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Re: Eric Hunt

Postby hermod » 4 months 2 weeks ago (Tue Jan 24, 2023 12:08 pm)

hermod wrote:Watch the video linked below (timecodes: 07:07-09:10 and 10:05-17:25).

There used to be a subtitled version of it, but it was deleted by (((censors))) afraid of any too blatant exposure of their lies. ... itz-low-14

Just found this...

Vincent Reynouard on Why The Germans Dynamited The Crematoria at Auschwitz

Can a Nazi make a square hole in a concrete roof? In this fascinating video, fearless French revisionist Vincent Reynouard shows us what a real hole looks like in a roof at Auschwitz, then demonstrates that the famous "Zyklon B introduction holes" of the Birkenau "gas chambers" are indeed nowhere to be found. No holes, no Holocaust. An excellent introduction to the history of—and the reality behind—the Soviet propaganda lie that is the story of the Auschwitz gas chambers. * Note: Reynouard mistakenly says "Morgue 2" ("morgue deux") for "Morgue 1" in a number of places in the video. However, the images of the collapsed "gas chamber" roof here are indeed all from Morgue 1, the "correct" building according to orthodox Holocaust history. As for "Morgue 2," it is the half-basement extension (in-line) of the crematorium building proper, allegedly used as an "undressing room" for gassing victims. Both rooms, naturally, were just what their names implied: morgues for keeping bodies cool prior to cremation in the crematory building above them, their size being dictated by the emergency conditions of epidemic typhus which led to construction of the crematoria in the first place.

