Jewish PRO-Nazi Collaboration

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Jewish PRO-Nazi Collaboration

Postby Friedrich Paul Berg » 9 years 6 months ago (Thu Dec 05, 2013 12:11 pm)

Many Jews supported Hitler and the German war effort--even within the concentration camps. This is inconceivable given the mythology today--but the evidence is there if one removes the superficial nonsense that has been added to the underlying truths. Jews had, however, to categorically deny any such pro-Nazi sympathies after the war for their own survival.

Elie Wiesel and his father both CHOSE freely to go west with the retreating Nazis in January of 1945 according to Elie's own words in "Night.". In effect, they both rejected their chance to be "liberated" by America's great ally, the Soviet Union, and probably join the war effort against Nazi Germany. The 1,000 or so Jews on Schindler's famous list went west from Plaszow--NOT East but West--some to Auschwitz just thirty miles down the road, and then on to German-occupied-Czechoslovakia where they made German munitions. Supposedly, they merely pretended to make German munitions according to the myth--but that seems so implausible. Countless thousands of other Jews from Auschwitz also CHOSE to work in Germany for the German war effort.

At the time of "liberation" by the western Allies, the collaborating Jews faced a great dilemma. How could they explain themselves? In a YouTube video about the "liberation" of Dachau by the US Army's Rainbow Division, Col. Sparks tells us that he kept his men out of the camp for a time waiting for more men to join him. As he waited, loud screaming was heard from within the camp itself which turned out to be prisoners killing their "Kapos" who had been in charge of them in their respective barracks. No doubt, many of these Kapos as we learn from various sources were Jews--and this was common for many if not all camps. No doubt, all Jews got the message very quickly. Were any Jews likely to step forward to tell their "liberators" that the Nazis had NOT really treated them badly at all? Or, that the misery in the last months of the war had been caused by the Allies' bombing and strafing of supply trains and trucks? Of course, not! And so the holocaust gained traction at the very moment of "liberation."

Unraveling the truth from the lies will take much more work than I have done here--but it can be done using the Jewish accounts themselves. It should also be rather obvious that the pro-nazi collaboration would have been impossible if there had been any kind of extermination policy toward Jews, with or without gas chambers. For many Jews, their ideal future would be a Nazi-like state for Jews--and that is what Israel became. Germany would be for Germans, WOW!

Friedrich Paul Berg
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Nazi Gassings Never Happened! Niemand wurde vergast!
The Holocaust story is a hoax because 1) no one was killed by the Nazis in gas chambers, 2) the total number of Jews who died in Nazi captivity is miniscule compared to what is alleged.

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Re: Jewish PRO-Nazi Collaboration

Postby Barrington James » 9 years 6 months ago (Fri Dec 06, 2013 4:34 pm)

Bryan Mark Rigg. Has written an amazing couple of books that document that approximately 150,000 Jews, according to the Nazis and Jewish definition of a Jew, fought for Nazi Germany. Many of these Jews had assimilated into German society, and did not consider themselves Jewish. Others were loyal Jews for Germany. However above and beyond this mess, is the fact that the Zionists wanted to create Israel above anything else. And that included sabotaging the Sam
Untermeyer 's Jewish led boycott of all German goods and services in 1933 which would have finished off Hitler's 1933 government in Germany. Why? Simple: they had planned on working with the Nazis to fill Palestine with German Jews in order to create Israel. No Hitler; no Israel. An easy choice for a Zionist. . Read Ingrid Weckert, Mark Rigg,
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Re: Jewish PRO-Nazi Collaboration

Postby hermod » 9 years 5 months ago (Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:25 pm)

Barrington James wrote:Untermeyer 's Jewish led boycott of all German goods and services in 1933 which would have finished off Hitler's 1933 government in Germany. Why? Simple: they had planned on working with the Nazis to fill Palestine with German Jews in order to create Israel. No Hitler; no Israel. An easy choice for a Zionist. . Read Ingrid Weckert, Mark Rigg,

