[Video] Holocaust Stories vs Science - How Does Open Air Cremation Work // Treblinka Cremations debunked

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[Video] Holocaust Stories vs Science - How Does Open Air Cremation Work // Treblinka Cremations debunked

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 9 months ago (Sat Sep 07, 2019 11:13 pm)

Remember: Dachau, Buchenwald, and Bergen-Belsen all had crematoria, even though they are not alleged to have been mass killing centers. The death rates at these three camps were in the tens of thousands, primarily in the last few months of the war. See: viewtopic.php?t=10198

However, none of the Aktion Reinhardt "extermination camps" (Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec) had crematoria. Why wouldn’t the Germans have built crematoria at the AR camps as they would have been far more necessary to accomplish the alleged mass killings of 1.5-2 million Jews?

Holocaust Stories Vs Science - How Does Open Air Cremation Work

It's said that in the holocaust 1.7 million Jews were killed in gas chambers at the three "death camps" Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka. But what happened to the bodies?

According to the story of the holocaust, the bodies were all burned on improvised outdoor "grill racks". Thousands of bodies were reduced to ash every day, in fires that consumed only a small amount of fuel. But is this really possible? Just what does it take to cremate a body in the open air? This holocaust documentary looks into these questions, using holocaust survivor accounts, the information made available by holocaust museums, the works of holocaust scholars, and experimental data on cremation.

Related threads:

Cremated remains, bone ash, and water-solubility // the ash ponds

Two cremation experiments


The Alleged Extermination Facilities in Treblinka: An Historical and Technical Analysis

Huge Cremation Pyre in Mexico and Treblinka Claims

Holocaust and foot-and-mouth disease pyres
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: [Video] Holocaust Stories vs Science - How Does Open Air Cremation Work // Treblinka Cremations debunked

Postby Hannover » 3 years 9 months ago (Sun Sep 08, 2019 12:13 am)

Lamprecht said:
According to the story of the holocaust, the bodies were all burned on improvised outdoor "grill racks". Thousands of bodies were reduced to ash every day, in fires that consumed only a small amount of fuel. But is this really possible? Just what does it take to cremate a body in the open air? This holocaust documentary looks into these questions, using holocaust survivor accounts, the information made available by holocaust museums, the works of holocaust scholars, and experimental data on cremation.

And here they choke on another lie, as was previously posted by yours truly:
“The mass graves were opened and the corpses were taken out, to be consumed by the flames of huge pyres (the ‘roasts’). The bones were crushed and, together with the ashes, were reburied in the same graves.
- Israel Gutman (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, 4 vols., Macmillan, New York 1990, vol. 4, p. 1481-87
Again, a ridiculous story to be sure, but there it is.
It is also alleged that these enormous piles of human remains exist today in well known locations. Except are there NO such remains.

Two of Lamprecht's mentioned 'Aktion Reinhardt' sites, Sobibor, Treblinka:

1. Sobibor ‘monument’ supposedly over the remains of 250,000 Jew, actual remains of the alleged 250,000 cannot be shown.
2. Alleged location of Treblinka mass graves / remains of 900,000 Jews according to Treblinka officials, no alleged remains exist.
photo from ‘Surviving Treblinka’, by Samuel Willenberg.
It is captioned: “crane lifting corpses destined for cremation”.
Does anyone see any “corpses”? :lol:

The Los Angeles Coliseum holds ca. 90,000. But according to the lying "Holocau$T Industry", 900,000 Jews were allegedly murdered & buried at Treblinka, which would necessarily have left unimaginable amounts of human remains. Once again, it is claimed those remains still exist. That claim equals 10 times the Los Angeles Coliseum capacity shown here:
The fact is that there are no such claimed human remains.

No alleged human remains of millions upon millions to be seen in allegedly known locations, no 'holocaust'.

- Hannover

Revisionists are just the messengers, the absurd impossibility of the laughable 'holocaust' storyline is the message.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: [Video] Holocaust Stories vs Science - How Does Open Air Cremation Work // Treblinka Cremations debunked

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 9 months ago (Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:01 am)

It is also alleged that these enormous piles of human remains exist today in well known locations
Not to mention that the eyewitnesses claimed to have put entire skeletons + messages in bottles so that they could be found in the future.