(Subtitles on.)
I am often asked this question:
If the crematoria of Birkenau really were no more than simple crematories with their attached morgues
why did the Germans dynamite them before evacuating Auschwitz?
Good question.
To understand this question, it's necessary to go back six months earlier to July 1944.
On 17 July of that year, the Germans had evacuated their camp at Majdanek, near Lublin.
They left it for the most part intact, including its crematory ovens.
A week later, the Red Army entered the camp, capturing a number of Germans who were still there.
The Soviets quickly understood all the advantages they could extract from the situation.
They immediately labelled Majdanek an "extermination camp" and brought the local populace to show them the crematory ovens in particular.
This internal propaganda also served to galvanize Soviet troops and incite them to exact all sorts of "revenge."
On this sign which the Soviet authorities erected to address their soldiers
and which was discovered by the Germans during a counteroffensive
one could read: "Soldiers! Majdanek does not forgive. Avenge yourselves without mercy!"
Moreover, during these counteroffensives, the Germans found the bodies of numerous civilians who had been massacred
including those of completely innocent children.
THEY paid for Majdanek.
At the end of August 1944, the propaganda went international.
The kickoff came with the publication of a long report from a "Polish-Soviet Extraordinary Commission" which had investigated at Majdanek.
The authors affirmed that "That which was found by the Commission . . . leaves far behind, in its brutality and barbarity,
the monstrous crimes committed by the German-Fascist invaders already known to world public opinion."
In particular, this was a question of four crematory ovens which were capable of burning four bodies at a time in fifteen minutes
and which were in operation twenty-four hours a day
which would have made it possible to burn 1,920 bodies daily.
In short, a veritable inferno worthy of Dante.
The commission concluded that 1,380,000 people had been exterminated at Majdanek.
In November 1944, a memorial museum was established on the site in order to perpetuate the memory of this Nazi barbarity.
From 27 November to 2 December 1944, an expedited trial was held of the six Germans captured during the liberation of the camp.
All were condemned to death, except for the one who committed suicide in his cell,
and were publicly hanged the next day following the rejection of their pleas for mercy.
Film images of their execution were presented in cinemas all over, as for example here in the U.S.A.
There then appeared, in numerous languages, including French, a pamphlet by Konstantin Simonov about the camp.
In it, the Germans were depicted as pure sadists who spent their time torturing and killing.
Anything would do for them,
even an insignificant clothes press.
The S.S. monsters, Simonov assures us, would amuse themselves by crushing the arms of a prisoner between the two rollers
"up to the elbow or shoulder" as the case may be:
"The cries of the victim were the principal amusement of the S.S."
Naturally, all this was attested to by "irreproachable witnesses."
In the first edition of his brochure,
Konstantin Simonov revealed to the French public that at Majdanek [Jewish ex-Prime Minister of France] Leon Blum had died.
Wanting to share in the fate of his people, he had allowed himself to be deported and had wound up in this camp
where, without consideration of his age or his personal eminence,
the S.S. had used him to transport heavy materials.
This fact, the author assures us, had been "confirmed in all its details by two witnesses."
The only problem was that a few weeks after the publication of Simonov's pamphlet
Leon Blum returned, quite alive, from his deportation,
a deportation during which, happily for him, he had enjoyed favorable special treatment and had even been able to get married.
He had never been sent any further than the edges of the camp at Buchenwald [i.e., in Germany].
A second version of Konstantin Simonov's pamphlet was then published
with a new cover, and above all — a new page 7
from which the passage concerning the supposed death of Leon Blum at Majdanek had been discreetly removed.
The infernal clothes wringer, Leon Blum killed in the camp, etc., etc. . . .
Konstantin Simonov's pamphlet was consistent with the usual Soviet propaganda
— which is to say, shamelessly mendacious.
Today, at any rate, the air has gone out of the balloon:
the website of the Majdanek museum speaks of 80,000 people killed, which puts us a long, long way from the 1.38 million of the Soviet propaganda.
As for the site of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum,
it declares, "Within the framework of Operation Reinhard, Majdanek primarily served to concentrate Jews whom the Germans spared temporarily for forced labor."
Extermination actions thus would have been no more than secondary.
Wait a few more years and the truth about this camp will be entirely revealed.
For now, let me just remind you that, right to the bitter end, the last commandant of Majdanek insisted that he had never seen any gas chambers in the camp.
In any case, in 1944-45 Konstantin Simonov reprised and made official the rumor of the gas chambers.
