Censorship by Free Speech White Nationalists at Counter-Currents

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Censorship by Free Speech White Nationalists at Counter-Currents

Postby Otium » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Sep 23, 2022 6:37 am)

I am dismayed to say the least. And quite disappointed by the so-called 'truth telling' community of 'dissident rightist' White nationalists who write article after article lambasting censorship and dissident views on Jews (which is not actually true it turns out) and then BAN anyone who questions the Holocaust.

In a recent article, so-called 'dissident' writer for the so-called 'dissident' website 'Counter-Currents.com' Spencer J. Quinn wrote The Beginners Guide to the Jewish Question, published on September 22, 2022.

I would recommend you read the article. I read, not even the first half, and felt the urge to respond, particularly to the following:

"How are white-Jewish relations today not normalized? If you ask Jonathan Greenblatt or any other spokesmen of diaspora Jewish interests, they would tell you that relations today are normalized. Diaspora Jews in America (or the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, France, Russia, or anywhere else you may find them) are, by and large, law-abiding, patriotic, and productive citizens whose interests perfectly meld with those of their host nations. The plethora of Jewish talent makes this an even sweeter deal for whites, who benefit tremendously from the dominant Jewish presence in a myriad of fields such as medicine, law, science, business, banking, music, and entertainment.

And there is some truth to this. Yes, it is tempting for many racially-aware whites to boil the Jewish Question down to a simple Manichean dichotomy in which manipulative and tribalistic Jews prey upon innocent and noble-minded whites for reasons ranging from material gain to sexual exploitation to world dominance. The pull of Occam’s Razor is very powerful, but one shouldn’t attempt to wield it with only half the truth. Many Jews do this when they assume that salt-of-the-earth whites are only one passion play away from picking up their pitchforks and initiating pogroms, or that racially-aware whites are only one Reichstag fire away from donning swastikas and setting up gas chambers. By the same token, whites resort to the same iffy logic when they presume that all Jewish doctors who prescribe the COVID vaccine are malicious actors in the Great Replacement or that every Jewish banker who forecloses on a white person’s home after a mortgage default is trying to eradicate the white middle class.

Yet while there are positives that diaspora Jews bring to their host nations, the Jonathan Greenblatts of the world will ignore or downplay the considerable negatives. They do this through a process of what I call “selective clustering.” When a Jew accomplishes something good or great, then his Jewishness is emphasized — as if to justify the Jewish presence in a traditionally white nation. But when a Jew does something bad or heinous, then his individuality is stressed, thereby deflecting blame from Jews as a whole. (Note that today’s Jewish elites apply selective clustering to whites as well — but conversely.) They also do this through a form of crypsis, by which they profess loyalty to their host nation when in reality they are most loyal to their own diaspora.

Such a state of affairs wouldn’t be so bad except for the glaring fact that Jews are extremely overrepresented in government and in all opinion-making fields — the mainstream media, Hollywood, journalism, and academia, mostly. They also weaponize their wealth to ensure that their interests are served, often at the expense of others."

Spencer J. Quinn, "The Beginners Guide to the Jewish Question", Counter-Currents, September 22, 2022.

To me, this just felt like a long-winded way of trying to balance Gentile/Jewish relations. And I felt that the Nationalsocialist lawyer, Dr. Hans Frank had a much simpler philosophy when it came to determining who should be in control of the society of a particular country. So I made the following comment (not verbatim, it was approved and subsequently deleted):

I think the Nationalsocialist lawyer, Hans Frank, who authored a 1600 page book on Nationalsocialist legal theory and practise provides a useful and much simpler rule of thumb for dealing with these things. He wrote:

    "Nationalsocialism considers the preservation of the life source of the nation, i.e. the promotion and safeguarding of the race as the intrinsic value of the people, to be one of the main tasks of the state. It assumes that all the creative power of a people and its ideological attitude depend on its blood composition. Through its legislation, the state must ensure that the race is safeguarded and kept pure and thus raise and maintain the German national identity.

    The Nationalsocialist state has acted according to this natural law and racial necessity. The clear realisation of these values by Nationalsocialism found its terrible starting point in the low level of the moral, ethical and spiritual conditions of the past state, brought about by the influence of foreign racial elements in all areas of life.

    Therefore, insofar as the state dealt with the elimination of these Jewish influences from public life through legislation, it was a measure necessary for the existence of the German people. This makes any debate with the rest of the world about this measure, its necessity, expediency, justification and effect superfluous. I would like to emphasise once again at this point that it is a question of safeguarding and maintaining the strength of the German people - and that is what we Germans have to do. It is just an impossibility that a Jew can set and apply German law, whereby the logical truth that the Jew is not German cannot be ignored. It was not out of hatred for any other race that the racial protection legislation came into being, but out of love for our own people!"

Hans Frank, Nationalsozialistisches Handbuch für Recht und Gesetzgebung (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP, 1935), pp. 8-9.

This comment was initially approved. Once it was removed, I commented the following (which was not approved for reasons I will explain after):

And what was wrong with my first comment quoting Hans Frank? Did you not agree with his 'anti-semitism'!? You're a very principled anti-fascist Greg, I'm sure your enemies will applaud you. . .

(I do not expect you to approve these comments)

I had gone on to see another comment, which criticized Quinn's glorification of David Cole. The comment is as follows:

Charlie Moran
September 22, 2022 at 9:40 pm

It’s unfortunate that so much time and reading is dedicated to these issues, but the you ultimately defer to a Jew in your assessment of the Holocaust. Why not dedicate serious time to studying this issue, like reading Revisionist literature, rather than deferring to Cole?