From: viewtopic.php?t=12708
Lamprecht wrote:At the AR camps (Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec) 2 million total were allegedly gassed with either diesel or petrol exhaust fumes. There were not any crematoria at these camps, so the 2 million gassed jews were supposedly burned in huge open air pyres and buried in exactly known locations. However, despite multiple attempts to excavate these alleged "huge mass graves" which would contain millions of pounds of remains, not even 1% of the remains have been shown to exist.

A good write up is here: http://www.nafcash.com/


1 cubic meter can contain the remains of 400-500 people that are cremated in a normal crematoria. So there would necessarily be far more remains if they were burned only in open air pyres. That is tens of millions of pounds of burnt remains.


from Yitzhak Arad’s book - BELZEC, SOBIBOR, TREBLINKA - (chapter 23) - The Erasure of the Crimes:
"The camp command was confronted with the problem of disposing of the large piles of ash and bits of bone that remained… Ultimately it was decided to dump the ash and bits of bone into the ditches that had previously held the bodies and to cover them with a thick layer of sand and dirt… [Treblinka Eyewitness] Abraham Goldfarb relates: …’we secretly placed in the walls of the graves whole skeletons and we wrote on scraps of paper what the Germans were doing at Treblinka. We put the scraps of paper into bottles, which we placed next to the skeletons. Our intention was that if one day someone looked for traces, they could indeed be found.’"

And the graves would necessarily still exist and could be excavated. Here we have an example of graves in Lebanon thought to be from the crusades, somewhere between 1095 - 1291 AD:
Ancient DNA of Crusaders Reveals Warriors Were Also Lovers
By Aristos Georgiou On 4/18/19 at 11:00 AM EDT

Bones of the Crusaders were found in a burial pit in Sidon, Lebanon. Between the years 1095 and 1291 A.D., Christian invaders fought a series of religious wars against Muslim armies in the Near East—primarily to secure control of important holy sites—in what we refer to today as the Crusades.

Between the years 1095 and 1291 A.D., Christian invaders fought a series of religious wars against Muslim armies in the Near East—primarily to secure control of important holy sites—in what we refer to today as the Crusades.
For the study, the scientists analyzed ancient DNA extracted from 13 individuals who lived in Lebanon during either the Roman period—around 2,000 years ago—or the medieval period, when the Crusades took place.
https://www.newsweek.com/dna-crusade-wa ... rs-1400242 or https://archive.is/sprIz
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: [Video] Holocaust Stories vs Science - How Does Open Air Cremation Work // Treblinka Cremations debunked

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 8 months ago (Sat Sep 21, 2019 12:02 pm)

Germar Rudolf debunks the "Outdoor Mass Cremations" at Auschwitz in the following quoted text. Short summary:

- We can look at various real-world examples of massive outdoor cremations from mass cullings and deaths during animal disease epidemics

- To incinerate the number of Hungarian Jews claimed to have been cremated in outdoor cremations at Auschwitz, in the time frame alleged, there would have required half a square mile of space just to store the fuel and the pyres

- Air photos of the camp during that period show nothing of the sort happening

- Let us also not forget the Germans were offered a 4-story, continuous-operation corpse incineration machine to be built at Auschwitz. They said no: viewtopic.php?t=10617#p79804

Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers: An Introduction and Update to Jean-Claude Pressac’s Magnum Opus
PDF: http://holocausthandbooks.com/dl/42-ataootgc.pdf
TXT: https://archive.is/s3oDu
Outdoor Mass Cremations

Every once in a while, some animal disease causes a major epidemic among livestock, killing hundreds or even thousands of cattle, pigs and sheep. Many more of them often need to be culled in order to stop the epidemic from spreading. Faced with a sudden surge of animal cadavers and only limited, insufficient cremation capacities, public health authorities rush to solve the problems caused by these piles of dead animals by resorting to huge outdoor pyres. After several of these episodes, many public health authorities have developed crisis management plans that give instructions to affected farmers and local authorities on how to build and maintain such huge cremation pyres.

I certainly don’t want to be disrespectful to the victims who died during World War Two for a number of reasons, but it cannot be denied that the experiences gathered during those livestock health crises can serve historians to understand what must have transpired at Auschwitz and other places when the camp authorities are said to have resorted to large-scale outdoor cremation pyres in order to cremate thousands of victims per day.


