Facebook slaps me down for an innocent and correct comment

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Re: Facebook slaps me down for an innocent and correct comment

Postby Hektor » 4 months 11 hours ago (Wed Feb 08, 2023 3:38 am)

Turpitz wrote:
Well, I think in most Western Countries 'cremation' was still an exceptional funeral practice. Most people were buried six foot under ground and in a coffin. And it had some importance attached to it. Done for decency. Cremation had a bad name with many. I think the Masons do this. I've seen Jewish urns as well on graveyards, but that was post WW2.

Yes, the point I was making was that the photos of the ovens are symbolic and used today as a means of implying mass murder. Yet every town or village has them but that doesn't mean mass murder. Although, I think they have been pretty busy this last few years what with all the pensioners that were being rubbed out in care homes.

If the U.N. get their way they are going to be rendering human cadavers down and recycling you all as compost.

That's indeed what is done in most Holocausting Exercises: Stimulate the Audiences imagination, prime them to "draw their own conclusions". Just that it isn't "own conclusions".... It is managed to go into a direction desirable for the organizers.

The pensioners are a cost factor for insurance companies but also the public purse. There is really no interest in keeping them all alive once there is no money to be made from them anymore. There is of course those that earn from frail care, but there is also those to which this comes as a cost (pension funds, insurance companies). This show is ran by vested interest, plain and simple. The ratio between payers and beneficiaries is changing. If there is too many beneficiaries, the more powerful beneficiaries will try getting rid of the weaker beneficiaries in some way.

Bear in mind that there are additional cost as well. E.g. payments for beneficiary countries, payments for welfare-migrants, etc. Those that are frail and old aren't exactly a priority for the rest of society. It used to be a matter of decency to take care for them.

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