No Gas Chambers at Auschwitz according to this Eye Witness

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No Gas Chambers at Auschwitz according to this Eye Witness

Postby Mannstein » 1 decade 5 years ago (Tue Jul 17, 2007 1:51 pm)

The following letter was posted on David Irving's web site a few days ago. This eye witness who is not a Jew spent a short time at Auschwitz Camp in 1944. She claims never to have seen hide nor hair of the infamous gas chambers.

Auschwitz: an unusual view

MY MOTHER spent a few days in the Auschwitz camp in December 1944.

Aged 24, and a Ukrainian school teacher of Slav languages, she had married my father, a German Leutnant who had been stationed in the Ukraine in a small army detachment concerned with agriculture who employed her as an interpreter. Six months or so earlier that year, Father's CO, a Captain Nagel, committed suicide, leaving him in charge. The men had been agitating the CO about getting out of Ukraine before the Red Army arrived, but Nagel stubbornly refused. Now that Nagel was gone it was quickly decided to get out as fast as possible. They took no mechanised transport, just horses and a number of nimble, small buggies called (I think) 'Britschkas' in Russian. They drove these across the huge Dnieper river and the vastness of Ukraine and Poland until in late 1944 they arrived in Germany's most eastern state, Upper Silesia, by this time all the Horses had long gone.

Now on German soil, they faced a hard decision. My father had absolutely no intention of re-connecting with what remained of the Wehrmacht. He knew it was futile and Germany had been comprehensively defeated. He also knew what the Russians did to German officers. They decided to part and all being well, to meet at his Brother's home (if it still remained) in Halle an der Salle, near Berlin after the war. Father was lucky enough to 'find' a perfectly functional 'Moped' (made by either Zundapp or Puch) a bicycle with a small 'helper motor' over the front wheel.

His plan was to ride all the way down south west to Adenau in the Rhineland near the old Nurburgring motor racing circuit, where another older brother had a house and if possible, surrender to US forces. But first he had to visit his Brother Josef in Halle to inform him his wife and a new baby might soon be arriving. This he did, riding mainly at night, sometimes even on the autobahn. After numerous and even some funny attempts to surrender to the brave AMI's, he and a small group of like minded deserters and stragglers finally succeeded. He was taken to a US POW camp in France, which he always maintained was by far the most dangerous time for him during the war. Long after Germany's surrender in October 1945, he arrived at Josef's house in Halle an der Salle having WALKED all the way from the POW Camp in France and having lost nearly half his body weight. He looked like those Aussies and Pom's in Changi prison, I kid you not I still have a photo of him seeing his new baby for the first time ever, me.

While all this was going on, my mother was left to her own devices in a strange country, losing a terrible war and six months pregnant. She joined a group of about 25 women all fleeing west, in that group were about six or seven Nuns. In late December 1944 one freezing afternoon, the women came into a small township in which were what she describes to this day as , 'many Factory Buildings' which was the Auschwitz camp. The Nuns asked the SS Guards if it were possible to spend a night or so there. They were warmly welcomed by the guards.

In 1997 I visited my Mother down in her Moss Vale (New South Wales) home. With her memory still clear and sharp, I did my best at documenting her wartime stories which even included several months in late 1942, nursing wounded German soldiers in Hospital Trains leaving Stalingrad, until the trains stopped coming. But I was particularly interested in her experiences at Auschwitz, our conversation went something like this:

Her words, from memory:

"It was very cold, snowing and getting dark at 4 O'clock in the later afternoon.The Nuns approached the SS Guards and were very pleased to say we could all be sure of a warm and dry place to sleep. But we were told we could not stay long, we had to move on after a short time (2 or 3 days I suspect). I remember it was close to Christmas and there were some decorations, we slept on a wooden floor and it must have been near a bakery, because I remember the sweet smell of Bread. I swapped a Vienna Loaf for a pair of fine leather shoes with someone."
I asked her about the SS Guards:

"They were 'alte Herren' old gentlemen, some quite old and extremely pleased to see the nuns. We were invited to dine with them at a large table, we were very well treated but one thing on which they were firm was we would not be permitted to stay there, we had to move on'.
I asked her if she remembers what was spoken of most of all:

"What everyone, without exception wanted was simply to go HOME. The SS men even spoke of AN ARMISTICE (my emphasis) They all felt a negotiated peace like WW1 would be arranged and that all would be as it was before the war"
I asked her if there was anything she saw which might suggest millions of people had died there in Gas Chambers. At this, she says something incomprehensible in Russian or Ukrainian and spits on the floor, her facial expression now serious, she looks me in the eye and says:

"Look, I was there, 25 of us were there, women talk. In our group there was a Doctor, there was a Chemist, the Nuns were Teachers, I was a Teacher and let me tell you if there had been anything suspicious there we would have known. If there had been millions killed the entire communities around this region would have known and would have talked about it to us. Remember rumours were everywhere, there was no TV and by then no Newspaper where ever we went locals would ask us about the where the Russians were or if the fighting was coming closer"
"The fact is none of us saw anything, heard anything or even suspected anything unusual about Auschwitz. The suggestion that the tired but extremely well mannered OLD gentlemen of the SS who treated us so decently, murdered millions of people in Gas Chambers is an outrageous, monstrous lie"

And that, so help me, was what she said ten years ago to me. Her mind was as sharp as a tack back then. She's 87 today and I'm afraid early signs of dementia are showing.

