°F [68°C] or in five minutes at 131°F [55°C], immersion in boiling water for thirty seconds will kill both adults and eggs." [https://phdn.org/archives/holocaust-history.org/auschwitz/pressac/technique-and-operation/pressac0066.shtml]

Here in Finland, saunas typically have a temperature of around 70-100°C. Even for kids, it's easy to stay in 90°C for at least half an hour. A Finnish website says: "According to Kotiainen, the lice die in the sauna. 60 degrees may be enough, but 80 degrees is guaranteed to kill. However, the destruction of lice and their eggs at sauna temperatures takes a maximum of a couple of hours." [https://www.potilaanlaakarilehti.fi/uutiset/paatai-on-kurja-koulukaveri]

Interesting info, but it doesn't prove that the Ovitz dwarfs were deloused in a hot air chamber for clothes. The likelihood of a made-up gas chamber lie is still much bigger than the likelihood of a unique misunderstood hot air delousing. With those Holohoaxers, the benefit of the doubt is most of time a big miscalculation if not a foolish gullibility.

Mongol wrote:
hermod wrote:Are there solid proofs that those dwarfs were actually allowed to keep their hair? And if they were allowed to keep their hair, what proves that they were not shaved and showered upon their arrival at the camp (standard delousing procedure) and then allowed to grow 'normal' hair afterwards?

The book "Children of the Flames" says the following (about Mengele's subjects in general and not any particular twins):

> But unlike the other prisoners, who were given camp uniforms and whose heads were shaved, the twins were allowed to keep both their clothes and their long hair. These differences made them immediately recognizable as 'Mengele's children.'

In the book "Surviving the Angel of Death: The True Story of a Mengele Twin in Auschwitz", Eva Mozes-Kor wrote that she was initially allowed to keep short hair, but two weeks later her hair was shaved:

> All of us were given short haircuts. The barber explained that twins received privileged treatment: We were allowed to keep some hair.
> ...
> Within two weeks of arriving in Auschwitz, Miriam and I had to have our heads shaved. Like all the twins in our barracks, we were infested with head lice. Head lice, I learned, lay their eggs on human hair, and they can travel from one head to another. The only way to get rid of them is to use a special shampoo or chemical treatment and comb hair daily with a fine-toothed nit comb. We had none of these things, so lice multiplied and spread from person to person, onto clothing and bedding - they nested in our blankets, straw mattresses, and dresses. We were constantly scratching ourselves, and Miriam and I constantly picked lice off each other and tried to squeeze them dead between our fingernails. But there was no lasting relief. Even with our hair chopped off and all our efforts, we still had lice.

So the answer is no. :roll:

From those words, it seems nevertheless that the delousing of the Ovitz dwarfs was carried out by a head shaving and a shower rather than by a passage through a hot air chamber.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
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Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: !!! Seven Dwarfs pulled from a gas chamber !!!

Postby Mongol » 1 year 3 months ago (Wed Feb 09, 2022 3:00 am)

hermod wrote:The likelihood of a made-up gas chamber lie is still much bigger than the likelihood of a unique misunderstood hot air delousing.

Yeah of course. Here's another photo of the pair of hot air disinfestation ovens at Birkenau, which I think are incorrectly called steam cleaners or autoclaves on Alamy: [https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-laundry-steam-cleaner-autoclave-in-the-laundry-at-birkenau-auschwitz-27328750.html]


When the book "Giants: The Dwarfs of Auschwitz" describes the room where the dwarfs thought that they were gassed, it's said to have looked like a "large washing room", and not like a brick oven:

> A heavy door opened and the wave of stuffy heat assailed their faces. They'd barely crossed the threshold, groping their way inside, when the door slammed behind them.
> It was almost dark and we stood in what looked like a large washing room, waiting for something to happen. We looked up to the ceiling to see why the water was not coming.

