Hitler, The Unknown Soldier 1914-1918

All aspects including lead-in to hostilities and results.
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Hitler, The Unknown Soldier 1914-1918

Postby Mortimer » 3 years 8 months ago (Thu Sep 19, 2019 11:38 pm)

A documentary which looks at the wartime service of Adolf Hitler in the first world war. It shows how this conflict and its outcome shaped his world view.
https://archive.org/details/HitlerTheUn ... 918_201811
There are 2 sides to every story - always listen or read both points of view and make up your own mind. Don't let others do your thinking for you.

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Re: Hitler, The Unknown Soldier 1914-1918

Postby NLH » 3 years 7 months ago (Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:26 am)

This also add to this area of history:

Hitler’s First War: Adolf Hitler, the Men of the List Regiment, and the First World War by Thomas Weber, reviewed by Martin Kerr of New Order: http://www.heritageanddestiny.com/publi ... first-war/
"Believe me, I came into Auschwitz in a much worse condition than I actually left it."
- Kitty Hart-Moxon, Jewish Holocaust Survivor (June 1998 testimony, USC Shoah Foundation, Visual History Archive. Part 2 - YouTube - 1:21:42)


Re: Hitler, The Unknown Soldier 1914-1918

Postby Otium » 3 years 6 months ago (Sat Nov 09, 2019 4:50 pm)

On "The First Soldier" by Stephen G. Fritz (see image below)

FritzStephen_6288b-newsitem.jpg (186.83 KiB) Viewed 5295 times

"“What struck me in looking at all this was that far from being a madman,” Fritz said, noting the common depiction of the German dictator in popular films, “Hitler had a real calculated strategy, a calculated logic behind what he was doing. Again and again, he would come back to two things. One was the humiliation of the German defeat in World War I in November 1918, and over and over, Hitler insisted that there would never again be a November 1918. Also, for Hitler, what was intolerable was not so much defeat, but giving up and not fighting until the end."


“As I got into it, I began to realize just how much that early received wisdom had stuck,” Fritz said. “I also realized how much I’d learned in writing my earlier book, ‘Ostkrieg,’ about how Halder had interfered in the conduct of operations. He had undermined Hitler’s orders and often subtly or not-so-subtly changed the meaning of Hitler’s orders. On occasion, when his plans did not work, he immediately worked to blame Hitler for failures that were really his own. When I got into the research, I was surprised at just how extensively some of the top German military leaders had worked to undermine Hitler’s orders and ideas.”

-Stephen Fritz, https://www.etsu.edu/news/2019/02-feb/n ... ldier.aspx

Yet another anti-Hitler myth is busted after being so readily accepted. Makes you wonder what else is being said that simply isn't true?

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