Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby stinky » 2 years 10 months ago (Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:26 am)

Like all elements of the Hoax, one must take a very sceptical view to all of the details.
There is no exception with Cole.
I think there is a tendency to discount some/all of the red flags. I'm not prepared to do that.
The role of an infiltrating agent is to gain trust.
In order for you to achieve any sort of deep infiltration you must tells some truths & go out of your way to prove yourself.

Sannhet wrote:Do you have specific sources linked to each claim or was this just a running list of your own notes? If it is notes, as I take from how you introduce it, I expect it must be treated as a draft document awaiting confirmation. For one thing, David Cole says his own middle name is Christopher, not Abravenal.

I copied from various sources some time ago, so yes, it was a list of information I had compiled.
I should have also copied the links/sources. Amateur mistake.

Sannhet wrote:I expect it must be treated as a draft document awaiting confirmation.

A good way to look at it
Sannhet wrote:Things also can get complicated, quick, in these matters: Maybe Cole did have ties to one or more groups but also did indeed become a convinced Holocaust Revisionist and tried to play all sides against each other, a double-, or triple-, or etc. agent, really an agent on behalf of his own self-promotion.

Plausible & worth considering.

Lamprecht wrote:Stinky pointed out that he had a trust fund. Well, there were a lot of rich kids (many Jewish) at my university so I know that doesn't necessarily imply much for an American Jew born in Los Angeles. Were his parents wealthy?

The BIG difference is, the trust fund kids you bumped in to went to college - which I assume would have been standard.
The smartest guy in the room Cole decided to destroy his chance to earn a living before leaving school?
How many other trust fund (((kids))) were actively probing the hoax?

Jews dominate all sides of the debate. Controlled opposition is their thing. No contentious topic escapes their deceptive tactics - certainly not one as important as the hoax. It's true that very few repudiate the 'gas chamber' myth, but (((those))) that query elements are still likely controlled opposition.
Consider Norman Finklestein. He wrote a book about the exploitation of the Hoax 'The Holcaust Industry' - likening it to an extortion racket - but he IS NOT going to challenge the gas chamber story ('my family were all gassed').
Yes, some bad jews may be misusing the tragedy for dishonest reasons, and minor elements of the story may have been exaggerated, but the main narrative stands.
Textbook c o n t r o l l e d opposition.

Lamprecht wrote:It might be the case. It might also be the case that he was young and saw an opportunity to jump on. Taking someone else's older videos or work (like McCalden) and putting a new spin on it, especially with the "And by the way I'm Jewish" doesn't mean he was there to infiltrate for someone else, such as Mossad or the JDL. Maybe he saw it as a good money-making opportunity. He makes a video of the gas chambers and notices the doors don't make much sense, interviews the guy who makes new "Revelations" (at the time) about how it's a reconstruction, and suddenly he's a big name revisionist. I said it in another thread, I believe that he brought publicity to revisionism and I think did more good than harm. The fact that the JDL came after him and then he caved and said "Actually the Holocaust happened but not at Auschwitz" thing makes his new "Holocaust-lite" position appear less genuine.

Good counter points, as were points raised by CCS
Lamprecht & CCS could well be right/closer to the truth, but I would urge members who may have formed their opinion some time go to re-examine/re-consider some of the points raised.

Sannhet wrote:- David Cole says his mother was "working class." Dr. Leon Cole "abandoned" this working class woman and her son (i.e., David Cole) and had to pay child support. A public record for California divorces puts their divorce as occurring in Aug. 1969 (after a Las Vegas marriage in Oct. 1965). Cole was not yet 12 months old. Cole does not name his mother in his autobiography, perhaps because she is still living, presumably now in he late 70s or early 80s. Her name is possibly A*** San*** Abrams based on a public birth record filed in California for the David C. Cole born Sept-2-1968. First name means "soul" in Spanish. (Not sure if posting this information is OK with CODOH-Forum; it is from a public record. If the moderator wishes to edit out this name I understand.)

I think his mother died some time ago. I recall an anecdote about Cole being upset with Bradley Smith for some reason, related to the time in which Cole was grieving his Mother's death. Not sure where this fits within the book writing timeline.
Sannhet wrote:Of that there is no doubt. I am still tempted to suspicion because Cole was always able to land on his feet. Meanwhile, Fred Leuchter was banned for life from practicing his profession, mega-slandered, ruined, and had to work for Home Depot and similar jobs for years just to get income.

Leuchter AND Rudolf AND Faurisson AND, and, and , and , and. But not Cole. No sir.

Sannhet wrote:When someone "disappears" and takes on a new name, how does it happen that he immediately becomes an "op-ed contributor" for a major newspaper? A year or two after his disappearance, and at age thirty? This does push one towards the belief that Cole had very powerful benefactors pulling strings in his favor. His rise to high society, from being an unknown who showed up with a new name, to hobnobbing with Congressmen and celebrities, is also hard to explain. Can anyone explain it?

Excellent question.

As per Cole there are many red flags;

1. After McCalden's 'death' Cole receives ALL of his personal correspondence & rare books.
What details are there of McCalden's Death? It was very convenient for the young nobody to receive all of McCalden's material (personal correspondence with revisionists). *There were question marks about McCalden's side-kick Andrew Allen Esquire. What happened to him?

2. An EXTREMELY short timeline before Cole featured on national TV / was fully accepted by the IHR.
Does anyone need to point out who owns major media? The rapidity of the ascension of Cole's profile?

*2.1 The amount of times Cole featured in major media is a red flag in of itself. Articles for LA Times, interviewed by The New Yorker & Guardian.
People appear in the (((media))) for a reason, many different reasons. To smear, vilify, rehabilitate, promote etc. There are plenty of examples where the media applies a complete black out. There is a reason when this occurs to people with a profile. It would have been easier to ignore Cole. Instead he has been a feature of the media on a number of occasions.

3. Cole admitted that he coached Shermer to offer the 'other' (mainstream side) to secure the appearance on Donahue.
The program would never had gone ahead had it not featured someone that would 'debate' Cole. Cole found the solution.
That is an admission that the event was staged. To what extent was it staged?

4. Multiple name changes / pseudonyms.
Many people use an alias, like myself on CODOH. How many aliases/name changes does one need? Cole has several.

5. Unverifiable claims (Is there any witness to his claims of being assaulted?)

6. As Sahnet wrote, Cole kept landing on his feet. How long did it take to have his book out after being 'outed'?
Which group dominates the publishing industry / book distribution?

7. The guy worked within Hollywood putting out establishment Holocaust material. Nobody knew of his revisionist background?

8. Cole ran friggin' social events for 'elite' Hollywood conservatives - with 'strippers' & lots of booze.
Opportunities abound to compromise important people - something that the tribe excel at.
He doesn't have to directly do any blackmailing - all he needs to do is to forward intel to his handlers.
Another possible indicator that he is an agent of some sort.

9. Zundel, Faurisson & Leuchter smelt something.
That doesn't mean, 'take it to the bank', but it counts for something.

10. Cole invented his back story to infiltrate revisionism, claiming that he was an left leaning, secular jew that was in to race mixing.
What was the need to lie about his backstory if he was just a jewish kid searching for the truth?

11. Coles 'deal' with the JDL is cartoonish. And they all lived happily ever after (until Rubin & his mate Earl Krugel were dispatched inside prison). This event provided a good cover story for Cole's 'out'.

12. Smith didn't believe Cole regarding his car being broken into in the Struthof car park. Another oddity.
Who knows what was going on here.

Archie wrote:I remember in an old interview he said the book hadn’t even banned in Germany.
I noticed YouTube is now recommending his videos to me on the homepage.

YouTube / German censorship 'glitch'?