Heinrich Köchel has undertaken the thankless task of analyzing the space, time, and fuel requirements for mass incineration of cattle that had died during a massive hoof-and-mouth epidemic in Great Britain in 2001 (see Ill. 32a-e). Uncounted thousands of animal carcasses had to be incinerated on pyres within a short period of time.67

Köchel applied the data resulting from this event to the claimed mass incinerations in the alleged German extermination camps at Bełżec, Sobibór and Treblinka, in order to estimate the amount of space and fuel needed as well as the time and labor efforts required. Köchel’s study can be applied analogously to Auschwitz, although the presence of crematoria renders it a little more difficult. According to this, a pyre of the size required in Auschwitz to incinerate hundreds, if not thousands of corpses a day could only have been cleared of ashes after one week at the earliest. Such large fires burn for one to two days, and the remaining embers keep glowing for many more days.


Consider that, during the first 15 days of the deportation of Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz, 134,400 are said to have been murdered. Even if we assume that the crematoria during those days worked at maximum capacity – which they didn’t, because the documents show that they were being repaired – they couldn’t have handled more than a thousand corpses a day, or only a little more than 10% of those murdered. The rest must have been cremated outdoors. That’s some 120,000 corpses within 15 days, or some 8,000 per day.68 The surface area required to build as many pyres as would have been needed to accomplish such a task, and to store the necessary fuel, would have been around half a square mile. This is far larger than what any witnesses ever claimed.


Keeping in mind that this huge cremation effort is said to have been carried out on swampy river meadows, the whole area would have been turned into a swampy morass by such intensive activity of hauling corpses and fuel to the pyres, and removing the ashes and cremation remains away from them. All the vegetation would have been destroyed. The whole area would have been one muddy, swampy pit. On May 31, 1944, an air photo was taken of the Birkenau Camp. Considering the massive size of the ongoing outdoor allegedly cremations carried out at that time, a large part of the photo downwind of the areas where the pyres are claimed to have been, should have been covered in smoke. The actual photo, see Illustration 33, has only one tiny, barely visible area from which smoke rises. Not from any of the crematorium chimneys, but from a small area north of Crematorium V, see Illustration 34. Hence, we know that the wind at that time came roughly from the south. If we use that information, and the claim that those cremation pyres are said to have been located both north of Crematorium V – between the Crematorium and the camp’s fence – and a larger area of pyres in the vicinity of Bunker 2, then what we would expect to see is what I have photoshopped into Illustration 35, which is a copy of Illustration 33: Most of the area downwind of those cremation-pyre areas should be blanketed with smoke. But as you see in Illustration 33, you don’t see anything. The same is true for any other air photo ever taken during that spring and summer of 1944.69 Some of them show small smoke plumes rising from a small area north of Crematorium V, such as shown in Illustration 36,70 but that’s as bad as it ever gets. Nothing else that looks suspicious can be found on them. There is not a single trace of large-scale outdoor cremations to be found.

Two images exists which are said to depict outdoor cremation scenes during the extermination of the Hungarian Jews in the summer of 1944, allegedly showing the area north of Crematorium V, seen from inside that building, see in the present book on page 422. Large-scale magnifications and critical analyses of these two scenes cast doubt on the claim that these are photos, making it more likely that they are actually drawings.71 But even if they really are photos of the claimed location and time, the size of the area shown is fully consistent with the area from which smoke is shown rising on some of the air photos (see Ill. 34 & 36). Whatever it is that is smoldering there – corpses or merely their clothes, or other items – the scale is ridiculously small compared to what is claimed to have unfolded there.72 Had thousands of corpses been burning there, the photographer would not have hesitated to capture that huge scene. But he didn’t.

More “photos” exist that are said to have the same origin (p. 423), but they are so blurred that the photographer must have shaken the camera on purpose – or triggered it accidentally will swinging it around. Pressac’s claims about them are mere conjectures.


