Revisionist pioneer Udo Walendy (1927-2022)

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Revisionist pioneer Udo Walendy (1927-2022)

Postby phdnm » 6 months 3 weeks ago (Thu Nov 17, 2022 11:51 pm)

Revisionist pioneer Udo Walendy (1927-2022)


November 17, 2022

Udo Walendy – German patriot and pioneering revisionist scholar and publisher – died last night aged 95.

Born in Berlin, he was among the last of the wartime generation, having served as a teenager in the Reich Labour Force, then as a Luftwaffe auxiliary, and finally as a soldier in the Wehrmacht, turning 18 less than four months before the end of the war.

After an early career in education and business, Udo became one of the very first pioneers of revisionist history, publishing the first edition of his book Wahrheit für Deutschland – Die Schuldfrage des Zweiten Weltkriegs (‘Truth for Germany: the guilt question of the Second World War’) in 1964, a decade before the 1970s explosion of revisionist scholarship. This book appeared in many subsequent editions in several languages.


Among his most significant contributions to that scholarship was his long-running series Historische Tatsachen, published latterly by Siegfried Verbeke’s VHO in Flanders.

A major figure on the international revisionist scene, Udo was a long-time board member of the Institute for Historical Review (IHR), and was a witness at both of the groundbreaking trials of Canadian-German revisionist publisher Ernst Zündel, in 1985 and 1988.

When the NPD was formed in 1964 as the main nationalist party in what was then West Germany, Udo Walendy became one of its first members, serving on the party’s federal executive from 1967-73, and as state chairman of the NPD in North-Rhine-Westphalia from 1971-73.

In 1996-97 Udo Walendy served prison sentences under Germany’s notorious debate-denying Volksverhetzung law, and was prosecuted on many other occasions, as well as suffering frequent official harassment and the seizure of his books and magazines.

Until his eyesight failed in his final years, Udo Walendy remained extremely active as a revisionist and as a patriot, standing as mayoral candidate for the NPD in his home city of Mönchengladbach in 2014, when he was already aged 87.

The last of the wartime generation are leaving us, as are many of the pioneering revisionist generation of the 1960s and 1970s. The great intellectual adventure of our times (as Robert Faurisson called it) continues, as the torch is passed to new revisionist leaders such as Vincent Reynouard, now battling extradition to France where a new prison sentence would await him, and then on to a new generation of brave and articulate European intellectuals.

The truth – or as Professor Faurisson preferred to put it, “exactitude” – will never be silenced. Wahrheit macht Frei!

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Re: Revisionist pioneer Udo Walendy (1927-2022)

Postby Merlin300 » 6 months 3 weeks ago (Fri Nov 18, 2022 12:01 am)

Rest In Peace.
A brave warrior for his country and for the Truth.

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Re: Revisionist pioneer Udo Walendy (1927-2022)

Postby Hektor » 6 months 3 weeks ago (Fri Nov 18, 2022 8:26 am)

Secundate: Rest in Peace.

I recently wondered what became of him (Given his advance age). I'm also remorseful that I never could use a chance to meet him, when I visited Germany. He's perhaps the most active German revisionist often at odds with the 'courts' on matters of historiography. He already challenged students, when he was a teacher at a college for commercial vocations. It did cost him his job there.

I see this also has resonated on twitter: ... 6151497728

... Not without some rather pesky remarks by those that think expressing disbelieve is a sin.

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Re: Revisionist pioneer Udo Walendy (1927-2022)

Postby sfivdf21 » 6 months 3 weeks ago (Fri Nov 18, 2022 10:42 am)

A true German historian, academic and patriot.

Rest in Peace Udo Walendy. :salute:

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Re: Revisionist pioneer Udo Walendy (1927-2022)

Postby sfivdf21 » 6 months 3 weeks ago (Fri Nov 18, 2022 11:14 am)

Hektor wrote:Secundate: Rest in Peace.

I recently wondered what became of him (Given his advance age). I'm also remorseful that I never could use a chance to meet him, when I visited Germany. He's perhaps the most active German revisionist often at odds with the 'courts' on matters of historiography. He already challenged students, when he was a teacher at a college for commercial vocations. It did cost him his job there.

I see this also has resonated on twitter: ... 6151497728

... Not without some rather pesky remarks by those that think expressing disbelieve is a sin.

