Another attempt at promoting debunked Babi Yar / 'photo' as proof of 'holocaust'

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Another attempt at promoting debunked Babi Yar / 'photo' as proof of 'holocaust'

Postby Hannover » 2 years 4 months ago (Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:13 am)

Here we have classic propaganda built around a curious photo and surrounding false text that is promoted as proof of the 'holocaust' narrative.

What the article means, and they oddly don't mention, is Babi Yar ravine, where 34,000 Jews were allegedly shot and buried. ... orian.html
Exposure of evil: How a barbaric photograph of the moment a Jewish mother and two children were executed above a mass grave condemned two of the firing squad... and inspired a historian to tell their story

caption: "The raw horror you are seeing in the photograph — if you can bear to look — is the very last moment on earth of a Jewish family, teetering on the edge of a death pit as Nazi executioners with rifles fire from behind at point-blank range"

The above image from the article is fake, which is common practice within the profitable "Holocaust Industry".
Here's yet another example, also claimed to be Babi Yar:
caption: "Photo taken from the body of a dead German officer killed in Russia, showing a Nazi firing squad shooting Jews in the back as they sit beside their own mass grave, in Babi Yar, Kiev, 1942."

Take a look at the full text of this contrived story, the content of which has been thoroughly refuted at the CODOH main site & Forum.

!! Excavation Result: No Human Remains of alleged 34,000 Jews as claimed at Babi Yar !! In fact, no remains period.': viewtopic.php?f=2&t=11314

Babi Yar / Trial for 3 Alleged members of Firing Squads? / Fake Pictures & more

The laughable-over-the-top language of the article is part & parcel of the impossible 'holocaust' narrative. Such silly language draws the reader in emotionally and encourages them to set aside rational thought, science, and logic.

- Hannover

Revisionists are just the messengers, the absurd impossibility of the 'holocaust' storyline is the message.
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Re: Another attempt at promoting debunked Babi Yar / 'photo' as proof of 'holocaust'

Postby Kretschmer » 2 years 4 months ago (Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:44 am)

The most laughable aspect about the first photograph (at least in my opinion) is that the supposed executioners are wearing what are clearly not pieces of military headgear. If you take a look in the back, one is wearing a flat cap. :lol: Even if the photo was real, there is no evidence whatsoever that the shooters are Germans, and in fact dress in clothing that would never be worn on duty by the Einsatzgruppen or any German police organization, for that matter.

In the second photograph, there is one man off on the left corner wearing a Stahlhelm at least, but it still proves nothing, as it could have very easily been picked up on the battlefield and worn for a staged photo. Besides that, there is no other evidence of any kind that the executioners are Germans, nor is any explanation given by the Orthodox narrative for why taking photographs would have been allowed by the Einsatzgruppen at massacres that were supposedly top secret. There are probably many other things wrong with these photos that caught Hannover's attention immediately.
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Re: Another attempt at promoting debunked Babi Yar / 'photo' as proof of 'holocaust'

Postby borjastick » 2 years 4 months ago (Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:03 am)


Never seen this image before and that alone I find odd. Second it is colour, and that too is very odd.

How do they know this is Babi Yar? Did it say so on the reverse? How do they know these are jews? How do they know this is a death pit?

So we have the usual 'we know exactly what this is' routine but it lacks any type of proof or context. This picture could actually be in Russia with Russian troops. Certainly the great coats look odd.

Interesting that in any report of Babi Yar the media such as the Daily Mail they fail totally to mention the fact that no remains were ever found to support the claims.
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Re: Another attempt at promoting debunked Babi Yar / 'photo' as proof of 'holocaust'

Postby Hannover » 2 years 4 months ago (Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:28 am)

Kretschmer, you touched upon a point that I have emphasized repeatedly, the notion that what are claimed to be 'top secret' actions were somehow photographed. Some of those fakes even depict civilians standing around and watching. :lol:
The fact is that any real photographer would have been shot for such behavior in war time.

See what the Babi Yar ravine area really looked like via an aerial photo at the exact time of the absurdly alleged shooting of 34,000 Jews::
Nothing happening that would have been happening IF the story of '34,000 Jews being executed' was true.

Here's a thread with more fake photos:
79th anniversary of the 'Babi Yar Massacre' Fraud.

- Hannover

Don't get mad at Revisionists, they didn't contrive the ridiculous story.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Another attempt at promoting debunked Babi Yar / 'photo' as proof of 'holocaust'

Postby Lamprecht » 2 years 4 months ago (Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:37 am)

Hannover wrote:Image
caption: "The raw horror you are seeing in the photograph — if you can bear to look — is the very last moment on earth of a Jewish family, teetering on the edge of a death pit as Nazi executioners with rifles fire from behind at point-blank range"

The above image from the article is fake, which is common practice within the profitable "Holocaust Industry".

The image is edited/enhanced for sure [added colors for example] but the USHMM has this one: ... escription


The photo is supposedly from Ukraine but where it is said to have been taken is not anywhere close to Babi Yar. Slovak soldier "Skrovina Lubomir" claims to have taken the photo himself in Miropol, not Kiev. He said that the 2 people doing the shooting are Ukrainian and the other 3 are German.
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NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Another attempt at promoting debunked Babi Yar / 'photo' as proof of 'holocaust'

Postby Marley775 » 2 years 4 months ago (Mon Jan 18, 2021 2:17 pm)

This is a ridicoulous fake photo. I mean, I edited the file as a jpeg, drew a horizontal line along the woman's upper body. Once flipped vertical, moved this line on top of her lower body. She would be much taller (a head taller) than the soldier right behind her.