Re Weber, there is no debate. As I said, Rudolf covered it; ... lstone/en/
The SAME (((lawyers))) Lawrence E. Heller, Sherman D. Lenske were instrumental in Mermelstein vs the IHR & years later in the hi-jacking of the IHR. I believe Michael Collins Piper backgrounds this in The Judas Goats (2006). These same lawyers were also instrumental in the seizure of The Church of Scientology from L. Ron Hubbrad/Hubbard's estate. It has been intimated that Heller & Lenske may be the shadow operators, (or were the conduit for the (((shadow operators))) of both entities.
Sannhet wrote:Cole implies in his autobiography that he was born in 1968, at Cedars of Lebanon Jewish Hospital (now the Scientology Headquarters; East Hollywood);

An interesting connection (maybe meaningless) between Scientology & the tribe.

What made Weber consider 'selling' the IHR's subscriber list to the ADL?
Maybe he figured that he was happy to turn it over any way, so why not make some money.
It's easier to fool someone than to convince them that they have been fooled

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Sannhet » 2 years 9 months ago (Tue Aug 18, 2020 8:34 pm)

David Cole had recorded a video titled "I'm a Mossad Agent" in direct reaction to Fred Leuchter's statements around which this thread is based.

Discussion and summary of video contents are elsewhere at CODOH Forum begins here:

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Mongol » 10 months 2 weeks ago (Mon Jul 25, 2022 10:13 pm)

Sannhet wrote:
stinky wrote:Weber's background 'teaching' in Ghana 'for a time' is vague & also raises questions

He joined the Peace Corps out of college to see the world and was assigned to Ghana and took it. People of Mark Weber's social-class origin, once freed of the social obligation to graduate college, will sometimes do things like this. For White-Americans of Mark Weber's generation (b.1951), this was much more common, per capita, than it is today.

During the second Zündel trial, Weber said that he moved to Germany after high school, and from there he got to Ghana through Belgium, France, Spain, and Morocco (

> In my last year of high school, 1969, and during the following summer, I worked in the campaign to raise money for starving, war-ravaged Biafrans, and I enthusiastically supported the Biafran struggle for independence from Nigeria.
> [...]
> After the Biafra summer campaign, I flew to Europe. During a year spent working in Bonn, Germany, I first began to doubt many of my liberal ideas.
> [...]
> For the first time I learned that all but a small (and mostly conservative) minority of Germans had fervently supported Hitler until the bitter end. Older workers at the wallpaper factory where I worked spoke respectfully of Hitler and enthusiastically of what National Socialism had meant for the working man.
> [...]
> My stay in Germany, a brief stint selling magazines in Belgium and France, and then a journey through Spain convinced me that national character and culture were not merely superficial acquisitions which could readily be homogenized, as liberal and Marxist "one worlders" claimed but were instead deep and venerable expressions of different folkish and racial nature.
> My keen interest in Africa took me through Morocco and across the Sahara desert to West Africa. In Ghana I obtained a pleasant but unexciting position teaching secondary school to Ashanti teenagers in Kumasi.
> In Senegal, Mali, Ivory Coast, and Ghana, I learned that race was far more than just a question of skin colour.

stinky wrote:1. After McCalden's 'death' Cole receives ALL of his personal correspondence & rare books.
What details are there of McCalden's Death? It was very convenient for the young nobody to receive all of McCalden's material (personal correspondence with revisionists). *There were question marks about McCalden's side-kick Andrew Allen Esquire. What happened to him?

In the book "Republican Party Animal", Cole said that McCalden died of AIDS and that there were earlier rumors that he was gay, even though he also gave AIDS to his wife (

> My interest in Holocaust revisionism started innocently enough - with a single letter. I'd read about a man named David McCalden, who had been fighting the city of Manhattan Beach in Southern California to get atheist displays included in the various Christmas and Hanukkah trappings that appear each year in city buildings. I read that McCalden was a militant atheist, an Irish nationalist, and a Holocaust revisionist (the term "denier" had not yet been coined, so revisionists were called revisionists even by their foes). McCalden had co-founded the largest revisionist publishing house in North America, the Institute for Historical Review, in Orange County, California.
> I found McCalden's ideological mix fascinating. Atheist, Irish nationalist, Holocaust revisionist. Racist? Maybe, but he had a non-white wife. And there were rumors that he was a closeted gay. It was a mix I'd yet to encounter as I profiled ideologues. So I wrote to him. I asked for some info, some literature. Instead, I got a personal visit. But he didn't come to proselytize; he came to fight. He thought I was a "Jewish infiltrator" trying to cozy up to him for nefarious purposes. He already had that suspicion when he drove to my house, and when he saw the mezuzah on my door, he went totally apeshit. I tried to convince him that I was not working with or for anybody. I just wanted to know what motivated a guy like him.
> I must have been convincing, because he believed me. He gave me some literature, and took off. And I read it. Incredibly amateur crap. I took everything and put it aside. I had no interest in revisiting it.
> But one name stuck with me - Fred Leuchter, who had supposedly conducted a "forensic examination" of the Auschwitz gas chambers and found no evidence of cyanide residue. Leuchter was described as an engineer, a foremost expert in execution equipment (in fact, he held no engineering credentials). About two months after meeting McCalden, I was watching _Dateline_ on NBC and they profiled Leuchter. They raved about the guy (no mention of his Holocaust work, just the execution stuff). They presented him as an authority. And I thought, "wait - is this the same Leuchter who claims there's no cyanide residue in the gas chamber walls?"
> I read through the revisionist literature. It provided no answers, but it left me with several questions. The problem was, mainstream historians would never address revisionist concerns, and the revisionists, for the most part, were sloppy and (mostly) ideologically motivated.
> I went back to see McCalden, but just my luck, the poor bastard had upped and died of AIDS after giving it to his wife as well. I guess those gay rumors must have had merit, not that there's anything wrong with that (well, to be fair, I think the whole "giving AIDS to your wife" thing was pretty wrong).
> McCalden's social circle consisted of his Holocaust revisionist buddies and his atheist buddies (there was a fair amount of crossover). The atheist guys were a pretty decent bunch - not racist at all. Plus, as I used to self-identify as an atheist in my youth (I don't any more), I fit in very well with them. One of the atheist guys, the man entrusted with dealing with McCalden's massive collection of books and files (maybe three thousand books, and at least a hundred huge file boxes of papers), decided that they should go to someone a bit more rational than some of the well-known names in the revisionist field. (McCalden's wife, who would hang on for another year before passing, wanted the stuff out of her house.)
> So overnight, I "inherited" one of the largest libraries of Holocaust books in L.A. And lots and lots of correspondences - almost twenty years' worth. I spent months reading everything. I rented an apartment with two stories so that I could devote one entire floor just to the books. And I read every single one of them, making notes, bookmarking pages, and indulging in what would become, in less than a decade, the lost art of reading hard-copy books without a computer in sight.
> The correspondences were instructive, too. Thousands and thousands of letters and faxes. The documents let me know who in the field was a nutcase, and who seemed to simply share my intellectual curiosity. The ones who seemed to be decent and rational, I reached out to. Through McCalden's associates, they had all heard the wild story of a Jew who was interested in revisionism. They were eager to finally meet me.

It's suspicious that Cole says that he was introduced to revisionism by McCalden, because in an interview with Jim Rizoli in 2016, Weber also said that he met with McCalden in England before McCalden had cofounded the IHR (,

> (19:33) I mean, another coincidence was that I came in touch with the Institute for Historical Review, because I had known - before he came to the United States - the person who was actually the founder of the IHR, was David McCalden - I actually met him in England before, in London. He was originally from Northern Ireland. He was a very maverick kind of an iconoclastic fellow. And he had come to the United States to work for Noontide Press, and then he came up with this idea of taking the books dealing with history - especially this new thing dealing with history, especially with this new thing dealing, the Holocaust and so forth, into a separate thing called the Institute for Historical Review. And because we'd actually met in Washington DC, as after England - he - that was exciting, that was an interesting thing, I got involved in that.

