Shoah film 'witnesses' were paid says director Lanzmann

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Shoah film 'witnesses' were paid says director Lanzmann

Postby Hannover » 1 decade 8 years ago (Sat Sep 18, 2004 2:24 am)

I guess this is one way to get people to say what is desired.
'holocau$t' Industry? No doubt about it ... 'Shoah me the money'.
Read on.

- Hannover
German "witnesses" in the film Shoah were bought at a high price.

Memo from:
Dr. Robert Faurisson

Sept. 17, 2004

I have already shown how Claude Lanzmann, in his film Shoah, sought to make us believe in Nazi gas chambers at Auschwitz and Treblinka. He had, notably, used alleged Polish or German witnesses whose accounts were in reality vague, confused, contradictory and rich in material impossibilities.

In an interview in 1985 he already said on the subject of the "German witnesses":
"Money made up the minds of the hesitant ones" (report by Annette Lévy-Willard and Laurent Joffrin in Libération, 25 April 1985, p. 22).
Yesterday he did it again, declaring:

"And then, I paid. No light sum. I paid them all, the Germans" (Virginie Malingre, "Claude Lanzmann explains Shoah to pupils before its distribution in the lycées". - Le Monde, 16 September 2004, p. 12).
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Postby kk » 1 decade 8 years ago (Sun Sep 19, 2004 10:21 pm)

'Shoah me the money'.

Remind me not to drink while browsing the forum.
I almost chocked with laughter while reading this.
My monitor screen got the worst of it...

However, why am I not surprised about this scam ?
Too much holocau$t education I guess.

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Re: Shoah film 'witnesses' were paid says director Lanzmann

Postby Aeon » 6 years 5 months ago (Sun Dec 25, 2016 5:52 pm)

You realize that he was paying for the Germans to get them speak? By Germans, it means the SS officers who testified in favor of the reality of the Holocaust in the document. They risked their lives by speaking in Shoah, so I'm not surprised Lanzmann had to pay them. Seriously, I know the posts are more than a decade old, but how is it even possible to twist this so badly?

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Re: Shoah film 'witnesses' were paid says director Lanzmann

Postby Hannover » 6 years 5 months ago (Sun Dec 25, 2016 11:29 pm)

Aeon wrote:1. You realize that he was paying for the Germans to get them speak? 2. By Germans, it means the SS officers who testified in favor of the reality of the Holocaust in the document. 3. They risked their lives by speaking in Shoah, so I'm not surprised Lanzmann had to pay them. 4. Seriously, I know the posts are more than a decade old, but how is it even possible to twist this so badly?

1 Yes, we realize that, aka: bribery.
2. What "document" are you referring to? Be specific.
3. How did they supposedly 'risk their lives'? Please clarify.
4. In what way is the movie 'Shoah' being twisted? Please be specific.

Thanks & welcome.

- Hannover

There’s no business like Shoah business.”
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Shoah film 'witnesses' were paid says director Lanzmann

Postby Atigun » 6 years 5 months ago (Mon Dec 26, 2016 3:59 am)

Aeon said.

"They risked their lives by speaking in Shoah, so I'm not surprised Lanzmann had to pay them."

How were they risking their lives? It's not as if they spoke against the holyhoax. They said what they were paid to say. Who was threatening them, Aeon?

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Re: Shoah film 'witnesses' were paid says director Lanzmann

Postby Hektor » 6 years 5 months ago (Mon Dec 26, 2016 8:06 am)

Aeon wrote:You realize that he was paying for the Germans to get them speak? By Germans, it means the SS officers who testified in favor of the reality of the Holocaust in the document. They risked their lives by speaking in Shoah, so I'm not surprised Lanzmann had to pay them. Seriously, I know the posts are more than a decade old, but how is it even possible to twist this so badly?

Actually, if you go through that movie, you'll see that a lot of them don't actually "testify in favor of the Shoah".

Eh, how did those people "risk their lives" by speaking in Shoah? I can assert with more confidence that they did "save their lives" doing so.

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Re: Shoah film 'witnesses' were paid says director Lanzmann

Postby Aeon » 6 years 5 months ago (Mon Dec 26, 2016 8:30 am)

Hannover wrote:
Aeon wrote:1. You realize that he was paying for the Germans to get them speak? 2. By Germans, it means the SS officers who testified in favor of the reality of the Holocaust in the document. 3. They risked their lives by speaking in Shoah, so I'm not surprised Lanzmann had to pay them. 4. Seriously, I know the posts are more than a decade old, but how is it even possible to twist this so badly?