In March 1945 in a Town then called Konigshutte, only a few Kilometres from Auschwitz she had a son, me. She carted me at just weeks old through the terrible goings on in Breslau where the streets were on fire and a very young German soldier pleaded with her to pretend they were man and wife, so he might avoid certain death. She declined and moved on. She walked through Dresden after it was firebombed, eventually finding Halle and der Salle and Josef's house. In October my Father arrived from France, all of us at least survived the war. Much later in 1956 and living in Australia, she learned that of her four sisters ALL FOUR lost their husbands during the war serving in the Red Army, one Sister lost BOTH her husbands. She marries a German soldier who lived on for many good years.

Score: Germans 5, Russians 0. Let us hope the evil bastards always behind these wars are never again able to propagandize European citizenry into doing these terrible things to each other. You sir, have educated millions of people in this regard, may you long continue.

Bernhard B.
Queensland, Australia
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Postby Inquisitive » 1 decade 5 years ago (Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:23 am)

There have to be many more people like this out there. I had read somewhere that there are sworn testimonies (hundreds) from people during the Nuremberg trials stating there were never any gassings but they were not allowed into court as evidence. Does anyone know about this? Do they have to keep these statements?

So we never forget the war or it's "real" criminals..the Austrians are offering rewards now for old war vets. What a shame no one stands up and says no. These poor men who fought for their country are still being hounded.

Austria late in offering rewards to find Nazis

Last Updated: 2:58am BST 17/07/2007

Austria has offered its first ever rewards for information leading to the arrest of Nazi war criminals, 62 years after the end of the Second World War.

The justice ministry in Vienna has put up €50,000 (£34,000) for tips on the whereabouts of Aribert Heim, an SS doctor accused of having killed concentration camp inmates with heart injections, and Alois Brunner, an aide to Adolf Eichmann who helped organise deportations of Jews to death camps.

Alois Brunner, Austria late in offering rewards to find Nazis
Alois Brunner: last seen in Syria

"Austria is often blamed for having done too little," said Maria Berger, the justice minister. "I don't want to judge previous governments, I want to do now what we still can do."

She said that she hoped that the rewards were "more than a symbolic act". ... azi116.xml

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Postby PLAYWRIGHT » 1 decade 5 years ago (Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:02 am)

While I hate to put flies in the ointment, the fact of the matter is, this woman's story has no probative value to it.

Mannstein wrote:
MY MOTHER spent a few days in the Auschwitz camp in December 1944.

Ok. If her mother was in Auschwitz, it would have been true that there were no gas chambers there even if the Holocaust story were true. Krema I at Auschwitz had been shut down for years, and the gas chambers were now supposedly three miles away in Birkenau.

It's unlikely this woman was in Birkenau. Auschwitz was proximate to the village of Osweicem, and near the railway station and road junctions, so she was probably there, and may not even have known that Birkenau existed. Also, parts of her story sound like she had her dinner with the SS in the village of Osweicem, where many Germans, both civilian and SS, had houses.

Even if she was in Birkenau, her story would be of no help one way or the other. Supposedly, the last gassings happened at Auschwitz in the first week of November, 1944, and after that transports to Auschwitz were stopped and they began to dismantle the camp. Transports of Birkenau and Auschwitz prisoners to western camps like Buchenwald and Dachau also began in November of 1944, two months before the march to Gliewitz, so the population of the camps would have been somewhat reduced, and there wouldn't have been much to see.

In December, 1944, she couldn't have seen the Holocaust even if it had happened. Her story is of no small interest, but as a testimony to prove or deny the Holocaust, it's useless. If it showed up in a courtroom, it would be dismissed as irrelevant.

Oh well.

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Postby Hannover » 1 decade 5 years ago (Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:20 am)

I too noticed problems and I agree with Playwright, this story is of little value.

- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Postby Hektor » 1 decade 5 years ago (Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:18 pm)

Hannover wrote:I too noticed problems and I agree with Playwright, this story is of little value....
But finding and document the thousands of testimonies that "did not see the gas chambers" can be of great value. I recall having read the "survivor" stories that did not see "it".

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