A final proof the Nazis were not controlled by Zionists (as often repeated by anti-NWO conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones), even if they collaborated with Germany's Zionists because they both had a similar goal (i.e. Germany's Jews out of Germany). Why would a first class Zionist like Samuel Untermyer have tried to end Hitler's regime with economic strangulation if the Nazis were crucial to the Zionist plan? Senseless. Were the Nazis Zionism's puppets, wouldn't a premature death of Hitler's regime have been feared by that time's Zionists? Were the Nazis Zionism's puppets, wouldn't Hitler's regime have got a huge support from international Zionism rather than an economic strangulation as it happened from 1933? I know that Theodore Herzl had planned to use antisemites as "liquidators of [Jewish] property" in order to force the Jews to leave and go to Palestine, but he hadn't planned to bankrupt his "most dependable friends" (i.e. the antisemites), what would have been really stupid because those bankrupted antisemites would have been replaced by philosemites working for Jewish assimilation (Zionism's greatest enemy) and not for Jewish emigration as wanted by the Zionists. ... tooge.html ... _nsdap.php
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Jewish PRO-Nazi Collaboration

Postby Godfred » 9 years 2 days ago (Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:04 am)

Josef Ginsburg claimed that zionists supported Hitler financially.

"What were some major points of Nazi-Zionist collaboration?" I asked.

"First, was the creation of a Zionist state in German-controlled territory. Second, was the German Government's assistance for jews to leave Germany, preferably to enter Palestine illegally. Third, was Zionist assistance in supplying Germany with foreign exchange and goods, even during World War II." he said.

"But why would the Zionists support Germany, when they wanted the Allies to win?" I asked.

"The Zionists did not help Germany sufficiently to win the war, but only to make a profit and maintain their influence with the Germans," he said. "Zionazi Ben Gurion bragged that he was fighting London and Berlin."

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Re: Jewish PRO-Nazi Collaboration

Postby Godfred » 9 years 2 days ago (Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:09 am)

hermod wrote:.........

A final proof the Nazis were not controlled by Zionists (as often repeated by anti-NWO conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones), even if they collaborated with Germany's Zionists because they both had a similar goal (i.e. Germany's Jews out of Germany). Why would a first class Zionist like Samuel Untermyer have tried to end Hitler's regime with economic strangulation if the Nazis were crucial to the Zionist plan? Senseless. Were the Nazis Zionism's puppets, wouldn't a premature death of Hitler's regime have been feared by that time's Zionists? Were the Nazis Zionism's puppets, wouldn't Hitler's regime have got a huge support from international Zionism rather than an economic strangulation as it happened from 1933?..... ... _nsdap.php

To hide the zionist-nazi cooperation and because Hitler tried to nationalize money-creation, said Ginsburg.

"I remember the article," I said. "Samuel Untermeyer of the World Jewish Congress declared a boycott of all German goods. Did this mean that there was a conflict between the Territorial Zionists and the International Zionists?"

"No," he said. "The Zionists were only making sure that German foreign trade would remain under their control, as they had done with Germany in World War I. They made the blockade and broke it themselves. No one else was allowed to do that, so it was really a Zionist monopoly of German trade."

"What, in your opinion, was the reason for the Zionist 'declaration of war' on Germany in 1933, only a month after Hitler's election as Chancellor?" I asked.

"The Zionists (and all other jews, I thought) never do anything for only one reason," he said. "Their declaration of war was given with at least a twofold purpose. One reason was their hatred of Hitler's economic program and his intention of nationalizing the Bank of Germany, which was owned by the Rothschilds, as are all so-called national banks today."

"So you agree that the Rothschilds and their bankster stooges control the creation of money for the entire world," I said.

"Yes," he smiled grimly. "Their 'tekla mekla' money is created out of nothing and they charge interest on it!"

"What would be another reason for the Zionists' declaration of war on Germany?" I asked.

"To conceal their collaboration with the Nazis," he said.

