Wyatt the Twitter guy says 'all human remains at Auschwitz disappeared'.

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Wyatt the Twitter guy says 'all human remains at Auschwitz disappeared'.

Postby Hannover » 3 years 8 months ago (Thu Sep 12, 2019 9:52 pm)

As if cremation remains could just magically disappear in the first place, and of course there is no proof for the very gas chambers that he claims anyway.

Wyatt is utterly demolished by the very storyline he's trying to defend.
The official storyline does not say they just disappeared like Wyatt contends.

Here is a "Holocaust Industry" alleged “ash pond” for an alleged 1.1M Jew remains at Auschwitz, however these alleged remains cannot be shown to exist.

But then we could say the same for other sites like these:

Sobibor ‘monument’ supposedly over the remains of 250,000 Jew, actual remains of the alleged 250,000 cannot be shown.
Alleged location of Treblinka mass graves / remains of 900,000 Jews according to Treblinka officials, no alleged remains exist.

“The mass graves were opened and the corpses were taken out, to be consumed by the flames of huge pyres (the ‘roasts’). The bones were crushed and, together with the ashes, were reburied in the same graves.”
- Israel Gutman (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, 4 vols., Macmillan, New York 1990, vol. 4, p. 1481-87
Again, a ridiculous story to be sure, but there it is.

- Hannover

No alleged immense human remains millions to be seen in allegedly known locations, no 'holocaust'
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Wyatt the Twitter guy says 'all human remains at Auschwitz disappeared'.

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 8 months ago (Thu Sep 12, 2019 10:17 pm)

‏ @Wyatt1116
Mar 27

These pits still exist on site.

Cremated remains, bone ash, and water-solubility // the ash ponds

Roughly the cremated remains of 500 people can fit into one square meter:


I pointed out two sources which claimed between 66,000 and 70,000 people died at Auschwitz. I calculated that this would result in 1/2 a million pounds of remains. In terms of volume, this would be 140-175 cubic meters of burnt remains

In contrast, it is typically claimed over 1.1 million people were murdered at Auschwitz. For this to be true, that would mean about 8 million pounds of burnt remains was produced, with a volume 2,200 to 2,750 cubic meters. Let's just round down to 2,000 for convenience sake.

If the nazis allegedly murdered 1.1 million and cremated these remains, that 2,000 cubic meters of remains could fit entirely on an American football field, which is 5,351 square meters. The remains, if evenly distributed on this football field, would be 37 centimeters high, or 14.6 inches... which over a foot.

Here are some images to help you understand how large an American football field is:

Image Image Image

Can Wyatt show us even 1% of the alleged remains in pits that are supposedly in precisely known locations that "still exist on site"?
Or are we just supposed to believe him, because he has questionable documents, cherry-picked testimony from a handful of jews, and a tortured commandant whose testimony "lack[s] credibility" according to 'Holocaust' believer & historian Mark Roseman? :lol:
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Wyatt the Twitter guy says 'all human remains at Auschwitz disappeared'.

Postby Stephen Cohen » 3 years 8 months ago (Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:07 pm)


As if cremation remains could just magically disappear in the first place


Can Wyatt show us even 1% of the alleged remains in pits that are supposedly in precisely known locations that "still exist on site"?

Haven't you guys heard that in the so-called "proven holocuast"

bodies of the victims were consumed whole in crematoria and open fires.


"Consumed whole" is a code word for "magically disappearing jew."

That is the theory their "proven holocaust" is based on.

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Re: Wyatt the Twitter guy says 'all human remains at Auschwitz disappeared'.

Postby Breker » 3 years 8 months ago (Wed Oct 02, 2019 2:55 pm)

bodies of the victims were consumed whole in crematoria and open fires.

Mr. Cohen:
"Consumed whole" is a code word for "magically disappearing jew."

Yes, that is why it's referred to as a religion and a not a rational, real, and provable event.
Revisionists are just the messengers, the impossibility of the "Holocaust" narrative is the message.

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Re: Wyatt the Twitter guy says 'all human remains at Auschwitz disappeared'.

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 8 months ago (Wed Oct 02, 2019 4:36 pm)

Actually, someone did tell me a few days ago (on another site) that the millions of pounds of burnt remains allegedly buried at Treblinka are gone now, because they would "decompose" or something. :lol:

And yet, here we recovered a 5,000 year old mass grave in Poland, the DNA was even sequenced:

https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/05 ... ly-tragedy
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Wyatt the Twitter guy says 'all human remains at Auschwitz disappeared'.

Postby borjastick » 3 years 8 months ago (Thu Oct 03, 2019 8:39 am)

Lamprecht wrote:Actually, someone did tell me a few days ago (on another site) that the millions of pounds of burnt remains allegedly buried at Treblinka are gone now, because they would "decompose" or something. :lol:

And yet, here we recovered a 5,000 year old mass grave in Poland, the DNA was even sequenced:

https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/05 ... ly-tragedy

Correct and don't forget the info I posted here some months ago about the support/service town built thousands of years ago in soggy, boggy southern England for the thousands of Stone Henge workers who came and went. They found fire pits, waste tips, animal remains etc and could even tell what they had for dinner every Tuesday evening.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

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Re: Wyatt the Twitter guy says 'all human remains at Auschwitz disappeared'.

Postby CHoutle » 3 years 7 months ago (Thu Oct 10, 2019 10:40 am)

Stephen Cohen:

"Consumed whole" is a code word for "magically disappearing jew."

And so is the word "holocaust."

Stephen Cohen:

That is the theory their "proven holocaust" is based on.

Right, and that is why they used the word "holocaust" in the first place, so when the jews were asked to show the evidence for this alleged incomprehensible crime, they had an equally incomprehensible excuse for not being able to prove it. Then, as everyone knows, they shifted the goalposts 180 degrees and demand that their "magically disappearing jew theory" be proven wrong.

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Re: Wyatt the Twitter guy says 'all human remains at Auschwitz disappeared'.

Postby forasanerworld » 3 years 7 months ago (Thu Oct 10, 2019 4:13 pm)

Being requireed to prove the negative is standard practice, rather like the claimants of children "surviving being gassed" becasue they were magically more resistant:
"Children are more vulnerable to toxicants absorbed through the skin because of their relatively larger surface area:body weight ratio."

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Re: Wyatt the Twitter guy says 'all human remains at Auschwitz disappeared'.

Postby CHoutle » 3 years 7 months ago (Fri Oct 11, 2019 11:56 am)

Right, and that is why they used the word "holocaust" in the first place, so when the jews were asked to show the evidence for this alleged incomprehensible crime, they had an equally incomprehensible excuse for not being able to prove it. Then, as everyone knows, they shifted the goalposts 180 degrees and demand that their "magically disappearing jew theory" be proven wrong.

What I forgot to add to the above was:

and then got laws passed that made it a crime to prove that they were wrong, and then tightened those laws and made it a crime to even express skepticism of their physically impossible magical theory.

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