Revisionists on 9/11

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Revisionists on 9/11

Postby Revision » 1 year 4 days ago (Sun Jun 05, 2022 3:20 am)

I already tried to post this a long time ago but my post was deleted for no real reason.

Here are some 9/11 views of some revisionists:

DenierBud / Dean Irebodd
Bradley Smith
Mark Weber
David Irving

DenierBud / Dean Irebodd (revisionist documentary maker):

"You have to know when to stop. It's disappointing to me that so many revisionists are 9-11 conspiracy theorists."

"9-11 sent me in the direction of holocaust denial. When 9-11 happened I believed it was a response to unfair US foreign policy in the Mideast. Particularly toward the Palestinians. And in those Bin Laden videos released shortly after 9-11, Bin Laden said as much. Bin Laden mentioned Jenin [a Palestinian city that has suffered much because of Israel's military operations]. So I thought 'wow, the media is spinning this in a totally different direction.' The 'they hate our freedom' direction. All this put me on the path to holocaust denial."
Interview with a Holocaust Denier (2008)
By Hoover Hog ... enier.html

Bradley Smith (the founder of the CODOH):

"In short, Osama will say about what Ramzi Ahmed Yousef [the main perpetrator of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing] said three years ago. He will say that the second – final — attack on the World Trade Center was the result of American foreign policy which, among other things, is a witch’s brew of butchery, lies, and hypocrisy."
Why do Islamic Radicals Want to Kill Americans? (2002-06-01) ... ricans/en/

"My inclination is to think it too romantic to suspect the action to have been a Mossad false-flag operation, or that individuals at the highest level in the U.S. Government were complicit in it. It is too 'daring,' even for those folk. The bin Laden story, on the other hand, is very simple and straight-forward."

"For a long while my work was to encourage an open debate, specifically, on the Holocaust story. After 9/11 the work evolved to encourage an open debate on the Holocaust story and on the U.S. alliance with Israel as well. I think it is rather widely understood that, without that anti-Arab, anti-Muslim alliance with Israel over half a century, 9/11 would not have happened."
Outlaw History #3: A Mossad False-Flag Operation? (2004-10-11)

Mark Weber (the director of the Institute for Historical Review):

"President George W. Bush said on national television that 'America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world.' The next day he said that 'freedom and democracy are under attack,' and that the perpetrators had struck against 'all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world.'

But if 'democracy' and 'freedom-loving people' are the targets, why isn't anyone attacking Switzerland, Japan or Norway?"

"Our political leaders and the American mass media promote the preposterous fiction that the September 11 attacks are entirely unprovoked and unrelated to United States actions. They want everyone to believe that the underlying hatred of America by so many around the world, especially in Arab and Muslim countries, that motivated the perpetrators of the September 11 attacks is unrelated to this country's policies. It is clear, however, that those who carried out these devastating suicide attacks against centers of American financial and military might were enraged by this country's decades-long support for Israel and its policies of aggression, murderous repression, and brutal occupation against Arabs and Muslims, and/or American air strikes and economic warfare against Afghanistan, Sudan, Iraq and Iran."
Learning from the September 11 Attacks (September 15, 2001)



David Irving (famous revisionist historian and author):

"So what was the explicit message that Bin Laden presented, in his tortuous and unctuous language? He offered three answers to the question Why. He stated the same reasons for the assault of September 11 that any highschool boy, properly munitioned with the truth, could immediately have spelt out, even before the blazing Twin Towers had collapsed:

- Muslims are angered by the illegal American and British ten-year blockade of Iraq, which has led to the deaths of half a million innocent children;
- Muslims are frustrated with the blind American support and arming of the bullying Nazi regime in Israel and its terrorising of the long-suffering Palestinian people;
- Muslims are enraged by the American 'infidel's' military and commercial presence in Saudi Arabia, home of their holiest shrines.

Until these three basic causes of Muslim anger are confronted, there will be no peace for the Americans, and they will drag much of the rest of the civilized world into a slough of misery. But none of the American people is being provided with a complete set of facts to ponder on. The media seem to be joined in a silent conspiracy to avoid asking the W-Question."
An Ugly Question, which nobody wants to ask, let alone answer (October 21, 2001)
The mainstream Holocaust story is a baseless conspiracy theory.


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