#JeSuisChabloz – British Jews falter over a song (Vincent Reynouard presents Alison Chabloz - Jewish censorship tactics)

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#JeSuisChabloz – British Jews falter over a song (Vincent Reynouard presents Alison Chabloz - Jewish censorship tactics)

Postby phdnm » 6 years 5 months ago (Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:00 am)

Video produced by Sans Concession TV.

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#JeSuisChabloz – British Jews falter over a song

December 7, 2016

Thursday December 15, I shall be appearing in court for the first time in my life charged with causing gross offence after posting my song (((Survivors))) on YouTube. What makes this case special is the fact that I am not being prosecuted by the Crown; it is a private prosecution taken on by chairman of the wealthy Zionist ‘charity’, Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA), Gideon Falter, who – in order to persuade the judge that publishing my song merits a heavy fine – will have to prove that my song is grossly offensive.

https://alisonchabloz.wordpress.com/201 ... er-a-song/

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Re: #JeSuisChabloz – British Jews falter over a song (Vincent Reynouard presents Alison Chabloz - Jewish censorship tact

Postby borjastick » 6 years 5 months ago (Fri Dec 09, 2016 9:24 am)

We live in very dangerous times. What's more is that actions, like this one against Alsion, are on the increase. The violent and very aggressive jews and zionist who inevitably hold great sway in law, media and politics are flexing their muscles like perhaps never before.

It comes as no surprise to me that since the Brexit vote back in June the claimed number of 'fascist' attacks and social media harassment of minority groups such as eastern europeans and of course jews has risen sharply.

What i have always been confused about is whether the jews claiming to be frightened of anti semitism and anti jewish abuse really mean it, that they are genuinely frightened of another holocaust type event and as such are fighting back, something I could sort of understand, or are they just screaming 'fire bloody fire' at the top of their voices as often as possible to gain a control, legal and political advantage??? If the holocaust as they claim happened didn't happen then what exactly are they afraid of?

There has never been a more important time to put our collective foot on the gas (no pun intended) and disseminate the truth about the holocaust lies than now.

Surely any well meaning half educated man or woman of any persuasion would welcome the fact that there was no holocaust which killed six million jews, wouldn't they?

Alison faces difficult times from a bunch of thugs who are acting just like they claim the Nazis acted towards them in the thirties. Proof that the bullied always become abusers in the end.

I don't for one moment believe that jews are under increased threat by fist of social media, but they do shout very loudly and seem to have many in government by the short and curlies - another Winston Churchill type of event perhaps.

What we can be content with is the growing acceptance that the jews and the post war allied governments lied about the detail and depth of the holocaust is gaining ground. Millions of normal decent people, who are God fearing and honest hard working citizens now know that there were no gas chamber mass murders in the holocaust.

The internet is a wonderful thing for truth but it is the one thing many governments hate more than anything else, because it is nearly uncontrollable. His master's grip tightens on truth when it fails to serve and further the will of those who wish to control us.

Alison faces uncertain times because while she should be happy that this Falter chappie, who has taken her to court, might find it difficult to win by proving gross offence, he will no doubt have a top (((lawyer))) and very deep pockets which in my experience that will nearly always win the day.

I wish her well.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: #JeSuisChabloz – British Jews falter over a song (Vincent Reynouard presents Alison Chabloz - Jewish censorship tact

Postby hermod » 6 years 5 months ago (Thu Dec 15, 2016 7:56 am)

Here's the song...

"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: #JeSuisChabloz – British Jews falter over a song (Vincent Reynouard presents Alison Chabloz - Jewish censorship tact

Postby phdnm » 6 years 5 months ago (Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:28 am)

Today in court.

Waiting for her reaction on her blog: https://alisonchabloz.wordpress.com/

Blogger, 52, 'who posted a grossly offensive and anti-Semitic song on YouTube' denies hate crime charge brought by a Jewish charity in a private prosecution

15 December 2016

A blogger accused of calling Auschwitz a 'theme park' and gas chambers a 'hoax' appeared in court today in what is believed to be the first private prosecution in the UK for anti-jewish racism.

