When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby fountainhead » 5 years 4 months ago (Sun Jan 28, 2018 6:11 pm)

TimeTraveler wrote:
borjastick wrote:
Think how long it took you and how much reading and research was involved in convincing you that the holocaust narrative is false.

It took me about three hours of reading to be sufficiently suspicious. I then read loads more, expecting to find the golden nugget of truth proving it all happened. I didn't find it...

Yeah I was the same. You know what got me to look into all this was after I watched "Hitler the rise of evil" it talked about the Holocaust at the end. Then I remembered I heard White Nationalists on a Oprah video say it never happened and boom I started looking into it and I was blown away with the amount of evidence against it. What really sold me was when I found out that the picture of the Body Burning pit at Birkenau was doctored (which gave me chills) and all the newspaper articles talking about six million Jews before the war even started/ended.

So yeah after just a couple hours i was totally convinced that it never happened.

Interesting. Thanks for sharing your anecdotes because I actually assumed it would take longer than that for most people. In my case, I grew up in a largely Jewish part of New York, while not being Jewish myself. I was indoctrinated with holocaust propaganda from day one. Several years ago, I remembered how President Ahmadinejad of Iran denied the holocaust and I laughed at him and other "deniers", thinking, "lol, haven't these nutjobs seen any of the hundreds of photos of the concentration camps??" But, I was curious enough to start digging and the first ice-breaker was finding out that revisionists do believe that Jews were put in concentration camps - they just don't believe there was an extermination program. So, that much more reasonable claim was enough to make me suspicious, but I still spent several more years seeing if every possible pro-extermination angle I could think of could be countered by revisionists. Only then was I more certain.

If you guys can get your friends and relatives to watch an hour and a half video on holocaust revisionism, I do envy you. Sometimes even five minute videos are too much to handle for my millennial peers. :(
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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby Hektor » 5 years 4 months ago (Tue Jan 30, 2018 7:13 am)

fountainhead wrote:
TimeTraveler wrote:....

Yeah I was the same. You know what got me to look into all this was after I watched "Hitler the rise of evil" it talked about the Holocaust at the end. Then I remembered I heard White Nationalists on a Oprah video say it never happened and boom I started looking into it and I was blown away with the amount of evidence against it. What really sold me was when I found out that the picture of the Body Burning pit at Birkenau was doctored (which gave me chills) and all the newspaper articles talking about six million Jews before the war even started/ended.

So yeah after just a couple hours i was totally convinced that it never happened.

Interesting. Thanks for sharing your anecdotes because I actually assumed it would take longer than that for most people.

For most people it's a process I think. The "faith" in the Holocaust works as long as there are not contradicting opinions. Light contradiction is explained away by human error or extremists trying to be funny. The problem starts when there is a dedicated person contradicting that obviously knows what he's talking about. There is a reason you got such projects like "Nizkor", because the pushers of the story realized that once there is a number of people doubting and some disputing done, they won't be able to uphold the Holocaust narrative.

fountainhead wrote:In my case, I grew up in a largely Jewish part of New York, while not being Jewish myself. I was indoctrinated with holocaust propaganda from day one. Several years ago, I remembered how President Ahmadinejad of Iran denied the holocaust and I laughed at him and other "deniers", thinking, "lol, haven't these nutjobs seen any of the hundreds of photos of the concentration camps??"
The Buchenwald, Dachau, Belsen, Nordhausen, etc. photos is what gets most people "convinced" and rather persuaded to believe in the Holocaust. The problem is that there is actually scholarly consensus that the pictures didn't show any results of an extermination program, but of conditions running bad during the final month of the war. Of course the graphic material is still used to sell the Holocaust, since they have emotional shock value and that makes people more susceptible to believe a narrative being told to them.
And then there is the involvement of psychological warfare "soldiers" or rather agents in all of this. That alone should make people suspicious.