But it seems to have been speculation on the part of Negev and Koren that the dwarfs only mistook that they were gassed rather than actually being gassed, or that the mistaken gassing took place in the Central Sauna. So if I continue to play the devil's advocate, it's not unheard of that someone is rescued from a gas chamber because they're called out by Mengele. It happened to Regina Bialek (never mind that she said that the gas came out of the center point of the floor, or that the symptoms she describes don't match cyanide poisoning): [http://www.bergenbelsen.co.uk/pages/trial/TrialAppendices/TrialAppendices_Affidavits_03_Bialek.html]

> 3. On 25th December, 1943, I was sick with typhus and was picked out at a selection made by Doctors Mengele and Tauber along with about 350 other women. I was made to undress and taken by lorry to a gas chamber. There were seven gas chambers at Auschwitz. This particular one was underground and the lorry was able to run down the slope and straight into the chamber. Here we were tipped unceremoniously on the floor. The room was about 12 yards square and small lights on the wall dimly illuminated it. When the room was full a hissing sound was heard coming from the centre point on the floor and gas came into the room. After what seemed about ten minutes some of the victims began to bite their hands and foam at the mouth and blood issued from their ears, eyes and mouth, and their faces went blue. I suffered from all these symptoms, together with a tight feeling at the throat. I was half conscious when my number was called out by Dr. Mengele and I was led from the chamber. I attribute my escape to the fact that the daughter of a friend of mine who was an Aryan and a doctor at Auschwitz had seen me being transported to the chamber and had told her mother, who immediately appealed to Dr. Mengele. Apparently be realised that as a political prisoner I was of more value alive than dead, and I was released.

hermod wrote:So the answer is no. :roll:

From those words, it seems nevertheless that the delousing of the Ovitz dwarfs was carried out by a head shaving and a shower rather than by a passage through a hot air chamber.

For what it's worth, the book "Giants: The Dwarfs of Auschwitz" also says that "In a world of shaven heads and ragged striped uniforms, the Lilliputs' hair and clothes were a shield of protection, for every SS soldier instantly recognised the dwarfs as Mengele's pets, hence not to be damaged."

On the website of CANDLES, the supposed account of supposed Mengele twin Esther Deutch also says that "Twins kept their dresses; they did not have their hair shorn." [https://candlesholocaustmuseum.org/file_download/inline/285418be-36a3-4752-9c19-df6ecb6432af] But her story is also full of cliches, such as that she was personally selected by Mengele on the ramp, and that she described Mengele as a "very beautiful man".

The account of Mengele twins Judith and Andrea Silberger also says that "Mengele allowed the two girls to keep their hair and dresses." [https://candlesholocaustmuseum.org/file_download/inline/62710d32-0cf3-4bd4-9271-9c2146624215] But they were also personally selected by Mengele on the ramp: "When the doors of the cattle car opened at Birkenau, Judith remembered Josef Mengele standing on the platform, pointing to the left and right."

In his biography of Mengele, David Marwell wrote:

> Historian Zdenek Zofka notes that many survivors recall Mengele speaking to them in Hungarian, a language he did not speak but which was spoken by his colleagues, the pharmacist Viktor Capesius and the physician Dr. Fritz Klein. "Often Mengele would be described as tall and blond, when he was only 5ft 8½ inches tall and dark-haired."[31] "Almost all inmates" at Auschwitz, according to Zofka, maintain that they had been selected by Mengele.
> Hermann Langbein, a former Auschwitz inmate and author of the authoritative _People in Auschwitz_, wrote of this phenomenon, which he deemed the "Mengele Effect," a particular form of "memory displacement":
> > Some well-known SS men have been positively idealized after the fact. Thus Fania Fénelon has called Mengele a "handsome Siegfried," and Therese Chassaing writes, "Mengele is immaculate in his belted uniform, tall, with shiny black boots that bespeak cleanliness, prosperity, and human dignity." Elie Wiesel mentions as one of Mengele's characteristic attributes "white gloves, a monocle, and the rest."[32]
> Langbein saw Mengele "almost every day in the office of the SS infirmary where he was doing routine bureaucratic work," and he claims that Mengele never struck him as either attractive or elegant. He never saw him with a monocle. Doris Bergen, describing the work of Israeli historian Na'ama Shik, wrote about the "so-called Mengele Effect," noting that survivors' accounts decades after the fact could be shaped by what "they have read and heard in the meantime."[33]
> Geoffrey Hartmann, who wrote extensively on survivor testimony, observed that "every Auschwitz survivor seems to have gone through a selection by Mengele, as if he manned his post 24 hours a day."[34] In fact, Mengele took his turn at "ramp duty" like the rest of the medical staff in the camp. There is no evidence that he served there more frequently or for longer hours than his colleagues. It does seem, however, as Zofka suggests, that "the name Mengele had become detached from the man" and had become "a synonym" for every doctor at the Auschwitz camp.[35] Similarly, historian Christopher Browning, in describing witness testimony about a selection by Mengele that was proved never to have occurred, called such an encounter with the Angel of Death on the ramp in Auschwitz "one of the most broadly recognized archetypical episodes of the Holocaust, widely disseminated in both books and films."[36]