Cole has the most heterodox position of anyone: that the Holocaust did not happen in Auschwitz but it happened in the so-called “Reinhardt camps.” Cole may be satisfied staking his position in a way that almost nobody else holds, but you would do well to study the issue rather than trust what Cole has to say about the topic.

Let’s say the Revisionists are correct (which they are). Imagine the damage you would be doing by basically endorsing the Holocaust story with your appeal to Cole. You have greater responsibility to understand this issue because of the credibility you have on these matters. If you ultimately defer to an opportunistic Jew on the question, you have not learned enough from all those other books you have cited in this article. David Cole is wrong.

This is an important question. It’s the sacred foundational myth that orients the post-war moral landscape and the position of Jews within it. If you are wrong on this issue, which I can say you are, then you are leading people in the wrong direction and seriously undermining your own project with false conclusions.

Charlie Moran Comment.PNG

To which, the editor-in-chief of Counter-Currents, the well-known White Nationalist, Greg Johnson, replied back rather strangely:

Greg Johnson
September 23, 2022 at 2:21 am

David Irving and Mark Weber basically arrived at the same conclusion that Cole did.

Greg 2.PNG

After seeing this, it didn't sit right with me at all. For a dissident to simply defer to two others, and not address (or even consider) what the original commenter had said at all was, frankly, infuriating. Because, who cares what Irving, Weber think? Why should anyone, especially a dissident (who surely knows better) merely trust the opinion of two people on the basis that they 'came to the same conclusion'? Greg Johnson is not an idiot, he would know who Germar Rudolf and Carlo Mattogno are, he would know that their views which largely affirm the Holocaust narrative are not exactly uncontroversial in dissident spheres. So why this avid, quick, and simple defence? Especially for someone who writes article, and allows articles, criticizing Jewish power to be published? There is obviously a rather speculative, and unsavoury answer to this question. I'm sure I don't need to tell anyone what it is.

Anyway, my response was as follows (I do not have the name and time stamp, due to the comment being removed, I had copied it just before posting):

Also, I have to say. 

At least Cole and Weber have not gone trudging through the archives for documents. Their 'conclusions' are were not come to by reason and research, the same way all these professors of Anti-White history do not suddenly come to the convenient conclusion that all Whites are evil on the basis of documentary evidence. 

It's true that David Irving's handling of primary source material is unparalleled, but he is NOT a Holocaust scholar. I have observed his archival files at the Institut für Zeitgeschichte in Munich, and can tell you that he does not have immense files dedicated to the Holocaust. 

The people who have dealt extensively with archival material, are those like Carlo Mattogno, who is even credited by mainstream Holocaust scholars as being prolific in his discovery of primary source material gone completely unnoticed and unused by the mainstream. Though they detest his use of these sources.

In their 1400 page tome refuting the liars at the Holocaust-Controversies blog (entitled The "Extermination Camps" of "Aktion Reinhardt": An Analysis and Refutation of the Factitious "Evidence," Deceptions and Flawed Argumentation of the "Holocaust Controversies" Bloggers, see a review here) Mattogno, Thomas Kues, and Jurgen Graf did extensive archival research refuting the lies about these allegedly 'true' aspects of the 'Holocaust' which Weber, Irving, and Cole all believe in. Yet of course, this has never been addressed, either by the Bloggers or by the aforementioned so-called 'revisionists'. Because they're HACKS. 

The funny thing about this too, is that David Irving, to this day, hosts the 'Blogger's anti-white and unscholarly book which was refuted by the revisionists on his website!

And two years ago, David Cole, the duplicitous Jew, made a few YouTube videos in which he made fun of revisionists, called them 'deniers' and 'conspiracy theorists' (funny how that happens?). A quote from one of his videos should display his crude and dishonest character:

    "Something began to happen around 1994 and 1995. As David Irving and I began to have a much more nuanced view of things, some of the hard core deniers, predominantly Robert Faurisson, a complete crank, from France who really did not contribute terribly to revisionism. He did a few things, but he was limited by being kind of dumb. [...] Faurisson began to see that the smart ones in the circle, me and Irving and eventually Weber, the three smartest guys in the circle were moving in a different direction; and Faurisson was like (Cole doing a French accent, mocking Faurisson) "no, Faurisson will be lost to history, my legacy will be lost". And he began putting pressure on people like Bradley Smith and some of the other, less well healed revisionists, the ones who needed donations and money. Faurisson began putting pressure on them to just stop publishing new stuff (mocking again), "the debate ends with Faurisson, no holes no Holocaust". And that was Faurisson's big thing, "no holes no Holocaust", it's a stupid thing, doesn't even have anything to do with Porn. It's about the roofs of Auschwitz, holes in the roofs, and it's dumb. The "no holes no Holocaust" thing, Faurisson thought that "okay that ends the debate now", and there "should be no debate now" after Faurisson, nothing more."
- Timecode: 14:53 - 18:00

He displayed how he was no different from any of the mainstream anti-white political "historians". He was rebutted on the revisionist CODOH forum. The result of which was Cole responding, quite loosely, but nonetheless directly to the forum with further insults and of course, no real defence of his defenceless position on history, which he clearly hopes (as does Weber and Irving) will keep them in someone's good graces. Lord knows who.