1 Yes, we realize that, aka: bribery.
2. What "document" are you referring to? Be specific.
3. How did they supposedly 'risk their lives'? Please clarify.
4. In what way is the movie 'Shoah' being twisted? Please be specific.

Thanks & welcome.

- Hannover

There’s no business like Shoah business.”

1. I suppose you could use the wording.
2. Shoah
3. I'm sure there are a lot of people who would love to cause some harm to the SS officers for their deeds in the concentration camps. However, this might not be the real reason why they wanted money for it. I don't think getting paid for the interview is weird taking account their position in the context of the Holocaust.
4. I didn't say the movie Shoah is twisted. I meant the original post was twisting its content having to do with these "bribes." I think he made it seem like Lanzmann paid them to lie in the documentary. Of course, there's no evidence supporting this.

Here's a question for you: Would you do such interviews free, without getting any money from it? (with the weight of the alleged Holocaust on your back) What's so weird about the fact that Lanzmann had to pay these people?

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Re: Shoah film 'witnesses' were paid says director Lanzmann

Postby hermod » 6 years 5 months ago (Mon Dec 26, 2016 11:21 am)

Since Franz Suchomel still had a threat of 2 years in jail over his head when Lanzmann shot his over-boring Zionist atrocity propaganda movie, I guess that money wasn't even needed to get testimonial/ufological 'evidence' from him. Money was probably just a treachery bonus paid by Israel as a thank you for helping to secure bogus evidence of its dear founding myth.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Shoah film 'witnesses' were paid says director Lanzmann

Postby Hannover » 6 years 5 months ago (Mon Dec 26, 2016 12:18 pm)

Since you accept the 'Shoah' movie as being factual, could you then tell us how the alleged gas chambers worked? Please be very specific.

Could you also actually show us the contents of the alleged enormous mass graves that Jews claim exist? .... since they claim to know where these alleged enormous mass graves are.

Please tell us what you consider to be the strong points of the movie 'Shoah', cite specific quotes, please.

BTW, you may want to read this:
' Lanzmann's "Shoah" Witness Bronislaw Falborski'

- Hannover

"The Holocaust lie has been both the spiritual and financial wellspring of modern Jewish power, and for this reason it is clear why the Jewish Establishment holds onto this lie with a tenacity bordering on insanity."
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Shoah film 'witnesses' were paid says director Lanzmann

Postby onetruth » 6 years 5 months ago (Mon Dec 26, 2016 1:10 pm)

hermod wrote:Since Franz Suchomel still had a threat of 2 years in jail over his head when Lanzmann shot his over-boring Zionist atrocity propaganda movie, I guess that money wasn't even needed to get testimonial/ufological 'evidence' from him. Money was probably just a treachery bonus paid by Israel as a thank you for helping to secure bogus evidence of its dear founding myth.

As far as i understand Suchomel has already served his time and was not likely to be trialed for the same crimes twice,

In the first treblinka trials there where 11 other people charged - yet non non of them denied that there was in fact an extermination of jewish people going on there. So far i have not heard any reasonable revisionist explanation to why that is.

I also have not heard any reasonable revisionist theory of how West germany found all those people guilty - other than ridiculous conspiracy theories.

[onetruth: If you post links you must also comment on specifics within that link. see guidelines. M1]

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Re: Shoah film 'witnesses' were paid says director Lanzmann

Postby Hannover » 6 years 5 months ago (Mon Dec 26, 2016 1:55 pm)

onetruth wrote:1. As far as i understand Suchomel has already served his time and was not likely to be trialed for the same crimes twice,

2. In the first treblinka trials there where 11 other people charged - yet non non of them denied that there was in fact an extermination of jewish people going on there. 3. So far i have not heard any reasonable revisionist explanation to why that is.

4. I also have not heard any reasonable revisionist theory of how West germany found all those people guilty - other than ridiculous conspiracy theories

1. How times was Demjanjuk put on trial?
2. Please show us the verbatim text to this 'trial'. Please include cross examination text.
3. What do you call "reasonable"? Be specific.
4. What do you call "reasonable"? Be specific. Again, please show us the verbatim text to the post Nuremberg trials, including cross examination.

No dodging, onetruth.

The claim that 'the Germans tried to kill every Jew they could get their hands on' is the most absurd conspiracy theories going. The countless "survivor$' prove that.

Not to mention the utter scientific impossibility of the alleged & ridiculous 'gas chambers'.
Note that onetruth has dodged when being challenged on the gas chambers, and just about everything else he claims he religiously believes in.
Recommended: search onetruth Hannover at this forum.