fountainhead wrote:But, I was curious enough to start digging and the first ice-breaker was finding out that revisionists do believe that Jews were put in concentration camps - they just don't believe there was an extermination program. So, that much more reasonable claim was enough to make me suspicious, but I still spent several more years seeing if every possible pro-extermination angle I could think of could be countered by revisionists. Only then was I more certain.
Nobody ever seriously disputed deportation and internment of Jews in concentration camps. People are however ignorant about the rationale behind this. So they jump to the conclusion that it must have been extermination.

fountainhead wrote:@Breker
If you guys can get your friends and relatives to watch an hour and a half video on holocaust revisionism, I do envy you. Sometimes even five minute videos are too much to handle for my millennial peers. :(

Most people resent having to think for themselves. Not only millennials.
You don't want to start reaching the masses in the beginning anyway. They'll switch opinion once a significant number of people they look up to has done so. It's a social psychological thing one is dealing with there. The focus should be on natural intellectual leaders, they are more difficult to convince, but once they've realized they've been taken for a ride with the Holocaust, they'll be more outspoken and more convincing telling others about it.

Resistance you'll be getting is that people are actually fed up with the subject, since it has a high presence already. And then there is the "What does it matter, anyway" attitude. Why is it pushed, if it didn't matter? That's the answer to that. Of course it's only worthwhile talking to people that are interested and open minded, which is a minority. But that also makes it more manageable.

Remember the Holocaust Lobby has an army of full time employed trained historians, journalists and activists at their disposal. While there is a handful of full time Revisionists without that kind of money and infrastructure they'd need to match that. So it's a resource problem we are dealing with. The lobby does however need to have air superiority in their coverage, which is difficult to maintain for them. That explains the extent they go to suppress our guerrilla tactics. But I'm confident the Holocaust is dying a slow death now, and it's speeding up. I say it, because I can see far more critical comment, whenever something Holocaust or WW2 related is posted. A clear sign of a tide being turned now.

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby Spect3r » 5 years 4 months ago (Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:57 pm)

Hektor wrote:To which you will hear:"Even, if only one Jew died, this would still be just as horrible."

That is probably the answer i get back the most.
And then i just explain that indeed on an ethical and moral level 1 or 6 million is the same but that however this case has far greater implications than just ethical and moral, such as, all the compensation money received by Israel, the political support Israel gets because of the "holocaust", etc, and many people actually do start to look at things differently.

A lot of people believe the holocaust story because they cant see why would they lie but once you explain why would they lie about it (as in with the above explanations), people start to really wonder.
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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby Hektor » 5 years 4 months ago (Fri Feb 02, 2018 10:47 pm)

Spect3r wrote:
Hektor wrote:To which you will hear:"Even, if only one Jew died, this would still be just as horrible."

That is probably the answer i get back the most.
And then i just explain that indeed on an ethical and moral level 1 or 6 million is the same but that however this case has far greater implications than just ethical and moral, such as, all the compensation money received by Israel, the political support Israel gets because of the "holocaust", etc, and many people actually do start to look at things differently.
The response is actually preposterously absurd. Do they really think making a big stink (as they did) would have worked, if in the 12 years of NS-Germany ONE Jew have been killed? The narrative and it's cultural and political effects depend on a death toll in the range of six million, period.

There were several million Germans killed in total before, during and after world war two. And that's usually brushed off, if it's even mentioned. You also can deny this with any fear of repercussions. So tell me again, if figures, circumstance, cause of death and yes, who you are, does somehow matter or not.

Spect3r wrote:A lot of people believe the holocaust story because they cant see why would they lie but once you explain why would they lie about it (as in with the above explanations), people start to really wonder.