Another suspicious thing about McCalden is that according to Greg Raven, Tom Marcellus joined the IHR in 1978 because he was hired as an assistant by McCalden ( In a letter that Carto sent to the public relations director of the Church of Scientology in 1994, he wrote: "If Michelle Matteau told you she did not say that Tom Marcellus performs marriages she is contradicting former statements. I am told that she and her live-in boy friend went before an ethics officer of your church some months ago when they had a problem with their relationship and in this connection she also related to other girls at the office that Marcellus would marry them if they decided to get married. She also said that Marcellus is 'high up in the church' and 'soon will go higher.'" ( Marcellus had a personal website which was dedicated to Scientology and which didn't mention Holocaust Revisionism or any right-wing political causes ( In the book "Coup d'Etat", Mike Piper wrote that Marcellus "quit the IHR after swearing out the false affidavit that led to the violent SWAT team raid on the home of Willis Carto, leaving management of the IHR to Weber and his colleague Greg Raven", and that "According to Mark Weber's wife, quoting her husband: Scientology leaders had told Marcellus that it was time for Marcellus to leave the IHR. And so he did." (

A Spotlight article from 1999 said that Andrew Allen was a financial backer of McCalden (

> IHR Update can now state conclusively that the primary Mossad operative behind the IHR upheaval was a high-priced Los Angeles attorney, Lawrence Heller.
> Until recently, Heller was best known as the attorney who, in 1991, unsuccessfully represented self-styled "Holocaust survivor" Mel Mermelstein in the final stages of Mermelstein's decade-long quest to eviscerate the IHR and Liberty Lobby. IHR Update has determined that Heller had other, more interesting behind-the-scenes connections.
> Five years before Heller publicly surfaced as Mermelstein's attorney, it turns out that Heller was part of a small clique that secretly grabbed control of the Church of Scientology upon the disappearance of church founder L Ron Hubbard.
> Unknown to even many devout Scientologists, Heller and his clique control a shadowy body known as the "Church of Spiritual Technology" which has a lock on the church's vast worldwide financial assets.
> As IHR Update noted in a detailed special report on Oct. 26, 1998, upon Hubbard's disappearance (and reported death in 1986) coupled with the overview of Hubbard's widow as the leading figure within the church, Scientology fell victim to a coup d'etat orchestrated by outside forces with an interest in gaining control of Scientology, its vast wealth and its wide-ranging global power network.
> Former high-ranking American diplomat Stephen Koczak (who had been stationed in Israel) told The SPOTLIGHT in 1994 that, according to his sources, it was the Mossad, in conjunction with elements of the CIA, that had seized control of Scientology. Thus, Heller and his group were fronting for the Mossad in the takeover of Scientology. David Miscavige was set up to take the place of L. Ron Hubbard who founded the cult.
> The Scientology link to the IHR conspiracy revealed itself on Oct. 1, 1993. On that date, two things happened:
> First, under the political influence of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL of B'nai B'rith, itself an arm of Israel's Mossad), the Internal Revenue Service finally granted a highly lucrative tax exemption to the Church of Scientology; This was something that the IRS had refused to do for over 30 years, particularly when Scientology was under the independent control of church founder L. Ron Hubbard.
> On the same date, in accordance with a conspiratorial agreement with the ADL/Mossad, longtime Scientologist Tom Marcellus unveiled the secret year-long conspiracy to take over the IHR. Marcellus, the trusted veteran IHR staff director, sent a letter to IHR founder Willis Carto telling Carto that his relationship with the IHR had been "terminated."
> This was the first time that Carto learned of the conspiracy. It wasn't until numerous discoveries were made that the theretofore secret role of Scientology was determined. And it was not until even much later that the full truth about Scientology being a controlled front for the Mossad was uncovered.
> For those concerned with detail, it should perhaps be noted that the IRS commissioner who set in motion the groundwork for Scientology's tax exemption was Fred Goldberg, a law partner of longtime ADL national chairman Kenneth Bialkin.
> In fact, Goldberg fixed things for Scientology only one month after Scientology's Mossad controller, attorney Lawrence Heller, was forced to surrender to the IHR and Liberty Lobby in the aforementioned Mermelstein case.
> Having failed through very public means (the Mermelstein lawsuit) to destroy the IHR and Liberty Lobby, Scientology's Mossad controllers decided, at that juncture, to utilize their "secret weapon" inside the IHR - Tom Marcellus. First and foremost among the "insiders" at the IHR who manipulated events that led to the coup were two members of the Church of Scientology: Marcellus and one Greg Raven.
> Marcellus was an open Scientologist and was steadily moving up in the ranks in return for making major financial contributions to Scientology affiliates. In fact, Marcellus today maintains a web site on the Internet which focuses exclusively on his devotion to Scientology.
> Raven, on the other hand, denies his association with Scientology although, quite recently, Raven was seen in attendance at a Scientology-sponsored function in Los Angeles.
> The gun-toting Raven is a member of Scientology's Guardian Office, which was disbanded by a federal judge in 1982 but continued under the name "Division 20" or "The Office of Special Services." This clandestine section of the huge Scientology organization has responsibility for "cleaning up the rotten spots of society in order to create a safer and saner environment for Scientology expansion and for all mankind." Translated, that means that agents in Department 20 are assigned highly confidential tasks, and taking over other organizations or businesses is a long-standing strategy of Scientology.
> Raven was deployed into IHR by Scientology's Mossad controllers in late 1992. His mission was to organize the coup. Working in tandem with Marcellus, Raven began manipulating the two other IHR employees (Mark Weber and Theodore O'Keefe) who were utilized in the IHR take-over.
> At this juncture, another player popped up. His name was Andrew Evered Allen, a resident of exclusive Tiburon, California (just outside San Francisco).
> The scion of a wealthy family with reputed ties to the Levi Strauss garment empire, Allen had moved in the periphery of the IHR for some years, his most notable contribution being the financial backer of one David McCalden, who waged a longtime smear campaign against the IHR, using the research materials given him by a known CIA asset, Elliot Carter, and by his homosexual friend, Roy Bullock, a paid ADL spy. McCalden has since died of AIDS.
> While living off his family's wealth, Allen has also dabbled in intelligence intrigue, including "running" (Allen's words) what Allen called "supplies" to the Mujahideen rebels in the Middle East - a CIA project that former Mossad case officer Victor Ostrovsky says was dominated by the Mossad.
> Allen also had a hand in Far Eastern affairs in a sphere of direct interest to the Mossad: he operated the Burma Foundation which has played a part in the ongoing effort by the CIA and the Mossad to topple the nationalist military government of Burma (now known as Myanmar).

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby borjastick » 10 months 2 weeks ago (Tue Jul 26, 2022 10:38 am)

If this is true then it was a spectacular own goal because David Cole's work all those years ago opened up the minds of many and supplied a huge archive of his work which absolutely proved the case against the holocaust having happened. His 48 questions (can't remember if this was the actual number) was a game changer and for me the death knell for the standard holocaust narrative.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Mongol » 10 months 2 weeks ago (Tue Jul 26, 2022 6:09 pm)

Two articles about Cole's unreleased film "The Ninth Circle" were copied in the 24th edition of the Revisionist Clarion newsletter in 2008 ( I didn't find either article on The first article was part of a column titled "Michael St. John's Confidential File":

