Hitler's Peace Offers Vs Unconditional Surrender

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Hitler's Peace Offers Vs Unconditional Surrender

Postby Mortimer » 7 years 3 months ago (Fri Feb 19, 2016 7:57 pm)

Despite the claims of Hollywood and the MSM Adolf Hitler was willing to have a negotiated peace during World War 2. The record shows that the German leader was making peaceful overtures before the conflict even started. Because of the harsh terms of the Versailles Treaty that ended the first world war he was not prepared to accept the policy of unconditional surrender which was insisted on by Roosevelt and Churchill. This demand for unconditional surrender is what extended the war and led to millions of unnecessary casualties on both sides.
http://www.wintersonnenwende.com/script ... wwr00.html
http://macrocosmicthinking.blogspot.com ... ation.html
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Re: Hitler's Peace Offers Vs Unconditional Surrender

Postby astro3 » 7 years 3 months ago (Tue Feb 23, 2016 5:42 am)

I think this is pretty feeble. Mortimer should either specify what he thinks these peace offers were, with some details, or remain silent.

Just giving links, to sites that make claims withour any references, is of very little use.

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Re: Hitler's Peace Offers Vs Unconditional Surrender

Postby Mortimer » 7 years 3 months ago (Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:43 am)

astro3 wrote:I think this is pretty feeble. Mortimer should either specify what he thinks these peace offers were, with some details, or remain silent.

Just giving links, to sites that make claims withour any references, is of very little use.

What do you mean the links don't have references? That's a lie. The first link - http://www.tomatobubble.com/id570.html - has
1.Excerpts from The New York Times which can be verified at the newspapers archive.
2.Mentions the book Himmler's Secret War by Martin Allen
3.Has links to fully referenced Wikipedia articles which have bibliography - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_1940_W ... net_Crisis
4.Reproduction of a Hitler peace offer in leaflet form which were dropped over Britain.
5.The book The Bad War by M S King
The second link - http://www.wintersonnenwende.com/script ... wwr00.html - is to a document by Friedrich Stieve which was published in 1940 by the German foreign office. I included it as proof of how the German government was willing to work for peace.
The third link is to a blog and the reason I included it is to show that not everyone believes the Allied propaganda from Hollywood and the MSM -
http://www.macrocosmicthinking.blogspot ... ation.html
Here's another link from the Daily Mail a British newspaper which is in no way pro Hitler - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... sians.html
It shows how Hitler was willing to withdraw German troops from France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark and Norway in return for peace with the British Empire so that he could concentrate on fighting Stalin.
If you don't think Hitler's peace offers were genuine then it is up to you to provide information to back up your claim. If Hitler was not willing to have a negotiated peace then Roosevelt and Churchill would not have to have come up with unconditional surrender in the first place. It was precisely because he wanted to negotiate that the US and UK leaders refused talks. Take anything Roosevelt and Churchill said during the war with a grain of salt. These are the same politicians who insisted that the Germans committed the Katyn massacre of Polish officers when their own intelligence services knew it was the soviets - http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=56206
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Re: Hitler's Peace Offers Vs Unconditional Surrender

Postby Dresden » 7 years 3 months ago (Thu Feb 25, 2016 12:24 am)

“Hitler and the German people didn't want this war. We didn't answer Hitler's various petitions for peace. Now we have to admit that Hitler was right. Instead of a cooperation with Germany, which he had offered us, now stands the gigantic, imperialistic might of the Sovjets. I feel ashamed to see how the same intentions which we accused Hitler of now are pursued under a different name.”
Sir Hartley Shawcross, British Senior Prosecutor in Nueremberg
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Re: Hitler's Peace Offers Vs Unconditional Surrender

Postby Dresden » 7 years 3 months ago (Thu Feb 25, 2016 12:50 am)

COUNT JERZY POTOCKI (Polish Ambassador to the USA)

"Above all, propaganda here is entirely in Jewish hands. When bearing public ignorance in mind, their propaganda is so effective that people have no real knowledge of the true state of affairs in Europe .................President Roosevelt has been given the power.. to create huge reserves in armaments for a future war which the Jews are deliberately heading for." (1934)


"The leaders of the British and Jewish races, for reasons which are as understandable from their viewpoint as they are inadvisable from ours, for reasons which are not American, wish to involve us in the war."

NEVILLE HENDERSON (British Ambassador to Germany)

"The hostile attitude in Great Britain was the work of Jews and enemies of the Nazis."

NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN (UK Prime Minister) told to JOSEPH KENNEDY (Family Patriarch)

"Chamberlain (speaking off the record to Kennedy while playing golf) stated that America and the world Jews had forced England into the war". (The Forrestal Diaries ed. Millis, Cassell 1952 p129).
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Re: Hitler's Peace Offers Vs Unconditional Surrender

Postby Dresden » 7 years 3 months ago (Thu Feb 25, 2016 1:21 am)

JOSEPH KENNEDY (Family Patriarch & US Ambassador to the UK)


"As Ambassador to England, Joe would later make clear that he thought the Jews had `brought on themselves' whatever Hitler did to them. During a 1938 meeting at the German Embassy in London, Kennedy assured the German ambassador that America only wanted friendly relations with Hitler. Joe said that Hitler's government had done `great things' for the country, and that the Germans were `satisfied' and enjoyed `good living conditions.' Joe told the ambassador that a recent report which said the limited food in Germany was being reserved for the army could not be true. After all, Joe said, the professor who had made the report `was a Jew.'

Excerpt from "The Sins of the Father"


"This (Declaration of War Against Germany) is the fault of the anti-appeasers and the fu*king Jews."

Wellesley was the great grandson of the famous Duke of Wellington who defeated Naploeon.

LORD BEAVERBROOK (Owner of UK's biggest newspaper)

“There are 20,000 German Jews in England – in the professions, pursuing research. They all work against an accommodation with Germany.”


In a subsequent letter, Beaverbrook adds:

“The Jews have got a big position in the press here. . At last I am shaken. The Jews may drive us into war.”

"It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted the war in 1939. It was desired and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of Jewish descent or worked for Jewish interests."

- Adolf Hitler, April 29, 1945
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Re: Hitler's Peace Offers Vs Unconditional Surrender

Postby Dresden » 7 years 3 months ago (Thu Feb 25, 2016 1:28 am)


“As regards its foreign policy the National Government considers its highest mission to be the securing of the right to live and the restoration of freedom to our nation. Its determination to bring to an end the chaotic state of affairs in Germany will assist in restoring to the community of nations a State of equal value and, above all, a State which must have equal rights. It is impressed with the importance of its duty to use this nation of equal rights as an instrument for the securing and maintenance of that peace which the world requires today more than ever before. May the good will of all others assist in the fulfillment of this our earnest wish for the welfare of Europe and of the whole world.” ~ Adolf Hitler, democratically elected and duly appointed Chancellor of Germany, first Speech to the Reichstag, February 1st, 1933
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Re: Hitler's Peace Offers Vs Unconditional Surrender

Postby onetruth » 7 years 3 months ago (Mon Feb 29, 2016 5:08 pm)

Steve F wrote:“Hitler and the German people didn't want this war. We didn't answer Hitler's various petitions for peace. Now we have to admit that Hitler was right. Instead of a cooperation with Germany, which he had offered us, now stands the gigantic, imperialistic might of the Sovjets. I feel ashamed to see how the same intentions which we accused Hitler of now are pursued under a different name.”
Sir Hartley Shawcross, British Senior Prosecutor in Nueremberg

It is a misquote.

Sir Hartley Shawcross said exactly the opposite at the Nuremberg Trials saying quite clearly in his opening statement at Nuremberg that Hitler was responsible for starting World War II.

He Had not retracted this stance and there is no document or news report saying differently. Had he infact done so , it would have news headline.

Kindly provide a source to this quote and your claim that he had ever said what you claim.


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Re: Hitler's Peace Offers Vs Unconditional Surrender

Postby Dresden » 7 years 3 months ago (Tue Mar 01, 2016 5:04 pm)

onetruth said:

"It is a misquote"

After doing some searching around......I think you're right.

I'll have to stop using that quote.

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Re: Hitler's Peace Offers Vs Unconditional Surrender

Postby Mortimer » 7 years 3 months ago (Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:07 am)

The Jewish novelist Gertrude Stein was so impressed by Hitler's attempts at disarmament that she nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize -
http://codoh.com/library/document/2708/ *
The sentiment that the German leader deserved the Nobel award is also echoed by this writer from The Barnes Review -
http://barnesreview.org/adolf-hitler-an ... bel-prize/

Gertrude Stein’s Complex Worldview
Nobel Peace Prize for Hitler?
By Mark Weber

Scholars of the life of Gertrude Stein were recently startled to learn that in 1938 the prominent Jewish-American writer had spearheaded a campaign urging the Nobel committee to award its Peace Prize to Adolf Hitler. This was disclosed by Gustav Hendrikksen, a former member of the Nobel committee and now professor emeritus of Bible studies at Sweden’s Uppsala University, in Nativ, a political magazine published in Israel. (Reports about this appeared in the New York Jewish community weekly Forward, Feb. 2, June 14, and Oct. 25, 1996.)

Hendrikksen, an avowed friend of Israel who is now in his late 80s, recalled that the Nobel committee rejected Stein’s proposal “politely but firmly, citing among their reasons the attitude of the Nazi regime toward the Jews.”