I would also have liked to personally meet Udo Walendy, one of the best German historians specialized in the Third Reich era and the Second World War (it's pityful that he never wrote a biography on Adolf Hitler, that's the only thing that he lacked) and one of the best Revisionist academics.

I didn't know the anecdote that you mentioned that he "challenged" the students when he was a teacher in a college (I knew that Walendy, apart from being a historian, was also a licensed political scientist but not that he was a teacher). When was that happened, could you tell me more about it, please?

As an additional anecdote about Walendy, according to the German-speaking Metapedia, in 1965 he gave a lecture in the town of Minden in Westfalen at the invitation of an FDP councilor. Striking fact since Walendy was a prominent member of the German post-war National Socialist political party, the NPD since its founding in 1964 (and also one of the main public figures of the party despite being a foe of the party leader, Adolf von Thadden) and the lecture took place in the same year in which he published his famous revisionist book "Wahrheit für Deutschland".,_Udo

On the other hand, I have been pleasantly surprised that the current leader of the NPD, Frank Franz, has dared to openly vindicate one of the main "Holocaust" Revisionists such as Udo Walendy on his official Twitter account and that his Tweet has had a mostly positive reception. Do you think that this is a sign of a change in Germany and that Germans are beginning to lose their fear of oppenly expressing revisionist and pro-Hitler views?

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Re: Revisionist pioneer Udo Walendy (1927-2022)

Postby jarno » 6 months 3 weeks ago (Fri Nov 18, 2022 11:49 am)

I own two of his books "Who Started World War Two", and "The Brainwashing of the German Nation". I have to say that these two books are among my most beloved out of any revisionist texts that I've read. He had an incredible ability to express the plight of the German people and to maintain a superb level of scholarship. The latter booklet gave me a new revisionist understanding of the Holocaust. In it, he describes how atrocity propaganda became enforced on the defeated German people through various means, including rigging of the courts through articles of the London Decree. For example, Article 19 says that "the tribunal is not obligated to observe the rules of proof", and Article 21 states that "the"tribunal shall not demand evidence for notorious facts". Through this I came to understand how the Holocaust emerged as the result of deceit and fraud on a prostrate and defeated people. He might be my favorite revisionist author that I've ever read. Rest in peace Udo!

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Re: Revisionist pioneer Udo Walendy (1927-2022)

Postby DissentingOpinions » 6 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Nov 18, 2022 4:17 pm)

Revisionism has lost a great man. I'm glad I was able to buy his book from Barnes & Noble before the purge. Everybody who is interested in serious World War 2 revisionism should get a copy. Gott mit Udo Walendy - rest easy in Heaven, fellow truth fighter.

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Re: Revisionist pioneer Udo Walendy (1927-2022)

Postby Archie » 6 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Nov 18, 2022 8:43 pm)


His important series Historische Tatsachen can be found online. I think he is generally underrated among English speakers because much of his work was published in his own German-language publication rather than the JHR. The CODOH library only has two items by him which doesn't do him justice. ... do+Walendy

Here is his testimony from the second Zundel trial

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Re: Revisionist pioneer Udo Walendy (1927-2022)

Postby chaos » 6 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Nov 18, 2022 9:43 pm)

Rest in peace

History will smile upon you

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Re: Revisionist pioneer Udo Walendy (1927-2022)

Postby Hektor » 6 months 2 weeks ago (Sat Nov 19, 2022 8:08 am)

sfivdf21 wrote:
Hektor wrote:Secundate: Rest in Peace.

I recently wondered what became of him (Given his advance age). I'm also remorseful that I never could use a chance to meet him, when I visited Germany. He's perhaps the most active German revisionist often at odds with the 'courts' on matters of historiography. He already challenged students, when he was a teacher at a college for commercial vocations. It did cost him his job there.

I see this also has resonated on twitter: ... 6151497728

... Not without some rather pesky remarks by those that think expressing disbelieve is a sin.

I would also have liked to personally meet Udo Walendy, one of the best German historians specialized in the Third Reich era and the Second World War (it's pityful that he never wrote a biography on Adolf Hitler, that's the only thing that he lacked) and one of the best Revisionist academics.

I didn't know the anecdote that you mentioned that he "challenged" the students when he was a teacher in a college (I knew that Walendy, apart from being a historian, was also a licensed political scientist but not that he was a teacher). When was that happened, could you tell me more about it, please?