> HELLO AMERICA! The Tehran Holocaust denial conference was denounced by the United Nations, the U.S. Congress, the British and French Parliaments, and the Israeli Knesset. But even as outrage over the conference spread, the world could only guess at what was transpiring behind the closed doors of the clandestine meeting rooms where the deniers plotted their strategy.
> Now the world will have to guess no longer, because one man -- Holocaust historian and documentary filmmaker David Stein -- was able to infiltrate the conference and secretly record the proceedings. Stein, currently at work on the documentary film Nuremberg, starring Whoopi Goldberg, put all of his projects on hold when he learned about the Tehran conference. "I felt that someone had to document what was going on," Stein told me during a recent interview. "Someone had to record the deniers' plans, and someone had to tell the world. This was the first time that a government had sponsored a Holocaust denial conference. Deniers have had conferences before, but always in private or secret. Now, they were the honored guests at a state-sponsored event. That's a very ominous sign."
> As a well-known documentary filmmaker, and a Jew, Stein couldn't infiltrate the conference himself, so he worked in tandem with an associate who was able to slip in and out of the conference unnoticed. "At the close of the conference," Stein adds grimly, "President Ahmadinejad pledged twenty-five million dollars to the cause of Holocaust denial, and the attendees toasted to the destruction of Israel. And we have it all on tape."
> Stein is editing the footage from the Iran conference into a documentary film, which will explore the rise in anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial worldwide. Apart from the footage in Iran, Stein was able to score another exclusive -- an interview with Mel Gibson's Holocaust father. "Mel's dad had never before granted an on-camera interview," explains Stein. "I sat him down to ask him the questions that are on everyone's mind, questions like how deeply does anti-Semitism factor into Gibson family life, and what does Mel think about his dad's outspoken Holocaust denial. The answers I got were sometimes very shocking."
> David, whose production company is Nistarim International Media (, hopes to have his film ready by the end of the year ('07).
> Canyon News 23 Aug. 2007

The second article was copied from the website of Cole's production company "Nistarim International Media":

> It was an event that made headlines around the world... an international gathering of Holocaust deniers, neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, and Muslim extremists in Tehran, hosted by the Iranian Foreign Ministry, and convened by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - a man who called the Holocaust a "myth," and who has repeatedly pledged to "wipe Israel off the face of the earth."
> For five days in December 2006, the world press was fixated on the Tehran "Holocaust denial" conference. Front page stories in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The London Times, and every other major newspaper in the world; live coverage on CNN, Fox, and every major network. But as widespread as the media coverage was, the press was not in a position to tell the full story of what was going on at the conference, because only the invited participants were allowed behind the closed doors of the meeting rooms where the international collection of hate-mongers discussed the true purpose and goals of the gathering...
> And although the press was able to name some of the more well-known, "publicity-hungry" attendees like former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan David Duke, the media had no knowledge of the participants who preferred to remain in the shadows, including several European politicians and military leaders, and at least one internationally-wanted terrorist. Nor were any outsiders allowed to witness the conferences closed-door planning sessions, one of which was entitled "Cleansing Europe of Jews."
> The Ninth Circle is the result of an unprecedented effort by a group of documentary filmmakers and Holocaust educators to infiltrate and expose the proceedings of the the Iran Holocaust denial conference. Beginning nearly a year earlier (in January 2006, when President Ahmadinejad announced his intention to hold the conference), a "mole" - an undercover investigator - began gaining the confidence of the Iranian government officials who were in charge of arranging the conference... winning their trust, and ultimately being rewarded with a personal invitation once the conference became a reality.
> The result: the makers of The Ninth Circle were able to tape every moment of the conference... sometimes the "mole" was able to videotape openly, and sometimes, during the top-secret meetings, a hidden camera was used - a great risk, because, if caught, the undercover agent would have been at the mercy of Ahmadinejads secret police. The resulting footage will lead any viewer to a sobering conclusion: the Iran conference was about much more than "Holocaust denial"... it was about uniting hate-mongers of the world for an all-out assault against Jews.
> In The Ninth Circle, the footage of the Iran conference is used to anchor a wide-ranging look at what many see as a global resurgence of anti-Semitism.
> Included in the footage already shot: An in-depth interview with Mel Gibsons father Hutton Gibson (the only on-camera interview hes ever agreed to do) in which he addresses the questions that have been on everyones mind since Mels infamous Malibu traffic stop - questions regarding the role of anti-Semitism in Mels upbringing, its role in Mels adult life, and Mels views about Jews and Holocaust denial. To this day, Mel has refused to distance himself (or even discuss) his fathers obsession with Holocaust denial and Jewish conspiracy theories... so the makers of The Ninth Circle simply asked Hutton Gibson point blank - what does Mel really think about your views?
> When Mel apologized for the anti-Semitic rant that followed his drunk driving arrest, he wondered aloud where his "vitriolic and harmful" words came from. After viewing the footage of Mels father, the answer to that question is strikingly clear.
> Also included in The Ninth Circle: Footage of armed, paramilitary neo-Nazi units in Eastern Europe... many with ties to North American extremist groups;
> A shocking admission by an editor at one of the biggest newspapers in the U.S. that one of his star reporters helped popularize the anti-Semitic myth that Jewish employees who worked in the World Trade Center knew about 9/11 in advance and stayed home that day;
> Interviews with human rights activists in Latin America who are attempting to counter growing anti-Semitism in South and Central America;
> A devastating exposé of the acceptance of Holocaust denial and Jewish conspiracy theories among some of Americas leading academics;
> Interviews with journalists regarding the French governments attempt to cover up the details of a crime ring in Paris that kidnapped, tortured, and killed Jews throughout 2006. Amazingly, some of these journalists willingly went along with the cover-up.

In the book "Republican Party Animal", David Cole wrote that he used the alias Caleb Tinbergen to make documentaries that supported the orthodox view of the Holocaust (