Not to mention the complete lack of visible excavations of the alleged enormous mass graves that Jews say they know exist. Onetruth nor anyone else can actually show us a single excavated 'holocaust' mass grave and the alleged contents. Not one.

- Hannover

The '6,000,000 Jews' lie and the laughing Mexican:

If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Shoah film 'witnesses' were paid says director Lanzmann

Postby Aeon » 6 years 5 months ago (Mon Dec 26, 2016 3:20 pm)

Hannover wrote:Aeon:
Since you accept the 'Shoah' movie as being factual, could you then tell us how the alleged gas chambers worked? Please be very specific.

Could you also actually show us the contents of the alleged enormous mass graves that Jews claim exist? .... since they claim to know where these alleged enormous mass graves are.

Please tell us what you consider to be the strong points of the movie 'Shoah', cite specific quotes, please.

BTW, you may want to read this:
' Lanzmann's "Shoah" Witness Bronislaw Falborski'

- Hannover

"The Holocaust lie has been both the spiritual and financial wellspring of modern Jewish power, and for this reason it is clear why the Jewish Establishment holds onto this lie with a tenacity bordering on insanity."

As far as I know, the gas chambers worked by putting people in the chambers and letting the gas in. The gas was Zyklon B in Auschwitz and petrol engine gas in sites such as Treblinka and Sobibor.
The gas in Auschwitz was introduced by pouring the canisters' contents into wired "tubes" which were connected to the holes on the roof of the chamber. I think some chambers might have had some sort of hatches on the walls, but I cannot be sure about this, since the crematoriums with the gas chambers were destroyed.
In Treblinka and Sobibor, they used tank engine by connecting the tank's exhaust pipe into the chambers and gassed the people by starting the engine.

I think the contents of the mass graves would be mostly ash and bone fragments at this point, since the bodies were burned. Don't they have these monuments in sites such as Sobibor and Madjanek to showcase the ash? I'm pretty sure some remains could still be found from the soil of those areas.

I think Shoah is a strong movie overall, even though I wouldn't say it's necessarily better or even on par with any of the lengthy individual testimonies released by the USC Shoah foundation.

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Re: Shoah film 'witnesses' were paid says director Lanzmann

Postby Hannover » 6 years 5 months ago (Mon Dec 26, 2016 5:09 pm)

Aeon said:
1. As far as I know, the gas chambers worked by putting people in the chambers and letting the gas in. 2. The gas was Zyklon B in Auschwitz and petrol engine gas in sites such as Treblinka and Sobibor.
3. The gas in Auschwitz was introduced by pouring the canisters' contents into wired "tubes" which were connected to the holes on the roof of the chamber. I think some chambers might have had some sort of hatches on the walls, but I cannot be sure about this, since the crematoriums with the gas chambers were destroyed.
4. In Treblinka and Sobibor, they used tank engine by connecting the tank's exhaust pipe into the chambers and gassed the people by starting the engine.

I think the contents of the mass graves would be mostly ash and bone fragments at this point, since the bodies were burned. Don't they have these monuments in sites such as Sobibor and Madjanek to showcase the ash? I'm pretty sure some remains could still be found from the soil of those areas.

I think Shoah is a strong movie overall, even though I wouldn't say it's necessarily better or even on par with any of the lengthy individual testimonies released by the USC Shoah foundation.

At least you took a shot at it. Good for you. However .....

1. See my earlier post on this re-posted below, see *1.

2. But the storyline says diesel was used, which is impossible as a murder weapon as alleged. see:
The Diesel Gas Chambers
Ideal for Torture – Absurd for Murder

Leon Poliakov, who is a French speaking, Jewish 'historian', said:
"there is little to add to this description [the Gerstein statement] which holds good for Treblinka, Sobibor as well as for the Belzec camp. The latter installations were constructed in almost the same way and also used the exhaust carbon monoxide gases from Diesel motors as death agents."
'attempted switch from alleged diesel 'gassings' to gasoline'

3. The laughable wire 'canisters' are shot down here and in my response to .1.
'Zyklon-B wire mesh insertion devices debunked'
'Cyanide Chemistry at Auschwitz'

4. The tank engine would have been diesel, if the story were factual. Again, impossible.

Nope, no such excavated massive remains can be shown, verified, it's all just bluff.
I repeat:
Could you also actually show us the contents of the alleged enormous mass graves that Jews claim exist? .... since they claim to know where these alleged enormous mass graves are.