In a previous comment before the above, I had pointed out how Mark Weber benefited immensely from the downfall of the IHR, pocketing millions, and presiding over the destruction of revisionism. I referred to the article by Germar Rudolf entitled 'IHR: From Flagship to Millstone'. I also informed him of how, under Mark Weber's watch, the IHR was infiltrated by (probably) Jewish, or at the very least leftist 'anti-fascists' who saw the last remaining manuscripts of Leon Degrelle's final works, his planned monumental 14 volume biography of Adolf Hitler, either lost or destroyed. Of course, being a shill for the likes of Mark Weber, David Cole, and David Irving, Greg Johnson couldn't care less about these egregious actions, these blatant betrayals of historical truth, and dissident organizations/efforts.

I also briefly mentioned how David Irving took credit and bullied the historian Joseph Bellinger, who was the man to discover the evidence for Himmler's murder at the hands of the British. Whose book, 'Himmlers Tod', is still not translated into English, and is also truncated.

WHY is Greg Johnson and those who write for him, lauding such men as heroes? As dissidents? As fighters? When these men have monumentally, and pardon my French, COMPLETELY FUCKED OVER, real, honest, and truth seeking dissidents? It can only be fear, fear to commit wholly to the truth. Or, at worst and most conspiratorially, it's because they're not who they claim to be.

In response to my comments, Greg Johnson lavished me with a reply, informing me that I am now banned from commenting on Counter-Currents, because, I guess, I had the gall to question him and provide sources. . . . So much for that belief in 'coming to conclusions', presumably via evidence. He wrote:

Greg Johnson
September 23, 2022 at 3:14 am

This is the second name you have used on this thread. I am banning you from further comments. I am also deleting other attempts by revisionists who wish to hijack this thread. Save your efforts for other corners of the web.

Greg 1.PNG

'Hijacking'! Can you believe it? I wonder, does Greg stand by while dissidents are persecuted by the political establishment in the West? And does he agree with them when they claim that 'far right extremists' are seeking to 'hijack political discourse'? No, he doesn't. Absolutely not. He would, as would his writers, speak out vehemently against this. But clearly he agrees with this tactic of censorship in principle so-long as he can use it to bludgeon Holocaust revisionists. Obviously this rather nullifies his criticism of the political establishment if he's going to use the same flimsy and despicable justifications they do in order to silence, and ignore people who disagree with them and provide inconvenient challenges to their own narrative.

His response is disgustingly hypocritical. Pure and simple. My reply, which I knew would not be approved, was as follows:

So. You're banning me, because I disagree with you Greg? I have been following your site for 6 years, and agreed with much of what has been written, not only on political topics, but about integrity - which the enemies of White people don't have. But really, you're just the same as them, you equally lack integrity, and would rather join the ranks of the censurers' you claim to despise.

I mean, seriously? Using 'revisionist' as an epithet? I thought you valued truth? I thought reasoned conclusions could be come to on any topic no matter how controversial? Clearly this is not so.

I wonder, what was your response to the Norwegian government when they arrested you and threw you out and told you to 'save your efforts for other corners of the world'? I doubt you just sat there and took it. In-fact, I know you didn't because I agreed with how appalled you were about this incident. Yet now, after your hypocritical tirade against revisionism, you're really not any different from the Norwegian government, or any other body which represents censorship of dissident ideas. Who are you to rage against them? Hell, who are you or any of your writers, to criticize Jews? You do not uphold the morality expressed in this above article. So what does that make you? A hypocrite. And a lair. Truth and reason are NOT your bread and butter. 

I think that's what pisses me off the most. Is this high and mighty attitude you display and the simpleton leftists who ban dissidents from discourse, and then call them names, who refuse to engage with anything outside their pre-approved ideology. Yet here you are doing the exact same thing. It's sickening.

What more need be said? I am noticing more and more that the sphere of so-called 'dissident rightists' is filling to the brim with liars, hypocrites, and over-all political grifters. Even among those whom, until now, I had thought retained some integrity and value of the truth. Apparently not.

It all just goes to show, that even among the most hated people in society, the people who advocate for White identity and criticize Jews to some extent, there is a line that they will not cross - and that is Holocaust revisionism.

I felt that I should record this incident to blow off some steam. It's unfortunate to me that this post will probably not be seen outside of the forum, and people will keep supporting these charlatans. It's just very sad in general. I actually respected Counter-Currents, and I respected Greg Johnson and enjoyed much of the content put out by them. But after this, it will never be the same for me. I will never be able to click on one of their articles, see their books, or so much as acknowledge their names without getting this angry, sick feeling in my stomach. And it will be worse when people applaud them for their so-called commitment to telling the 'truth', when in reality they openly oppose, not just the truth, but perhaps more importantly, other people who are also dissidents cut from the same cloth as them. People who agree with them.

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Re: Censorship by Free Speech White Nationalists at Counter-Currents

Postby hermod » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:58 am)

The 'semi-revisionist' scholars (Mark Weber, David Irving and David Cole) are as legitimate as spokesmen for Holocaust revisionism as the people who had a telescope in their bedroom when they were kids are legitimate as spokesmen for the NASA. Their views are not "more nuanced " that the views of the revisionist scholars as claimed. Their views are coward (i.e. just show who actually rule over the West), groundless (i.e. not based on any palpable solid evidence), and nonsensical (i.e. fail to explain why the same 'proofs' didn't prove the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz and Dachau but did prove the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Treblinka and Sobibor). Claiming that Weber, Irving and Cole are Holocaust revisionism and that their latest stand on the Holocaust is the official position of Holocaust revisionists in general, is a big straw man fallacy.


https://codoh.com/library/series/mark-w ... hirker/en/

https://codoh.com/library/document/davi ... -camps/en/
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Censorship by Free Speech White Nationalists at Counter-Currents

Postby Lamprecht » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Sep 23, 2022 9:02 am)