> With "never take money Dave" gone, I decided to figure out how to get a decent income. But what could I do? I'd "killed" David Cole. I couldn't go back to that. Plus, Irv Rubin was still alive and kicking. If I even tried to resurface and be my old self, he'd just try to kill me again (and he'd be angrier now, as he'd feel publicly humiliated for having accepted my "recantation" at face value).
> No, Cole was as dead as a doorknob. I was living as Stein, but nobody knew Stein from a hole in the ground. I'd laid down no footprints for him yet. And I wanted to protect Stein from any problems. I liked the name and I wanted to keep it.
> So, time for a few creative pseudonyms, and some rather ruthless profiteering.
> I knew Holocaust history backwards and forwards. My time as a revisionist, with the skeptical reporters, the hostile TV and radio hosts, the probing letters of inquiry from the likes of James Randi and Christopher Hitchens, the debates with other revisionists, and the appearances at college campuses filled with wary audiences, had forged me into a one-man encyclopedia on the subject.
> Sarah had left in August, and I spent about two months pining and whining. I turned thirty that September, and it was the piningest and whiningest birthday I ever had. But by November, I'd emotionally moved on, thanks in part to a new best friend I'd made in a beautiful young transplant from Nebraska named Deb, a super-intelligent goth-girl (blessedly not an actress) who would end up becoming instrumental in my financial recovery.
> Deb taught me how to use a computer. In my entire life, I'd never touched one. I liked reading "real" books, and writing by hand. The computer opened the path to direct mail, as I could now easily print my own catalogs, mailing address labels, etc. With my new computer skills, I could now sell things to whoever I wanted. So what's a knowledgeable but disgraced Holocaust revisionist to do? Play both sides. And make some decent scratch.
> I created two pseudonyms - one to sell books and videos to Holocaust studies departments around the world, and one to sell books and videos to revisionists. Naturally, because I'm a douchebag, both pseudonyms had to be in-jokes. My college and university pseudonym was "Cal Tinbergen," taken from my favorite early-1980s horror film, _Forbidden World_. In the film, Cal allows his own cancerous liver to be cut out of him while he's still alive so that it can be fed to the mutant that's terrorizing the research colony on one of Jupiter's moons.
> I'm not saying it was a good film.
> And then I created "Desmond Boles" to sell to revisionists. The in-joke there was that one of my favorite Italian zombie film actors, Ugo Bologna, who played "Mr. Desmond" in the seminal zombie film _Nightmare City_, also played "Dr. Bowles" in the creatively-titled _Zombie_.
> Neither of them were terribly good films, either, although _Nightmare City_ is one of Quentin Tarantino's favorite movies, serving as the inspiration for the Tarantino/Rodriguez "Grindhouse" film _Planet Terror_, and if Tarantino likes something, it must be g...oh, wait. No, forget that.
> "Cal Tinbergen" sold films through "The Tinbergen Archives." Desmond Boles sold films through "Contrarian Press" (I actually really liked that business name). I started making safe, completely unchallenging Holocaust documentaries for colleges and universities, and unsafe, revisionist documentaries for the other side. It was so damn easy, as I had years and years of collected archives, maybe only thirty percent of which I'd ever used publicly during my days as a revisionist. Hundreds of hours of footage from my trips; thousands of pages of documents I'd copied at archives and universities around the world. I truly thought I had enough to keep this "pseudonymous playing both sides" thing going for a year. In fact, I had enough to keep it going for four years.
> Needless to say, things got surreal. One of my archived films showed what I believed to be the first Nazi experiment with gas chambers, at an insane asylum in the town of Mogilev, in Minsk, in 1941. The Nazi doctor in charge was Dr. Albert Widmann. In 1994, when I discovered the footage sitting in the U.S. National Archives, I set about trying to authenticate it. There had always been rumors of such footage, supposedly shot so that it could be sent back to Berlin for Himmler's approval. The records of the postwar trial of Widmann were at the time only available in two places in the U.S., one of them being the UCLA Research Library. My good fortune - it saved me an out-of-town trip.
> I became convinced that the footage was genuine, and I wrote to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. I exchanged a series of faxes with their film archives director, Raye Farr. I wouldn't speak with her over the phone, for fear that my incredibly unique voice might tip her off that I was Cole (Cole's "death" was still fairly recent at that point). In several faxes, Farr told me that the experts she spoke with believed the "gassing" footage was a Soviet fake, staged to use against the Germans at the Nuremberg Trial.
> I actually disagreed. Funny - me believing the footage was genuine, Farr claiming it's a fraud. Talk about role reversal.
> "Cal" sold the footage to almost every Holocaust studies department in the Western world. And then "Desmond" used Farr's faxes (which he claimed to have bought on the Holocaust "black market") in order to sell the "fraudulent" footage to revisionists as an example of staged Soviet fakes.
> And so it went. For several years, I would sell materials to both sides. Using a complex series of DBAs, both "Cal" and "Desmond" had their own business accounts, and the money was pouring in. As my own views had become more complex when I left revisionism, I didn't think I was completely lying, as I partially agreed with both the mainstream and the revisionist positions. But since I knew that those two "sides" could never be brought together, I realized I'd have to cater to each one individually.
> I'm not going to evade the question of "moral responsibility." And by that I don't mean exploiting revisionists and mainstream historians. In their own way, they all asked for it, by stubbornly adhering to ideology, embracing evidence that supports their beliefs, and dismissing evidence that challenges it. I had no respect for either side. Their ideological blindness had opened them up to exploitation.
> By "moral responsibility," I'm talking about making a profit on the back of one of the most horrific events in human history. Millions of Jews weren't tormented and killed so that I could make a buck. I could deflect the issue by pointing out that lots of other Jews (and non-Jews) have made healthy profits from Holocaust-related media and materials. I’d be correct. But it would still be a deflection. At the time I made peace with my conscience by reminding myself of all the years I’d refused to take a dime. “I tried to be the Buddhist monk of Holocaust history, and what did it get me? Death threats and destitution!” But that, too, was a deflection.
> The truth is, I can't defend it. The only thing I can say is that after I was forced out of the field by the death threats of the JDL and the lies of people like Shermer, I had to emotionally divorce myself from the subject matter. It's where I am now regarding politics. I no longer care about it. When you're so deeply attached to a subject, and you're cast out of it, you have to train yourself not to care about it any more, or else you get torn up with longing and regret. I'd grown cold to Holocaust history just as, right now, I've grown cold to politics. It's the only way I can cope.
> But unlike my revisionist work, which I'll still defend, and unlike my conservative work, which I'll still defend, I can't defend the period in between.
> "Desmond Boles" was able to deplete the revisionist side rather quickly. It was an older demographic, and, frankly, they were dying off pretty quickly. And a lot of those geezers still wanted VHS tapes. It was a pain to mass-copy VHS tapes. In fact, I would reuse old tapes I had around the house, stuff that I'd recorded in the 1980s and '90s.
> One time, for whatever reason, the copying process failed, and I sent this poor old revisionist guy a video with episodes of _The Simpsons_ on it. Now come on, hate me as much as you want, but you have to admit that's funny. This guy orders a film that was probably called something like "The True History of Auschwitz," he puts the tape in, and it's Homer Simpson. That's just plain funny.
> But as "Desmond" was slowing down with the revisionists, "Cal" was on fire. His films were selling like hotcakes. As you might expect, I never did my own narration - Deb did that. At this point there wasn't a major college or university that wasn't using at least one of my films - Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Oxford, NYU, CUNY, Brandeis, Berkeley, the University of Chicago, UCLA, Vanderbilt, Boston College, you name it, my films were everywhere.
> I had a strong contempt for my audience, because the films were terrible. And nobody complained. They didn't complain because these bland, safe films reinforced what they already believed. It was "comfort food" to these folks. My lack of passion could be seen in every single one of those films. One evening, having finished laying down narration with Deb on one of "Cal's" films, I realized after she left that I'd forgotten to get her to record a significant closing paragraph. I didn't want to trouble her with having to drive back because of my own absent- mindedness. So I thought, well, I could present the closing spiel as on-screen text...but that would take WORK. Screw that.
> Just then, an old buddy of mine, a hulking three-hundred-pound black dude, stopped by. I asked if he could record about six sentences of narration for me. He was fine with it. "Do you want me to record any more?"
> "Nah - Deb did the rest."
> A little concerned, he asked, "won't the viewers be startled that at the emotional climax of the film, the narrator's voice changes from a soft-spoken twenty-five-year-old girl to a deep- voiced middle-aged black man?"
> "Nope," I replied, "they won't even notice. They'll be in the blissful state of mind that ideologues reach when they're being fed their intellectual morphine."
> And damned if not one of the thousands of professors who bought that film ever brought up the narrator's sudden climactic gender change. Not one.
> Whereas "Desmond" never had to be in any close contact with the revisionists (the revisionists are a non-demanding crowd. They have very few people to serve them, so they don't typically make a fuss if something goes wrong. I never even sent that "Simpsons" guy a replacement video), the professors were much more demanding. They wanted more than videos - they wanted study guides, classroom plans, etc. I mean, it's all about them teaching their classes on auto-pilot, right?
> By 2001, I felt safe to speak to them on the phone. Cole had made his last TV appearance in 1994. I doubted that any of them would recognize my voice. Initially, I would speak to them as "Cal Tinbergen." But I soon started rethinking that strategy. One reason was that it was a very difficult name to communicate. People kept thinking I ran the "Tim Burton Archives." The main library purchaser at Harvard was a woman with a very strong Southeast Asian accent. I never knew her actual name. Over the phone, it sounded like "Plasmagoo." Honestly, that's what it sounded like. I'd call the purchasing office and ask for Plasmagoo, and she'd reply "Thees Plasmagoo, hello Meester Tininbringing."
> Also, a weird phenomenon was happening. As my bland films were receiving wide acceptance, a lot of people were talking about them. And they weren't talking about David Stein. I wasn't going to hide behind "Tininbringing" my entire life. I needed to get Stein's name in on the action.
> Fordham University patron Sidney Rosenblatt added "Tinbergen's" films to the university's prestigious Rosenblatt Holocaust Collection. Dr. Bill Nichols, professor of cinema at San Francisco State, screened one at the Visible Evidence conference of documentary filmmakers and scholars. WWII vet Leonard Sattler (103rd Infantry) screened one at a conference of liberators, and former UN Ambassador William vanden Heuvel added "Tinbergen's" films to the catalog of the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, which he chairs.
> In the most surreal moment of all, Laurence Moss, an economics professor at Harvard and Tufts, claimed to have actually _visited_ the "Tinbergen Archives" (you know, the thing that existed entirely in my head). In a 2001 article in _The American Journal of Economics and Sociology_, which Moss edited, he wrote:
> > The Tinbergen Archives in Los Angeles, California are a monument comprised of books, lectures, and films - a monument that exists for the sole purpose of honoring the dead. Established to inform succeeding generations about this "century's greatest crime," the destruction of most of Europe's Jewish community, it "preserves the history of the Holocaust and the blessed memory of the Six Million who lost their lives so cruelly and unjustly." Mr. Cal Tinbergen, the Director of the Archives, has assembled media of all types to fortify "the fight against bigotry and hatred."...I admire the clarity of Mr. Tinbergen's vision about who he is and what he does.
> If big-timey professors are going to write things like that, they might as well write them about Stein. I made Stein "Tinbergen's" managing director. From then on, all Tinbergen business went through Stein.
> The final nail in "Cal's" coffin came in the form of one of those wonderful coincidences life throws your way every now and then. I had always joked that _Forbidden World_, the film from which I took the name "Cal Tinbergen," was so obscure, that the only person who might possibly get the reference is Allan Holzman, the guy who directed it. And why should I be afraid of ever crossing paths with him? He does low-budget horror films.
> Well, actually, it turned out that Holzman was now doing Holocaust documentaries! The _one guy_ who could get the Cal Tinbergen reference was now in the same field.
> It was time to ditch Cal. It was 2001. Stein could stand on his own.
> If I'm careful, I thought, I'll be fine. I had to speak to a lot of professors over the phone, but I wasn't going to be doing any media. There were times when the routine was frustrating, especially those times when this or that Holocaust history professor, not knowing that he was actually speaking to David Cole, would mention my old work with a sneering "yeah, that Jewish denier kid was actually on to something about Auschwitz, but we just can't talk about that stuff publicly."
> I remember having a phone conversation with a professor from Boston University, a good customer, in which he was complimenting me on "Cal's" film about Dachau. Somewhat solemnly, he said "You know, there are times I wish we could just tell the world that the 'gas chamber' at that camp was built by our troops after the war. But we can't encourage denial."
> "Yes, too bad," I replied, "we need to safeguard those secrets." Meanwhile, in my mind I was throttling the lying prick.
> I collaborated with Ellsworth Rosen, public relations director of the Combined Jewish Philanthropies (Greater Boston's Jewish Federation), on the film _Bearing Witness: American Soldiers and the Holocaust_, narrated by legendary newsman Morton Dean. My main job on that one was supplying historical footage from my archives, something I was asked to do several times that year, including for a documentary on George Stevens, and one on the Warsaw Ghetto.
> Stein was becoming so well known, I even received a death threat from a neo-Nazi! Immediately seizing on the profitability of that, I decided to send a copy of the letter to the entire Tinbergen Archives mailing list, explaining to them why this letter demonstrated the need to contribute to the good works of the Tinbergen Archives. That death threat brought in a hell of a lot of money.
> Turns out, the white supremacist who sent the threat to me, John Frederick Steele II, head of the Southern California-based "Brandenburg Division" of the Aryan Nations, was arrested in November 2002 for possessing weapons and bomb-making materials.
> Repeat after me: _This is why Dave uses pseudonyms._
> My Tinbergen Archives mailing list had become a hot property. Although only about 12,000 names strong, it was aggressively sought-after because most of the names were West Coast Jews (the typical Jewish mailing list consists of the same old East Coast names). I was repped by Negev Direct Marketing, the largest Jewish mailing list broker in the world, and I was able to trade my list for dozens of others, including the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Museum of Tolerance, the World Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Historical Society, and the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous. I also made some decent cash by selling the list to Jonathan David Publishers, Elderhostel, and MBI. By the end of it, I had a mailing list that included the home addresses of Spielberg and Streisand (and filmmaker Wes Craven, who actually wrote a fan letter to "Tinbergen").