He also showed the notorious crematory ovens.
The back of his pamphlet perfectly encapsulates the mechanism of this malicious propaganda.
We see some victims
the executioners
and right at the very top, the crematory ovens,
those infamous ovens that would become the symbol of the "death camp."
One thus understands why, upon evacuating Auschwitz in January 1945,
the Germans should have dismantled and then dynamited the crematoria with their morgues.
They knew what the Soviets were capable of in the matter of propaganda
and they didn't want to make the task easy for them.
Of course that didn't stop Soviet propaganda from claiming that the crematoria of Auschwitz had their gas chambers.
For the two principal crematoria,
this propaganda claimed that the gas chamber was semi-underground
and that the "crystals" of Zyklon-B would be poured down through four little chimneys opened in the reinforced-concrete roof.
These chimneys were supposed to have opened into four wire-mesh columns fixed to the ceiling and floor.
The propagandists could say whatever they wanted, even the most flagrant lies,
for at the time no one could go on site to investigate.
But today the lying character of this propaganda is plainly apparent.
To see why, it is first necessary to know that in the crematory halls of Crematoria 2 and 3
five rectangular ventilation holes had been made in the reinforced concrete roof.
We can see four here, the fifth being above the oven in the foreground on the left and thus just out of view.
Now that that's clear, let's head to the ruins of Crematorium 3.
In this little sequence we see the slab of concrete which constituted the roof of the crematory hall
and which now lies on the ground, having broken in two pieces along its length when it collapsed. [brisure=break, dalle=roof slab]
Here it is viewed from above.
One can clearly distinguish the place where it broke into two pieces along its length.
Here is the area of the fracture viewed from the side and from closer up.
Now let's climb up on the roof without getting seen by the guards — otherwise they might call us to order
something which happened to me once, lol.
Let's inspect the holes. Here's the first.
This is a crack.
More cracks: the roof is badly damaged, just as is the second hole . . . which despite everything remains visible.
Let's continue.
The roof is shattered, but look, the third hole is intact.
Now let's look at the fourth hole. Even though it's quite close to the break line, one can plainly recognize it.
Let's go on. We jump onto the other side of the crack and there we find the fifth hole, it too intact.
In sum, on this roof, collapsed and lying on the ground, the five holes are of original construction and perfectly visible
and recognizable with their smooth sides and right-angled corners.
Now let's go look at the ruins of Morgue 1* for Crematorium 2, that is, the one is supposed to have been a homicidal gas chamber
indeed supposedly the most murderous gas chamber in the Birkenau camp.
Note where we are at the end (stick figure).
Here is the slab of reinforced concrete that served as the roof, as it appears to us today.
It is broken in a thousand little places.
Let's shift to the left.
Here's the roof slab . . . and if one excepts the covered hole, which we will return to in a moment, no suspicious holes are visible.
Let's change our point of view.
Here's the slab, with the hole covered over with a metal plate. Elsewhere one sees nothing suspicious.
Let's open the trap door.
The hole appears. Note the edges. They are neither smooth nor set at right angles.
Compare that with the holes from the crematory hall which remain in the collapsed ceiling of Crematorium 3.
Remember: even the one which lies close to the fracture line in the roof slab is easily recognizable.
However, according to the official history, on the roofs of Crematoria 2 and 3
the Germans are supposed to have built SQUARE chimneys.
Thus, what one should see are holes resembling those visible in the crematory hall of Crematorium 3
with smooth edges and right-angled corners that remain to this day
and not this shapeless hole.
Let's change our observation point.
Here's the other side of the slab, collapsed and broken in two across the top of a pillar.
If one excepts the cracks, there is nothing to see.
This hole, caused by another pillar which pierced through the roof slab during its fall to the ground,
absolutely cannot be considered the remains of a gas-introduction chimney.
One sees here neither smooth sides nor right-angled corners.
Let's go along the other side to inspect the rest of the slab.
Once again, one can see nothing suspicious: no trace of clearly identifiable holes.
Sure, if you go up close, you can see multiple fissures, cracks and variously shaped holes
some of which perhaps could be considered vestiges of introduction chimneys for Zyklon B.
But once more, they are all too irregular to be recognized as such.
They are the result of the damage caused by the collapse of the roof.
Now, someone might reply that these holes [i.e., the chimney holes] were plugged
or that they don't appear on the exterior surface of the slab because it is too damaged.
But would it not be otherwise if one went to look beneath the slab?
