Guardian "Speer knew Holocaust plan"/ Posen speech

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Postby Hannover » 1 decade 6 years ago (Thu May 31, 2007 1:47 am)

semblance7 wrote:You forgot the last part -

Related Quote LA Times 4/17/1993

"Wolfe said a more precise translation would be "extirpation" or "tearing up by the roots." In his handwritten notes, Himmler used a euphemism, "Judenevakuierung" or "evacuation of the Jews." But archives officials said "extermination" is the word he actually spoke--preserved on an audiotape in the archives."

Curious because even the 'holocaust' Industry (i.e.: Reitlinger) says 'ausrottung' was the word in use. 'Extermination' was not used, as confirmed by Himmler's notes.
Speech of Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler at Posen 4 October 1943
Translation of Document No. 1919-PS, Nuremberg Trial
'"Ausrottung"/"ausrotten" explained'
- the 1936 anti-German book by Leon Feuchtwanger and others entitled DER GELBE FLECK: DIE AUSROTTUNG VON 500,000 DEUTSCHEN JUDEN. The meaning is ERADICATE, ROOT OUT, EXTIRPATE.

- Hitler in his Berlin Sportpalast speech of February 1933: "den Marxismus und seine Begleiterscheinungen aus Deutschland AUSZUROTTEN" - "to eradicate Marxism and its accompanying phenomena from Germany". How does one explain "from Germany", "out of Germany" if the "auszurotten" only possible meaning was the physical *extermination* of living beings? Was Hitler thinking of gassing "Marxism" itself? If so, no gassings of German Marxists has been alleged before the War.

- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Postby semblance7 » 1 decade 6 years ago (Thu May 31, 2007 1:57 am)

To Hannover's point 6

Has a voice print analysis ever been conducted on the Himmler tape?

If not, I'd be interested in funding an impartial study, using perhaps two independant labs of the board's choosing, comparing the Posen tape with other Himmler voice recordings. I could use a Summer project.

(happy to go to a new thread if there's a general interest)

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Postby Laurentz Dahl » 1 decade 6 years ago (Thu May 31, 2007 5:52 am)

A quote from Roger Garaudy's book relevant to the topic:

The Germans, however, preferred to use other expressions to speak of their decision to drive the Jews out of what they called their "vital space", expressions like "Auschaltung" (exclusion, eviction, elimination) and especially "Ausrottung" (extirpation,uprooting). It was this last word which was translated as extermination, which is "Vernichtung" in German.

For example : in his speech at Posen before the Obergruppenfuhrer (the Divisional commanders of the Waffen SS) on October 4th 1943, Himmler said :

"Ich meine jetzt die Judenevakuirung, die Ausrottung des judischen Volkes...Das judische Volk wird ausgerotten, etc... "

In the following sentence, he uses the word "Auschaltung..." (P.S.1919 T.XXIX p.145) to clarify his meaning. In other words :

"I am now thinking of the evacuation of the Jews, of the extirpation of the Jewish people, etc... "

But in the "Eichmann File", M.Billig translated it as:

"I mean by that the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people." (p.55) and "evacuation of the Jews, IN OTHER WORDS extermination" (p.47).

Another example : in a note dated 16th December 1941 on one of his talks with Hitler (P.S 1517 T.XXVII p.270) Rosenberg uses the expression "Ausrottung das Judentums".

At the April 17th 1946 session, the American Attorney General Dodd translated it as "Extermination of Jews" (Tome XI,p.562). Rosenberg protested in vain.
"But in the speeches of the Nazis, the expression "Ausrottung des Christentums", which was often used, is always translated as " the extirpation of Christianity from German culture"

Now why would Billig translate as he did, or as others did at Nuremberg, surround the word Judenevakuierung with quotation marks, in a transcript of a taped speech?

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Postby Laurentz Dahl » 1 decade 6 years ago (Thu May 31, 2007 6:06 am)

semblance7 wrote:You forgot the last part -

Related Quote LA Times 4/17/1993

"Wolfe said a more precise translation would be "extirpation" or "tearing up by the roots." In his handwritten notes, Himmler used a euphemism, "Judenevakuierung" or "evacuation of the Jews." But archives officials said "extermination" is the word he actually spoke--preserved on an audiotape in the archives."

Then why does the official transcript of the speech read

Ich will hier vor Ihnen in aller Offenheit auch ein ganz schweres Kapitel erwähnen. Unter uns soll es einmal ganz offen ausgesprochen sein, und trotzdem werden wir in der Öffentlichkeit nie darüber reden... Ich meine jetzt die Judenevakuierung, die Ausrottung des jüdischen Volkes.

So Himmler's notes had only the word Judenevakuierung, while the speech had die Judenevakuierung, die Ausrottung des jüdischen Volkes

Which I think implies that Himmler threw in die Ausrottung to so to say embroider the speech, like "the blue sky, the azure firmament", intending Ausrottung as a synonym to Judenevakuierung

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Postby disillusioned » 1 decade 6 years ago (Thu May 31, 2007 6:45 am)

I don't post nearly as often as I should.

I wanted to point out, once again, that both Himmler and Hitler used 'ausrotten' on numerous occasions in public: in reference to the Jews and in reference to others.

This very fact flies in the face of standard holocaust mythology. Why would there be a need for a secret speech, a secret plan, or the need to cover up a crime, if it were publicly declared so many times? Yes indeed, these supernaturally gifted mass-murders are so good at what they do, they told everyone they were going to kill all the Jews! Then they killed a lot of them, buried them, dug them back up months later, grinded the bodies into dust, and blew them into the wind with giant fans, all without disturbing the topsoil. Wow. Anyway, I digress.

This letter is not a challenge at all to Revisionists. It does not say that Speer heard Himmler say anything. Speer has come to believe he was at a meeting where Himmler apparently called for the extermination of the Jews. Speer could have left hours before, or a day before. After the fact, Speer came to believe Himmler said to kill all Jews. Yep... thats about standard for Holocaust evidence. A whole bunch of hot air.

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