In op-eds that David Cole wrote under his aliases, he advocated for a strong Israel and hawkish foreign policy (

> "The best guess is yes, there were gas chambers" he says. "But there is still a lot of murkiness about the camps. I haven't changed my views. But I regret I didn't have the facility with language that I have now. I was just a kid," he said this week.
> As Stein, however, he shielded his views, not least during the next stage of his career odyssey: the maker of respectable, conventional Holocaust documentaries. He knew the subject, needed an income and US schools and universities had budgets to commission such projects. He said: "I gave mainstream audiences what they wanted."
> At the same time, he started writing op-eds under Stein and other pseudonyms, expressing what he said was his growing fervour for a hawkish foreign policy, a strong Israel and conservative social policy.

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Mongol » 10 months 2 weeks ago (Tue Jul 26, 2022 7:41 pm)

Cole's big achievement is supposed to have been that in 1992, he got Piper to admit on tape that Krema I was a reconstruction (

> The high point of my visit, though, was my interview with Dr. Franciszek Piper, Senior Curator of the Polish government's Auschwitz State Museum. He has worked there for more than 26 years. On tape, he admits that the so-called gas chamber in Crematory Building (Krema) I, which is shown to half a million visitors a year as a genuine homicidal gas chamber, is in fact a reconstruction -- even down to the holes cut into the ceiling. Piper also admits that walls were knocked down and bathroom facilities removed. He went on to tell us that the remains of the "white cottage," supposed site of the first preliminary gassings at Birkenau, are also reconstructed. This was hardly news to me. Even a quick examination of the remains of the "white cottage" shows that the bricks are not connected in any way, but are simply laid on top of each other like children's building blocks.

However in his response to Cole's video, Piper pointed out that what he said was part of orthodox historiography (

Code: Select all

3.  Cole maintains that I first time admitted the allegedly
unknown fact the Nazis adapted the crematorium in question in
which the gas chamber were located for air-raid shelter, the fact
allegedly unknown even for Museum guides.  It is un truth.  See
enclosed copies of pages from the books which constitute the
fundamental reading for Auschwitz guides. In book by T-an Sehn
"Concentrat Camp Ogwiqcim-Brzezinka (Auschwitz-Birkenau)Warsaw 1957,
You may read on the page 152-"In May 1944 the old Crematorium
I in the base camp was adapted for use as an air raid shelter

The Fact is also confirmed in the book by Jean Claude Pressac
"Auschwitz: Technique and operation of the gas chambers,
published by The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, New York 1989(515
Madison Avenue. On the page 157 you may read: "With part of the
building converted to an air raid shelter, this is the state in which
the  SS abandoned Krematorium I in January 1945"  Repeating what
Pressac had written I told what was the nature of the
adaptation works carried out by the Nazis and what one had to do to
remove those changes in order to regain the previous appearance.
They aare all "Pipers revelations. In spite of the fact that
such secondary restoration works had to be done there is an
undisputable reality that the gas chamber in question is housed in the same
builldin which has been existed from prewar times till now.

Piper quoted this page of Pressac's book:

In the book "Auschwitz: 1270 to the Present" which was published in 1994, Robert van Pelt also wrote (

> When Auschwitz was transformed into a museum after the war, the decision was taken to concentrate the history of the whole complex into one of its components parts. The infamous crematoria where the mass murders had taken place lay in ruins in Birkenau, two miles away. The committee felt that a crematorium was required at the end of the memorial journey, and Crematorium I was reconstructed to speak for the history of the incinerators at Birkenau.
> This program of usurpation was rather detailed. A chimney, the ultimate symbol of Birkenau, was re-created; four hatched openings in the roof, as if for pouring Zyklon B into the gas chamber below, were installed, and two of the three furnaces were rebuilt using original parts. There are no signs to explain these restitutions, they were not marked at the time, and the guides remain silent about it when they take visitors through this building that is presumed by the tourist to be the place where it happened.