For it goes without saying that the wire-mesh columns would have had to have been fixed to the ceiling.
Traces of the holes (even if plugged) and of the column fastenings thus should still be visible today.
It was precisely to verify just that point that, once more avoiding the guards, I slipped under the concrete slab.
I was thus able to film and take pictures beneath the roof.
Now in a Reynoscope™ exclusive, you are going to see the film that I took while walking about as best I could in this restricted space.
First remark:
the ceiling is made of reinforced concrete, and the traces of the boards that were used for formwork are quite visible.
It thus should be possible to find the slightest trace of discontinuity in the surface.
Here we are next to a crack. One sees no trace of anchor points for a hole with smooth sides and right angles.
Here I am by the central roof beam.
I continue onward between the roof and the support uprights.
The ceiling presents no sign of any suspicious discontinuities.
Here's some cracking caused by the fall of the concrete sheathing — the rebar is now visible.
I now make my way as best I can towards another large break.
Once again, no sign here of any regularly shaped holes or anchoring points.
I move around the obstacles to get a closer look.
Here's the crack that opens on the central roof beam.
Along its length, one detects nothing suspicious
not a single trace marking the presence of a vanished wire-mesh column.
the reinforced concrete roof still plainly shows the traces of the wooden formwork.
This configuration makes it possible to detect the slightest discontinuity, the slightest vestige,
as for example this indentation no doubt originally made to hold a piece of wood as the base for a light socket.
(I photographed my hand beside it so one can evaluate its size.)
In this ceiling, one sees plenty of cracks, more or less extended, more or less deep.
Certain parts of the roof are quite damaged, even broken apart, due to bending stresses caused by the dynamiting.
But no suspicious marks remain in these areas
and above all one detects no trace of a hole the sides of which present right angles.
And nothing, absolutely nothing reveals the presence of any sort of plugging.
No, nowhere does the ceiling reveal a suspicious discontinuity — absolutely none.
However, this surface has not suffered any erosion due to external weathering.
One can inspect it quite minutely.
And that's what I did. I went below it in order to discover if there was anything to see.
I returned empty-handed:
there was nothing there that would materially confirm the Soviet propaganda.
Now, one might say that I didn't look very hard, or that I only pretended to look.
Why not?
But I note one thing:
the "discovery" of the famous introduction holes in the roof of Morgue 1* of Crematorium 2 at Birkenau
by Keren, McCarthy and Mazal
was announced in the spring of 2004 in the British journal Holocaust and Genocide Studies.
The revised edition of the official book on Auschwitz published by the authorities of the Auschwitz Museum
dates from 2007, or fully three years later.
Its authors thus had available the time necessary to validate the results of the three researchers.
Yet, in the imposing bibliography which extends over more than three pages,
the study by Keren, McCarthy and Mazal is not cited,
their names do not appear even once.
After all, outside the crematorium, the camp authorities have left up the same diagram they've used for years,
a diagram which shows the four holes placed along the central roof beam.
In short, the camp authorities disdainfully ignore the study by Keren, McCarthy and Mazal,
a study which should, however, be of capital importance, for it would refute the main "shock argument" of the "deniers."
This deliberate will to ignore would appear incomprehensible, unless —
unless the authorities at the camp know that the conclusions of Keren, McCarthy and Mazal are worthless,
and unless they know that a serious archeological study would ruin the Soviet propaganda.
Naturally, if some people want to continue to see Zyklon B introduction holes
in the area where the three researches supposedly found them
they're free to do so.
And if others would invoke the poor condition of the roof slab to claim that nothing can be concluded from it one way or the other
they're free to do so as well.
I don't want to force anyone to agree with my conclusions.
But my conclusion is this:
in 1945, the Germans dynamited the crematoria at Birkenau
because they wanted to prevent the Soviets from orchestrating the same kind of lying propaganda as after the "liberation" of Majdanek.
This precaution nonetheless failed to prevent the propagandists in the pay of Stalin
from creating a story according to which at Birkenau the four crematoria were equipped with gas chambers.
But at Crematorium 2, their lies are apparent even today when one examines the roof of Morgue 1*
and compares it with the ceiling of the crematory hall of Crematorium 3.
There, the original holes are still perfectly visible.
At Auschwitz, the Soviets lied shamelessly — just as at Majdanek, and at Krasnodar and at Katyn.
One day we're all just going to have to recognize that.
Thank you.
(Subtitles by Kladderadatsch. Thanks for watching!)
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Eric Hunt