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Re: Jewish PRO-Nazi Collaboration

Postby Barrington James » 9 years 2 days ago (Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:57 am)

The Zionists supported financially Hitler largely through their American controlled banks such as JP Morgan, Kuhn/ Loeb, Harris /Forbes , Dillon/ Read, and National City ; through Zionist controlled the Bank of England , American Federal Reserve and the Banque de France ; through American companies such as General, Ford, ITT and Standard Oil. They prevented the new Hitler government from a certain total collapse through their betraying of the Jewish led boycott of the all German goods and services in 1933 led by such prominent Zionists such as Rabbi Stephen Wise much to the dismay of Sam Untermeyer the leading Jewish organizer of the boycott; through their cooperation with the Nazis through the Transfer Agreement that allowed any Jew worthy of Israel the opportunity to resettle in Israel along with all their wealth, a deal that no other race or religion enjoyed in Germany; and through the Nazis/Zionist creation of over 40 education schools in Germany for the future blue collar workers of the soon to be Israel . How about that for starters?

Remember that the Zionists did not give a damn about the non-Zionist Jews who were to suffer so greatly in the camps. The German Jews had refused to leave their paradise in pre-Hitler Germany for over 50 years- and this was unforgivable by the Zionists. Consequently, as often stated by Theodore Herzl and other Zionists, “we will use our enemies to drive the Jews out of Germany” - and that's exactly what they did. Is that so hard to understand? The Zionists did similar tricks in Iraq by bombing their own synagogues in order to drive the Jews out of Iraq and much of the Middle East and
Morocco..And should I mention 9-11? Kristallnacht? SS. Liberty?
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Re: Jewish PRO-Nazi Collaboration

Postby Barrington James » 9 years 2 days ago (Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:40 am)

The Jews of the early 20 'th century were very much divided. Most of the poor Jews of Poland and the Eastern European Jews wanted to leave for America. And they did by the hundreds of thousands if not millions. New York, City for example, soon became a city of close to three million Jews. And Chicago, Montreal, Philadelphia and many the other cities in North America became the home hundreds of thousands of Jews. The Jews changed America, its culture, its attitude, everything.

The Zionists , an elite group of European Jews, wanted to create Israel for all kinds of reasons too. Some of them wanted to create a European country in the Middle East in which they , a tiny select group of them, mostly elite German and French Jews, could rule the land very much like the Elite Christian French and Germans had ruled their countries for centuries and had created a glass ceiling for most Jews. Some of them might have even wanted Israel for religious reasons. The British Jews, on the other hand , had cleverly integrated at the highest level of British society; they had even married into British Royalty. They did not need Zionism.

However there were other reason for the creation of Israel. The whole world was going to be revolutionized by oil and that meant the Middle East must be controlled, owned , stolen, whatever, and the British and French and later the American were going to do that. That meant Fort Israel had to be created. That meant the Ottoman Empire must be destroyed, the new Germany must be destroyed , a rapidly deteriorating Russia must be destroyed and all these things happened.

There were many reason for the what was soon to happen. The Jews were divided on all of that. The Zionist Jews supported Hitler for their reasons as explained earlier, the American Jews thought the best way to fight Hitler was to destroy him in 1933 and they could have done that except for the Zionists, the Zionist Jews only wanted the best Jews for their new homeland , not all Jews, and the Jews led by Jobotinsky and others thought Israel should be a homeland for all Jews. Consequently Rabbi Wise , an ardent Zionist help sabotage, Sam Untermeyer's dream of destroying Hitler and saving the Jews of Germany. This enraged the Zionists such as Rabbi Wise.

Obviously the Zionists won the battle for the hearts and minds of the Jews, and the rest is history. The German Jews were destroyed as a force, many died in the camps , many left for Israel and the world , Israel became a homeland for the a tiny group of elite Jews, 800, 000 Palestinians lost their land, and the British , French and Americans got their oil, and America is now dominated by a tiny group of Jews and other elite Americans as no other country in history has been dominated.

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Re: Jewish PRO-Nazi Collaboration

Postby hermod » 9 years 1 day ago (Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:05 pm)

Barrington James wrote:Consequently Rabbi Wise , an ardent Zionist help sabotage, Sam Untermeyer's dream of destroying Hitler and saving the Jews of Germany.

Samuel Untermeyer didn't want to destroy Hitler or even less to save the Jews of Germany. Untermeyer was a Zionist. He advocated for the "Zionist liberation movement" and he was President of the Keren Hayesod (central fundraising organization for Israel).