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Re: !!! Seven Dwarfs pulled from a gas chamber !!!

Postby slob » 1 year 3 months ago (Wed Feb 09, 2022 9:48 am)

These must of had good hidey-holes? The great escape?

Sorry to make light, continue with the serious discussion.

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Re: !!! Seven Dwarfs pulled from a gas chamber !!!

Postby hermod » 1 year 3 months ago (Wed Feb 09, 2022 9:50 am)

Mongol wrote:
hermod wrote:The likelihood of a made-up gas chamber lie is still much bigger than the likelihood of a unique misunderstood hot air delousing.

Yeah of course. Here's another photo of the pair of hot air disinfestation ovens at Birkenau, which I think are incorrectly called steam cleaners or autoclaves on Alamy: [https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-laundry-steam-cleaner-autoclave-in-the-laundry-at-birkenau-auschwitz-27328750.html]


My opinion too. Most likely a misidentification by the person who posted that photo. I assume that hot air meant dry air, not steam.

I wouldn't call those devices 'ovens' because the word 'ovens' evokes cremation or cooking, not the heating of air for disinfestation. May create confusion.

Mongol wrote:When the book "Giants: The Dwarfs of Auschwitz" describes the room where the dwarfs thought that they were gassed, it's said to have looked like a "large washing room", and not like a brick oven:

> A heavy door opened and the wave of stuffy heat assailed their faces. They'd barely crossed the threshold, groping their way inside, when the door slammed behind them.
> It was almost dark and we stood in what looked like a large washing room, waiting for something to happen. We looked up to the ceiling to see why the water was not coming.

The idea that the Ovitz dwarfs might have confused a tiny hot air chamber of the Central Sauna with the notorious gas chambers of the 'Holocaust' is ridiculous. And imagining 7 dwarfs locked in a tiny hot air chamber suddenly look upwards "to see why the water was not coming" is even hilarious. :lol:

Mongol wrote:But it seems to have been speculation on the part of Negev and Koren that the dwarfs only mistook that they were gassed rather than actually being gassed, or that the mistaken gassing took place in the Central Sauna. So if I continue to play the devil's advocate, it's not unheard of that someone is rescued from a gas chamber because they're called out by Mengele. It happened to Regina Bialek (never mind that she said that the gas came out of the center point of the floor, or that the symptoms she describes don't match cyanide poisoning): [http://www.bergenbelsen.co.uk/pages/trial/TrialAppendices/TrialAppendices_Affidavits_03_Bialek.html]