Alison Chabloz, 52, is accused of posting a 'grossly offensive' video, called 'Survivors', online on June 8 this year.

The prosecution has been brought by the charity the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, which said it decided to do so after the Crown Prosecution Service did not press charges.

The anti-Semitic 'phenomenon' has 'grown enormously' in the UK, a court heard.

The video allegedly included lyrics such as 'Did the Holocaust ever happen? Was it just a bunch of lies? Seems that some intend to pull the wool over our eyes', according to the charity.

The clip also included lines such as 'Now Auschwitz, holy temple, is a theme park just for fools, the gassing zone a proven hoax, indoctrination rules', the charity claims.

Other lines are said to have been: 'History repeats itself, no limit to our wealth, thanks to your debts we're bleeding you dry.

'We control your media, control all your books and TV, with the daily lies we're feeding, suffering victimisation.

'Sheeple have no realisation, you shall pay, all the way, until the break of day.'

Chabloz, who is also a musician, is charged with improper use of public electronic communications network, and appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court today to enter a plea.

Wearing a black fur jacket, black jeans and with short brown hair, she spoke only to confirm her name, age and address, and to enter a plea of not guilty.

She smiled and waved at her supporters in the full public gallery during the hearing, which consisted mostly of older men and women.

District Judge Shenagh Bayne set a trial date for March 24 next year.

Members of the charity, whose chairman Gideon Falter was present claim it is the first private prosecution of its kind in the UK.

Outside court, member Stephen Silverman said: 'I believe it is the first private prosecution of its kind in the UK.'

Prosecutor Jonathan Goldberg QC said: 'We act pro bono for a charity called the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism.

'As you know, there is a charge laid present against this defendant under the Communications Act of 2003.'

Mr Goldberg told the court: 'The very reason this charity is making an example of this case is because of their disappointment that the Crown Prosecution Service have investigated 15,442 cases in recent times, but only 12 of those cases have involved anti-Semitic hatred.

'Even though the fact is this phenomenon has grown enormously within our society at alarming proportions.'

An application by the defence to adjourn the case, on the grounds it was a 'malicious prosecution', was rejected by the judge.

Kevin Lowry-Mullins, defending, said: 'I have invited the Crown Prosecution Service to take over this prosecution, and to discontinue it.

'But before they can review the case, they may have to have representations from parties if they so wish.

'That application is made on behalf of the defendant, and I would submit that it is a proper application to make because we say, the defence say, this is a malicious prosecution.

'In the first place, the police were investigating the matter. It has been taken out of the hands of the police.

'The private prosecution stems from the fact the police have not made a decision yet.'

Mr Goldberg said: 'I would strongly object on behalf of my clients. First is the suggestion this is a malicious prosecution - with great respect, there is no finding for that.'

He said there was a six-month window to bring a prosecution, and 'it seems to us that the police would now be out of time'.

Chabloz, of Glossop, Derbyshire, was granted unconditional bail.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z4SvMJSYst

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Re: #JeSuisChabloz – British Jews falter over a song (Vincent Reynouard presents Alison Chabloz - Jewish censorship tact

Postby Hannover » 6 years 5 months ago (Thu Dec 15, 2016 1:12 pm)

1. The prosecution has been brought by the charity the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, which said it decided to do so after the Crown Prosecution Service did not press charges.
2. Mr Goldberg told the court: 'The very reason this charity is making an example of this case is because of their disappointment that the Crown Prosecution Service have investigated 15,442 cases in recent times, but only 12 of those cases have involved anti-Semitic hatred.

1. "Charity"? Don't make me laugh. All those directly involved with the so called "Campaign Against Anti-Semitism" are no doubt paid large salaries, any "charity" (aka: money) goes to Jews only. It's just another scam to benefit Jewish supremacists at the expense of everyone else.

2. IOW, the Crown laughed at the video and called it a day, while this "charity" wants to take the law into their own hands and go grubbing for more cash.


There is massive change in the air.

What with Brexit, massive dissatisfaction with the totalitarian EU, massive immigration which is destroying the indigenous cultures, and Trump's victory.
Israel allows only Jews to immigrate to Israel. Where's the outrage?.