Greg Johnson, who runs counter currents, wrote this article 10 years ago:

Dealing with the Holocaust
https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2 ... holocaust/ | https://archive.ph/PmopY

He says:
Just so we are clear: I believe that Holocaust revisionism is a legitimate field of historical research, because all forms of historical revisionism are legitimate, due to the necessarily partial, finite, and therefore revisable nature of historiography. I believe that all laws that penalize Holocaust revisionism should be scrapped as anti-intellectual, quasi-religious obscurantism. I believe that all revisionists should be released from jail. I have met many leading revisionists, and with only a couple of exceptions, I think they are honest and honorable people. I wish them well in their endeavors.
I am not arguing that we should avoid Holocaust revisionism because it will garner bad press. I don’t worry about such things, because we will always have bad press—until we control the press.
I simply wish to argue that Holocaust revisionism is not a necessary component of our intellectual project. We don’t need it. Which is not the same thing as saying that it is a hindrance, or that it cannot help under any circumstances, although I will argue that it is often a distraction.

Personally speaking, since becoming involved with the White Nationalist scene, I have never been all that interested in Holocaust revisionism, simply because my main concern is with the genocide being committed against our own people today, not the real or imagined crimes committed by our people in the past. And the Holocaust strikes me as having little to do with the deep causes of our racial plight and even less to do with the solutions.

It seems to me that he isn't really all that interested in the subject. He doesn't think it's important to promoting White Nationalism, and he isn't alone here. Isn't that what Weber and Hunt basically said?
Johnson is American, so the so-called "Holocaust" shouldn't even be relevant to our history. Even if we accept all of the lies, the Americans didn't do anything to cause it and if anything helped to end it, and then helped the Jews get reparations and secure the state of Israel.
Wikipedia still labels him a "Holocaust denier" although only in the categories at the bottom. He also quite obviously hasn't read much about the subject. Take this 2017 article for example (note: I'm only copy-pasting the plain text, check the article for the embedded links).

My conversation with Andrew Anglin
https://counter-currents.com/2017/08/my ... ew-anglin/ | https://archive.ph/xESIj
Our main disagreement was about the Third Reich and the Holocaust. Andrew insists that since our enemies stigmatize all racial nationalists as Nazis, we must combat this by rehabilitating the Third Reich, including denying the Holocaust. My response is that we should simply focus on the injustice, absurdity, and neuroticism of the charge that all forms of racial nationalism, and nationalism in general — and, really, everything that the Left hates — is “Nazi.”

Andrew’s position on the Holocaust boils down to: It never happened, but it should have. This is completely indefensible.

First, it is factually indefensible. No honest revisionist claims that the Holocaust never happened. (Robert Faurisson does claim this, but only by insisting on a particular definition. His argument is too clever by half and cannot be taken seriously.) Even if one grants every serious revisionist argument, what remains is Holocaust enough for most people. Andrew claimed that his approach to the Holocaust was to offer mockery, not arguments. When I countered that revisionism is a rather intellectually demanding body of literature, he made it clear that he simply does not care if his positions are intellectually defensible. Unfortunately, intelligent and thoughtful people do care about things like that, and we want to attract them to our movement, not repulse them.

Second, I would love to see Andrew venture a moral defense of his position. Given the Jewish establishment’s enormous investment in stigmatizing National Socialism and the Holocaust as the ultimate evil, it strikes me as a blunder for white advocates to take such positions. That’s what the Jews want us to do. The Jews have cast racially-conscious whites into a pit of moral obloquy, which Andrew is simply deepening. But when you are in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging. White Nationalists actually occupy the moral high ground, and we need to act like it.

My position on the Holocaust is explained in two articles:
- “Dealing with the Holocaust” (first published at The Occidental Observer. The OO comment thread can be accessed here.)
- “Why the Holocaust Happened, and Why It Won’t Happen Again” (which I mistakenly referred to as “The Lesson of the Holocaust”)

Basically, I argue that trotting out the Holocaust — and sometimes the specter of “another Holocaust” — to stigmatize every expression of white racial consciousness and self-assertion is a moral fraud.

First, the lesson of the Holocaust is not that the planet must submit to Jewish emotional blackmail until the sun burns out, lest we sin again. The lesson is that stateless peoples living in multicultural societies are vulnerable to genocide when the tensions caused by diversity explode into violence.

Second, Jews are no longer in danger of “another Holocaust” because they have their own ethnostate with a huge arsenal of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.

Third, while Jews are in no danger of “another Holocaust,” white genocide — by means of low fertility, miscegenation, and race-replacement immigration — is real, and it will lead to white extinction unless we turn these trends around by embracing White Nationalism and creating homogeneous homelands for all white peoples.

It is a moral absurdity for Jews, who are in no danger of another genocide, to morally blackmail a people that is facing genocide into doing nothing to resist it. In effect, they claim that because the Holocaust happened, the white race must die, which is a transparently bad argument that springs from an ugly spirit of vengefulness. It is, moreover, a moral obscenity when one comes to realize the role that Jewish influence played in setting white nations on the path to extinction in the first place.

Jews are manipulating our sympathy for a select set of innocent victims as a weapon of political and demographic warfare against whites. We have to make our people immune to this manipulation. Why the selective focus on Jewish suffering? Why do most Americans have a ready answer to the question “How many Jews died in the Holocaust?” but have no idea how many Americans died in World War II? Why are we bombarded with the fake moral imperative that whites must never unite to protect our ethnic interests again because of the Holocaust? Why are all whites now stigmatized as perpetrators — or enablers, or potential perpetrators — of the Holocaust, even the nations that fought against the Third Reich? The way to stop the weaponization of the Holocaust against whites is to expose this sinister moral swindle, not to fiddle with the numbers — which at their largest have never approached the crimes of Communism, and which at their smallest will never reach zero anyway.

