When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

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When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby TimeTraveler » 5 years 4 months ago (Fri Jan 26, 2018 3:28 am)

I'm curious what do you all do when someone near you talks about the Holocaust? It be a stranger out in public, Family, Friends etc. What's your reaction? Do you start to educate them on the facts against the Holocaust or do you just not say anything? Because I've been in situations where this has happened a lot and to be honest I just don't say anything because It might turn into a big argument and I just don't want to get into with people.But there's been times where I think to myself "I should have said something".

So question is what do you guys do?

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby borjastick » 5 years 4 months ago (Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:40 am)

TmeTraveler, if you are out in public and the issue is mentioned by someone you don't know, I would ignore it and walk away. If it happens to come up, say this week where the holocaust is more generally discussed, and a friend or family member says 'oh they suffered so terribly those jews, the holocaust was terrible', you might calmly and quietly just mention to them that in recent years science and research have shown that in fact the death toll was nowhere near 6m and in fact not one gas chamber was ever found.

See what that does.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby StuDewan » 5 years 4 months ago (Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:32 am)

I start by saying "I have relatives who were interned in Auschwitz. From my father's family and from my mother's family. I have relatives who died in Auschwitz, I have relatives who survived Auschwitz and I even have one relative who escaped from Auschwitz." (it's true, I won't go into my personal details)

The most common reaction I get is "I didn't know you were jewish." to what I say "I am not. See how you have the wrong idea about what happened in the War? 95% of what you read or heard about the Holocaust is not true."

From the surprise expression on their faces I know quite a lot of them started to look with critical eyes at the official story.

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby Hektor » 5 years 4 months ago (Sat Jan 27, 2018 7:55 am)

borjastick wrote:TmeTraveler, if you are out in public and the issue is mentioned by someone you don't know, I would ignore it and walk away. If it happens to come up, say this week where the holocaust is more generally discussed, and a friend or family member says 'oh they suffered so terribly those jews, the holocaust was terrible', you might calmly and quietly just mention to them that in recent years science and research have shown that in fact the death toll was nowhere near 6m and in fact not one gas chamber was ever found.

See what that does.

To which you will hear:"Even, if only one Jew died, this would still be just as horrible."

You will notice that the arguments to rational responses are often quite cultic in their approach and presentation.

Oh. Today is "Holocaust Memorial Day". You will notice a lot of silly comments on social media. But also many better informed ones.

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby HaaDeeCee » 5 years 4 months ago (Sat Jan 27, 2018 12:01 pm)

In this day of sound bites, a short and snappy answer often silences the opposition ie holohoaxers.

To wit: At a dinner meeting a year ago one person lamented the Canadian deaths during WWI at the hands of the Germans. To which I quipped: "Perhaps Canada should not have declared war on Germany." There was deathly silence at our table of six. Nobody followed up on this with the usual rubbish of "fighting for our freedoms"; I could have demolished this by asking: "What freedoms are those?" Etc.

Similarly with the holohoax whining and moaning. When someone whines about the "poor Jews" etc. etc. simply retort that perhaps the Jews should not have declared war on Germany in 1933, as numerous headlines around the world decreed at that time.

And if some imbecile says that even one Jew is too much, I'd retort that one Jew would have been way too few since certain crimes were the specialty of members of that tribe.

In der Kuerze liegt die Wuerze. Keep it short and snappy.

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby Hektor » 5 years 4 months ago (Sat Jan 27, 2018 1:14 pm)

HaaDeeCee wrote:In this day of sound bites, a short and snappy answer often silences the opposition ie holohoaxers.

Got to agree. With most people it's not worthwhile to have a deeper discussion anyway. The just swallow what they've been fed by the mass-media or during their "education". What authority figures say is gospel. Those that think a little bit further is lower than 10%, perhaps a bit more, if your family or circle of friends is intellectually inclined. (Don't think for a minute that this is the case with the majority of academics).

With more intellectually inclined people a good starting point would be to point out the role of psychological warfare, or how actually it was assessed that there was an "extermination program". I'm leaving out the technical details of homicidal gassings. That's something for the more technical inclined.

To change people's mind it's necessary to "unfreeze" them at least a bit. You will see that most people are closed minded, but when their confidence in what they've been told gets shaken, they may become open to new views on a subject. Confronting them with obvious propaganda lies, is the way to go.

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby fountainhead » 5 years 4 months ago (Sat Jan 27, 2018 11:23 pm)

Most of the time, and especially nowadays when people seem to be finding "neo-nazis" everywhere they look, I tend to keep my mouth shut about the holocaust. The only person I know with enough historical knowledge for me to at least "chip away" at the narrative is my dad. So, for instance, when we were watching a documentary that showed the infamous shrunken head and human skin lampshade, I had to call those out as fakes used for propaganda. He didn't fight me on it. But to make the leap to convincing him there was no extermination program? That is a much bigger task which I've never attempted.