Please give us the specific testimonies of those you find believable, credible, and tell us why you think they are believable, credible.

Below I have posted what the 'holocaust' storyline claims about the alleged gassings at Auschwitz/Birkenau.
I have commented as the story moves along, in essence the claims are simply impossible.

Note that I have also added this model of what the inside of one of the 'gas chambers' is claimed to have looked like at end of an alleged gassing (up to 2000 per batch), an analysis of this model follows my text below.


The two main 'gas chambers at Auschwitz / Birkenau were exactly the same, supposedly in Kremas II & III. So let's play along with the storyline. Up to 2000 Jews were supposedly gassed until dead, then they were supposedly taken via an elevator to the crematorium directly above.

Fact: as seen in the plans, this elevator is hand drawn, and is only 4 ft X 9 ft. How in the world could 2000 Jews have been loaded onto a 4 ft x 9 ft. hand drawn elevator in just a few minutes? Remember, the storyline says that the gassings and resultant cremations were non-stop for much of the period in question.

We supposedly have another batch of 2000 Jews waiting outside, supposedly being tricked into thinking they were about to receive showers. It would have been impossible to disentangle all the supposedly dead Jews and load 2000 of them onto to this postage stamp of an elevator, hoist them by hand up to the crematory 'ovens' in just minutes.
And this repeated process meant that the crematory ovens above would not have been capable of cremating them in the time alleged, which meant a build-up, a backlog occurred.
The storyline even states that the backlog of the to-be-cremated-gassed-Jews required stacking them outside. Once again, the alleged 2000 Jews were outside in full view of this laughable backlog claim, but supposedly they still thought they were getting 'showers'. Of course, timely aerial reconnaissance photos show nothing of the kind.

Furthermore, while the Jews were waiting outside, the storyline says that a SS man with a gas mask climbed upon the roof of the Kremas (only maybe 18 inches, or close to it, above the ground, Kremas II & III were largely underground) and dropped Zyklon-B granules into a container and lowered it down into the 'holes' in the roof, into the morgues which were supposedly converted into a gas chamber. The waiting 2000 Jews would have a clear view of the man on the roof's activity, yet these 2000 Jews were supposedly not concerned and still thought they were going to get innocent showers. The storyline is utterly ridiculous.

We're not done.

The Zyklon-B pesticide granules took/take hours to complete the outgassing of their cyanide load. The storyline says that this same SS man on the roof, supposedly wearing a highly visible gas mask, withdrew the container up from the 'gas chambers' in just minutes. Remember, the Zyklon-B pesticide granules were allegedly dumped and lowered into the 'gas chambers'. And since we know that the Zyklon-B pesticide would have taken hours to finish releasing it's cyanide load we have a situation where anyone in the entire area would have been vulnerable to gassing.
Yes, the storyline also says that there were vents which were used to remove the gas, but then we are still in a situation where the entire area is vulnerable to cyanide. Not to mention that this certainly would have been noticed by the alleged waiting 2000 Jews. And where does this SS man in a gas mask put the outgassing Zyklon-B pesticide granules which he has supposedly withdrawn, which would be releasing cyanide for hours?

The entire, bizarre story is unsustainable with even the slightest scrutiny. It's no wonder why Jewish supremacists trot out senile, lying 'survivors' (who wouldn't have even survived if the tall tales were true) for emotional impact. No wonder that there are Thought Crime laws against examining this absurd process. 'House of cards' is an understatement.

As for it being easy to ventilate, move corpses, clean, bring in the next batch, and generally achieve what is alleged I also suggest:

ASMarques' initial post in that thread:

This would be the one picture I would choose for a crash-course in Holocaust awareness for the intelligent young, lest they forget. Much better than collecting millions of buttons, soda tabs etc.


This is the scale model of Krema II in the Auschwitz Museum, apparently placed behind a glass protection in order to prevent the small dolls being stolen by visitors.

Key to the image:

0 - Reflection of the window on the opposite side of the room.

1 - Underground gallery where many hundreds of victims at a time got undressed for the fake showers in room number 2. According to some Holocaust scholars, this gallery is also supposed to have had fake showers installed in it, just to confuse the undressing victims.

2 - Underground gas chamber, called simply "morgue" or "mortuary cellar" in all German documents and blueprints, in order to fool the future generations of scholars looking for the mysteriously vanished Jewish race. This is where many hundreds of victims were gassed at a time, in a round-the-clock mass murder industrial process by Zyklon B, the same product used to preserve human lives by killing lice (unless the witnesses are lying or very, very confused).