At one point, Andrew claims that the Holocaust is the foundation of the whole white-guilt complex, although he immediately backs away from that claim by mentioning that slavery and colonialism are put to the same use. In truth, the Holocaust is not the foundation of Jewish power, as Mark Weber has pointed out. Jews were powerful long before the Holocaust. Powerful enough, for instance, to deliver the United States into two World Wars. The Holocaust has been weaponized against whites because of pre-existing Jewish power in the media, academia, business, and politics. And if the revisionists really had a magic bullet that would destroy the Holocaust as a historical event, the Jewish establishment would smoothly and shamelessly pivot to accusing the Allied governments of perpetrating a huge crime against the Jewish people, for if the Holocaust really is a big lie, then countless families were never reunited because they simply assumed all their relatives were dead. And slavery and colonialism would be promoted to the chief tools of raising white guilt and lowering white resistance to genocide. The holocaust is just one tool of Jewish power, not the cornerstone. It is not the matador, just one of his capes that revisionists foolishly keep charging, thinking it is the man himself.

One final point: I agree with Andrew that it is important to use mockery to counter the weaponization of the Holocaust. But we have to be very careful in choosing our targets. We need to mock the lies, the sanctimony, the selective moral outrage, the implicit Jewish supremacism (only Jewish victims matter), and the cynical political opportunism connected with the Holocaust. But we have to remember that the lies were told by the survivors and Allies, not the dead, most of whom died simply because they were Jews. If our goal is to immunize our people from being emotionally exploited by Holocaust propaganda, we need to raise their moral indignation against the enemy, not against ourselves. So it is self-defeating to mock the victims.

He claims revisionism is an "intellectually demanding body" of content. That is true. There are books spanning hundreds of pages written about singular individuals, events, places, or specific camp functions. The average person simply can't be expected to spend time reading such work, and he probably hasn't done it himself.

He also claims that no honest revisionist says that "it didn't happen" which is untrue. I mean it's kind of ridiculous for him to claim Weber, Irving, and Cole are more honest or serious revisionists than Faurisson. To justify this, he gets into the common semantic argument which claims that Jews being rounded up and put into camps where they perished of disease/starvation is still a "Holocaust." (I discuss that here: viewtopic.php?t=12923)

It's similar to the "Well even if it's less than 1 million that's still too many" etc. I've encountered this a lot and I don't agree, simply because the entire basis of the narrative is that the NSDAP decided to exterminate all of the Jews in their "Final Solution" and set up camps for this exact purpose, equipped with homicidal gas chambers. Actually, if there was no plan to kill them all and instead the deaths were almost all from starvation, disease, death on the battlefield and reprisals, then that means the "Holocaust" as alleged simply did not happen. At best, you can call the entirety of the war in Europe "The Holocaust" but in that case only a small fraction of the deaths would have been of Jews.

He is correct to point out that the only response to a White Nationalist when asked "But what about the Holocaust?" isn't "it didn't happen." He correctly states that you can instead explain that this time/place in history is another example of the failure of multiculturalism/diversity, one which ultimately ending up costing many lives. A thread on that subject:

Lessons of the Holocaust: Diversity + Proximity = War?

Like I said, he lives in the USA. He doesn't think refuting the Holocaust narrative is practical for what he wants to happen. I also don't think he has spent much time reading about the subject. Possibly for optics reasons, he wants to distance himself from the NSDAP, and one way of doing that is to not try and dispute allegations against them, which will sometimes be misconstrued as "defending" or morally justifying the alleged actions, something I've personally encountered more than once.

However I think removing replies to that article about the "Holocaust" and Revisionism is kind of nonsensical. I don't see how it's "Hijacking" at all, given that the article brings it up and discusses it over the span of multiple paragraphs. It's completely on-topic. The author of the article even wrote:
"I wasn’t there, so I don’t know exactly what happened"

That looks to me like an invitation to discuss what happened.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Censorship by Free Speech White Nationalists at Counter-Currents

Postby Lamprecht » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Sep 23, 2022 9:21 am)

Let's not forget that Irving decided he was a believer after he lost a libel suit and then was violently assaulted by police in Austria and thrown into prison.
Cole had death threats made against him by a Jewish terrorist group called the JDL.
Weber it seems kind of just gave up on the whole thing, ostensibly because it wasn't beneficial for White Nationalism, although money might also be involved.
Rudolf discusses Weber [as well as Cole and Irving] in this interview with Rizoli:

Jim Rizoli – Germar Rudolf – The Holocaust Handbooks and More – Jul 28, 2021 — Transcript
https://katana17.com/2021/08/02/jim-riz ... ranscript/ | https://archive.ph/5v5MY

hermod wrote:The 'semi-revisionist' scholars (Mark Weber, David Irving and David Cole) are as legitimate as spokesmen for Holocaust revisionism as the people who had a telescope in their bedroom when they were kids are legitimate as spokesmen for the NASA. Their views are not "more nuanced " that the views of the revisionist scholars as claimed. Their views are coward (i.e. just show who actually rule over the West), groundless (i.e. not based on any palpable solid evidence), and nonsensical (i.e. fail to explain why the same 'proofs' didn't prove the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz and Dachau but did prove the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Treblinka and Sobibor). Claiming that Weber, Irving and Cole are Holocaust revisionism and that their latest stand on the Holocaust is the official position of Holocaust revisionists in general, is a big straw man fallacy.


https://codoh.com/library/series/mark-w ... hirker/en/

https://codoh.com/library/document/davi ... -camps/en/
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Censorship by Free Speech White Nationalists at Counter-Currents

Postby hermod » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Sep 23, 2022 10:43 am)

Lamprecht wrote:Let's not forget that Irving decided he was a believer after he lost a libel suit and then was violently assaulted by police in Austria and thrown into prison.
Cole had death threats made against him by a Jewish terrorist group called the JDL.
Weber it seems kind of just gave up on the whole thing, ostensibly because it wasn't beneficial for White Nationalism, although money might also be involved.