Once you got an overview, it's pretty obvious that several parties had a strong motive to smear the Axis with atrocity propaganda.
- The communists had to smear any Anti-Communist that way. They also would have to distract from their own atrocious mass murder against their own nations or others.
- The Western Allies had to get a smoke screen for their extensive war against the Axis, because they could have ended it successfully several times before.
- Zionists had a good motivation for founding Israel that away and attract Jews from all over the world.
- Anyone opposed to Nationalism, militarism, Fascism, third position politics had good motives. Have a look at where the Holocaust serves as moral or political justification for social or political ideas. In many cases, it even relies on it to overcome any valid resistance against their policies.
- Newspapers depending on sensationalism had vested interest in that kind of stories.
- Big banks and people in the financial industry had an axe to grind, since National Socialism cut them out of excessive profits they otherwise could have played.
- Anyone competing with German companies had an axe to grind. So did Jews in general.
- The German political parties competing with the NSDAP had ulterior motives for a number of reasons.
- The trade unions in Germany had similar reasons. add to that homosexuals and other perverts like pedophiles that were put into concentration camps. Or people that lost lucrative positions in Germany under Hitler and had to work with their hands.
- Add to that anyone that would jump on a bandwagon. Literature writers, artists. Those are also the people that will copy stories or plots from each others perpetuating a myth that way.
I'm sure the list could even go on.
Note I'm not suggesting a "conspiracy" here, while I think to keep this going organization and planning is required. What I'm suggesting is a community of interest between several parties that may even have contradicting interests on other fields.

At the moment it's the ideological elites in Germany (not the common people), Jewish organization and the left (new and old) that have a vested interest in the Holocaust. They can't simply drop it, since they already lied to much or used the Holocaust talking points to serve their agenda at damage of a lot of other people.

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby Spect3r » 5 years 4 months ago (Sat Feb 03, 2018 3:36 am)

Hektor wrote:The response is actually preposterously absurd. Do they really think making a big stink (as they did) would have worked, if in the 12 years of NS-Germany ONE Jew have been killed? The narrative and it's cultural and political effects depend on a death toll in the range of six million, period.

There were several million Germans killed in total before, during and after world war two. And that's usually brushed off, if it's even mentioned. You also can deny this with any fear of repercussions. So tell me again, if figures, circumstance, cause of death and yes, who you are, does somehow matter or not.

Of course i know is not the same, but its easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar ;)
If i am talking with someone that is full believer of the holocaust story, i found out by personal experience is better if:

1) Never dismiss the idea of death, regardless of how small the scale is. Thats the first step for the person to go straight to the anti-semitic card

2) Start with small and slow steps.
The entire WWII and holocaust story is way more complex and dirty than the official version but because of that is also a lot of info to process and with a lot of so called "absolute certainties" completely shattered and that is not easy for many people to accept, so i always try to stay on the holocaust subject ONLY when is brought up in conversation, so its easier to keep the person's attention,

Also, i do not know not even a fraction of what people like you and many other users of this forum know, so is not like i can talk that much about it either lol
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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby borjastick » 5 years 4 months ago (Sat Feb 03, 2018 8:11 am)

There are two common comments when people (believers) bring up the holocaust both of which are very wrong and I always contest them. Sometimes with force sometimes I smile and relax and then try to counter them with a kind of 'trust me I'm a Doctor' attitude.

The first and more usual is 'of course it's true I've seen the films and photos'
Of course they refer to films and photos taken at Belsen etc. I always explain that they haven't seen any footage from where it was supposed to have happened, namely Auchwitz etc. Thus they haven't seen any proof whatsoever.

The second is this chestnut 'it doesn't matter if it was one million or six million it still happened'

This one always gets my goat. Yes it DOES matter how many died. In fact I can give you five million reason why there's a difference!" I then go into the issues of retribution both physical and fiscal and the establishment of israel and the guilt we are all force fed about THE SIX MILLION.

I don't of course buy any one million claim in that statement, and as such the death of the jews was relatively small and would never have counted in any record book as major event, just a moment in history during a bitter and cruel war.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby Hannover » 5 years 4 months ago (Sat Feb 03, 2018 11:40 am)

The old:
'it doesn't matter if it was one million or six million it still happened'


The fake 6,000,000 number does matter. Jews promote the fake, but very specific, '6,000,000' nonstop, 24/7/365.

