Eric Hunt rolls over?

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Moderator » 6 years 3 months ago (Tue Feb 14, 2017 11:13 pm)

ChronoMachete wrote:Now we have a reason for why Eric changed sides: He believes some of his posts were censored on the forum. I don't know specifics, though.

Absolutely false. There are no specifics because no Eric Hunt posts were censored here. If he really said that, then he is lying.
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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby katana » 6 years 3 months ago (Tue Feb 14, 2017 11:44 pm)

Mod, this is where (in his blog's comment section) he claims to being "banned": ... -the-line/

"Questioner February 14, 2017 at 4:30 am - Reply
I’ve been banned from the CODOH forum. It’s an echo chamber. No open debate there. I was easily taking down their lame arguments and dopey new conspiracy theories about my secret motives. The moderator is also outright lying about many things. Now the moderator can make up lies about some secret Jew pulling my strings as he plays fuhrer in his echo chamber for entirely CLOSED debate with no resistance. Those in his cult can’t see my reasonable, logical responses anymore. The offer to debate stands, none of these “open debaters” have taken it yet. What is there to debate, though, with a bunch of delusional liars who literally invent in real time a shadowy fictional Jewish “godfather” giving me orders?"
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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Werd » 6 years 3 months ago (Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:05 am)

ChronoMachete wrote:Now we have a reason for why Eric changed sides: He believes some of his posts were censored on the forum. I don't know specifics, though.

Perhaps he would like to furnish some examples...?

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby hermod » 6 years 3 months ago (Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:19 am)

Moderator wrote:
ChronoMachete wrote:Now we have a reason for why Eric changed sides: He believes some of his posts were censored on the forum. I don't know specifics, though.

Absolutely false. There are no specifics because no Eric Hunt posts were censored here. If he really said that, then he is lying.

Yet I see "The requested user does not exist" when I click on EricHunt2017's name. Why? :?
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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Moderator » 6 years 3 months ago (Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:05 am)

hermod wrote:
Moderator wrote:
ChronoMachete wrote:Now we have a reason for why Eric changed sides: He believes some of his posts were censored on the forum. I don't know specifics, though.

Absolutely false. There are no specifics because no Eric Hunt posts were censored here. If he really said that, then he is lying.

Yet I see "The requested user does not exist" when I click on EricHunt2017's name. Why? :?

Because I correctly deactivated ' Eric Hunt2017 & Eric Hunt17', see:

'Note to Eric Hunt2017 & Eric Hunt17'
Per a registrant's inquiry:
If you really are Eric Hunt, you have another account, please use it to login.
If you are not Eric Hunt, then you are a fraud and cannot post here under his name.
Regards, M1
'Eric Hunt' is not deactivated, he can post at anytime.
Nothing by Eric Hunt has been censored, as I said.
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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Moderator » 6 years 3 months ago (Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:21 am)

katana wrote:Mod, this is where (in his blog's comment section) he claims to being "banned": ... -the-line/

"Questioner February 14, 2017 at 4:30 am - Reply
I’ve been banned from the CODOH forum. It’s an echo chamber. No open debate there. I was easily taking down their lame arguments and dopey new conspiracy theories about my secret motives. The moderator is also outright lying about many things. Now the moderator can make up lies about some secret Jew pulling my strings as he plays fuhrer in his echo chamber for entirely CLOSED debate with no resistance. Those in his cult can’t see my reasonable, logical responses anymore. The offer to debate stands, none of these “open debaters” have taken it yet. What is there to debate, though, with a bunch of delusional liars who literally invent in real time a shadowy fictional Jewish “godfather” giving me orders?"

Yet those very posts that he claims were deleted are in fact here to read under his fraudulent name Eric Hunt2017? :lol: After that I deactivated his fraudulent name. The posts remained. Simply check this thread to see.
He's lying because he's in fear.
Why doesn't he just post under 'Eric Hunt'? Hmm.
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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby katana » 6 years 3 months ago (Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:56 am)

Regarding the photograph of the 3 men holding the woman that the “New Eric Hunt” is highlighting as part of his conversion away from “denial”here is the original from the L'Album d'Auschwitz:

ALBUM AUSCHWITZ pic of 3 men and a woman.jpg
ALBUM AUSCHWITZ pic of 3 men and a woman.jpg (279.27 KiB) Viewed 4110 times

The caption in the image (click image to enlarge) reads in French:

“Trois hommes soutenant une femme âgée épuisée, qui semble avoir vu derrière-elle « le spectacle » des chambres à gaz.”

Using Google Translate we get:

“Three men supporting an exhausted elderly woman, who seems to have seen behind her the "show" of the gas chambers.”