> 3. On 25th December, 1943, I was sick with typhus and was picked out at a selection made by Doctors Mengele and Tauber along with about 350 other women. I was made to undress and taken by lorry to a gas chamber. There were seven gas chambers at Auschwitz. This particular one was underground and the lorry was able to run down the slope and straight into the chamber. Here we were tipped unceremoniously on the floor. The room was about 12 yards square and small lights on the wall dimly illuminated it. When the room was full a hissing sound was heard coming from the centre point on the floor and gas came into the room. After what seemed about ten minutes some of the victims began to bite their hands and foam at the mouth and blood issued from their ears, eyes and mouth, and their faces went blue. I suffered from all these symptoms, together with a tight feeling at the throat. I was half conscious when my number was called out by Dr. Mengele and I was led from the chamber. I attribute my escape to the fact that the daughter of a friend of mine who was an Aryan and a doctor at Auschwitz had seen me being transported to the chamber and had told her mother, who immediately appealed to Dr. Mengele. Apparently be realised that as a political prisoner I was of more value alive than dead, and I was released.

Zofia Litwinska, the first alleged eyewitness to a homicidal gassing to testify at a postwar 'trial', told a similar story at the Luneburg 'Trial' in September 1945.

As the blogger furtherglory (previously quoted in this thread) once wrote: "Every Holocaust survivor has to have a story about how they were saved from the gas chamber." That's very true. Alleged miraculous rescues are a classic of Holohoax literature.

Mongol wrote:
hermod wrote:So the answer is no. :roll:

From those words, it seems nevertheless that the delousing of the Ovitz dwarfs was carried out by a head shaving and a shower rather than by a passage through a hot air chamber.

For what it's worth, the book "Giants: The Dwarfs of Auschwitz" also says that "In a world of shaven heads and ragged striped uniforms, the Lilliputs' hair and clothes were a shield of protection, for every SS soldier instantly recognised the dwarfs as Mengele's pets, hence not to be damaged."

Yeah, very plausible. How could anyone be able to distinguish between a group of 7 dwarfs and all the other inmates of Auschwitz-Birkenau if not by the size of their... hair? :roll:
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
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Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: !!! Seven Dwarfs pulled from a gas chamber !!!

Postby hermod » 1 year 3 months ago (Wed Feb 09, 2022 10:00 am)

slob wrote:These must of had good hidey-holes? The great escape?

Sorry to make light, continue with the serious discussion.

Don't be sorry. The Holohoax is such a joke that humor is never off topic. :wink:
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: !!! Seven Dwarfs pulled from a gas chamber !!!

Postby Mongol » 1 year 3 months ago (Thu Feb 10, 2022 1:07 am)

Earlier I used the term lawsuit to refer to the shenanigans in 1985 where Mengele survivors managed to extract money out of the West German government, but apparently it was "not a trial but was conducted in a trial-like manner": [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292146731_The_Trial_that_Never_Happened_Josef_Mengele_and_the_Twins_of_Auschwitz_Children_of_Auschwitz_Nazi_Deadly_Lab_Experiments_Survivors]

> The process was not a trial but was conducted in a trial-like manner with various witnesses, the twins and others with first-hand knowledge of Mengele's activities, being questioned by a panel. This panel consisted of
> • Telford Taylor, Chief Counsel for all the trials before the Nuremberg Military Tribunal
> • Gideon Hausner, Chairman of the Panel, Chief Prosecutor of the Eichmann Trial, Chairman of the International Council of Yad Vashem
> • Simon Wiesenthal, Director of the Documentation Center of the Federation of Jewish Victims of the Nazi Regime, Vienna
> • Professor Yehuda Bauer, Historian, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
> • Zvi Terlo, Attorney and Former Head of the Israeli Ministry of Justice
> • Rafi Eitan, Former Advisor to the Israeli Government on Terrorism
> During the three days of the proceedings, 30 twins, dwarves, and prisoners who knew Mengele testified against him. After three days of testimony, it was declared that there existed evidence enough to convict Dr. Josef Mengele _in absentia_ for war crimes against humanity.
> The US Attorney General William French Smith ordered the US Department of Justice to investigate these allegations immediately (Posner 2000, p. 306).
> The testimonies were given in English, French, and Hebrew and were videotaped. The videotapes were obtained from Yad Vashem and have been translated into English for the first time in this paper.

