Indonesian, Arabs and Muslim involvements during the alleged Holocaust in Aid for the Jews

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Indonesian, Arabs and Muslim involvements during the alleged Holocaust in Aid for the Jews

Postby Dugong_Terbang » 1 year 1 month ago (Thu Apr 14, 2022 12:07 pm)

The world are supposed to knew, that the FIRST EVER Holocaust Museum 'officially' established by the Indonesian-Jewish business man Yaakov Baruch in the South-East Asians, precisely in the Minahasa, Indonesia at 27 January 2022 which sparked a lot of debate about the pros and cons even the alleged Holohoax ever happened far away from Indonesia

This Forum magnificient works, together with other Revisionists had disputed many false claims regarding the Holocaust and the alleged German war crimes, but still nobody make a thread about salvation by the Indonesian, Arabs and Muslim in aid for the Jews

Tons of their claim that Indonesian and Muslim involvements in aid for the Jews during National Socialist regime to promote the Holocaust narrative in the South-East Asians
Start from Alfred Munzer first, "The Lullaby for the Bobby" as conveyed by Monique Rijkers, Indonesian pro-Israel activist.
the Lullaby for the Bobby itself is their self proclaimed of our local folk lullaby song named "Nina Bobo" which has been singed over hundred years as a sleeping song, this Israel-activist claimed that the origin of the "Nina Bobo" is from the Lullaby for the Bobby which is a Lullaby for Alfred Munzer
Alfred Munzer was a baby Jewish ancestry rescued by the Indonesian family in the Netherland where the alleged Nazi Gestapo crazily rampaged door to door in search of any Jewish bloodline.

Indonesian who rescued Munzer
Long story short, their second marriage was fertilized by three children. Is Eva, Leah and also Alfred Munzer. When Alfred was born in 1941, the Netherlands was invaded by Germany. This is where the story of Alfred's rescue begins. The hunt for the Jews became the main target of the Germans.

In order to save her children, Gisele chose to sell all her possessions. His two daughters and Alfred's siblings were entrusted to a neighbor who was willing to hide them. Her father, Simcha, pretends to try to commit suicide and is taken to a mental hospital. Gisele then followed after leaving her three children.

Alfred, at that time was entrusted to a neighbor named Annie Madna. He was later transferred to be cared for by his younger sister Annie because at that time a Dutch Nazi sympathizer was living next door. For Alfred's safety, Annie then contacted her ex-husband, Tole Madna, a man who is also an immigrant from Indonesia. It was there that Alfred was finally cared for by Tole Madna until World War II ended.

From here also Alfred knew Mima Saina as his adoptive mother. Coincidentally, Mima is a maid at Tole Madna's house. Until finally, Alfred returned to Gisele's lap. During their separation, Gisele moved from camp to camp several times after the hospital where they were hiding was raided by Nazi SS soldiers. Gisele and her husband Simca were taken prisoner by the SS soldiers. Unfortunately two months before the war ended, Alfred's father died.

He died while undergoing treatment. His services were buried in the burial area of ​​Camp Ebensee, a camp employing Jewish prisoners to build underground tunnels used to evacuate V-2 missile weapons.

Now Alfred has grown into an adult. After World War Two, Gisele brought Alfred to move to the United States. Now Alfred is an internist and pulmonary specialist living in Washington DC, United States. At his request, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website also uses Indonesian.

Arabs and Muslim Salvation
A number of Arab citizens rescued the Jewish population from the Holocaust in the Arab region when it was being controlled by fascist countries . From June 1940 to May 1943, the Axis countries , notably Germany and Italy , controlled large areas of North Africa. About 1 percent of the Jewish population, approximately 4,000 to 5,000 inhabitants, was killed by the government in power at that time. This relatively small number, compared to the 50 percent of European Jews who died during the Holocaust, was due to the successful Allied North African Campaign to expel Axis forces from North Africa.[1]

No colonized country in Africa or Europe was free from a campaign of Jewish genocide, but this campaign was bigger in Europe than the Arab countries. French colonial officials offered Algerians to take over confiscated Jewish property and many French settlers were ready to take advantage of the plan. However, no Arabs were involved. In the capital, Algiers , Muslim clerics publicly rejected the plan. [2] Although some Arabs cooperated with the Axis forces by working as guards in forced labor camps, [ citation needed ] , many other Arabs risked their lives to save the Jews from oppression and genocide.