Could someone check that the English translation is basically correct? If this is so, then, in other words, the men are merely supporting the woman who is distressed by seeing the “gas chambers” behind her, rather than forcing her into a "gas chamber".

Then we have Pressac’s interpretation, found here:

“Photo 14 [Photo 12 of “Album d'Auschwitz” by Serge Klarsfled]
During the extermination of the Hungarian Jews found unfit for work in May-June 1944, this is the only photo we have of some of them between Krematorien IV and V. This woman and the three men are about to enter the vestibule of Krematorium V. They have less than an hour still to live.

He goes on:

“... Krematorium V was still used, however, as shown by these four Jews directed towards the entrance to its vestibule. Their bodies were no doubt not to be cremated in the furnace, but in the open-air ditches dug parallel to the north wall and thus hidden from view by the building. A three meter high hedge was later erected to hide activities completely.

This very important photograph was “analyzed” (or “conjured away") by Robert Faurisson on pages 8 and 9 of a pamphlet of 17 pages dated 9th Decemher 1983 and entitled “Les Tricheries de l'Album d'Auschwitz” (The Tricks of the Auschwitz Album) distributed to the media following publication of the Album. The author will not repeat Faurisson's entire argument here, but the gist of it was: Pressac was half intoxicated — by his drugs — when he tried, floundering and in vain, to “pathose” (verb coined from “pathos") this photograph, which clearly has nothing tragic about it for it is obvious that the woman is tightly clasping the hand of the man on the right. Such reasoning on the part of a man still a university professor leaves one flabbergasted if not stunned.

His inability to prove that these four Hungarian Jews were anywhere else than at four or five meters from the entrance to the vestibule of Krematorium V does not embarrass him in the least. There is none so blind as he who will not see. As for the woman's attitude, it could simply be that she, with no illusions about what is to happen and having seen the SS photographer, suddenly turned away, saying in effect Ï don't want that [bastard of an] SS to photograph me!” Such a reaction would not be surprising, for some of the Jewish children, less polite and more spontaneous than their parents, instinctively feeling that the SS wished them no good, pulled faces at the photographers.”

Pressac’s interpretation is that the four of them are all going to be gassed! One unwilling woman and three willing men! Right!

Now we get to the “New Eric Hunt” interpretation:

“This is an elderly Jewish woman being forcibly restrained and forced into the entrance of Auschwitz-Birkenau’s Crematorium 5 to be gassed. The cameraman is steps in front of Auschwitz II – Birkenau’s Crematorium 5, the entrance is close to his back. Crematorium 4 is and a pathway is in the background. Various armed guards and a truck are visible. I put forward that an uncomfortable hidden truth of this photograph is that those manhandling the woman are apparently the “Sonderkommando” Jews. These were Jews forced to work in the process of gassing and cremating doomed Jews.”

He goes on:

“This woman may have heard the rumors, or otherwise realized she was going to be executed. She may have heard screams from inside the crematorium. She is being dragged towards a gas chamber in Crematorium 5 by three Jewish “sonderkommando” against her will and resisting with her might and last breaths. Look at those restraining her. They almost look like gangsters, don’t they? Look at their clothing, possibly assembled in accordance with sonderkommando testimony from the former dress of those rich Jews gassed beforehand. Judging from body language, the “Nosferatu” looking man on the left have tried to calm her with lies, such as “it’s just a shower” which lines up with sonderkommando testimony.”

Now to me, the most reasonable interpretation is Faurisson's. That the men are simply assisting or helping her. Also note the nonchalant manner in which the soldiers are walking in the background. Is that likely behavior when someone is being "dragged" to a “gas chamber”? I don’t think so. I have some queries about the photo itself, but maybe later.
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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Werd » 6 years 3 months ago (Wed Feb 15, 2017 2:05 am)

Moderator wrote:Yet those very posts that he claims were deleted are in fact here to read under his fraudulent name Eric Hunt2017? :lol: After that I deactivated his fraudulent name. The posts remained. Simply check this thread to see.
He's lying because he's in fear.
Why doesn't he just post under 'Eric Hunt'? Hmm.

He explains in the comments section on his website.
They banned my forum account Eric Hunt2017, I was defending myself in that thread you lie about me in, their poor forum software won’t return the password for the Eric Hunt account.

February 15, 2017 at 2:42 am

Please fix that problem so he can come back here.

I know we have a conspiracy theory on here with some people that someone is pretending to be Eric Hunt under Eric Hunt 17 or whatever, but let's at least give him the benefit of the doubt that it really was him doing the EH17.

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Werd » 6 years 3 months ago (Wed Feb 15, 2017 2:09 am)

More in the comments section.

kikl February 14, 2017 at 5:40 pm - Reply

“A video I came across after completing this section which explains this photograph in a similar manner.”