Postby Hektor » 4 months 2 weeks ago (Tue Jan 24, 2023 12:45 pm)

Otium wrote:
hermod wrote:
Otium wrote:
and after all, the holes are still there.

No, they are not. Or else the antirevisionist propagandist Robert Van Pelt wouldn't have postulated that those holes were invisibly filled in by the Nazis.

I didn't write this, Hunt wrote that.

But you're right, van Pelt admitted that there were no holes, but others seem to disagree. This is an incongruity in the mainstream narrative between mainstream "historians" who admit there weren't holes, and those who claim that there were holes and that they've been identified:

As I recall it, there are/were holes in the demolished ceilings of the morgues. But they look like they have been inserted afterwards. Possibly to gain access there for some reason. The holes aren't the only problem with the narrative. The whole procedure is riddled with problems. What got me in the beginning were the logistics and the bottleneck in this, which is the tiny lift the corpses would have to be transported through. The whole design is unpractical, which should raise red flags to any objective observer. But it doesn't when one wants to believe in the narrative. People do that once they are hooked on the Holocaust narrative.

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Re: Eric Hunt

Postby hermod » 4 months 2 weeks ago (Tue Jan 24, 2023 8:10 pm)

Waldgänger wrote:
As far as I know though, Germar and Mattogno have shown that the alleged "holes" in these photographs couldn't have been holes, due to their position and size. So really they must just be something else. Hunt cannot claim that these are definitvely "holes to the gas chamber" unless all the other evidence is considered regarding their alleged positioning and size.

Otium, even some mainstream narrative sites say quite openly that the kremas were designed as morgues, and that there was some primitive ventilation system (which would have included holes) to let out the noxious stench of decaying bodies that is normal in a conventional morgue. These mainstreamers go further, of course, insisting that the SS covertly converted the morgues into gassing cellars (despite lack of technical expertise and lack of professional engineers on site) using these pre-existing holes. I have never been bothered by the roof outlets for this reason.

According to the blueprints for those rooms, the ventilation holes of the morgues of Krema II and Krema III were in the walls, not in the ceilings/roofs.

"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Eric Hunt

Postby Waldgänger » 4 months 2 weeks ago (Tue Jan 24, 2023 10:14 pm)

Thank you hermod. But how could exhausted air leave these bunkers if they were partially underground? Especially the outtake seems simply to lead into the soil/earth. Morgue or Gas Chamber, I don't understand.

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Re: Eric Hunt

Postby hermod » 4 months 1 week ago (Thu Jan 26, 2023 11:11 am)

Waldgänger wrote:Thank you hermod. But how could exhausted air leave these bunkers if they were partially underground? Especially the outtake seems simply to lead into the soil/earth. Morgue or Gas Chamber, I don't understand.

The intake & exhaust ducts of the morgues led to the roof of the crematory part.

"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Eric Hunt

Postby hannef » 3 months 1 day ago (Thu Mar 09, 2023 4:23 pm)

The "where did the Jews go?" question is similar to the "Holocaust denier" branding.

"Holocaust denial" assumes that the Holocaust happened exactly as they describe it - because even if you state 5,999,999 Jews were killed you are technically a Holocaust denier

"Where did the Jews go?" dodges important questions and assumes several questionable points to be given facts:

1. all transport docs are accurate reflections of reality
2. all transport docs are not forgeries OR intentional German deception documents
3. the number of Jews in existence to be shipped East is an accurate reflection of reality
4. the transport docs in existence and available for research include all return and onward movements (I seriously doubt they do)

We don't need to provide a theory. They need to perform an excavation of Treblinka if they want us to be quiet. Even a non-invasive one.

After reading Hunt's statements, I believe he has reached that stage where he can't answer something he felt he would inevitably not be able to answer. Hence "end of the line."

Revisionism never ends. Certainly doesn't when no conclusive evidence has been provided. And Hunt hasn't shown any.

The woman by that building. It doesn't show anything. Why not just shoot her if she is being a hassle. Nobody is around. SHe is probably being taken to identify somebody murdered by a prisoner in prisoner infighting. Or somebody who died from typhus. Maybe her son. And she doesn't want to see him. Who knows.

The people in the forest. That is inside the grounds of Auschwitz-Birkenau, right? So...

Honestly I think Eric will eventually return.

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Re: Eric Hunt

Postby Hektor » 3 months 17 hours ago (Fri Mar 10, 2023 5:32 am)

hannef wrote:The "where did the Jews go?" question is similar to the "Holocaust denier" branding.

"Holocaust denial" assumes that the Holocaust happened exactly as they describe it - because even if you state 5,999,999 Jews were killed you are technically a Holocaust denier

It's indeed sophistry that is behind labelling opponents and employing fallacious arguments that have an appearance of logic and sound persuasive to the run of the mill person.

