I recently listened to a lecture by some "historian" on YT, where he argues that Mein Kampf is proof enough that Hitler always wanted to do fight a genocidal war against the USSR, so that invasion was not a preemptive war. And he argued that all claims that he did not have the same mindset in 1941 as in 1923, because he never wrote a second book.
Again you can add context here and argue that Mein Kampf was written while he was a rebel rouser in some bavarian jail and a book was the best way to increase his outreach, while later he explained his views in more than enough speeches and interviews.
But there is an unreleased second book, allegedly written in 1928. Now I don't have enough of the history of it, but let's say my street wisdom tells me that it another piece of fake paper evidence. So allegedly never publshed, but "found" and released in 1962. Why so late?
And here is the story on Wikipedia, and again, if you believe that, never go buy a used car on your own.
"Gerhard Weinberg speculates that the Zweites Buch was not published in 1928 because Mein Kampf did not sell well at that time and Hitler's publisher, Franz-Eher-Verlag, would have told Hitler that a second book would hinder sales even more"
As a Harry Potter-hater, I wish somebody would have said that to JK Rowling. Come on, this is the dumbest excuse I have heard yet. Literally nobody would write a second book it that would make sense. There would still only be one Star Wars-movie if that would make any sense.
But they expect you to be even dumber:
"Zweites Buch was written after the Nazi party’s poor showing in the 1928 German elections, which Hitler believed was caused by the public’s misunderstanding of his ideas."
As in Mein Kampf, Hitler outlined [...] his Stufenplan. Briefly, the Stufenplan called for three stages. In the first stage, there would be a massive military build-up, the overthrow of the shackles of the Treaty of Versailles, and the forming of alliances with Fascist Italy and the British Empire. The second stage would be a series of fast, "lightning wars" in conjunction with Italy and the United Kingdom against France and whichever of her allies in Eastern Europe—such as Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania and Yugoslavia—chose to stand by her. The third stage would be a war to obliterate what Hitler considered to be the "Judeo-Bolshevik" regime in the Soviet Union."

Ok, the rest is just the typical world conquest-nonsense.
So what can you tell me about the history of this book?