Later after Irving had quoted van Pelt's book during the Lipstadt trial, van Pelt responded the following way (

> When one compares our text to Irving's interpretation of it, it was clear that he was once again involved in a case of misconstruction. We did not "confirm that there was never a gas chamber at Auschwitz I, and that the one shown to tourists since the war was a fake built by the Polish communists." Instead, we clearly stated that the crematorium was a "reconstruction," which is a representation of a situation that had existed earlier that had disappeared. As such, a reconstruction was clearly different from a fake, which would have been a representation of a situation that had never existed. Because the chimney was "re-created" and because "two of the three furnaces were rebuilt using original parts," neither the chimney nor the furnaces were fakes either. Given the context of the sentence, and the definition in the next sentence of all postwar construction at the crematorium as "restitutions," it ought to have been clear to Irving that the clause "four hatched openings in the roof, as if for pouring Zyklon-B into the gas chamber below, were installed" also referred to an attempt to reconstruct an earlier situation.

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby hermod » 10 months 1 week ago (Wed Jul 27, 2022 10:14 pm)

The idealism of the young David Cole has completely vanished and David Cole is now a Zionist sellout and a tribalist Jew who knows which side is the more profitable one for himself and for his own people. He probably still believes that the Holocaust is a gross propaganda lie and that there were no homicidal gas chambers at the Reinhardt camps, but he also knows how ruinous Holocaust revisionism is in a Jew-owned society like America.

The leaders of the Zionist establishment don't need another Jewish Holocaust believer repeating old testimonies about the Holocaust, but they need an insider revealing the revisionists' [alleged] dirty secrets in order to ridicule and demonize the. carriers of the revisionist truths. So the drunken acting performances of the old David Cole mostly aim at diffaming Holocaust revisionists and luring people into the false belief that even Holocaust revisionists believe in some Nazi gas chambers.
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby greatmystery » 10 months 1 week ago (Thu Jul 28, 2022 10:41 am)

Although I was in high school and wasn't paying attention to politics when David Cole was Holocaust denying, his actions look similar to what Jews are doing today. Think of Libs of Tik Tok and the Babylon Bee for example. They point out and make fun of wokism and gender ideology. And they are both run by Jews. This is done so Jews can get in front of resistance to their narratives and control both sides of the conversation. So maybe that's what Cole was doing with the Holocaust since as OP said revisionism was getting mainstream approval and attention.

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Damian77 » 10 months 1 week ago (Fri Jul 29, 2022 12:20 am)

Zionist Jews certainly did it with the 9/11 truth movement... does Cass Sunstein's Cognitive Infiltration ring a bell?

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Hektor » 10 months 1 week ago (Fri Jul 29, 2022 10:51 am)

borjastick wrote:If this is true then it was a spectacular own goal because David Cole's work all those years ago opened up the minds of many and supplied a huge archive of his work which absolutely proved the case against the holocaust having happened. His 48 questions (can't remember if this was the actual number) was a game changer and for me the death knell for the standard holocaust narrative.

I recall several lists with questions.

The key question would however be something like: What physical evidence does exist for a single Jew being gassed in Auschwitz?
I recall Nizkor foaming over the internet, when I once asked that question.

What is a give away that their story is made up is the shear fact that Jews weren't declared missing, but dead or 'gassed' without any proper investigation. It was enough that the relatives didn't know where they were. There was once a ANC-politician (of Jewish descent) on TV. He reported that his family got a letter about relatives they were missing as "gassed in Auschwitz". That was of course something impossible to know for the letter writers.

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Merlin300 » 10 months 1 week ago (Sun Jul 31, 2022 11:46 pm)

Hektor wrote:
borjastick wrote:If this is true then it was a spectacular own goal because David Cole's work all those years ago opened up the minds of many and supplied a huge archive of his work which absolutely proved the case against the holocaust having happened. His 48 questions (can't remember if this was the actual number) was a game changer and for me the death knell for the standard holocaust narrative.

I recall several lists with questions.

The key question would however be something like: What physical evidence does exist for a single Jew being gassed in Auschwitz?
I recall Nizkor foaming over the internet, when I once asked that question.

What is a give away that their story is made up is the shear fact that Jews weren't declared missing, but dead or 'gassed' without any proper investigation. It was enough that the relatives didn't know where they were. There was once a ANC-politician (of Jewish descent) on TV. He reported that his family got a letter about relatives they were missing as "gassed in Auschwitz". That was of course something impossible to know for the letter writers.

David McCalden was the man who thought of the $50,000 "Name one person gassed at Auschwitz" challenge.

The IHR was crushed by legal expenses and by the absurd ruling of Judge Thomas T. Johnson of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County; taking "judicial notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland during the summer of 1944"
Based on the IMT at Nuremberg "Judgment."

In his endorsement of the Stipulation for Entry of Judgment, Johnson went on to declare,

"This court does take judicial notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland during the summer of 1944. It is not reasonably subject to dispute. And it is capable of immediate and accurate determination by resort to sources of reasonably indisputable accuracy. It is simply a fact.
Mel's "evidence" was a notarized account of his internment at Auschwitz and how in 1944 he witnessed Nazi guards ushering his mother and two sisters and others towards (as he learned later) gas chamber number five [sic]

BTW David McCalden refused to settle with Mermelstein. So Mel had to move the court to dismiss McCalden to avoid have to go to trial. A part of the Mermelstein Story that has been thrown into the Memory Hole!

This was in 1985 when little forensic research had been gathered by Revisionists except by people like Ditlieb Felderer.
After 1985 there was a surge in uncovering powerful evidence undermining the tales of gassings at Auschwitz
. Why the Skies Did Not Darken
was published, the official figure of Auschwitz dead was dropped by 3,000,000, Pressac published Technique and Operation
..David Cole played a role challenging the Nuremberg Tribunal stupidities.
He also worked with David McCalden, filming events like McCalden's appearance at a local synagogue (where JDL members attacked McCalden.)
the JDL harassed Cole and he changed his name.

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Re: Fred Leuchter says he believes David Cole was sent to infiltrate Revisionism in the 1990s

Postby Hektor » 10 months 1 week ago (Mon Aug 01, 2022 7:34 am)

Merlin300 wrote:....David McCalden was the man who thought of the $50,000 "Name one person gassed at Auschwitz" challenge....
In his endorsement of the Stipulation for Entry of Judgment, Johnson went on to declare,

"This court does take judicial notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland during the summer of 1944. It is not reasonably subject to dispute. And it is capable of immediate and accurate determination by resort to sources of reasonably indisputable accuracy. It is simply a fact.
Mel's "evidence" was a notarized account of his internment at Auschwitz and how in 1944 he witnessed Nazi guards ushering his mother and two sisters and others towards (as he learned later) gas chamber number five [sic]

BTW David McCalden refused to settle with Mermelstein. So Mel had to move the court to dismiss McCalden to avoid have to go to trial. A part of the Mermelstein Story that has been thrown into the Memory Hole!

This was in 1985 when little forensic research had been gathered by Revisionists except by people like Ditlieb Felderer.
After 1985 there was a surge in uncovering powerful evidence undermining the tales of gassings at Auschwitz
. Why the Skies Did Not Darken
was published, the official figure of Auschwitz dead was dropped by 3,000,000, Pressac published Technique and Operation
..David Cole played a role challenging the Nuremberg Tribunal stupidities.
He also worked with David McCalden, filming events like McCalden's appearance at a local synagogue (where JDL members attacked McCalden.)
the JDL harassed Cole and he changed his name.