Rescue efforts by the Arabs did not only occur in the Middle East. Si Kaddour Benghabrit , rector of the Great Mosque of Paris , according to various sources, saved between 100 [1] [3] and 500 Jews by giving them Muslim guises. There is also the case of non-Arab Muslim residents in Albania who helped the Jewish population escape the Holocaust in Europe. In September 2013, Yad Vashem declared an Egyptian doctor, Mohammed Helmy , as one of the Good People of Different Nations for saving Anna Gutman ( néewasteful), endangering himself for three years, and saving Gutman's mother, Julie, his grandmother, Cecilie Rudnik, and his stepfather, Georg Wehr, from the Holocaust. Helmy is the first Arab to receive the award. [4] ... a_Holokaus
Supported by several references as well

Whats the Revisionist's view of this ?

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Re: Indonesian, Arabs and Muslim involvements during the alleged Holocaust in Aid for the Jews

Postby hermod » 1 year 1 month ago (Thu Apr 14, 2022 10:06 pm)

Dugong_Terbang wrote:Whats the Revisionist's view of this ?

As far as I know, no revisionist historian has ever disputed the arrest, deportation, imprisonment and forced labor of many Jews in Germany and German-occupied Europe during WWII. The help of some Jews from Indonesian and Muslim people during WWII doesn't prove the existence of an extermination policy against the Jews at that time. There are now some people who help illegal immigrants in Western countries and that of course doesn't prove that those illegal immigrants are threatened with extermination.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Indonesian, Arabs and Muslim involvements during the alleged Holocaust in Aid for the Jews

Postby Hektor » 1 year 1 month ago (Wed Apr 20, 2022 5:37 am)

hermod wrote:
Dugong_Terbang wrote:Whats the Revisionist's view of this ?

As far as I know, no revisionist historian has ever disputed the arrest, deportation, imprisonment and forced labor of many Jews in Germany and German-occupied Europe during WWII. The help of some Jews from Indonesian and Muslim people during WWII doesn't prove the existence of an extermination policy against the Jews at that time. There are now some people who help illegal immigrants in Western countries and that of course doesn't prove that those illegal immigrants are threatened with extermination.

Yet that's what the supporters/helpers of unlawful invaders do claim or at least insinuate. They must help the "refugees", otherwise they would be killed in their countries.

Indeed the deportations of Jews are a fact just as e.g. the drafting of mostly young German man to the Wehrmacht was. What's in dispute that this was part of a conspiracy to kill the Jews. Internment was a security measure and the physical removal of Jews from the German sphere of influence was sorts of an attempt in ethno-social engineering. Jews were seen as inciting other people into conflicts and a corrosive influence. In a sense this was a measure to prevent genocide and not a facilitation of it.

Both the Holocaust as well as the repopulation of White countries passed on as "helping refugee" are grounded on innuendo not fact. Those refugees don't "flee extermination", mostly not even persecution... That problem could be easily solved by travelling a few miles. They are mostly attracted by the material benefits they may gain from entering countries where the welfare system takes care of them. In either case, intellectual dishonesty is the mark of the trade, there.

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Re: Indonesian, Arabs and Muslim involvements during the alleged Holocaust in Aid for the Jews

Postby Dugong_Terbang » 1 year 1 month ago (Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:53 am)

hermod wrote:
Dugong_Terbang wrote:Whats the Revisionist's view of this ?

The help of some Jews from Indonesian and Muslim people during WWII doesn't prove the existence of an extermination policy against the Jews at that time. There are now some people who help illegal immigrants in Western countries and that of course doesn't prove that those illegal immigrants are threatened with extermination.

Why did those peoples prefer to help the fleeing Jews and gave aid to them ? Both directly and indirectly risking their live to help the "illegal immigrants", what would the National Socialist ever did when they found a person or groups that act as an agent assistant who helped the both targeted (NS Political/military enemies, etc) and non targeted (just random usual Jews that want to flee from Germany) Illegal Immigrants (Jews) ?

Will they ever know what Jews have done in the country which they lived in ?
We already knew what those Jews done in Weimar period, Russian before 1917, and more, what about them ?

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Re: Indonesian, Arabs and Muslim involvements during the alleged Holocaust in Aid for the Jews

Postby hermod » 1 year 1 month ago (Thu Apr 21, 2022 11:40 pm)

Dugong_Terbang wrote:Why did those peoples prefer to help the fleeing Jews and gave aid to them ?

Sentimentality and/or political ineptitude?
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Indonesian, Arabs and Muslim involvements during the alleged Holocaust in Aid for the Jews

Postby Dugong_Terbang » 1 year 1 month ago (Fri Apr 22, 2022 5:49 pm)

hermod wrote:
Dugong_Terbang wrote:Why did those peoples prefer to help the fleeing Jews and gave aid to them ?

Sentimentality and/or political ineptitude?

Both of them if you can provide me the answer

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