It’s what supposedly makes fake Jew suffering ‘exceptional’ & 'incomparable' to other alleged ‘genocides’.

The fact is that Jews have been trying that fake, but very specific, '6,000,000' since at least 1869. It matters.*

Try living in much of Europe and saying 'I don't believe 6,000,000 Jews died'. Off to jail you go.

If anyone says 'it doesn't matter', then tell them to say that to the 'holocaus$t Industry':

https://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.ph ... d=10005143
"The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. "

"the systematic state-sponsored killing of six million Jewish men, women, and children and millions of others by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during World War II."

http://www.yadvashem.org/yv/en/holocaus ... ocaust.asp
Israel’s Yad Vashem Theme Park says:
“the murder of close to six million Jews in Europe”

- Hannover

It's just too easy.

* Jews have been marketing the '6,000,000' lie since at least 1869.

http://balder.org/judea/New-York-Times- ... e-1869.php
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby TimeTraveler » 5 years 4 months ago (Sat Feb 03, 2018 8:25 pm)

I remember one time in a debate I had online after I told someone how all those dead bodies died in the pictures from the western camps. They said something like: " It doesn't matter how they died people still died and the Germans are to blame for it." I responded with something like"Would you blame a death on someone that was in the same room with a person that had died from a heart attack? Makes no sense does it"
They never responded back it just goes to show on how far people would go to just convince themselves that your wrong and that the alleged holocaust happened.

With some people it's like no matter what you tell them they'll not stop believing in the Holocaust.
It's like their so terrified that their brains just can't grasp the new information. It's some kind of defensive thing the human brain has.

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby borjastick » 5 years 4 months ago (Sun Feb 04, 2018 3:29 am)

TimeTraveler wrote:I remember one time in a debate I had online after I told someone how all those dead bodies died in the pictures from the western camps. They said something like: " It doesn't matter how they died people still died and the Germans are to blame for it." I responded with something like"Would you blame a death on someone that was in the same room with a person that had died from a heart attack? Makes no sense does it"
They never responded back it just goes to show on how far people would go to just convince themselves that your wrong and that the alleged holocaust happened.

With some people it's like no matter what you tell them they'll not stop believing in the Holocaust.
It's like their so terrified that their brains just can't grasp the new information. It's some kind of defensive thing the human brain has.

It's all to do with conditioning. Us lemmings in the west have been educated and conditioned to believe in the holocaust and that all jews are good people who have been forever hard done by. So if you imagine that innocent conversation with the person you are talking to is having a real problem processing what you are saying. In his head he hears a voice shouting 'the holocaust is true of course it's true, it's true, true, true.'

You are then making logical statements which he cannot quite process. He is thinking maybe you are a jew hater, neo nazi knuckle dragging arse, and he thinks he shouldn't agree with you because that would be wrong and disrespectful to the poor jews.

It's a real problem for many people who believe, in this situation they have all sorts of thoughts raging around the brain box which confuses logic and stops them hearing and believing what you are saying.

The jews are very very good at behaving like victims and establishing in your mind a state of victim hood. The amount of people I have spoken to over the years who think the poor old jews have been suffering and persecuted for doing nothing wrong at all.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby Hektor » 5 years 4 months ago (Mon Feb 05, 2018 6:23 am)

borjastick wrote:....
The jews are very very good at behaving like victims and establishing in your mind a state of victim hood. The amount of people I have spoken to over the years who think the poor old jews have been suffering and persecuted for doing nothing wrong at all.

Playing the victim and vilifying others is a mark of manipulative people.

Playing the Victim Role – This tactic involves portraying oneself as an innocent victim of circumstances or someone else's behavior in order to gain sympathy, evoke compassion and thereby get something from another. One thing that covert-aggressive personalities count on is the fact that less calloused and less hostile personalities usually can't stand to see anyone suffering. Therefore, the tactic is simple. Convince your victim you're suffering in some way, and they'll try to relieve your distress.