According to what he wrote about that, Weber dropped Holocaust revisionism when he understood that it was useless to defeat Zionist influence in America. And I don't think that the death threats of the JDL explain the position of the old Cole. The young Cole was a sincere Holocaust revisionist who went into hiding because of death threats. He was an idealist who believed that truth mattered. But idealism is a 'disease' of young people. The old Cole is no longer an idealist. And he's no longer a Holocaust revisionist. He's an anti-revisionist Jew posturing as a 'semi-revisionist' in order to be able to hurt Holocaust revisionism from inside the movement. He's much more valuable as an anti-revisionist asset when he's posturing as an alleged insider telling alleged dirty secrets about his alleged revisionist colleagues and speaking for the movement as he did. IMO, the old Cole is just a cynical alcoholic Jew with pro-Zionist feelings and no idealism left. Damaging the revisionist movement as much as possible is his new job. He's a turncoat working for big money and Jewish supremacism.

And I also know that David Irving was persecuted and assaulted. But his current stand on the Reinhardt camps is almost as convincing as Galileo Galilei's notorious anti-heliocentric recantation. :roll:
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925


Re: Censorship by Free Speech White Nationalists at Counter-Currents

Postby Otium » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Sep 23, 2022 11:11 am)

Lamprecht wrote:It seems to me that he isn't really all that interested in the subject. He doesn't think it's important to promoting White Nationalism, and he isn't alone here. Isn't that what Weber and Hunt basically said?

That may also be true. Still. I would say that even if one knows nothing about it, promoting, or worse, putting on a pedestal people like Cole, Weber and Irving by way of deference is not harmless. If Greg, and his policy at CC is to avoid discussion of the Holocaust because they think it's not a 'good tactic', then that's fine. But, if it does come up - as it inevitably will - then not at least briefly mentioning real revisionists if they do actually 'believe' revisionism, is still the correct way to behave. To nudge those interested in that direction, or to simply admit that they know too little about it to comment, but perhaps there's reason to believe that mainstream historiography is not airtight (ironically).

That this seems to be what happened here, is what concerns me. Not their disinterest in the Holocaust generally. Even for me, it isn't a main focus of my research, but I wouldn't then go and tell people to, what? Watch David Cole videos? Scan sections of David Irving's books for what little he's written on the Holocaust? And link to decades old articles, or modern interviews with the dubious Mark Weber.

And it very well could be true that Greg didn't want to host a giant comment section about the Holocaust (why? As you said the article mentioned it, and it would hardly make a difference to the enemies of White Nationalism, as Greg admits). But to me it seemed that he was not a big fan of Holocaust revision in general, hence his comment about revisionists 'hijacking' the comment section. To some extent, we're all revisionists, so why this particular disdain at a mere discussion and difference of opinion? Simply because he doesn't find it useful? I don't think you can stretch an excuse that far to cover up open hostility, rather than, 'oh that's interesting, but I had to remove your comment for X reason'. That and his obvious affection for the 3 stooges (Cole, Irving and Weber) and also the fact that he deleted my completely harmless comment quoting Hans Frank, which had nothing to do with the Holocaust. This is also cause for me to be suspicious.

That he said discussions about the Holocaust doesn't make a difference to the White Nationalist cause is not a reason to ban discourse on it. Particularly when it's obviously just discourse that Greg doesn't like, since the article does discuss the Holocaust in a way that would be understood as controversial to anyone on the 'outside' looking in.

Personally, I tend to think that unabashed but reasonable and logical discussions on such topics are more useful than totally ignoring it. Because by normalising it and breaking the taboo is the only way to destroy the mythology and power these stories have. Otherwise you'll be in a position where you're force to contend with Hitler, and be left out in the pouring rain deciding whether you can persuade someone to offer you an umbrella if you can lie to them about what you really think. Is that healthy? Is that moral? I don't think it is.

If you're forced to agree with them, all you can do is side-step constantly. How convincing will that be? Not very, everyone who is 'pro-White' is automatically thought to be some cartoonish closet 'Nazi'. So people really need a wake-up call on what a 'Nazi' even is, and what actually happened in Germany during the early to mid 20th century.

Even the article in question agreed with this necessity:

Debunking the Presumption of White Guilt

This basically amounts to undoing the demonization of the Third Reich. Since any Jewish complaint about white behavior eventually regresses to the tired “Hitler Bad” meme, the best way to undo any guilt by association with the old Aryan Ethnostate is to prove that the Nazis:

    1. really weren’t as bad as everyone says,
    2. were a reaction to Bolshevism, which was far worse,
    3. and had good reasons to invade both Poland and the Soviet Union.

Once this is accomplished, public shaming of whites loses much of its luster.

Lamprecht wrote:Like I said, he lives in the USA. He doesn't think refuting the Holocaust narrative is practical for what he wants to happen. I also don't think he has spent much time reading about the subject. Possibly for optics reasons, he wants to distance himself from the NSDAP, and one way of doing that is to not try and dispute allegations against them, which will sometimes be misconstrued as "defending" or morally justifying the alleged actions, something I've personally encountered more than once.