Think how long it took you and how much reading and research was involved in convincing you that the holocaust narrative is false. I don't know about others here, but in my case, I spent years reading material here and watching revisionist videos. Now imagine trying to condense all that into a back and forth argument with a friend/relative. Not gonna happen right away. Can only chip away at it. Even my very open-minded best friend, the only friend/relative I've confessed my revisionist beliefs to, still hasn't come around after years of me, as calmly and objectively as possible, explaining the story to him. The intellectual curiosity is just not there for the average person. They want a simple story. Allies good. Axis evil. Can't be bothered with the nuance that even the "good guys" lie sometimes.

So, bottom line, with most people I find it isn't worth the effort to even talk about it, except in cases where I know that serious mainstream historians would have to agree (i.e. the Jewish soap myth).
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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby Hannover » 5 years 4 months ago (Sun Jan 28, 2018 1:43 am)

If you're going to get into it at all with someone, you might as well get into it.
A tentative approach will make you look confused & unsure.

There's nothing to lose. If you don't say anything they will ignorantly keep on believing in the impossible.
If you do say something, they may react negatively, but they will absolutely never be the same.

And it's guaranteed at some time in the near future they will hear even more, but at that time it will no longer be new and the inevitable build to critical mass will be occurring,

When I initially discuss the topic with someone I immediately hit them with the hammer and dispense with touchy feely distractions.
The big opening blast is 'The holocaust extermination storyline is simply impossible.'

- The alleged 'gas chambers' are scientifically impossible.

Most people have no clue how these were alleged to have worked.
They will then have that rolling around in their head. They will have been prepped.

- The claimed '6M Jews & 5M' others would not have been possible without enormous amounts of verifiable, visible human remains left behind.
Not a single alleged huge mass grave has been excavated & shown to support the claims. Not one.
The '5M others' often shakes them up as well.

Hence the useful quote:
We're talking about an alleged '6M Jews & 5M others' ... 11,000,000.
There is not a single verifiable excavated enormous mass grave with contents actually SHOWN, not just claimed, (recall the claim of 900,000 buried at Treblinka, 1,250,000 at Auschwitz, or 250,000 at Sobibor, 34,000 at Babi Yar) even though Jews claim they still exist and claim to know exactly where these alleged enormous mass graves are.
IOW, if something can't happen as alleged, then it didn't happen.

If they want to go into the "survivors" lies you can also tell them there were thousands of proclaimed "survivors & witnesses" to witchcraft, all verified as fact by world governments & courts everywhere.
Ask them to give you names and tell you what they actually, specifically claim. I doubt they will even know.

And of course, these so called "holocaust survivors" would not even exist if the narrative was true.
It's claimed that there was ‘a plan to kill every Jew the Germans could get their hands on’, then why are there countless numbers of so called “survivors"?

There you go, some quick head spinners.
It really only takes a couple of minutes, plus it's just not that difficult.

If you're going to discuss it with someone, then go for the throat immediately and let them deal with their cognitive dissonance.
After all, every Revisionist is a former believer, we got over it.

- Hannover

If the alleged ‘holocaust’ was fact, then why are there laws in Europe to prevent scrutiny of it? What kind of “truth” needs to imprison people to prevent free speech?
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby borjastick » 5 years 4 months ago (Sun Jan 28, 2018 3:32 am)

Think how long it took you and how much reading and research was involved in convincing you that the holocaust narrative is false.

It took me about three hours of reading to be sufficiently suspicious. I then read loads more, expecting to find the golden nugget of truth proving it all happened. I didn't find it...
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby TimeTraveler » 5 years 4 months ago (Sun Jan 28, 2018 7:20 am)

borjastick wrote:
Think how long it took you and how much reading and research was involved in convincing you that the holocaust narrative is false.

It took me about three hours of reading to be sufficiently suspicious. I then read loads more, expecting to find the golden nugget of truth proving it all happened. I didn't find it...

Yeah I was the same. You know what got me to look into all this was after I watched "Hitler the rise of evil" it talked about the Holocaust at the end. Then I remembered I heard White Nationalists on a Oprah video say it never happened and boom I started looking into it and I was blown away with the amount of evidence against it. What really sold me was when I found out that the picture of the Body Burning pit at Birkenau was doctored (which gave me chills) and all the newspaper articles talking about six million Jews before the war even started/ended.

So yeah after just a couple hours i was totally convinced that it never happened.

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby TimeTraveler » 5 years 4 months ago (Sun Jan 28, 2018 7:50 am)

Hannover wrote:If you're going to get into it at all with someone, you might as well get into it.
A tentative approach will make you look confused & unsure.