In 1985, the New York Times reported that Elizabeth Ovitz testified that "Dr. Mengele forced their entire family to sing naked for the entertainment of the SS chief Heinrich Himmler and 2,000 Nazi soldiers and officials" and that "Himmler sat in the front row with a movie camera, enjoying the performance." [https://www.nytimes.com/1985/02/07/world/jerusalem-listens-to-the-victims-of-mengele.html] However in the paper linked above, the testimony of Elizabeth Ovitz consists only of the following two paragraphs, which don't mention Himmler, and which don't mention that they were made to sing naked in front of a crowd of 2,000 Nazis:

> There were seven dwarfs in our family. We were processed and taken to a shower. Mengele came and he could not believe there was a whole family of seven dwarfs. Mengele kept us as VIPs. Dr. Mengele, Dr. Klein, Dr. Koenig, Dr. Heller, Dr. Epstein, and Dr. Fischer all came to study us. They took blood, gave injections, and did x-rays every day.
> I was 19 years old when I was at Auschwitz. We were kept naked a lot. Mengele gave us good food, but at times we even ate breakfast naked. Many of the SS liked to be spectators. When we performed as entertainment for the Nazis, Mengele would bring many dignitaries and examine us. Mengele was always present at all the exams, as was Dr. Koenig.

The authors of the paper wrote that they didn't include transcripts of some interviews, but they didn't explicitly say that they omitted some parts of individual testimonies:

> The testimonies of the twins and others concluded on February 6, 1985. Although the entire process was videotaped [the tapes are available at Yad Vashem], not all of the interviews were transcribed for this paper because of inaudible or indistinguishable sounds. The authors of this paper have attempted to include all of the testimonies that could be accurately translated and transcribed.

hermod wrote:I wouldn't call those devices 'ovens' because the word 'ovens' evokes cremation or cooking, not the heating of air for disinfestation. May create confusion.

Yeah, that's right, but I think the term "disinfection chamber" also evokes an image of a chemical fumigation chamber, so in that sense the term "disinfection oven" seems more descriptive. Perhaps an appropriate term would be "hot air disinfection chamber", as a translation of the term "Entwesungs-Heißluftkammern" used by Mattogno. [http://vho.org/GB/c/CM/leichen.html] In a sign at Dachau, the fumigation chambers which employed hydrocyanic acid are called "Desinfektionskammern" or "fumigation cubicles": [https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-fumigation-cubicles-for-prisoners-clothing-in-the-former-dachau-concentration-18609227.html]


Here you can see how a fumigation chamber is designed to fit a clothing rack: [http://vho.org/GB/Journals/JHR/7/1/Berg73-94.html]


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Re: !!! Seven Dwarfs pulled from a gas chamber !!!

Postby Mongol » 1 year 3 months ago (Thu Feb 10, 2022 2:05 am)

slob wrote:These must of had good hidey-holes? The great escape?

Here's a transcript of the story so it's searchable:

> At an immigrants' camp on the coast I was shown a hut occupied by a family of nine dwarfs from Hungary. They used to make a living at fairs. Now they shut themselves up in their hut and would not let anyone look at them without paying. When they landed they wanted the camp doctors to pay for medically examining them. As paying customers of one camp ran out they apply for transfer to another.
> As most immigrants are encouraged to work on the land they will probably be given a teeny-weeny farm somewhere.

The story was part of an article titled "Homecoming Jews All Have Stories To Relate", which was published on August 8 1950 in the newspaper "Examiner" from Launceston, Tasmania. The story was also published in the Sydney Morning Herald on July 7 1950. [https://www.newspapers.com/image/123886317, https://i.ibb.co/1mVLPTm/newspapers-123886317-The-Sydney-Morning-Herald-1950-07-07.jpg]

I wonder if the story refers to the Ovitz family, because they are from Hungary and they immigrated to Israel in 1949, where they initially lived in the immigrant camp of Bat Galim in Haifa. The Ovitz family is supposed to be the largest recorded family of dwarfs, but there were only 7 of them, even though the article may have been mistaken about their number, or maybe there were two additional dwarfs who were not their family members.