In the story of Amanda and Jenny, Amanda was good at playing the victim role too. She had her mother believing that she (Amanda) was the victim of extremely unfair treatment and the target of unwarranted hostility. I remember Jenny telling me: "Sometimes I think Amanda's wrong when she says her teacher hates her and I hate her. But what if that's what she really believes? Can I afford to be so firm with her if she believes in her heart that I hate her?" I remember telling Jenny: "Whether Amanda has come to believe her own distortions is almost irrelevant. She manipulates you because you believe that she believes it and allow that supposed belief to serve as an excuse for her undisciplined aggression."

Vilifying the Victim – This tactic is frequently used in conjunction with the tactic of playing the victim role. The aggressor uses this tactic to make it appear he is only responding (i.e. defending himself against) aggression on the part of the victim. It enables the aggressor to better put the victim on the defensive.

Returning again to the story of Jenny and Amanda, when Amanda accuses her mother of "hating" her and "always saying mean things" to her, she not only invites Jenny to feel the "bully," but simultaneously succeeds in "bullying" Jenny into backing off. More than any other, the tactic of vilifying the victim is a powerful means of putting someone unconsciously on the defensive while simultaneously masking the aggressive intent and behavior of the person using the tactic.
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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby Elroy » 5 years 4 months ago (Mon Feb 05, 2018 9:50 am)

I have the BEST one here...

I just started seeing a new girlfriend.

I really do like her she is great (and gorgeous).

She has a sister who is close to her too who is also cool.

Have been dating for a while and the subject of family comes up last weekend.

Immediately it's revealed out of the blue that their father is Jewish (and hence they are) who wears a skull cap.

But then their grandfather turns out to be the quote "mascot for the Sydney Holocaust Museum"

I wont write who he is- but this is what the sister showed me immediately...

I could not contain myself and told her and my gf immediately that I do not believe- that it's like a religion. My gf went quiet- later stating she doesn't actually think that much about it- said she cared but it wasn't important to her at all and didn't know anything about history (both sisters stated previous to this knowledge that the grandfather always says quote "you are the children of the survivors of the holocaust- you need to be active in keeping the memory alive". Me and my gf are still going fine and it's never come up again.

But the sister was thunderstruck- I offered pertinent responses to her very basic and even erroneous questions themselves.

She said she thought it was a bit odd the story and would look into what I had but was visibly and still is a bit unnerved.

I couldn't help but be honest- I think it was the right thing to do.

What are the odds right?

And look at the quality of propaganda from the link above^^ :lol:

The plot thickens! :lol:

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby TimeTraveler » 5 years 3 months ago (Sun Feb 11, 2018 5:09 pm)

Elroy wrote:I have the BEST one here...

I just started seeing a new girlfriend.

I really do like her she is great (and gorgeous).

She has a sister who is close to her too who is also cool.

Have been dating for a while and the subject of family comes up last weekend.

Immediately it's revealed out of the blue that their father is Jewish (and hence they are) who wears a skull cap.

But then their grandfather turns out to be the quote "mascot for the Sydney Holocaust Museum"

I wont write who he is- but this is what the sister showed me immediately...

I could not contain myself and told her and my gf immediately that I do not believe- that it's like a religion. My gf went quiet- later stating she doesn't actually think that much about it- said she cared but it wasn't important to her at all and didn't know anything about history (both sisters stated previous to this knowledge that the grandfather always says quote "you are the children of the survivors of the holocaust- you need to be active in keeping the memory alive". Me and my gf are still going fine and it's never come up again.

But the sister was thunderstruck- I offered pertinent responses to her very basic and even erroneous questions themselves.

She said she thought it was a bit odd the story and would look into what I had but was visibly and still is a bit unnerved.

I couldn't help but be honest- I think it was the right thing to do.

What are the odds right?

