lies about the Kremer diary / his trials

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lies about the Kremer diary / his trials

Postby Hannover » 1 decade 9 years ago (Mon Jun 30, 2003 3:11 am)

SS Dr. Kremer, who served at Auschwitz in 1942, kept a diary which is falsely said to contain references to 'gassings'. He then, in fear for his life, made absurd statements in a typical Communist show trial; here are some points:

Believer position:
After the war, he was captured and his diary was discovered. Its contents provide strong evidence of the gassing of Jews.

Revisionist response:
A blatant falsehood. There is nothing about gassing in the diary. The word "Vergasung" occurs exactly once, in connection with fumigating a barracks. In addition, "Zyklon B" occurs exactly once, also in connection with the same barracks fumigation.

Believer assertions:
Because a contemporaneous diary represents powerful evidence, deniers of the Holocaust have made desperate attempts to discredit it. They have primarily focused on the term "Sonderaktion" (Special Action) used by Kremer to describe a gassing, claiming that in reality he meant something else. Unfortunately for them, we not only have the diary, but we have the post war testimony of the diarist, who explains in great detail the meaning of that term and the events surrounding many of the diary entries.

Revisionist response:
The diary is a contemporaneous document, it is a primary source. There is nothing about gassing or exterminations in it.
The only discussion of gassings and exterminations comes in 1947 when Kremer was on trial for his life in Communist Poland. At THAT time he claimed that the diary was about gassings, and extermination. In other words, Kremer put an "exterminationist" spin on his diary when he was on trial, facing the hangman.
It is interesting that the Believers (and holocau$t Industry shyster, Van Pelt) leave out the fact that when he was released from Polish custody in 1957, Kremer repudiated his statements about his diary entries when he was on trial again in Munster, W. Germany. It was, to no one's surprise, rejected by the compliant West German authorities, who took their cue from Jan Sehn, the Jewish judge at the 1947 Cracow trial.
Now of course the Believers will pretend that the diary is still about gassings, etc. Perhaps they can answer just two questions.

#1 Kremer says three Dutch women begged for their lives in front of the "last bunker". Which bunker was this? How can one call the second of two bunkers the "last bunker"? This makes no sense.

#2 A document from December 1942 indicates that the civilian workers at Birkenau underwent a "Sonderaktion" before being allowed to take a two week Christmas vacation. How is that possible, if "Sonderaktion" is supposed to mean extermination?

Dr. Kremer recants:

After ten years in jail in Poland and after his return to Munster in 1957, Kremer began to protest against the treatment that he had undergone at the hands of the Polish courts. Kremer, as a matter of fact, had complained that in Poland "only hatred was entitled to give its opinion". Better than that, after his return to Munster, Kremer retracted his confessions. In the pious Communist jargon, Kremer disputed the explanations that he had furnished during the investigation in Cracow and which had been read to him [at the Munster tribunal].

The most degrading fact for the judges of the Munster tribunal was the complacency with which they had heard the explanations furnished by Jan Sehn, who had come from Cracow (Sehn was the judge who sentenced Dr.Kremer in Poland in 1947 first to death, than prison to life and then let him go after 10 years).
In Cracow in 1947, Kremer had no choice. It had been necessary for him to confess. The most astonishing thing is what Jan Sehn himself ended up saying before the German judges. As far as he was concerned, from the start Kremer did not have the right to plead not guilty. Jan Sehn said:

“A declaration of innocence would have been incompatible with what the accused had written [in his private diary]”

In other words, the Communist Jan Sehn had decided that Kremer's private diary was written in a sort of coded language to which he, Jan Sehn, possessed the key. Prisoner Kremer could only bow before the authority and the hate of examining magistrate, Jan Sehn.

His final declaration at the Munster trial in 1960:

“If according to human criteria I have done something evil, I can only ask you to take into consideration my age and my tragic fate. I have no knowledge of any offense in the juridical and penal sense. I entrust to the Supreme Judge of everyone the task of resolving a dilemma that is not simple for human understanding.”

- H.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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