Perhaps the dwarfs had learned from Mengele that they could receive favors in return for being subjected to medical examinations.

Mengele survivor Vera K. recollected: "I was not well behaved and not afraid of Mengele. I had OK relations with Mengele - symbiotic, he got information and I got food, symbiotic. . . I gave Mengele trouble any way I could." [https://books.google.com/books?id=rg-dBQAAQBAJ&pg=PA163] The reference is "Vera K. Holocaust Testimony (HVT-1090) Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Yale University Library." [https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/hvt1097606]

The 1985 documentary "The Search For Mengele" features an interview of Wolfram Bossert, who allowed Mengele to live with his family in Brazil. In the English dub, Bossert's comments are translated as follows: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9hFBLQphOg]

> All I know is that the subject came up once after a newspaper had again claimed that he'd carried out inhuman experiments on patients or people in the camp. When I mentioned this, he exploded and shouted: "But I didn't make any experiments. It's all lies. The people volunteered because they got more food if they allowed me to take blood samples." He assured us time and time again that he deserved a statue from the Jews, because as a doctor at the camp he'd saved many Jewish lives.

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Re: !!! Seven Dwarfs pulled from a gas chamber !!!

Postby hermod » 1 year 3 months ago (Thu Feb 10, 2022 9:11 pm)

Mongol wrote:
hermod wrote:I wouldn't call those devices 'ovens' because the word 'ovens' evokes cremation or cooking, not the heating of air for disinfestation. May create confusion.

Yeah, that's right, but I think the term "disinfection chamber" also evokes an image of a chemical fumigation chamber, so in that sense the term "disinfection oven" seems more descriptive. Perhaps an appropriate term would be "hot air disinfection chamber", as a translation of the term "Entwesungs-Heißluftkammern" used by Mattogno.

Perhaps the term "hot air disinfection & disinfestation chamber" is even better because the word 'disinfection' evokes bacteria, not disease-carrying insects. I think that the term "[chemical or hot air] anti-typhus delousing chamber for clothing" is the least misleading & most informative term for the people who are not aware that the Germans had a serious problem with typhus-carrying lice in their concentration camps and that they needed to delouse people and clothes through distinct but complementary procedures in order to save their lives.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
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Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: !!! Seven Dwarfs pulled from a gas chamber !!!

Postby Dugong_Terbang » 4 months 4 weeks ago (Tue Jan 10, 2023 11:55 pm)

I'd like to know from where did this claimed photo of Mengele's Twin experiment came from


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Re: !!! Seven Dwarfs pulled from a gas chamber !!!

Postby hermod » 4 months 3 weeks ago (Thu Jan 12, 2023 8:32 am)

Dugong_Terbang wrote:I'd like to know from where did this claimed photo of Mengele's Twin experiment came from


Most probably from an old medical book. Clearly the photo of Siamese twins. A blunder of Mother Nature, but not the result of a horrific experiment performed by a Nazi Mad Scientist or another. Honestly, believing otherwise is 100% retarded if I'm asked... :shock:
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: !!! Seven Dwarfs pulled from a gas chamber !!!

Postby Dugong_Terbang » 4 months 3 weeks ago (Mon Jan 16, 2023 4:43 am)

hermod wrote:
Dugong_Terbang wrote:I'd like to know from where did this claimed photo of Mengele's Twin experiment came from


Most probably from an old medical book. Clearly the photo of Siamese twins. A blunder of Mother Nature, but not the result of a horrific experiment performed by a Nazi Mad Scientist or another. Honestly, believing otherwise is 100% retarded if I'm asked... :shock:

when you search it with image reverse engineering like yandex, tin eyes, etc you will find that all of that images came from the narrated "Mengele twins" websites; doesn't make a sense Mengele done a bunch of already debunked experiments, my point is at that photo, where it originally came from, I'm looking for the source of that image that you'd said probably from an old medical book

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Re: !!! Seven Dwarfs pulled from a gas chamber !!!