And look at the quality of propaganda from the link above^^ :lol:

The plot thickens! :lol:

Wow that'll be really strange being in that situation. I don't even know what to say about it honestly. Seems like everyone else here don't know what to say about it either. But it seems
like your Jewish girlfriend and her sister don't mind you denying it which is surprising.

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby Hektor » 5 years 3 months ago (Thu Feb 15, 2018 4:31 pm)

Elroy wrote:I have the BEST one here...
Immediately it's revealed out of the blue that their father is Jewish (and hence they are) who wears a skull cap.

But then their grandfather turns out to be the quote "[b]mascot for the Sydney Holocaust Museum[/b]"

I wont write who he is- but this is what the sister showed me immediately...

I could not contain myself and told her and my gf immediately that I do not believe- that it's like a religion. My gf went quiet- later stating she doesn't actually think that much about it- said she cared but it wasn't important to her at all and didn't know anything about history (both sisters stated previous to this knowledge that the grandfather always says quote "you are the children of the survivors of the holocaust- you need to be active in keeping the memory alive". Me and my gf are still going fine and it's never come up again.

Try to milk the grandfather for information. What does he know? And yes, try to see what he knows first hand and what of his "memory" and "knowledge" is just conjecture or simply stories he's been made to believe. You don't have to do it yourself. Perhaps your girl friend or someone else can just ask questions and get answers. You need to prepare that of course.

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby Jurgen » 5 years 3 months ago (Fri Feb 16, 2018 4:00 am)

I would also use the tactic of only arguing on the subjects that you know quite a lot about. Lets say that your area if "expertise" is the operation of the gas chambers, don't get drawn into arguing and area that you have little knowledge of. In the reverse, don't let them control the discussion, push them in the areas of which they have little knowledge. As them for specific details. If you do it right, you can be rattling of facts and figures and references and they will be stuttering with "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know"...hopefully they will go away from the discussion realizing how much they do not know.
"The Holocaust narrative actually breaks down on a discrete, factual level, and is only tenable when it is presented as some vague or nebulous larger than life metahistorical event" Mulegino1

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby Elroy » 5 years 3 months ago (Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:58 am)

Hektor wrote:
Elroy wrote:I have the BEST one here...
Immediately it's revealed out of the blue that their father is Jewish (and hence they are) who wears a skull cap.

But then their grandfather turns out to be the quote "[b]mascot for the Sydney Holocaust Museum[/b]"

I wont write who he is- but this is what the sister showed me immediately...

I could not contain myself and told her and my gf immediately that I do not believe- that it's like a religion. My gf went quiet- later stating she doesn't actually think that much about it- said she cared but it wasn't important to her at all and didn't know anything about history (both sisters stated previous to this knowledge that the grandfather always says quote "you are the children of the survivors of the holocaust- you need to be active in keeping the memory alive". Me and my gf are still going fine and it's never come up again.

Try to milk the grandfather for information. What does he know? And yes, try to see what he knows first hand and what of his "memory" and "knowledge" is just conjecture or simply stories he's been made to believe. You don't have to do it yourself. Perhaps your girl friend or someone else can just ask questions and get answers. You need to prepare that of course.

Including Jurgen;

No the sister says period and I agree that it could never be brought up by me AT ALL. Watch the segment I linked- that is the grandfather.

What he says is outrageous and can be demolished in any angle- he is a deliberate liar of course.

Questioning him on an enforced lie might be fun but I cannot see what good can come of it.

More the point I would like the educate the sisters- especially my gf's sister who wants to know the truth and is already a bit taken a back and skeptical after our encounter.

I want to use this to my advantage- it could be a blessing actually. The grandfather depicted there is very sick apparently- so it is unlikely I will get to the stage where the daughter might question him. Unfortunately because that's how I would like to have played it.

Blood is thick and even if both girls came to the conclusion their grandfather is a liar- I do not think they would be willing to confront him themselves with that information.

Such is the strength of the lie.

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