All this indicates that those of true European origin are no longer going to accept being ruled by those who wish them harm, are no longer going to allow those who have heretofore aided & abetted the destruction of European peoples.

There is now resistance against those who incite violence and hatred towards people of true European origin.
Supremacist Jews and their shills can see the writing on the wall, hence we see the desperate Orwellian tactics now being deployed.

In other words, we find in supremacist Jews every single feature they claim to find in those they attack – intolerance, hatred of people unlike themselves, authoritarianism, closed-mindedness, and an appetite for violence.

The tide is turning and they know it.

- Hannover

"Alone the fact that one may not question the Jewish "holocaust" and that Jewish pressure has inflicted laws on democratic societies to prevent questions—while incessant promotion and indoctrination of the same averredly incontestable ‘holocaust’ occur—gives the game away. It proves that it must be a lie. Why else would one not be allowed to question it? Because it might offend the "survivors"? Because it "dishonors the dead"? Hardly sufficient reason to outlaw discussion. No, because the exposure of this leading lie might precipitate questions about so many other lies and cause the whole ramshackle fabrication to crumble."

- Gerard Menuhin / righteous Revisionist Jew, son of famous violinist
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: #JeSuisChabloz – British Jews falter over a song (Vincent Reynouard presents Alison Chabloz - Jewish censorship tact

Postby phdnm » 6 years 5 months ago (Mon Dec 26, 2016 12:27 am)

Latest news

Bail conditions tightened for blogger facing trial over Holocaust video

Court orders Alison Chabloz not to post "antisemitic or grossly offensive" material on the internet

December 24, 2016

A blogger facing trial over a video which appears to question the Holocaust has been told she cannot use the internet to post antisemitic material.

Alison Chabloz is accused of calling Auschwitz a “theme park” and the gas chambers a “hoax” in a video called "Survivors" posted on June 8.

Appearing at Westminster Magistrates’ Court last week in a private prosecution brought by the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA), she was given unconditional bail, with a trial date set for March 24.

But the bail conditions have been tightened following a request from prosecution barrister Jonathan Goldberg after fresh online material came to light.

The court ordered on Friday that Chabloz was: “Not to post or send or cause to be sent via the internet or any other means, whether via social media or Youtube or at all, any message or other material which is in whole or part racist or antisemitic and grossly offensive.”

She was also forbidden from posting material relating to CAA chairman Gideon Falter, CAA’s director of investigations Stephen Silverman or any of the group’s legal team acting in the case, or their families, particularly anything that “might lead to the identification of their home or professional addresses”.

CAA brought the prosecution after the Crown Prosecution Service decided not to press charges.

Chabloz, 52, of Glossop, Derbyshire, denies improper use of public electronic communications network.


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Re: #JeSuisChabloz – British Jews falter over a song (Vincent Reynouard presents Alison Chabloz - Jewish censorship tact

Postby Atigun » 6 years 5 months ago (Mon Dec 26, 2016 4:22 am)

The Jews do like to hide their vicious anti free speech campaign behind flowery, humanitarian sounding names. The "Campaign Against Anti-Semitism." Sounds as if they are a lonely outpost holding out against the forces of evil. That's akin to the group of Jews in Whitefish, Montana, who tried to run an extortion scam against Sherry Spencer, the mother of Richard Spencer, the political activist. The name of the group? "Love Lives Here." Ain't that a hoot?

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Re: #JeSuisChabloz – British Jews falter over a song (Vincent Reynouard presents Alison Chabloz - Jewish censorship tact

Postby phdnm » 6 years 2 months ago (Mon Mar 27, 2017 12:06 pm)

Latest news

Zionist-connected Judge Recuses Herself, Crown Takes Over Prosecution & Singer Alison Chabloz Case Adjourns Until June

Posted on March 26, 2017

LONDON. Satirical chanteuse and song-writer Alison Chabloz’ case seems to be a test as radical Zionist censors seek to create a precedent in Britain for gagging critics on the Internet. She is charged under a hazy law the Communications Act of 2003, which was meant to regulate commercial broadcasting, for You Tubes of satirical songs about the holocaust. She was charged for improper use of the public communications network for having broadcast “grossly offensive” material in such songs as (((Survivors))) with lyrics such as, “‘Now Auschwitz, holy temple, is a theme park just for fools, the gassing zone a proven hoax, indoctrination rules.”