You probably won't get into trouble, if you say "only 5 million Jews were killed/gassed" etc. In fact neither the numbers, nor the methods, nor any evidences for that matter do matter for the Holocaust ploy. What matters is the mythical power the whole thing has within society. It's about feelings not facts. If you can manipulate people's feelings on a huge scale, you can use it for your own advantage. This is actually how most cults do work. The leadership and parts of their following manipulate the feelings of the followers in a way that they stick to the cult and comply with the demands of the leadership. Feelings of Guilt and Shame can be extremely powerful in this. And isn't that exactly what the Holocaust promotors do perpetually. Feeling pity for 'the poor Jews', outrage about 'tse eewill Nazis' and shock about the 'worst genocide in human history'.

The trouble begins, when someone challenges the Holocaust as a distortion of history started by Allied atrocity propaganda and perpetuated for political and financial goals. It's usually boiled down to "The Jews made up the Holocaust to get money from the Germans". The funny thing is now that especially Germans do nowadays object to that notion. I don't even think that they really object to the 'Antisemitism' in this. What angers them is the fact that this suggest that the 'German's have been duped for decades to make them pay money and allow others to humiliate them'.
stated reasons and actual causes can be two different things and motives, causalities are often a mixture of a larger number of factors.

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Re: Eric Hunt

Postby hannef » 3 months 15 hours ago (Fri Mar 10, 2023 7:23 am)

Hektor wrote:
hannef wrote:The "where did the Jews go?" question is similar to the "Holocaust denier" branding.

"Holocaust denial" assumes that the Holocaust happened exactly as they describe it - because even if you state 5,999,999 Jews were killed you are technically a Holocaust denier

It's indeed sophistry that is behind labelling opponents and employing fallacious arguments that have an appearance of logic and sound persuasive to the run of the mill person.

You probably won't get into trouble, if you say "only 5 million Jews were killed/gassed" etc. In fact neither the numbers, nor the methods, nor any evidences for that matter do matter for the Holocaust ploy. What matters is the mythical power the whole thing has within society. It's about feelings not facts. If you can manipulate people's feelings on a huge scale, you can use it for your own advantage. This is actually how most cults do work. The leadership and parts of their following manipulate the feelings of the followers in a way that they stick to the cult and comply with the demands of the leadership. Feelings of Guilt and Shame can be extremely powerful in this. And isn't that exactly what the Holocaust promotors do perpetually. Feeling pity for 'the poor Jews', outrage about 'tse eewill Nazis' and shock about the 'worst genocide in human history'.

The trouble begins, when someone challenges the Holocaust as a distortion of history started by Allied atrocity propaganda and perpetuated for political and financial goals. It's usually boiled down to "The Jews made up the Holocaust to get money from the Germans". The funny thing is now that especially Germans do nowadays object to that notion. I don't even think that they really object to the 'Antisemitism' in this. What angers them is the fact that this suggest that the 'German's have been duped for decades to make them pay money and allow others to humiliate them'.
stated reasons and actual causes can be two different things and motives, causalities are often a mixture of a larger number of factors.

I found this study - it gave me a better idea of what the Germans feel nowadays. Still the source is WJC, so take it with a pinch of salt.

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Re: Eric Hunt

Postby Zulu » 3 months 9 hours ago (Fri Mar 10, 2023 1:33 pm)

Otium wrote:But you're right, van Pelt admitted that there were no holes, but others seem to disagree. This is an incongruity in the mainstream narrative between mainstream "historians" who admit there weren't holes, and those who claim that there were holes and that they've been identified:

Concerning that question Vincent Reynouard made a video called "À la recherche des trous perdus" (Looking for lost holes) which I believe is the most comprehensive exposition on the subject. ... ous-perdus
In it, he mentions the visit of the roof of Krema II made in 1999 by Deborah Lipstadt and Van Pelt in order to find arguments for the trial against Irving which seems to have not been very conclusive,
Birkenau. Lipstadt, Van Pelt Holes 1999.jpg

