Axis History forum claims to refute

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Re: Axis History forum claims to refute

Postby Hektor » 5 years 11 months ago (Wed Jul 05, 2017 12:21 pm)

Atigun wrote:Welp, it's 72 years downstream from the end of WW II and people are still being thrown in prison and fined for holocaust denial so it looks like we still have a way to go before before the holocaust becomes "just another historical event."

Indeed, but there are probably only a few historical events (or claims) that have similar present they usage for vested interest than the Holocaust. So it's plausible they'd push for jailing and otherwise persecuting dissent on the matter. There is too much at stake to lose for them. Rather accept the egg in the face for jailing people based on publicly expressed opinions.

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Re: Axis History forum claims to refute

Postby Hektor » 4 years 7 months ago (Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:41 pm)

Rmbrmb21 wrote:...
If I had to wager, I would say that upwards of 80% of regular posters on are revisionists or of the kind that will say "but the holodomor/slavery/Indian wars/Maoist China/etc. was way worse". So, I am not surprised to see someone trying to shrug off denial and revision as a lesser sin. The site claims that they don't allow denial or revision because it would jeopardize their standing as "apolitical". I find that to be nonsense. Everyone has an agenda and an opinion for/on everything they do and see. The holocaust is the most politicized occurrence (however it actually happened) in the history of the world. Mentioning it in any capacity is either a testament or challenge to Zionism and Zionists everywhere. And with Zionism being the most destructive political movement of the past 100 years, apoliticality is just not possible to maintain when dealing with the holocaust.

Do they allow Holocaust Revisionism (Or Holocaust Denial, as they may call it) on that forum?

I recall that it was, but I did only bother with them very long ago.

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Re: Axis History forum claims to refute

Postby bonniwell2923 » 4 years 4 months ago (Sun Jan 20, 2019 10:06 pm)

He states is was a reservoir
If you think about it, when is a threat of fire at it's highest? In the winter when people are trying to warm themselves (see chimneys on buildings)
In the winter time, does that water not become a useless block of ice?. Lakes freeze over enough to drive on in Minnesota
Note location of pool, it is not central in the camp, it is on one side of the camp away from the only entrance. What were their pumping capabilities if fire was on the other side of the fence? Needless to say the time to run the hose.
At a time of year when the threat of fire is at it's highest, the pool/reservoir is a block of ice

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Re: Axis History forum claims to refute

Postby Hannover » 4 years 4 months ago (Mon Jan 21, 2019 12:31 am)

bonniwell2923 wrote:He states is was a reservoir
If you think about it, when is a threat of fire at it's highest? In the winter when people are trying to warm themselves (see chimneys on buildings)
In the winter time, does that water not become a useless block of ice?. Lakes freeze over enough to drive on in Minnesota
Note location of pool, it is not central in the camp, it is on one side of the camp away from the only entrance. What were their pumping capabilities if fire was on the other side of the fence? Needless to say the time to run the hose.
At a time of year when the threat of fire is at it's highest, the pool/reservoir is a block of ice

Swimming pool at Mauthausen with lounging Jews.

courtesy of Carlos Porter at:

No doubt another 'reservoir. :roll:

The coup de grâce:
Jew, Marc Klein, former Auschwitz inmate, in "Observations et réflexions sur les camps de concentration nazis", taken from the journal Etudes germaniques (No. 3, 1946), 1948, p. 31, explicitly mentions that 'there were soccer, basketball and water polo matches.
That the SS administration allowed regular amusements for the prisoners, even on weekdays. A movie theater showed Nazi newsreels and sentimental films and a very popular cabaret gave presentations often attended by the SS authorities. Finally, there was a very creditable orchestra, made up originally only of Polish musicians and replaced later by a new, high-quality group made up of musicians of all nationalities, mostly Jews'

Dr. Faurisson shreds J.C Pressac's 'gas chambers'

This is too easy,

- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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