He mentioned the incident with the students (I presume they were teenagers in the 16-23 year range) in one of his talks... I think it was during "Die Methoden der Umerziehung". Here are some audio-recordings of Udo Walendy (in German):

I don't think biographies were his thing. His thing was probably that his personal experience of the era didn't match the presentation it was given in post-war (West) Germany by academia and media. So he investigated the matter more deeply. That he was active in the NPD was held against him... That party started as a social conservative organization, but it seems that the British intelligence services had a hold over some of the leading members (no indication that this was the case with Udo Walendy, though). Since the 2000s it became clear that the NPD was deeply infiltrated by the present German intelligence services as well. It turned out that those members that made more controversial remarks (leading to trials to ban the organization) were actually government agents. The NPD wasn't banned, but the intelligence services have successfully neutralized a opposition party/organization, while keeping up the pretense of liberal democracy in the eyes of the majority.

Walendy's 'association with right-wing extremism' and 'neo-Nazis' were of course used against him and against Revisionism in general. "Revisionism can't be right, because some revisionists are right-wingers" is the irrational line of argument there. It's of course an obfuscation of logic, but that doesn't hinder the adherents of Holocaust-Lore to present this as a 'highly scientific type of argument'. Meanwhile Udo Walendy was a person of high integrity, quite different from representatives of the present hegemonial positions.

Udo Walendy's publications dealt more with what can be verified from the diplomatic record and what was recorded in other publications. For biographies one needs to interview contemporaries of the person to be biographed. That type of testimony is highly subjective and memory of contemporary witnesses tends to fade away. Bear in mind that in the era when Walendy was writing World War Two and the immediate era before was already decades ago. Memories get blurred through receiving new information via conversations, media consumption as well as ones own re-interpretation of events. Holocaust apologists frequently insist that the 'memories of Holocaust witnesses' are reliable. That is when they say something they can use.... The same people will lash out, when they got to deal with memories not fitting their narrative.

Anyway, Udo Walendy did do a good job in enlightening the German public on the lack of truthfulness of the induced 'historiography' on the pre-post-war period. The system's response was accordingly... Trials for publications and that in a country that prided itself on its liberality. Still people interested in history could learn a thing or two with those publications. For this we should all be grateful.

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Re: Revisionist pioneer Udo Walendy (1927-2022)

Postby Mortimer » 5 months 3 weeks ago (Wed Dec 14, 2022 6:07 am)

I first became familiar with Udo Walendy when I read a book of his on fake atrocity photos called Forged War Crimes Malign The German Nation. This helped to convince me that the revisionists were on the right track. After all, if the evidence for the holocaust is "overwhelming" as they say then why use fake atrocity photos ? Surely they should be able to use real ones ?
A version of the above book can be found as an article in Dissecting the Holocaust -The Growing Critique of "Truth" and "Memory". ... tional/en/
There are 2 sides to every story - always listen or read both points of view and make up your own mind. Don't let others do your thinking for you.

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Re: Revisionist pioneer Udo Walendy (1927-2022)

Postby Hektor » 5 months 3 weeks ago (Thu Dec 15, 2022 7:54 am)

Mortimer wrote:I first became familiar with Udo Walendy when I read a book of his on fake atrocity photos called Forged War Crimes Malign The German Nation. This helped to convince me that the revisionists were on the right track. After all, if the evidence for the holocaust is "overwhelming" as they say then why use fake atrocity photos ? Surely they should be able to use real ones ?
A version of the above book can be found as an article in Dissecting the Holocaust -The Growing Critique of "Truth" and "Memory". ... tional/en/

I recall the book. There were quite some people that had copies of it in South Africa. The issue remained limited to those interested in history of course. The universities avoided the Holocaust subject all together previously. Problem:
1. If they taught students that the Holocaust is a lie... media pundits would have used this against the university.
2. If they taught students the Holocaust as truth.... There were plenty of students that would challenge it as propaganda.

Ironically option 2 would be the better one. This would have exposed the lack of evidence for the allegation and probably that this was part of psychological warfare. The average South African student was rather naive, though. Fun Fact: I recall a Black student, who was educated at a German mission station mentioning to me that there were doubts about the Holocaust. That tells me that the Germans in South Africa were generally more aware of the swindle than Germans in Germany. Walendy & friends were of course an exception. Prior to fake photo series, I recall "Historische Tatsachen". There was a book dealer in Pretoria that had Revisionist literature for sale.

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