That's all fine. He doesn't have to think it's practical, but this really doesn't equate to a blanket ban on even discussing it. Especially buried in the comment section of an article.

I do agree that he hasn't spent much time reading about the subject, hence why my comments were aimed at adding some nuance to the discussion in the hopes that it was something being carefully broached due to a lack of knowledge on the topic, which is of course totally reasonable.

Yet my comments were clearly unwanted for another reason, a hostile ideological reason, and I doubt it has anything to do with the question of 'practicality'. So I would discount the excuse of 'bad optics', as you quoted Greg's words: 'I am not arguing that we should avoid Holocaust revisionism because it will garner bad press. I don’t worry about such things, because we will always have bad press—until we control the press.' Because of this, I must doubt optics were the reason. Especially from Greg, his initial reply to Charlie Moran is a massive red flag, showing it has nothing to do with optics.

Rather than simply not disputing allegations against the Nationalsocialists, Greg decided when he didn't have to to defer to people who are hostile to various aspects of Third Reich history and affirm the mainstream narrative to one degree or another (David Irving is actually MUCH more mainstream, in every way and on every topic, than people realise).
Last edited by Otium on Fri Sep 23, 2022 11:22 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Censorship by Free Speech White Nationalists at Counter-Currents

Postby jarno » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Sep 23, 2022 11:14 am)

Otium, I hear your frustrations. During my last two years of dabbling in revisionism I've noticed that white nationalist folks are often not revisionists, e.g., Kevin Macdonald. And what I've come to conclude is that we're two different camps, with different goals, and concerns. Ours are pertaining to truth, and the repression of it through unjust means. We're involved with revisionism because we care about these things, and because they matter to us to such a high degree. This explains why the white nationalist folks don't care about the same things we do; primarily, because their concern is not truth per se, but something that's political in nature. For this reason I've come to believe that it's a mistake to intermix white nationalism with revisionism -- one is political, while the other is scientific with a moral foundation.


Re: Censorship by Free Speech White Nationalists at Counter-Currents

Postby Otium » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Sep 23, 2022 11:44 am)

jarno wrote:Otium, I hear your frustrations. During my last two years of dabbling in revisionism I've noticed that white nationalist folks are often not revisionists, e.g., Kevin Macdonald. And what I've come to conclude is that we're two different camps, with different goals, and concerns. Ours are pertaining to truth, and the repression of it through unjust means. We're involved with revisionism because we care about these things, and because they matter to us to such a high degree. This explains why the white nationalist folks don't care about the same things we do; primarily, because their concern is not truth per se, but something that's political in nature. For this reason I've come to believe that it's a mistake to intermix white nationalism with revisionism -- one is political, while the other is scientific with a moral foundation.

Thank you, I appreciate very much that you know where I'm coming from.

And I agree. I've noticed this too over the years.

But I have to say, and it's obvious I guess, but it still irks me. Very much so. Because politics should also be about truth, and these political actors always invoke the 'truth' and seek to destroy certain 'lies'. And now, when contending with the Holocaust, the foundational myth of the second half of the 20th century, and certainly the central pillar of the 21st, these people have gone silent? Suddenly 'truth' and discussions about history are reserved only for some other time? And should even be totally ignored? This hesitation or outright rejection, is a double standard, and is why I call it fear; fear is normal, but to then avidly promote lies unprompted is something else.

To me, it has always been antithetical for someone to be a 'White Nationalist' and not also a 'revisionist' of the Holocaust. Because it comes with the territory whether you like it or not. This is merely because it's one of these topics which always come up, even when you're not political at all. But because this one is used to bludgeon an entire race of people, and to demonize normal inter-ethnic feelings of solidarity among European peoples, then inevitably there will be scepticism of the Holocaust among those people who don't hate being White and feel justified to identify positively with their ethnic and racial heritage just like anyone else.

And because Holocaust revisionism so happens - in my view - to be true, means that when people do hear about it who are not predisposed to reject it for dubious moral reasons, then they become convinced. And this happens with White Nationalists because such people are not predisposed to believe in obfuscations and even outright lies about such things as they pertain to topics they're already predisposed to be interested in, which are questions concerning White people, invoked by those who hate White people. So how could it be possible that such people who affirm the mainstream view of the Third Reich can even exist in such a political environment to begin with?

I think Holocaust revisionism is like recognizing the fact that the Roman Empire existed, it's a historical fact whether you like the Roman Empire or not. It doesn't mean you have to feel any particular affinity for the Romans or the 'Nazis' because you can take a totally detached view and only understand that the facts are the facts (In the same way that there are 'race realists' who aren't White Nationalists. Because race realism is just true). Or that the evidence and its meaning is contentious. Being a 'Holocaust revisionist' doesn't necessitate any particular political outlook, but there are (mostly political) reasons why most people who are White Nationalists, become Holocaust revisionists also.

If such people really try to pretend that they're just interested in 'politics' and not 'truth' (as it pertains to the Holocaust) because they think they're playing some game of 'realpolitik' while hypocritically discussing various other 'truths', then they're simply deluded.

Yet this doesn't seem to be the case. The people who adopt anti-German historical viewpoints, and who affirm the Holocaust, even from a 'pro-White' perspective, do so out of twisted political desires. I'm sure you've seen such people. This can only be through thickheadedness.