I agree, My favorite point I like to tell people is that of the photos of all the dead bodies was taken at the western liberated camps that have been proven that they weren't death camps. Also that all of the alleged death camps was liberated by the Soviets and that they didn't allow anyone to even enter the camps until much later after Nuremberg trials. I like to throw that at them because I think most believe that those photos are the most undeniable "proof" of the Holocaust.
Every time that I've brought that up to people I get the deer in the headlights look.

But yeah I wouldn't just want to say a one little fact I would like to get into it with people cause the more stuff you throw at them the more it'll always be in the back of their minds later. People can blow off one fact but not tons of them. Plus you know you just look more knowledgeable on the topic. The only thing about getting real into it with people is that you might not always be in the right situations to do so.

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby borjastick » 5 years 4 months ago (Sun Jan 28, 2018 8:36 am)

Most of my close friends know how I feel and where I stand on the subject. Though I don't bring it up much with them anymore, because they are my friends and I don't wish to bang on and on about it, I feel they are always thinking about what I have said on it. Perhaps one day one of them will ask more detail on it and then maybe I can convince them.

Another good tactic on it is to ask the believer why they believe. What is it that convinced them (given that they are intelligent) enough to go in hook line and sinker and not question. Or ask them if they really believe it was possible to cremate 5000, 10000, 15000 corpses a day in one crematorium facility in Auschwitz?

Or ask them how between 1.1million and 4million human remains could have totally disappeared from Auschwitz. All the above one must do before saying that you think it's all the biggest lie in recent human history.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby TimeTraveler » 5 years 4 months ago (Sun Jan 28, 2018 1:57 pm)

borjastick wrote:Most of my close friends know how I feel and where I stand on the subject. Though I don't bring it up much with them anymore, because they are my friends and I don't wish to bang on and on about it, I feel they are always thinking about what I have said on it

I don't really have that problem I've educated most of my friends on the topic and they agree that its a hoax. But with one which is basically my best friend after I told him a few facts also I have a instagram account dedicated to this topic and he follows me. He told me that he doesn't care if it's a hoax or not. Which I told him why it's pretty important and he just changed the subject.
The problem I really have is that one of my friends dad's is a neo conservative that's a Glenn Beck fan and he has sent donations to Israel and wears a United States and Israel flag pin everyday. As you all know those people are probably the hardest to educate on this topic.

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby Hektor » 5 years 4 months ago (Sun Jan 28, 2018 3:01 pm)

borjastick wrote:Most of my close friends know how I feel and where I stand on the subject. Though I don't bring it up much with them anymore, because they are my friends and I don't wish to bang on and on about it, I feel they are always thinking about what I have said on it. Perhaps one day one of them will ask more detail on it and then maybe I can convince them.

Another good tactic on it is to ask the believer why they believe. What is it that convinced them (given that they are intelligent) enough to go in hook line and sinker and not question. Or ask them if they really believe it was possible to cremate 5000, 10000, 15000 corpses a day in one crematorium facility in Auschwitz?

Or ask them how between 1.1million and 4million human remains could have totally disappeared from Auschwitz. All the above one must do before saying that you think it's all the biggest lie in recent human history.

Actually it's only worthwhile to bring up "the Holocaust", when the others are willing to listen and reason about the arguments being made. So it's not enough someone "wants to debate the Holocaust", since it may degenerate into emotional rants as opposed to a rationale discussion of the subject. Remember, it's not a penis-comparison contest, although it seems that is how a lot of Holocaust promoters seem to view it (all serious historians say, they got degrees, the court said, the majority of....). On the other hand, try to avoid to set up a debate the way that there are winners and losers (again, this is a tactic by Holocaustians) yourself. The person you are talking to must be feel that they won something from that debate.

You got to break the ice, hence you should start out with anything that could be considered a red flag. E.g. claims that are obviously false. OK, I know the response then is:"Maybe it weren't 10.000, but 1000 are certainly possible?!" and of course moralizing:"It doesn't make a difference, if one Jew or six million were killed".

It's also important to show that it is a reputable source is making a false claim. Take this one here for example:


They start with the claim that 16 million Jews were alive in 1933 and ends with the claim that only 10 Million Jews were alive in 1945.
That's something one can start with, because, what's the evidence for that statement?

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Re: When someone around you brings up the Holocaust

Postby Breker » 5 years 4 months ago (Sun Jan 28, 2018 5:46 pm)

We suggest that you say to them, 'Let's watch a movie'. That is a familiar way to get the low attention span crowd stimulated.
This video is a fine ice breaker.

Probing the Holocaust
By Germar Rudolf
Revisionists are just the messengers, the impossibility of the "Holocaust" narrative is the message.

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