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Re: Another attempt at promoting debunked Babi Yar / 'photo' as proof of 'holocaust'

Postby RouterAl » 2 years 4 months ago (Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:31 am)

I looked at this photo and what I see is a civilian in a flat cap in the far background, the next two soldiers look like Germans and the two soldiers in the foreground look Russian. The two Russian looking soldiers are holding rifles. Just what the cloud smoke surrounding the woman and child , which looks to me like condensing breath actually is that's anyone's guess. There is some stuff on the ground which looks like a pair of boot's, a folded jacket and some white clothing. What this is all about is lost in the mists of time, it could be a fake Russian propaganda photo, but you would have to be Jewish to get this to be anything to do with the non event of Babi-Yar.

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Re: Another attempt at promoting debunked Babi Yar / 'photo' as proof of 'holocaust'

Postby Archie » 2 years 3 months ago (Thu Feb 25, 2021 1:19 pm)

The New York Times recently featured the same book as the one in the Daily Mail article in the OP. It shows the same photo except it's in black and white.


The book is called The Ravine by Wendy Lower.

This shooting is said to have occurred in Miropol, Ukraine in October 1941. It claims that, "The boy would be buried alive, not shot, since Nazi protocol forbade wasting bullets on Jewish children." The Daily Mail article has a story about someone surviving and crawling out of the pit of bodies. The only survivor. Mm hmm.

Lower shows that it takes a lot of people to kill a lot of people. There are the Ukrainian teenage girls forced to dig the mass graves; the Nazi customs guards (including volunteers) and Ukrainian policemen who rounded up the Jews and forced them to the death site; the Ukrainian neighbors who plundered their homes and “assaulted them — throwing stones and bottles.” Then there are the Ukrainian militia who, “armed with clubs, tools and Russian rifles, chased Jews, bludgeoning some to death. … They chased young Jewish women, ripped off their clothes and raped them.”

The town rang out — who could miss this? — with gunshots, “yelling, screaming and howling.” This was not the bureaucratic killing many associate with the Holocaust. This was mass murder at its most intimate: The Ukrainians “taunted the victims by name. … The victims were known to them from the dentist’s office, the cobbler’s shop, the soda fountain and the collective farm. They grabbed small children and babies by the legs and smashed their heads against the trees.”

It sounds like Lower takes witness statements completely at face value, as is typically done in these Holocaust books. Gruesome details like babies having their heads smashed against trees are the hallmarks of atrocity propaganda. There also seems to be some desire here to establish the guilt of the Ukrainians. In a way, this is logically consistent because it would have been impossible for the Germans to have performed so many executions. For instance, if we take the photo seriously, we see 5 men there to take care of a woman and a little boy (and possibly another child). How unbelievable then are these massacres of 5,000 or 10,000 or 30,000 people? How many executioners would you need to accomplish this? Also, if they really were rampaging through the whole town as described above, how would this not have provoked extraordinary resistance?

Indeed, the big surprise of “The Ravine” is the identity of the Miropol image’s photographer: a Slovakian soldier named Lubomir Skrovina. He took the photograph with the full knowledge of his German superiors, but he did not take it in service to their aims. In fact, Skrovina was, or at least became, a member of the Resistance. He smuggled atrocity images to his wife back home as possible material for anti-Nazi forces; wrangled out of further military duty; hid Jews in his home and helped some escape; and joined the antifascist Slovakian uprising of 1944. Lower describes Skrovina’s photograph as “an expression of defiance.”

Though the Jews in the photograph remained anonymous, the names of their killers were known. West German authorities opened an inquiry in 1969, then quickly dropped it. But a Soviet K.G.B. major named Mikola Makareyvych was more determined. In 1986, his investigation yielded convictions for three of the Ukrainians in the photograph. Two were executed, one sentenced to prison. I oppose the death penalty. But I read this chapter of Lower’s book — entitled “Justice” — with deep and unshakable satisfaction.

So the photo came from an anti-Nazi named Skrovina. It does not say when the photo first surface which is a rather important detail. Quite interesting that the West Germans "quickly dropped" their inquiry but that the Soviets convicted three of the Ukrainians supposedly in the photo. I would be very curious to know what evidence what used to determine this. I don't see how you could identify any of the people in the photo even tentatively, much less at the level normally required for a legal conviction.

The photo itself looks odd to me, in particular the way the lady is bent over like that. The cloud of smoke suggests the weapons have been fired but in that case the positioning seems strange. Given that the provenance of this photo seems to be anti-fascist groups, I'm inclined to think it was probably just staged. Even if we assume it's real though, to me, it just underscores how impractical it would have been to execute MILLIONS of people this way.

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Re: Another attempt at promoting debunked Babi Yar / 'photo' as proof of 'holocaust'

Postby tyger » 2 years 3 months ago (Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:00 pm)

The fakers forgot about smokeless ammunition. I guess a cloud of smoke looks more dramatic and hides any imperfections in the cut and paste.

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