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Re: Censorship by Free Speech White Nationalists at Counter-Currents

Postby Lamprecht » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Sep 23, 2022 5:07 pm)

I tried to make some replies but I think they were rejected. It has been a few hours. I quoted Greg's statement that the "Holocaust" should be discussed on "other corners of the web" and then linked to this forum and said that the topic can be discussed here. I wonder why he wouldn't allow that?
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Censorship by Free Speech White Nationalists at Counter-Currents

Postby hermod » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Sep 23, 2022 7:05 pm)

Otium wrote:To me, it has always been antithetical for someone to be a 'White Nationalist' and not also a 'revisionist' of the Holocaust. Because it comes with the territory whether you like it or not. This is merely because it's one of these topics which always come up, even when you're not political at all. But because this one is used to bludgeon an entire race of people, and to demonize normal inter-ethnic feelings of solidarity among European peoples, then inevitably there will be scepticism of the Holocaust among those people who don't hate being White and feel justified to identify positively with their ethnic and racial heritage just like anyone else.

White Nationalism needs Holocaust revisionism (because nobody can advocate White Nationalism without being attacked as an evil-natzee-who-wants-to-gas-six-million-Jews in the minute), but Holocaust revisionism doesn't need White Nationalism (because historical truth has no political colour).
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Censorship by Free Speech White Nationalists at Counter-Currents

Postby Archie » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:38 pm)

My view is that it is understandable, perhaps even wise, for there to be some specialization among dissidents. That is to say it makes some sense to avoid bundling too many things together (white nationalism, holocaust revisionism, 9/11 truth, COVID and other health stuff, etc) since you are limiting your scope to people who agree with a particular combination of positions and such breadth could result in a lack of focus and low quality material. And with holocaust revisionism specifically, there are probably legal reasons to keep it siloed, especially in Europe.

Johnson is a white nationalist and from that perspective I can see why he might prefer to avoid holocaust revisionism since there is some risk in making your political ideology dependent on specific historical claims that could be falsified. You want to stake out a position and advocate for it and you don't want it to hinge on what Hitler might have done or not done 75+ years ago. The less principled reason to avoid certain topics is if a group is getting money from Jewish or Jewish-friendly sources and these patrons set certain boundaries. I have no idea if there's anything like that going on with Counter Currents.

Johnson also did a review of Denial (the movie about the Irviing-Lipstadt trial). "Trevor Lynch" is the pen name he uses for reviews.


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Re: Censorship by Free Speech White Nationalists at Counter-Currents

Postby Archie » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:55 pm)

jarno wrote:Otium, I hear your frustrations. During my last two years of dabbling in revisionism I've noticed that white nationalist folks are often not revisionists, e.g., Kevin Macdonald. And what I've come to conclude is that we're two different camps, with different goals, and concerns. Ours are pertaining to truth, and the repression of it through unjust means. We're involved with revisionism because we care about these things, and because they matter to us to such a high degree. This explains why the white nationalist folks don't care about the same things we do; primarily, because their concern is not truth per se, but something that's political in nature. For this reason I've come to believe that it's a mistake to intermix white nationalism with revisionism -- one is political, while the other is scientific with a moral foundation.

Kevin MacDonald is not himself a revisionist, but he has fairly recently started publishing some revisionist articles on Occidental Observer. Thomas Dalton seems to have talked him into it. They just ran a review/promo of the new Anne Frank book, for example.

At this point, I think MacDonald is open to revisionism but he probably doesn't feel like he's sufficiently knowledgeable about it to stake out a position on it. He's cautious in that way.

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Re: Censorship by Free Speech White Nationalists at Counter-Currents

Postby hermod » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Sat Sep 24, 2022 8:46 am)

Archie wrote:Johnson is a white nationalist and from that perspective I can see why he might prefer to avoid holocaust revisionism since there is some risk in making your political ideology dependent on specific historical claims that could be falsified. You want to stake out a position and advocate for it and you don't want it to hinge on what Hitler might have done or not done 75+ years ago.

Whether a White nationalist wants it or not, his fight against Jewry's agenda of global hegemony (requiring the destruction of Gentile countries) will inevitably make himself be associated with Hitler and his real & fictitious doings. So he'd better know as much as possible about the truthfulness and untruthfulness of what Hitler is accused of. Wanting to be involved in White nationalism and away from Hitler is like wanting to take care of a baby and away from diapers.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Censorship by Free Speech White Nationalists at Counter-Currents

Postby fluffy » 8 months 1 week ago (Thu Sep 29, 2022 9:04 am)

For what it's worth, I've noticed an uptick in Counter-Currents affiliated people republishing/sharing links to David Cole's paleocon political analysis on Telegram and elsewhere. Maybe there's something to that.

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Re: Censorship by Free Speech White Nationalists at Counter-Currents

Postby Hektor » 8 months 1 week ago (Fri Sep 30, 2022 11:59 am)

I don't view 'White Nationalism' to be dependent on Holocaust Revisionism... But it for sure doesn't damage neither. The thing is that the Holocaust is actually a low hanging fruit, given that it is constructed from often silly propaganda fragments. This while the Holocaust is the major weapon in the arsenal of all kinds of leftist and woke agendas. It's the myth that virtually all other thought terminating cliches hinge on. It's essential to perpetuating Germanophobia, which is the prototype for all kinds of other anti-White agendas. Holocaust remembrance is hypocritical virtue signaling that screams to be mocked as well.

As for any political movement that wants change... Deny your enemies the ability to stack the cultural playing field.

One isn't going to win political lead by the merits of ones cause alone. One does do so by destroying your opponents hold on the public mind.

On the other hand I get it, when their focus is actually other issues and they won't want to broaden their selection of subjects too broadly. Perhaps simply say that that's the reason.

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