Judicial Notice was taken over as an argument by German Courts... They talk about 'Offenkundigkeit' (obviousness) and 'gerichtsnotorische Tatsache':

There is however an 'obvious' problem with this. You can't invoke a claim of obviousness on the matter that forms the essence of a dispute. In this case the name of person gassed in Auschwitz. There is also no judicial notice of this. All the trials relating to alleged homicidal gassings only accuse the defendants of murder of Jews (by gassing and other means). There is no case where the prosecution acts on behalf of a murdered person, so the matter of whether this person was actually murdered by the alleged means never came up. Subsequently there is also no 'judicial notice' of this. To the contrary the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial verdict makes it clear that they didn't have the conventional means necessary for establishing whether anyone was murdered as alleged. All they had was testimony.

So the argument is judicial bogus and doesn't hold any water. But such trials function as means of intimidation to investigate and debate the matter openly.

From the verdict in the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial:
Man muß sich doch nur einmal vergegenwärtigen, welche unendliche Kleinarbeit in einem Mordprozeß unserer Tage geleistet wird, wie
aus kleinen Mosaiksteinchen das Bild des wahrhaften Geschehens im Augenblick des Mordes zusammengesetzt wird. Es stehen dem Gericht zur Verfügung zunächst die Leiche, das Obduktionsprotokoll, das Gutachten des Sachverständigen über die Ursachen und den Eintritt des Todes,
die Todesstunde, der Tag, an dem die Tat passiert sein muß, die Einwirkung, die zum Tode des betreffenden Menschen geführt hat. Es steht zur Verfügung die Mordwaffe mit den Fingerabdrücken, die den Täter identifizieren. Es steht zur Verfügung der Fußabdruck, den der Täter hinterlassen hat, als er in das Haus des Ermordeten hineinging. Und es sind noch viele Einzelheiten vorhanden, die schließlich dem Gericht die unabweisbare Gewißheit verschaffen, daß dieser Mensch von einem ganz bestimmten Täter zu Tode gebracht worden ist.
All das fehlt in diesem Prozeß. Wir hatten keine absoluten Anhaltspunkte für die einzelnen Tötungen, sondern wir hatten nur die Zeugenaussagen. Diese Zeugenaussagen waren jedoch mitunter nicht so exakt und präzise, wie das in einem Mordprozeß erforderlich ist. ... dung_1.pdf

Essentially they admit that they did assume what they actually would have to prove first. At first sight it seems the Verdict contradicts the Revisionist position, but on closer look it actually confirms it. It's exactly my point that the Exterminationists do not have physical evidence for their thesis, just grasp and inflate some fragments to push their narrative through.

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No inmate left alive.

Postby Merlin300 » 10 months 1 week ago (Tue Aug 02, 2022 11:11 am)

Hektor wrote:Essentially they admit that they did assume what they actually would have to prove first. At first sight it seems the Verdict contradicts the Revisionist position, but on closer look it actually confirms it. It's exactly my point that the Exterminationists do not have physical evidence for their thesis, just grasp and inflate some fragments to push their narrative through.

In the 1980's the Believe Narrative was that no inmate left Auschwitz alive.
This allowed sloppy prosecution and put an impossible burden on defendants to prove the missing person was not killed.

The "no inmate left Auschwitz alive" lie was totally debunked by research such as Danuta Czech's 1997 work Auschwitz Chronicle, 1939-1945 which showed a regular massive departure of inmates out of the Camp. (it is a must for any Revisionist!)
Hundreds of thousands of inmates were moved from the camp, thousands remained in the Auschwitz camps when the Soviets reached the Camp and approximate 500 inmates escaped. Of course, Anne Frank and her sister and their family are specific examples.
The death of the "no inmate left Auschwitz alive" lie is a major Revision of Holocaust Belief.

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Re: No inmate left alive.

Postby Hektor » 10 months 6 days ago (Wed Aug 03, 2022 5:49 pm)

Merlin300 wrote:
Hektor wrote:Essentially they admit that they did assume what they actually would have to prove first. At first sight it seems the Verdict contradicts the Revisionist position, but on closer look it actually confirms it. It's exactly my point that the Exterminationists do not have physical evidence for their thesis, just grasp and inflate some fragments to push their narrative through.

In the 1980's the Believe Narrative was that no inmate left Auschwitz alive.
This allowed sloppy prosecution and put an impossible burden on defendants to prove the missing person was not killed.

The "no inmate left Auschwitz alive" lie was totally debunked by research such as Danuta Czech's 1997 work Auschwitz Chronicle, 1939-1945 which showed a regular massive departure of inmates out of the Camp. (it is a must for any Revisionist!)
Hundreds of thousands of inmates were moved from the camp, thousands remained in the Auschwitz camps when the Soviets reached the Camp and approximate 500 inmates escaped. Of course, Anne Frank and her sister and their family are specific examples.
The death of the "no inmate left Auschwitz alive" lie is a major Revision of Holocaust Belief.

To shield the Myth, they will make concessions that some aspects of their narrative are flawed. Then they brush that off. The suggestiveness of their relics is strong enough to keep proselytes under the spell. It's the emotions that do the work, not the (supposed) facts. In fact, factual claims are only necessary to persuade the doubters and keep them inline.

More than zero Jews left Auschwitz... so what? will be the response. Then still six million less a few didn't. Oh wait, that six million isn't for Auschwitz there they 'revised' the number from 4/2.5 million to far under a million. That the lower figures don't add up neither, they don't care about. They even don't care that there is no known gassed in Auschwitz Jew with sufficient proof. What counts is the feelings. It gives the pious pityiers a feeling of moral superiority once they have done their mourning or self-flagellation in guilt for something they possibly could not have done.

I couldn't find Danuta Czech's book.

I pointed out that Anne Frank is an odd choice as Holocaust icon. Her biography actually contradicts the Holocaust Narrative. But its a fantastic story. Yeah, it really is.

Few people will actually bother to look into the details and analyze, verify or validate them. Most people work on gut feel. And they don't want to come over unemphatic, so they go with the flow. They don't realize it's a psy-op and mind control game by people who are experts on social psychology and brainwashing. Many books on the subject were actually authored by Jews. But that won't be considered as remarkable (when you're under a spell). Even the fact that in 1945 the "presentation of facts" was actually done by members of psychological warfare units doesn't bother to many people. Or that those related to the program actually admitted that instilling a "sense of collective guilt" was vital to their efforts in reeducating the Germans. This is well documented, documents are publicly accessible for a large part... But it isn't exactly shoved into people's faces every day. So most don't care. That Jews (and leftists as well as the cucked) are trying to get a maximum of millage out of the Holocaust Narrative doesn't make most too bothered neither. I'd guess that the more bright folks notice this, but are 'morally intimidated' to address the issue and speak out against it. Too risky to be seen as a 'horrible person' that doesn't care enough about the plight and suffering of the poor Jews. And hey, you could have a pact with the secularized substitute devil Adolf Hitler. That's what lots of folks are really afraid of, being associated with the incarnation of evil Adolf Hitler. Fun Fact, most Holocaust adherents are functionally irreligious folks. There is lefty or Christian Zionists that are joined in this, too. But actually many serious Christians have their reservations about the issue, many of those seriously interested in history, too. Those pushy with the story are generally those that have some vested interested into the narrative. Usually they have a job that requires Holocaust compliance or they used the Holocaust/Nazis in their arguments or justification for something. Apparently their reasoning is so unconvincing to themselves that they need to invoke some incarnation of evil to make the boat float to them and others. Yes that's right, Hitler may be dead and never have gotten a proper funeral, but he's still spooking around as a 'moral authority' in the mind of many Westerners. In that way he's an inverse replacement for Jesus. Welcome to the enlightened, demythologized, secular, rational world that "trusts the science" after world war two... where you can apply textual criticism on the New Testament, doubt the merits of the Koran, but not the diary of Anne Frank. Especially don't insinuate that some post war co-authors (her father?) may have edited it to fit their designs. Or that this may have been done and popularized for gaining finances and cultural capital. Then you'll see how upset and unemphatic those supposedly rational and emphatic people can get. They may not call the cops on you, but expect to be shunned like someone cracking a joke during a Catholic Mass.

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