It is also mentioned what Germar Rudolf asserted in his book "The Chemistery of Auschwitz" about the e-mail sent by Paul Barford an engineer whose colleagues are assisting in the conservation and restoration of the camp for the Auschwitz Museum administration. In it, Barford admits he founded no evidences of the holes despite "spending half an hour examining the collapsed roof of the underground gas chamber of the Crematorium II from different angles"
Birkenau. Lipstadt, Van Pelt Holes 1999.jpg

The historians who still "believe" these holes exist today it is because they give credibility to the bogus study of Keren, Mazal & Al whereas the Auschwitz Museum itself doesn't mention any of its "findings" in any of its official publications. Reynouard shows another official publication by a French historian which assume the "holes" are not visible despite the "work" of Keren & Al is mentioned in the bibliography.
I assume this study is BS for several reasons. One of them is shown in the VR video; a square hole built in a concrete roof still appears with a good definition (i.e. plane edges) after collapsing. Square holes built on the roof of the ovens' room in Krema II are perfectly visible after this part having collapsed by explosion. The authors pretend the the potato-id cracks they assume as being the "holes of introduction" have nothing in common with built square holes in a concrete roof.
I would assume that Keren & Al are either incompetent or dishonest.
    Incompetent because they didn't thought to complete their "findings" with other material proof like the traces of fixation of the alleged columns of introduction. It was possible because the roof and the floor of the "gas chamber" are accessible in large parts.

    Dishonest because if they eventually thought to investigate these traces, they don't mention nothing about it in their "work". Neither their research, nor their results which is NONE
Rudolf COA Paul Barford Holes.jpg

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Re: Eric Hunt

Postby Zulu » 3 months 9 hours ago (Fri Mar 10, 2023 1:57 pm)

Zulu wrote:
Otium wrote:But you're right, van Pelt admitted that there were no holes, but others seem to disagree. This is an incongruity in the mainstream narrative between mainstream "historians" who admit there weren't holes, and those who claim that there were holes and that they've been identified:

Concerning that question Vincent Reynouard made a video called "À la recherche des trous perdus" (Looking for lost holes) which I believe is the most comprehensive exposition on the subject and it is worth a subtitled version. ... ous-perdus
In it, he mentions the visit of the roof of Krema II made in 1999 by Deborah Lipstadt and Van Pelt in order to find arguments for the trial against Irving which seems to have not been very conclusive,
Birkenau. Lipstadt, Van Pelt Holes 1999.jpg

It is also mentioned what Germar Rudolf asserted in his book "The Chemistery of Auschwitz" the existence of an e-mail sent by Paul Barford, an engineer whose colleagues are assisting in the conservation and restoration of the camp for the Auschwitz Museum administration. In it, Barford admits he found no evidences of the holes despite "spending half an hour examining the collapsed roof of the underground gas chamber of the Crematorium II from different angles"
Rudolf COA Paul Barford Holes.jpg

The historians who still "believe" these holes exist today it is because they give credibility to the bogus study of Keren, Mazal & Al whereas the Auschwitz Museum itself doesn't mention any of their "findings" in any of its official publications. Reynouard shows another official publication by a French historian which assumes the "holes" are not visible despite the "work" of Keren & Al is mentioned in the bibliography.

I assume this study is BS for several reasons.

One of them is shown in the VR video; a square hole built in a concrete roof still appears with a good definition (i.e. plane edges) after collapsing. Square holes built on the roof of the ovens' room in Krema II are perfectly visible after this part having collapsed by explosion. The authors pretend the the potato-id cracks they assume as being the "holes of introduction" have nothing in common with built square holes in a concrete roof.

Another reason is that I would assume that Keren & Al are either incompetent or dishonest.
    - Incompetent because they didn't thought to complete their "findings" with other material proofs like the traces of fixation of the alleged columns of introduction. It was possible because the roof below and the floor of the "gas chamber" are accessible in large parts at KII.
    - Dishonest because if they eventually thought to investigate these traces, they don't mention nothing about it in their "work". Neither their research, nor their results which would have been NONE
Not very brilliant for a supposed "scientific study"

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Re: Eric Hunt

Postby Hektor » 2 months 4 weeks ago (Sat Mar 11, 2023 4:01 am)

hannef wrote:
Hektor wrote:
hannef wrote:The "where did the Jews go?" question is similar to the "Holocaust denier" branding.