Initially, Jewish complaints were dismissed by the Crown Prosecution Services (CPS) as non-actionable. Then, the well-funded “charity” the Campaign Against Anti-semitism initiated a rarely-used private prosecution complete with pricey Jewish lawyers. In December, Alison Chabloz was gagged by way of bail conditions that forbad her posting any racist or anti-semitic or “grossly offensive” material on the Internet or naming her tormenter complainers, Gideon Falter of the Campaign Against Anti-semitism. [Canadian political prisoner Arthur Topham was similarly prohibited from mentioning the names of those who complained and dragged him into court and inflicted tens of thousands of dollars of costs on this intrepid Internet warrior. The court-coddled complainers were Victoria B’nai Brith operative Harry Abrams and chronic complaint filer Richard Warman.]

Miss Chabloz’s legal team then raised the issue of “reasonable apprehension of bias” on the part of the judge, Baroness Emma Arbuthnot. She had been part of a paid trip to Israel along with her husband, a former Tory MP, who headed Conservative Friends of Israel (a cheering team for another country). The day before the trial, Baroness Arbuthnot quietly withdrew and was replaced by an experienced jurist Judge Zani.

On March 7, after prolonged Zionist lobbying, the CPS took over the prosecution. Now, a whole new team of lawyers was seized of the file. Almost predictably, despite having had the Chabloz file for months, the CPS sought an adjournment on the eve of the trial, needing more preparation time. The adjournment was granted on March 22 — two days before the trial was to commence.

On June 23, there will be purely legal arguments. One key argument deals with jurisdiction. The impugned posting was made in Switzerland. Do U.K. courts even have jurisdiction?

Should rulings on June 23 go against the defence, Alison Chaloz’s trial will proceed on July 17.


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Re: #JeSuisChabloz – British Jews falter over a song (Vincent Reynouard presents Alison Chabloz - Jewish censorship tact

Postby phdnm » 5 years 4 months ago (Mon Jan 08, 2018 10:58 pm)

Recorded January 4 2018

Alison and Andy discuss the upcoming show trial at Westminster Magistrates Court, Alison's recent arrest and incarceration for uploading politically incorrect songs to the Internet; Sex Pistols 1980 recording of 'Belsen was a Gas'; hypocrisy and double standards of the Israel lobby, mainstream media control and, of course, the 'Holocaust'.

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Re: #JeSuisChabloz – British Jews falter over a song (Vincent Reynouard presents Alison Chabloz - Jewish censorship tact

Postby phdnm » 5 years 4 months ago (Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:52 pm)

Latest news

'Holocaust revisionist' on trial for anti-Semitic songs


A blogger and self-confessed "Holocaust revisionist" is on trial accused of broadcasting "grossly offensive" anti-Semitic songs on the internet.

Alison Chabloz, 53, from Derbyshire, wrote and performed three songs about Jewish people persecuted by the Nazis, including the young diarist Anne Frank.

Some are set to a Jewish folk tune.

Westminster Magistrates' Court heard Ms Chabloz denied five counts of improper use of the public communications network.

The songs accuse Jewish people of unethical money lending, question whether the Holocaust happened and describe the Auschwitz concentration camp as "a theme park for fools".

Karen Robinson, prosecuting, said this was "an extraordinarily offensive description of perhaps the most traumatic event in Jewish history."

She said the songs "are anti-Semitic, targeted at Jewish people as a whole. They use content and tone to ensure offence. The songs are designed to provoke maximum upset and discomfort".

She added: "By the standards of an open and multi-racial society, they are grossly offensive."

The court heard that two songs were performed at a London Forum Event held at the Grosvenor Hotel in London in September 2016 and uploaded to YouTube days afterwards.