Samuel Untermeyer led the anti-German boycott in early 1933 in order to make the living conditions of Germany's Jews as bad as possible and so to make them leave Germany en masse to go to Palestine, not to "destroy Hitler". And Samuel Untermeyer didn't try to save the Jews of Germany. He knew that the Jews of Germany were not exterminated in concentration camps in a "devilishly, deliberately, cold-bloodedly planned and already partially executed campaign for the extermination of a proud, gentle, loyal, law-abiding people" when he claimed such a thing, in August 1933 ( ... n.1933.htm). When Untermeyer stated that, he was just preparing American brains for the massive campaign of Holohoax propaganda which was about to be launched by U.S. and British Zionists at the appropriate time (like in the chaos of a world war and its cohort of war lies and atrocity propaganda, for example). He was not trying to save the Jews of Germany at all. He was deliberately lying. He was creating a fertile ground for the future media 'depiction' of the 3rd Reich's "death factories", so essential for the spoliation of Palestine. He was setting the stage for the Zionist Holohoax theater to come. Nothing more.

During the previous decades, Untermeyer had been deeply involved in both elections of U.S. President Woodrow Wilson and in the blackmailing of Wilson finally involving America in WW1 ( He knew how America was ruled and controlled behind the scenes. He wasn't a naive sheep with pure feelings as you seem to believe. Not at all.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Jewish PRO-Nazi Collaboration

Postby Barrington James » 9 years 1 day ago (Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:21 pm)

Yes Hermod what you say about Sam makes a lot of sense. His plan to make life miserable in Germany for all, including the Jews, makes for a good plan. However, as I see it, it was far too risky. Hitler then might have failed , and without Hitler the creation of Israel would have been doomed. Untermeyer sounds like a loose cannon. If his boycott had not been ruined by Israel and others he could have sabotaged the entire plan to use Hitler to drive the Jews out of Germany. He rants on about destroying Hitler, he knows about the rich Jewish bankers who were supporting Hitler, and yet he thought , according to you, that he had a better plan. He must have known that the Zionist's only and last hope to drive the Jews out of Germany in1933 and into Palestine and thus to create Israel, to take over all of Palestine as the Zionists and others had planned and hoped and dreamed for, was through Hitler. He should have known about the Nazi/Zionist cooperation, their 40 industrial schools, their Transfer Agreement, the fact that no Jew over 45 years old had to leave Germany, that these older Jews were all entitled to a pension and other such good deals. Creating Israel had been the wish of a tiny fanatical group of Jews for generations. Clearly Sam had not been paying attention or, more than likely, he just had a role to play in this farce, perhaps his own role. But as they say, get two Jews together and you get three opinions.

Also, to keep everything in perspective, to realize how close Sam' boycott could have come to ruining everything remember that Germany was in a horrible state when Hitler took over. It's unemployment was over 30%, it had lost much of its wealth with the loss of 10% of its land in 1919- Versailles- farms were collapsing, and suicides were going through the roof. And Hitler and his Nazis only had three members out of eleven in the German cabinet. Hitler , it seemed, was doomed to be just one of 30 such Chancellors who had tried to save Germany. The boycott would have ruined Hitler, no doubt. However the Zionists needed him for a key role to play in the creation of Israel, and the British and Americans needed him for their plans create WW2, to destroy Germany and Japan. Sam was lucky that he wasn't shot.
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Re: Jewish PRO-Nazi Collaboration

Postby hermod » 8 years 11 months ago (Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:34 pm)

Barrington James wrote:Yes Hermod what you say about Sam makes a lot of sense. His plan to make life miserable in Germany for all, including the Jews, makes for a good plan.

Untermyer's boycott wasn't intended to make life miserable for all in Germany, and even less to bring Hitler's regime on its knees as emphatically stated by Untermyer in his propagandistic speeches. Untermyer wanted his economic boycott to cause anti-Jewish measures in Germany as a predictable reaction from the Nazis. U.S. Zionists permanently used that strategy before and during WW2. For instance, hard to believe that Chaim Weizmann (President of the World Zionist Organization) thought that he would improve the living conditions of Germany's and Europe's Jews when he officially declared war on Germany in the name of all Jews in September 1939. Also hard to believe that Theodore Kaufman (a member of the American Jewish Congress, a Zionist organization) sincerely thought that the fate of the Jews living in German-occupied Europe would be improved by his book "Germany Must Perish!" (published in 1941), promoting the extermination of the entire German people after Allied victory. The Nazi response to Kaufman's annihilation plan was the compulsory yellow star on the clothes of the Jews living in German-occupied Europe.