"Holocaust denial" assumes that the Holocaust happened exactly as they describe it - because even if you state 5,999,999 Jews were killed you are technically a Holocaust denier

It's indeed sophistry that is behind labelling opponents and employing fallacious arguments that have an appearance of logic and sound persuasive to the run of the mill person.


I found this study - it gave me a better idea of what the Germans feel nowadays. Still the source is WJC, so take it with a pinch of salt.

Yes, I can see that. The results are probably what they did have in their papers though. There is however a selection bias and also an issue with how you are asking the questions.
One issue can be 'whom they are asking'. What do they define as Germans? Those that are from a Muslim background may for example hold far more vitriolic views about Jews. Simply because about the Palestine conflict. And then there is the issues that some people seem to think anything that is less than worshiping Jews as some kind of deities in the Flesh is somehow a sign of "Anti-Semitism".

The 'Holocaust Katharsis" will over time simply wear out. And I think one may have to consider that the German government persecuting "Holocaust Denial" may not only be to please "Jewish Organization", but because that if the Holocaust is a lie, then they have allowed themselves to be duped for decades. In other words: Holocaust Deniers are exposing post-WW2 foolishness of German elites. And that they can't allow. As with the COCID-Scam it has been shown that 'confidence in elites' is vital for those in power. If people loose trust in 'accomplished academics' than this will sooner or later have consequences for the political elites as well. What especially can't be allowed is people having alternative authorities or knowledge bearers. This was btw. the issue with the 'Inquisition' and 'religious conflicts'; in the Medieval era. The Church authorities weren't so concerned that people would not believe them too much, but they panicked, when they realized those people believe some alternative authority and teaching. The war against the Cathars, the wars against the Anabaptists, etc. are examples this. They didn't really care about people's private opinions of some small circle entertaining it. But when ideas spread or were taught by rather eloquent folks, they started to go after those promoting or professing a belief. Nowadays things would work differently. In the olden days it was word of mouth that spread ideas. And a speech by a person did actually have far more potential to have an impact, since it was a rare occasion (accept for listening to a sermon on Sunday of course). Nowadays information spreads via telecommunication, books, but still word of mouth may play an important role. The key thing is to have institutional control of mass distributing entities like media, social media platforms, but also universities and perhaps to a lesser extent "Churches". No pluralism allowed there. But at the same time a pretense of pluralism is vital. I think that's why they switched to 'diversity' as a term. It allows for having a concrete set of ideas, while pointing to e.g. the different colors of your staff.

From the publication:
"...Basic Holocaust knowledge is lacking, as a majority of German adults and over 7-in-10 Young People CANNOT correctly identify that 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust..."

Except for example drift. One reason the "knowledge about the Holocaust" is waning. can be that drift. Another reason can be that people grow a thick skin against the pervasive gas lighting. Simply because they are fed up with this. And notice that those pushing the gas lighting aren't exactly beacons of virtue themselves. So it goes in one ear and goes out the other. It is kind of like with the dogmata of a church. They say them on Sunday, but that's it. They don't have that much relevance in their thinking afterwards. And in the case of the Holocaust this is of course an issue for those having a vested interest in it. There is a risk of 'loosing grip' an people starting to follow other ideas afterwards.

As I pointed out already in other posts. Holocaustianity essentially replace small c Christianity as Cosmology in Western Society. The 'political morality' of people depends on this. When Holocaust belief fades away that 'political morality' will also loose its power. With old school Christianity the 'political morality' was about 'respecting the king' since he had that position of authority based on 'the grace of God'. The 'political morality' of the Holocaust is more complex and more transcendent as well. But what came to know as 'political correctness' does base on it. So did exalting the Jews beyond criticism and various other views now considered 'woke'.

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