A third song was uploaded to YouTube in September 2017.

As the videos were played in court, a group of Ms Chabloz's supporters in the public gallery applauded.

District Judge John Zani warned them they would be asked to leave if they did so again.

The court heard that Ms Chabloz had been interviewed by police, and accepted that the songs were "close to the bone" but denied they were grossly offensive.

Chabloz, of Charlesworth, Glossop, Derbyshire, told officers that the prosecution was an attempt to limit her free speech.

She denies two counts of sending by a public communications network an offensive, indecent or menacing message or material - in relation to two of the three songs.

She also denies two alternative counts of "causing" offensive material to be sent by a public communications network, after her performance was posted on her blog.

The trial continues.


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Re: #JeSuisChabloz – British Jews falter over a song (Vincent Reynouard presents Alison Chabloz - Jewish censorship tact

Postby phdnm » 5 years 3 months ago (Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:04 pm)

Blogger claims "no proof" gas chambers killed Jewish people

A blogger accused of broadcasting anti-Semitic songs has told a court there was "no proof" gas chambers were used to kill Jewish people in World War Two.

March 7, 2018

Alison Chabloz, 53, from Glossop, Derbyshire, wrote and performed three songs about Nazi persecution, including one about young diarist Anne Frank.

She described Auschwitz as a "theme park" in one song broadcast on Youtube.

Appearing at Westminster Magistrates' Court, she defended some of her work as "satire" and "art".

At the resumption of her trial, Ms Chabloz told the court she did not understand the term "Holocaust denier" and preferred the phrase "Holocaust revisionist".

During her defence, she said: "My view is that the figures, the six million figures, the alleged homicidal gas chambers, there is no proof of either of these 'non facts' as I would say."

Ms Chabloz denies two counts of sending by a public communications network an offensive, indecent or menacing message or material in relation to two of the three songs.

She also denies two alternative counts of "causing" offensive material to be sent by a public communications network, after her performance was posted on her blog.

Ms Chabloz denies a fifth charge in relation to a third song which describes the Holocaust as a "damn fine tale".

She claimed many Jewish people found her songs funny and that no-one was forced to listen to them.

The trial continues and a decision is expected in May.


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Re: #JeSuisChabloz – British Jews falter over a song (Vincent Reynouard presents Alison Chabloz - Jewish censorship tact

Postby phdnm » 5 years 3 weeks ago (Mon May 14, 2018 8:58 am)

Latest news

Judge warned of ‘setting precedent’ over Holocaust songs

Chabloz, who describes herself as a Holocaust revisionist, says her music is ‘satire’.

14 May 2018

A judge asked to decide whether a blogger accused of writing and performing anti-Semitic songs about the Holocaust has committed any crime has been told his verdict will “set a precedent” over a person exercising their right to free speech.

Musician Alison Chabloz, 54, faces five charges relating to three self-penned songs, which the prosecution at Westminster Magistrates’ Court said were “grossly offensive”.

Chabloz, who describes herself as a Holocaust revisionist, says her music is “satire”.

    “ Miss Chabloz’s songs are a million miles away from an attempt to provide an academic critique of the Holocaust. ”

    Karen Robinson

But prosecutors say three of Chabloz’s songs, including one which defines the notorious death camp Auschwitz as a “theme park”, are criminally offensive.

Summing up the defence case, Adrian Davies told District Judge John Zani his ruling on the case would be a landmark one.

Defending Chabloz, whose songs were uploaded to YouTube, Mr Davies said his client had not committed an offence.

He said: “It is hard to know what right has been infringed by Miss Chabloz’s singing.

“There has to be a convincing argument to interfere with Miss Chabloz’s right to freedom of speech.”

Poring over the technical details of the charges, Mr Davies said it was actually YouTube which was responsible for “sending the message”, with Chabloz unable to ascertain who the recipient would be.

He said: “If someone who’s drunk or unstable or eccentric decides to phone up the Speaking Clock and shout some obscenity, it is not conceivable that they are committing an offence – it’s absurd.

“Uploading a video to YouTube – the only ‘recipient’ is a lump of silicon in a concrete bunker in California.”