In my opinion, the video analysis is wrong. A road is seen behind the woman. This is the road that supposedly runs parallel between cremas 4 and 5. A second road branches off the parallel road and the back wheel of a car can be seen directly beside the woman. So the car must be standing to the right next to her. On the first picture – not the film – there is no road directly next to the entrance of crema 5 where the woman is supposed to be standing. However, the film appears to show a road that no longer exists. This road branched off from the parallel road and went directly to the entrance of crema 5. That’s what the film maker tells us. Thus, if she were standing in front of crema 5, then the branched off road with the car on it would not be to her right as can be seen on the photograph. Instead, the car should be behind her. The car should be between her and crema 5. Furthermore, she appears far too close to the bifurcation of the roads in order to be positioned right in front of crema 5.

Not that it really matters. A picture showing a woman held by three men cannot prove the existence of homicidal gas chambers. That should be clear to any fair minded person.

And another from kikl.
kikl February 14, 2017 at 5:52 pm - Reply

“Look at those restraining her. They almost look like gangsters, don’t they? Look at their clothing, possibly assembled in accordance with sonderkommando testimony from the former dress of those rich Jews gassed beforehand. Judging from body language, the “Nosferatu” looking man on the left have tried to calm her with lies, such as “it’s just a shower” which lines up with sonderkommando testimony.”

This description of the scene is so over the top that it’s almost comical. All of this is pure speculation of course. The terms “gangsters” and “Nosferatu” appear to indicate that the author of these lines is trying to make a joke.

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Werd » 6 years 3 months ago (Wed Feb 15, 2017 2:11 am)

hermod wrote:
Werd wrote:Could it also be they are trying to calm her down because she is hysterical and believes the crap about gas chambers and fake showers?

Or perhaps scenes of anguish and hysteria are just what can be expected when relatives, friends and neighbors are separated from each other. The genocidal extrapolation from this photo is a partial choice that is of course far from being the only possible explanation for such a scene (assuming it was real and happening at Birkenau as claimed).

yes, there are many other possible explanations. It's just that he feels since he has other apparent pieces of evidence that are stronger than the photo, such as zyklon b induction holes in the roofs of the crematoria, that said interpretation of the photo is correct.

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Dresden » 6 years 3 months ago (Wed Feb 15, 2017 2:38 am)

My opinion is that this is a picture of a woman who got caught stealing.

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Dresden » 6 years 3 months ago (Wed Feb 15, 2017 2:47 am)

Werd said:

"Please fix that problem so he can come back here"

The "problem is already fixed, as the Moderator said.

The real Eric Hunt can simply sign in with his regular account.

It's pretty obvious that the person/people commenting as Eric Hunt2017 and Eric Hunt17 are not the real Eric Hunt.
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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Review » 6 years 3 months ago (Wed Feb 15, 2017 4:04 am)

katana wrote:

Now we get to the “New Eric Hunt” interpretation:

“...... I put forward that an uncomfortable hidden truth of this photograph is that those manhandling the woman are apparently the “Sonderkommando” Jews. These were Jews forced to work in the process of gassing and cremating doomed Jews.”

So the "Sonderkommando" worked in clothing like that ? :shock: This is just ridiculous.

They look more like some kind of local camp "gangsters", like those eg. Josef Ginzburg told about:

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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby borjastick » 6 years 3 months ago (Wed Feb 15, 2017 4:23 am)

And I don't see the soldiers in the background bearing arms. Surely if this woman was being forced into the gas chamber complex she would be part of a larger group, and thus they would have armed guards behind them ensuring a swift entry to the facility. This is well shown and described in witness statements and in such Hollywood type films of the subject.
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Re: Eric Hunt rolls over?

Postby Rogal Dorn » 6 years 3 months ago (Wed Feb 15, 2017 6:02 am)

The biggest issue to consider however, is that no way in hell would this woman be gassed alone. So either

A) she is one of the last stragglers of a transport; all others from her group are already inside the building either disrobing and heading into the gas chamber OR all naked and waiting until she (the last one) also gets inside the gas chamber before Fritz can start dumping the zyklon through the windows.

B) She isnt going to be gassed, but rather shot and then cremated, given she is by herself.

If she is going to be shot, there has to be a guard with a pistol ready nearby, perhaps behind the cameraman.

In any case, who is the cameraman? Another nazi?

If photography was strictly prohibited in the Aktion Reinhard camps (and we have documents stating this), and even SS who made photos got into trouble for violating this, why on earth can guards go around taking photos IN THE VICINITY OF CREMATORIA IV AND V, where, we are told, the Sonderkommando photographs were all done clandestinely because this was a criminal offense???

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