3 - Small elevator bringing daily many thousands of gassed corpses from the underground chamber to the crematories at ground level. Known to the fun-loving SS as "The Little Elevator that Could".

4 - Crematory ovens where many thousands of corpses a day were instantly vaporized, without even having to wait for some heat to dissipate before each door opening, contrary to the ovens in your run-of-the-mill crematory. Alas, the technology of the ovens was one of the best kept secrets in the Reich (unless they were ordinary ovens operated by miracle) and no one has been able to duplicate it.

5 - The famous chimneys, producing lots of smoke, contrary to the chimneys on your run-of-the-mill crematory that produce none. This is attributed to the twisted minds of the German guards who attempted to hide their crimes from the curious in the neighbourhood by using dense curtains of artificial smoke.

Now that you know which room is which, don't let anyone distract your gaze away from the image. Picture the gold-mining brigades, struggling through the corpse-scape, trying not to absorb any cyanide residues trapped among the still palpitating bodies, in order to perform their difficult tasks, such as inspecting body orifices, pulling teeth off, smoking cigarettes and eating sandwiches (according to the Höss testimony).

Then comes the most important part. Wait for a few seconds, take a deep breath, and picture the enormous round-the-clock traffic jam at point number 3, during the process of emptying the gas chamber of bodies, through the small elevator room, with or without (as you prefer) the folks next door waiting, soap in hand, for their shower.

Finally, ask your teacher to point the place, any place, where all those typhus dead were deposited while the live folks were being gassed in the gas chamber the Germans called "a morgue".

If you get a satisfactory answer, please let me know."

- Hannover

Why have supremacist Jews have been marketing the '6,000,000' lie since at least 1869?

If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Shoah film 'witnesses' were paid says director Lanzmann

Postby Hektor » 6 years 5 months ago (Mon Dec 26, 2016 5:35 pm)

hermod wrote:Since Franz Suchomel still had a threat of 2 years in jail over his head when Lanzmann shot his over-boring Zionist atrocity propaganda movie, I guess that money wasn't even needed to get testimonial/ufological 'evidence' from him. Money was probably just a treachery bonus paid by Israel as a thank you for helping to secure bogus evidence of its dear founding myth.

I think Suchomehl gt money, but in some of the cases I don't even think that was necessary. Some of the former Einsatzgruppen SS-men - who supposedly hunted down Jews and killed them, because they were Jewish, years before that - apparently invited him for coffee and cake to talk about their war time experiences. I'm writing from memory now. But it might be useful to go through movies and transcript again. There is a lot of things to observe that are quite interesting from a revisionist perspective.

On a side note. Didn't Suchomehl tell that story of Jewish women leaving cues of shit on their way to the "gas chambers". He surely rewarded the money he got with some artistic license.

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Re: Shoah film 'witnesses' were paid says director Lanzmann

Postby Aeon » 6 years 5 months ago (Mon Dec 26, 2016 6:13 pm)

"But the storyline says diesel was used, which is impossible as a murder weapon as alleged."
May I ask what is this this storyline you're referring to, and where can I read it? All I've heard is that some prisoners were confused about the functionality of the Treblinka engine. I don't think they had any way of knowing which fuel the Nazis were using. However, the people who installed the engines said it was a benzine engine. I'd rather believe the guys who handled the machine than people who didn't probably even touch it.

"The tank engine would have been diesel, if the story were factual. Again, impossible."
Why is it necessary that it was diesel for the story to be factual, taking account my response above?

To propose an answer why they switched the story about the gasoline; because that's how science works. New and more reliable evidence trumps the old one, and in this case it seems Poliakov had been confused upon writing his original text. Human error can be expected not only from historians, but from everyone time to time.

What do you mean by this: "Nope, no such excavated massive remains can be shown, verified, it's all just bluff. "
I'm pretty sure they are showing the ashes in the monuments of Madjanek and Sobibor at least. About Treblinka, I do not know, unless there's a similar monument in the site? If not, one possibility is that they got rid of the evidence altogether and dumped the ashes God knows where. In this case, there would be no way to provide primary evidence about it. Despite this, it seems that the latest archeological excavation team found some evidence, ... ation.html
If this does not satisfy you, I'm not sure what else you'd count as evidence? One way would be to travel to these locations, dig the earth yourself for a lengthy period of time, and see whether remains can be found.

I don't know what to say about the issues you presented about Auschwitz. I actually imagined the place as you instructed and it certainly looks like a busy complex (or a mess). However, I'm pretty sure the state-sponsored Nazis had their way of making it all work.

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