Prosecutor Karen Robinson denied Chabloz’s songs – said by the defendant herself to be described as tantamount to genius by some fans – were for comic affect.

Ms Robinson said: “This is not a case of someone performing a stand-up routine or giving a speech to the crowd and might be said to have – in the heat of the moment – gone too far.

“Miss Chabloz’s songs are a million miles away from an attempt to provide an academic critique of the Holocaust.

“They’re not political songs. They are no more than a dressed-up attack on a group of people for no more than their adherence to a religion.”

Chabloz, of Charlesworth, Glossop, Derbyshire, denies two counts of sending by a public communications network an offensive, indecent or menacing message or material in relation to two of the three songs.

She also denies two alternative counts of “causing” offensive material to be sent by a public communications network, and a fifth charge relating to a third song.

Chabloz, who was supported in the public gallery by around a dozen fans, was released on bail until May 25 when Mr Zani will deliver his verdict.

http://home.bt.com/news/uk-news/judge-w ... 4271672384

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Re: #JeSuisChabloz – British Jews falter over a song (Vincent Reynouard presents Alison Chabloz - Jewish censorship tact

Postby phdnm » 5 years 2 weeks ago (Fri May 25, 2018 11:24 am)

Latest news

YouTuber Alison Chabloz guilty over anti-Semitic songs

25 May 2018

A blogger has been found guilty of broadcasting anti-Semitic songs on YouTube.

Alison Chabloz, 54, from Glossop, Derbyshire, wrote and performed three songs about Nazi persecution, including one about the young diarist Anne Frank.

She claimed the Holocaust was "a bunch of lies" and referred to Auschwitz as a "theme park" in her songs.

Chabloz was warned she may face a prison term when she is sentenced on 14 June.

She was convicted of two counts of sending an offensive, indecent or menacing message through a public communications network.

She was further convicted of posting a third song on YouTube.

District Judge John Zani, sitting at Westminster Magistrates' Court, said the offences were serious and "the custody threshold may well have been passed."

When the verdict was given supporters of Chabloz shouted "shame" from the public gallery.

Chabloz was released on bail on the condition she was placed on a night curfew at her home and does not leave England and Wales.

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism initially brought a private prosecution against Chabloz, before the Crown Prosecution Service took over.

Gideon Falter, the group's chairman, said: "Alison Chabloz has dedicated herself over the course of years to inciting others to hate Jews, principally by claiming that the Holocaust was a hoax perpetrated by Jews to defraud the world.

"She is now a convicted criminal. This verdict sends a strong message that in Britain Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories will not be tolerated."

Chabloz, who describes herself as a Holocaust revisionist, said her music was "satire" and had previously told the court there was "no proof" gas chambers were used to kill Jewish people in World War Two.

However, prosecutors said three of Chabloz's songs, including one which referred to the notorious Nazi death camp Auschwitz as a "theme park", were criminally offensive.

Another song included a section set to the tune of a popular Jewish song Hava Nagila.

The defence had told Judge Zani his ruling would set a precedent on the exercise of free speech.

Chabloz had claimed many Jewish people found her songs funny and that no-one was forced to listen to them.


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Re: #JeSuisChabloz – British Jews falter over a song (Vincent Reynouard presents Alison Chabloz - Jewish censorship tact

Postby Little Ted » 5 years 1 week ago (Sat May 26, 2018 10:13 am)

It's a crying shame what this woman has been and is still being put through. Is Holocaust denial now actually illegal in this country? It seems in all but name it is.

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Re: #JeSuisChabloz – British Jews falter over a song (Vincent Reynouard presents Alison Chabloz - Jewish censorship tact

Postby georgesmiley » 5 years 1 week ago (Sat May 26, 2018 6:10 pm)

The UK is getting more and more censorious and using police time to prosecute thought crime than fight real crime that is in contravention to common law. Alison Chabloz MAY be a guest on Monday on the Graham Hart Show broadcast from this site http://grizzom.blogspot.co.uk/ it airs 11 pm uk time which is 6 pm eastern usa time.

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