Postby hermod » 4 months 3 weeks ago (Mon Jan 16, 2023 11:02 am)

Dugong_Terbang wrote:when you search it with image reverse engineering like yandex, tin eyes, etc you will find that all of that images came from the narrated "Mengele twins" websites; doesn't make a sense Mengele done a bunch of already debunked experiments, my point is at that photo, where it originally came from, I'm looking for the source of that image that you'd said probably from an old medical book

Many books were not digitized and never will. Not everything can be found on the internet. Believe it or not, but Google and Yandex are not omniscient and omnipotent. The internet is very young after all. There was life and human knowledge long before there was such a thing as an internet.

And a number of books even vanished without a trace and couldn't be found in a library. Paper is not eternal.

The real source of a picture or writing is not always traceable.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: !!! Seven Dwarfs pulled from a gas chamber !!!

Postby Ikerhoffman » 4 months 2 weeks ago (Thu Jan 19, 2023 2:27 am)

The Twins in this photo https://postimg.cc/Mcj3DGmz are Marsha and Dasha Krivoshlyapova. They were Russian Twins and were born in 1950 and died in 2003. I’ve seen articles claiming they were the result of a war time experiment by Mengele. Their full history can be found.

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Re: !!! Seven Dwarfs pulled from a gas chamber !!!

Postby hermod » 4 months 2 weeks ago (Sat Jan 21, 2023 9:39 pm)

Dugong_Terbang wrote:I'd like to know from where did this claimed photo of Mengele's Twin experiment came from


Ikerhoffman wrote:The Twins in this photo https://postimg.cc/Mcj3DGmz are Marsha and Dasha Krivoshlyapova. They were Russian Twins and were born in 1950 and died in 2003. I’ve seen articles claiming they were the result of a war time experiment by Mengele. Their full history can be found.

Thanks for the info, Ikerhoffman. And welcome to this forum. :)


Dr. Blake Baggett

What We Learned From The Sad Story of Masha And Dasha


In 1950, conjoined twins were born in Soviet Russia. Their mother was told they died shortly after delivery but were secretly taken to be studied and ultimately tortured by Soviet physiologist Pyotr Anokhin. The twins were named Masha and Dasha. They were conjoined at the waist at a 180-degree angle. Each had control of one arm and one leg and shared many of the same organs including the circulatory system. The most interesting finding, though, was that they did not share a nervous system. Masha and Dasha had separate and distinct spine and nervous system’s and therefore developed individual personalities and characteristics. Those that were close to the twins stated their personalities were polar opposites.

This uniqueness is what also led researchers and scientists to test and torture the twins. Researchers would poke and prod one twin to measure the reaction of the other twin. It didn’t stop there. One twin would be deprived of sleep or food, electrocuted, burned, or thrown into ice all to measure how much influence one twin had on the other twin. Luckily, the laboratory experiments stopped shortly after their childhood.

As depressing as it is to hear a sad story such as this, an important lesson was learned from all the experiments on Masha and Dasha. Since they each shared a circulatory system, it was assumed any germ flowing through their blood would cause them to both be sick. However, it was soon discovered that while one twin would contract the flu or measles it wouldn’t always infect the other twin. How was this possible? This was ground breaking because up until this point everyone thought the immune system functioned interdependently of the nervous system. Through these experiments, scientists learned the immune system was under direct control of the nervous system.

Chiropractic directly influences the function of the nervous system by identifying and correcting areas of nerve interference. Once these areas are corrected, anything under control of the nervous system (which is every aspect of the body) can see improvement. This even includes the immune system. We see people every week report of immune function improvement. Specifically, less colds/flu, reduced allergies, and even improvement in autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Is your immune system suffering because of problems with your nervous system? Give us a call for a complimentary nerve assessment to find out!

https://www.anchoredchiropractic.com/si ... haanddasha
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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