Richard Glazar holocaust fraud

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Carto's Cutlass Supreme
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Richard Glazar holocaust fraud

Postby Carto's Cutlass Supreme » 1 decade 7 years ago (Wed Nov 02, 2005 9:07 pm)

He's a featured Treblinka survivor in Claude Lanzmann's movie Shoah, and has a quote in Yitzhak Arad's book that is nearly a whole page long.

In Lanzmann's DVD disk 1 chapter 12, he goes on about the first day they burned the corpses at Treblinka, he was in another part of the camp in a mess hall and saw a huge fire out the window. And from then on, he says, they burned the corpses at Treblinka rather than burying them. On that first night in the mess hall, an Opera singer stood up and sang a religious song with the lyrics "My God why has thou forsaken me." Glazar makes a mistake though: he repeatedly mentions that they first started burning bodies at Treblinka in November 1942. But according to the story they didn't start burning bodies at Treblinka until March 1943.

They started burning bodies in Fall 1942 at Belzec and Sobibor, according to the lie-story. So how could someone at Treblinka make a mistake like that? Whoops. Once again Sobibor and Treblinka get confused with the storytellers. There's the dog Barry: seen at both camps. Both camps had a mass escape. And Glazar gets the Treblinka body-burn date wrong, but it's right for Belzec and Sobibor. Hmmm.

AKA Richard Glazer, Richard Goldschmid

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Postby Hannover » 1 decade 7 years ago (Wed Nov 02, 2005 9:22 pm)

Maybe this Glazar nutjob can show us where the alleged mass grave for an alleged 870,000 Jews is and collect the $100,000 reward for doing so. I mean afterall, he was there, right?


- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Postby Carto's Cutlass Supreme » 1 decade 7 years ago (Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:00 am)

In Shoah, Glazar goes on and on about his acute memory of back then. He remembers so well, that he remembers that the body burning started in Nov. 1942 which he repeatedly mentions. Except that the standard story is that it started in Spring 1943. That's enough to show he's lying right there.

I always investigate this stuff and see others have already been there. Guess who reviewed Glazar's book on Amazon? Richard Krege. In his one and only review at the Amazon site:

Link to Amazon

Lubomyr Prytulak has written about Glazar too.

And here's an excellent Jurgen Graf, Carlo Mattogno commentary on Glazar, showing how his book plagiarizes Wilenberg's. And they caught the November burning thing that I noticed.

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Postby israelite » 1 decade 7 years ago (Thu Nov 03, 2005 11:28 am)

Anything associated with the movie Shoah is suspect. Lanzmann has admitted paying German witnesses to say what they did in Shoah.

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Postby Carto's Cutlass Supreme » 1 decade 7 years ago (Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:14 pm)

From UKAR I found out that United States prosecutors started contacting Glazar in the 1970's for their case against Demjanjuk. They contacted him through the American embassy in Switzerland. When his story wasn't going to help them (Glazar didn't work in the death part of the camp. He worked weaving branches into the barbed wire to conceal the camp, as if that isn't ridiculous in and of itself) So then Glazar's interviews which the Demjanjuk team could have then used, disappeared. All that's left is the documents which show Glazar spent a lot of time with prosecutors, but no documents about the conversations.

All this public spotlight, and expenses paid visit to the US for Glazar likely gave him an idea: write a book, eventhough it's been 35 years!

The book is called "Trap with a Green Fence" The green fence being the barbed wire with the tree branches woven into it. To see the lies means being able to see the forest through the trees: In other words, already in the title there's a preposterous assertion: that the Germans would have used tree branches woven into barbed wire to conceal the camp.

In the book apparently he goes on about how his team went into the nearby forest to collect tree branches for the fence, and how his team was the only one that could go outside the camp. He doesn't seem to realize that a lot of wood would be needed to cremate 750,000 bodies, so most likely those trees would be cut down, or there would be groups cutting wood also. Rather he's in his myopic world of gathering tree branches with his "camouflage unit" for his fence.

So the two featured Treblinka inmate eyewitnesses in Claude Lanzmann's Shoah are Richard Glazar and Abraham Bomba, and both have the most absurd stories.

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