67 Heinrich Köchel, “Outdoor Incineration of Livestock Carcasses,” Inconvenient History, 7(1) 2015; reprinted in C. Mattogno, Auschwitz: Open-Air Incinerations, pp. 128-140. https://codoh.com/library/document/3361/

68 See C. Mattogno, Auschwitz: Open-Air Incinerations, pp. 57-65.

69 For more such photos and their analysis see C. Mattogno, Auschwitz: Open-Air Incinerations, as well as Germar Rudolf, Air Photo Evidence: World War Two Photos of Alleged Mass Murder Sites Analyzed, Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield 2017

70 British National Archives; http://ncap.org.uk/frame/1-1-89-1-71, UNI: NCAP-000-000-029-090; sortie: 60PR/0686; frame 3084.

71 See for instance Germar Rudolf, Lectures on the Holocaust, 3rd edition, Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield 2017, pp. 339-342.

72 For details see Carlo Mattogno, Auschwitz: Open-Air Incinerations, pp. 41-50
Also recommended:


Auschwitz: Open-Air Incinerations - By Carlo Mattogno
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: [Video] Holocaust Stories vs Science - How Does Open Air Cremation Work // Treblinka Cremations debunked

Postby Archie » 2 years 8 months ago (Sat Oct 03, 2020 12:19 pm)

Wikipedia says the following about traditional Hindu funeral pyres: "A traditional Hindu funeral pyre takes six hours and burns 500–600 kilogrammes (1,102–1,323 pounds) of wood to burn a body completely.[14]"
Linked source: https://edition.cnn.com/2011/09/12/world/asia/india-funeral-pyres-emissions

Carlos Porter has a citation in his book Made in Russia (page 347) from an old reference book Legal Medicine and Toxicology, vol 2. The body of a 160 pound male was burned on an open fire. "The body was consumed in four and a half hours, two-thirds of a cord of 16-inch green-maple wood having been used.[...] The pieces of bone recovered were sufficient to fill a large cigar box."

For reference, this is a cord of wood. Two-thirds of a cord is therefore a substantial amount.

According to Thomas Dalton's book, Mattogno and Graf estimate the amount of wood required to be 3.5 times the amount of animal tissue. That is quite a bit less than most practical examples I've seen (which are at least twice that). I still need to take a look at Mattogno's book but he must be assuming an optimal procedure and conditions (dry wood, no rain, no snow, etc) and a lot of efficiency gains from burning more than one body at a time. This is probably a good approach. Let's go ahead and be generous with the numbers because even using that 3.5x number still presents an enormous problem for the holocaust narrative.

I think the open air cremations at Ohrdruf are a also of interest here. There were apparently some cremations of this type done just outside the camp. It's featured in the concentration camp film that was shown at Nuremberg.
Here starting around 13:25: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nazi_Concentration_Camps.webm

Here are some photographs of Eisenhower at Ohrdruf examining an outdoor cremation grill, roughly similar to the claims about Treblinka.

Note though that 1) there aren't really that many bodies, and 2) the bodies aren't really completely cremated and there are a lot of remains (much more bone than would fit into a "large cigar box.") Scaling it up to hundreds of thousands of bodies seems completely impractical. There's also a trade off with the amount of wood and the amount of bone. If you use less wood, you have more bone. Holocaust promoters want it both ways: minimal amount of wood, minimal amount of bone.

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Re: [Video] Holocaust Stories vs Science - How Does Open Air Cremation Work // Treblinka Cremations debunked

Postby Archie » 2 years 8 months ago (Sat Oct 03, 2020 12:26 pm)

I like how in the video it draws a comparison to Katyn. I think that is the right way to frame it. In a way, the technical discussions almost give too much credit to these Soviet claims. The Soviets wanted to turn things around on the Germans after Katyn but they couldn't find anything equivalent and so they had to say the Germans destroyed all the evidence of their crimes. This is a "dog ate my homework" level explanation.

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Re: [Video] Holocaust Stories vs Science - How Does Open Air Cremation Work // Treblinka Cremations debunked

Postby PrudentRegret » 2 years 8 months ago (Sat Oct 03, 2020 10:11 pm)

This blog is an excellent source for understanding the open-air cremation claims made in the Holocaust in context with real numbers and physics:

https://holocausthistorychannel.wordpre ... rdt-camps/

The open-air cremations at the scale alleged are completely impossible. Muehlenkamp's attempts to bring the cremation allegations within the realm of physical possibility are comical.

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