In the decades before her death in 1946, Stein was a widely acclaimed literary icon. As monarch of the “lost generation” of American expatriates in Paris during the 1920s and 1930s, she cultivated and influenced such literary figures as Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald, as well as such artists as Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse. Her Paris home was a mecca for writers and artists. Stein’s own “modernist” novels, memoirs, lectures and plays – once celebrated as stylishly avant garde – have not aged well. Today she is remembered almost as much for who she was as for what she wrote.

Born in Pennsylvania of a wealthy German-Jewish family, she was raised in the United States, and attended Radcliffe and Johns Hopkins universities. But it was during her years of expatriate living in France that she made her lasting mark.
‘Hitler Ought to Have the Peace Prize’

Stein’s seemingly paradoxical views about Hitler and fascism have never been a secret. As early as 1934, she told a reporter that Hitler should be awarded the Nobel peace prize. “I say that Hitler ought to have the peace prize, because he is removing all the elements of contest and of struggle from Germany. By driving out the Jews and the democratic and Left element, he is driving out everything that conduces to activity. That means peace … By suppressing Jews … he was ending struggle in Germany” (New York Times Magazine, May 6, 1934).

As astonishing at it may seem today, in 1938 many credited Hitler for his numerous efforts to secure lasting peace in Europe on the basis of equal rights of nations. After assuming power in 1933, he succeeded in quickly establishing friendly relations with Poland, Italy, Hungary and several other European nations. Among his numerous initiatives to lessen tensions in Europe, the German leader offered detailed proposals for mutual reductions of armaments by the major powers.

In a 1940 essay, Stein wrote positively of the appointment of “collaborationist” Henri Philippe Petain as France’s Chief of State, comparing him to George Washington. As late as 1941, she was urging the Atlantic Monthly to publish speeches by Marshal Petain, which she had translated into English. In spite of her background, Stein continued to live and write in France during the years of German occupation (1940–1944).

She also maintained a friendship with Bernard Fay, who headed France’s national library, the Bibliotheque Nationale, during the Petain era. According to a new biography of Stein, Favored Strangers: Gertrude Stein and Her Family, by Linda Wagner-Martin, Fay and Stein often discussed “the Führer’s qualities of greatness” in the years before the outbreak of war in 1939. Even after the war, when he was convicted as a collaborationist, Stein and her close companion Alice Toklas remained good friends with Fay and lobbied to free him from prison.
Conflicted Sense of Jewishness

Like many of this century’s Jewish American intellectuals, Stein’s relationship to her own Jewishness was complex and conflicted. She was sensitive to anti-Jewish sentiment, and sometimes expressed criticism of Hitler. In 1936 she wrote: “There is too much fathering going on just now and there is no doubt about it fathers are depressing. Everybody now-a-days is a father, there is father Mussolini and father Hitler and father Roosevelt and father Stalin and father Trotzky …”

Estranged from the organized Jewish community, in part because of her eccentricity and lesbianism, she nevertheless retained an acute and proud sense of her Jewishness. According to Wagner-Martin, Stein once said, “all men of genius had Jewish blood,” and even developed a theory that Abraham Lincoln was part Jewish.

During the first decade of this century, Stein became enamored of Austrian-Jewish psychologist and philosopher Otto Weininger, whose major work, Geschlecht und Charakter (“Sex and Character”), had tremendous influence on European thinking. Following its first publication in 1903, the book was quickly translated into various languages, and went through 30 editions. Weininger contrasted the masculine “Being” of Aryanism and Christianity with the feminine “non-Being” of Judaism. Jesus was the only Jew to overcome Judaism, he argued. Zionism, in Weininger’s view, is the negation of Judaism, because it seeks to ennoble what cannot be ennobled. Whereas Judaism stands for the world dispersion of Jews, Zionism strives for their ingathering.
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Re: Hitler's Peace Offers Vs Unconditional Surrender

Postby Kingfisher » 7 years 3 months ago (Wed Mar 02, 2016 5:18 pm)

Steve F wrote:onetruth said:

"It is a misquote"

After doing some searching around......I think you're right.

I'll have to stop using that quote.


And the quote from Chamberlain is hearsay: what someone says that Joe Kennedy said that Chamberlain said. I understand the sentiment and it is quite possible that Chamberlain may have said something like this in private conversation, but the evidence for it is pretty tenuous.

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Re: Hitler's Peace Offers Vs Unconditional Surrender

Postby Dresden » 7 years 3 months ago (Wed Mar 02, 2016 6:55 pm)


"I speak in the name of the entire German nation when I say that all of us most sincerely desire to root out an enmity whose sacrifices are out of all proportion to any possible gain.