And when Top Zionist Rabbi Stephen S. Wise led a defamatory campaign of atrocity propaganda against Nazi Germany (very similar to Untermyer's campaign) in 1933, Hitler's Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath made it very clear that the foreign Jews doing that were rendering their co-religionists in Germany no service with their "distorted and untruthful news". Joseph Goebbels even announced at that time that his department was about to "launch sharp counter-active measures against those responsible for reports of atrocities against German Jews", stating that "Drastic legal proceedings will be undertaken against the atrocity campaign which has been unloosed in America and England by interested Jewish circles against the new German regime" and "A blow shall be struck at the intellectual movers and beneficiaries of those treasonable machinations, most of whom are Jews of German origin" (hermod @ March 1933: Hitler's Foreign Minister & Jewish atrocity lies).

Untermyer's defamatory atrocity campaign and anti-German boycott were clearly not helping Germany's Jews at all.

However, as I see it, it was far too risky. Hitler then might have failed, and without Hitler the creation of Israel would have been doomed.

Maybe the reason why the anti-German boycott was so "flabbily" implemented.

Calling loudly for an anti-German boycott and never implementing it as hard as it could have been done was a good way to induce anti-Jewish measures in Germany without killing the Nazi regime (needed as a Holohoax scapegoat later).

Untermeyer sounds like a loose cannon.

Or a talented propagandist preparing American and British brains for the Holohoax to come, as I've said in my previous comment, which had already been formulated by prominent Zionists like Max Nordau and Stephen S. Wise decades earlier.

"How dare the smooth talkers, the clever official blabbers, open their mouths and boast of progress. ... Here they hold jubilant peace conferences in which they talk against war. ... But the same righteous Governments, who are so nobly, industriously active to establish the eternal peace, are preparing, by their own confession, complete annihilation for six million people, and there is nobody, except the doomed themselves, to raise his voice in protest although this is a worse crime than any war..." - Max Nordau, co-founder of the World Zionist Organization with Herzl, 1911.

"there are 6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism" - Stephen S. Wise, 1900.

If his boycott had not been ruined by Israel and others he could have sabotaged the entire plan to use Hitler to drive the Jews out of Germany.

I don't believe that Untermyer really wanted to prevent his Zionist friends from using Hitler to drive the Jews out of Germany. Claiming that Germany's Jews were being exterminated in concentration camps in August 1933 would have been counterproductive for that. Spreading atrocity propaganda lies against a regime is not something you do if you really want to help people persecuted by that regime. That was clearly intended to make the Nazis angry and to induce anti-Jewish measures from them.

He rants on about destroying Hitler, he knows about the rich Jewish bankers who were supporting Hitler

I'm still waiting for evidence of that one.

And U.S. companies making business in Nazi Germany are not evidence of Hitler being supported by Jewish bankers, as Chinese companies making business in America don't prove that the United States are a communist country or Saudi investors making money in America don't prove that the United States are a muslim country.

and yet he thought , according to you, that he had a better plan. He must have known that the Zionist's only and last hope to drive the Jews out of Germany in1933 and into Palestine and thus to create Israel, to take over all of Palestine as the Zionists and others had planned and hoped and dreamed for, was through Hitler.

Sure he knew. That's why he was campaigning FOR the persecution of Germany's Jews in 1933 with his anti-German boycott and defamatory extermination allegations.

He should have known about the Nazi/Zionist cooperation, their 40 industrial schools, their Transfer Agreement, the fact that no Jew over 45 years old had to leave Germany, that these older Jews were all entitled to a pension and other such good deals. Creating Israel had been the wish of a tiny fanatical group of Jews for generations. Clearly Sam had not been paying attention or, more than likely, he just had a role to play in this farce, perhaps his own role. But as they say, get two Jews together and you get three opinions.