"The German people are convinced that their honour has remained pure and unstained upon a thousand battlefields, just as they see in the French soldier only their ancient but glorious opponent.
"We, and the whole German nation, should all be happy at the thought that we could spare our children and our children's' children what we ourselves as honourable men have had to watch in the long and bitter years and have, ourselves had to suffer.

"The history of the last one hundred and fifty years, with all its varied changes and chances, should have taught both at least one lesson; that important and permanent changes can no longer be purchased by a sacrifice of blood.

"I, as a National Socialist, and all my followers, absolutely refuse, however, by reasons of our national principles, to acquire, at the cost of the life-blood of those who love and are dear to us, men and women of a foreign nation who, in any case, will never love us.

"It would be a day of untold blessing for the whole of humanity if the two nations once and for all would banish the idea of force from their mutual relationships; the German nation is prepared to do this.

"While boldly asserting the rights which the treaties themselves give us, I will, however, declare equally boldly that in future there will be for Germany no more territory conflicts between the two countries.

"After the return of the Saar Basin to the Reich it would be insanity to think of a war between the two states. For such a war there could no longer be, from our point of view, any reasonable or moral excuse.

"For nobody could demand that millions of young lives be destroyed in order to correct the present frontiers. Such a correction would be of a problematical extent and even more problematical worth.

"The German nation has more than fulfilled its obligations with regard to disarmament. It is now the turn of the highly armed states to fulfil similar obligations to no less extent." Adolf Hitler, October, 14th, 1933
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Re: Hitler's Peace Offers Vs Unconditional Surrender

Postby Dresden » 7 years 3 months ago (Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:07 pm)


On August, 25th, days before the outbreak of war, Hitler made a generous and comprehensive offer of a final understanding with England. On August, 27th, 1939, an emissary, Dahlerus, took these proposals to 10 Downing Street for presentation to Prime Minister Chamberlain and Foreign Minister Lord Halifax. These proposals in essence were:

1. Germany would sign a Pact of Alliance with Britain

2. Britain would act as mediator with Poland for the return of Danzig and the corridor to Germany with Poland being allowed the use of the port of Danzig.

3. Germany would guarantee the sovereignty of Poland.

4. Agreement on Germany's confiscated colonies.

5. Adequate guarantees for the well-being of German minorities in Poland.

6. Germany would provide aid in the defence of the British Empire when called upon to do so.

Britain ignored these proposals choosing instead to guarantee Poland's unjust occupation and retention of territory given to her as 'victors booty' following the first world war under the terms of the Versailles Treaty.

[See the German White Book http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/wars ... ok/1.shtml for details of the efforts made by Adolf Hitler to avoid war. Germans living in the free city of Danzig were being oppressed, tortured and killed by Polish government forces.]
Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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Re: Hitler's Peace Offers Vs Unconditional Surrender

Postby Dresden » 7 years 3 months ago (Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:13 pm)

Hitler only wanted peace

"I hope that the outside world will realise that Hitler's government has no idea of steering towards war, even though this has often been asserted abroad. As Adolf Hitler himself has said, Germany has no need of another war to avenge the loss of her military honour, because she never lost that honour. Germany does not want war of any kind. Germany wants real and abiding peace." -- Rudolf Hess

"I owe it to my position not to admit any doubt as to the possibility of maintaining peace. The peoples want peace. It must be possible for governments to maintain it. We believe that if the nations of the world could agree to destroy all their gas and inflammatory and explosive bombs it would be a much more useful achievement than using them to destroy each other." -- Adolf Hitler

"National Socialist Germany wishes for peace because it recognises the simple fact that no war would be likely to substantially ameliorate the state of distress in Europe. The distress would probably be made the greater thereby. . . If only the leaders and rulers had wanted peace, the people would never have wished for war." -- Adolf Hitler

"The Fuhrer is one of the soldiers who fought in the trenches. I am one also. Nearly all the Fuhrer's collaborators are men who fought in the most terrible war of all time. We know what war is, and for that reason we are lovers of peace." Rudolf Hess

"The world which we are not harming in any way, and from which we only ask that it will allow us to go about our business in peace, has been submerging us for months under a flood of untruths and calumnies." -- Adolf Hitler, 14th October, 1933

"The German Government has the honest intention to do everything in its power to discover and permanently set up such relations with the British people and State as will forever guard against a renewal of the only conflict that has ever been between two peoples." -- Adolf Hitler, May 21st, 1935

"As far as concerns our two countries, there is no longer any point whatsoever in dispute between Great Britain and Germany. This, I believe, became clear to everybody after the conclusion of the German-English Naval Pact, on June 18th, 1935, which marks the first step on the road to a practical peace policy." Adolf Hitler, June 18th, 1935
Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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