Untermyer had pressured Wilson for Zionist goals during WW1. He was "in the place". Of course, he knew that the Nazi regime was helping many Germany's Jews to migrate to Palestine and settle there. He was part of the Zionist "farce", not an isolated naive lamb as you seem to believe.

Also, to keep everything in perspective, to realize how close Sam' boycott could have come to ruining everything remember that Germany was in a horrible state when Hitler took over. It's unemployment was over 30%, it had lost much of its wealth with the loss of 10% of its land in 1919- Versailles- farms were collapsing, and suicides were going through the roof. And Hitler and his Nazis only had three members out of eleven in the German cabinet. Hitler , it seemed, was doomed to be just one of 30 such Chancellors who had tried to save Germany. The boycott would have ruined Hitler, no doubt. However the Zionists needed him for a key role to play in the creation of Israel, and the British and Americans needed him for their plans create WW2, to destroy Germany and Japan. Sam was lucky that he wasn't shot.

Yes, Sam and his Zionist colleagues were lucky that Hitler wasn't shot, even if I trust them for having found another scapegoat for their Holocaust myth, had Hitler been shot to death too early.
Last edited by hermod on Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Jewish PRO-Nazi Collaboration

Postby Barrington James » 8 years 11 months ago (Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:55 am)

Hermod...Good points. I will think about them....Whatever the truth may be it is certainly not what we have been told in the popular Western Press...

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Re: Jewish PRO-Nazi Collaboration

Postby hermod » 8 years 11 months ago (Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:12 am)

Barrington James wrote:Whatever the truth may be it is certainly not what we have been told in the popular Western Press...

For sure.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Jewish PRO-Nazi Collaboration

Postby Hannover » 8 years 11 months ago (Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:34 am)

Barrington James:
The German Jews were destroyed as a force...
Not so. There were thousands of Jews residing in Berlin all the way through the war.

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent racist Jewish supremacists demand that there be no open debate.
Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

The tide is turning.

- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Jewish PRO-Nazi Collaboration

Postby Barrington James » 8 years 11 months ago (Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:59 am)

Hannover...True. But don't you agree that the ordinary Jews who owned and/ or other wise controlled businesses of all kinds from shipping to furs, law, teaching in schools and universities, the newspapers, law, medicine, entertainment, some of the largest political parties and so on in Germany and Austria in particular but also in much of Eastern Europe are no more. Gone. They or their relatives are now living in the USA, France, Great Britain, South Africa, Australia, South America and so on. And yes several hundred thousand of them, maybe more , did die in the camps.

However I do agree, as you seem to think, that the rich Jewish bankers, who had a lot to do with all of the above, the good and the bad, are still helping to run much of Europe and the world. And you are right: very few , if any, Rothschilds or Warburgs or their kind died in the camps.
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Re: Jewish PRO-Nazi Collaboration

Postby Hannover » 8 years 11 months ago (Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:59 am)

Barrington James wrote:Hannover...True. But don't you agree that the ordinary Jews who owned and/ or other wise controlled businesses of all kinds from shipping to furs, law, teaching in schools and universities, the newspapers, law, medicine, entertainment, some of the largest political parties and so on in Germany and Austria in particular but also in much of Eastern Europe are no more. Gone. They or their relatives are now living in the USA, France, Great Britain, South Africa, Australia, South America and so on. And yes several hundred thousand of them, maybe more , did die in the camps.

However I do agree, as you seem to think, that the rich Jewish bankers, who had a lot to do with all of the above, the good and the bad, are still helping to run much of Europe and the world. And you are right: very few , if any, Rothschilds or Warburgs or their kind died in the camps.
No, I don't agree. "Ordinary" Jews are over Europe, exercising their racist views & power more than ever before.
Yes, many Jews left Germany and Europe in general, for Palestine or many other locations where Jews are, but many did not. Of course they are all considered 'murdered' or are absurdly labeled "holocaust survivors".
It's established by real German records that many did die in Auschwitz of disease, as did German administrators & troops; but please give me proof that "several hundred thousand of them, maybe more , did die in the camps."

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent racist Jewish supremacists demand that there be no open debate.
Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

The tide is turning.

- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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