Child prostitution in Jewish Bolshevik Russia after WW1

All aspects including lead-in to hostilities and results.
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Child prostitution in Jewish Bolshevik Russia after WW1

Postby Lamprecht » 3 years 9 months ago (Sat Aug 31, 2019 3:23 pm)

This was from the "winstonsmithministryoftruth" blog which has since been turn to private.

Child prostitution in Jewish Bolshevik Russia

Just some of the results of Jewish Bolshevism in Russia in its first three years in power:

Child vagrancy in Moscow increased from 2% to well over 30%.

Child prostitution increased by 1,000%.

British espionagist Sir Paul Dukes, who'd worked undercover for several years in Bolshevik Russia, and
even infiltrated the Cheka, wrote an article which appeared in The New York Times on July 17, 1921:
"Beginning with the year 1918 (says the report [produced at the end of 1920] of the League for the Protection of Children), juvenile destitution began to assume catastrophic proportions. The percentage of uncared-for children in Moscow, which in 1917 amounted to more than 1 or 2 per cent., in the Summer of 1920 reached 25 to 30 per cent. In reality, however, the number of uncared-for children is much higher even than this, for the Soviet departments dealing with children's welfare possess no adequate apparatus for registration."

"A special conference on children held in 1920 revealed the fact that juvenile prostitution has increased tenfold of 1,000 per cent since 1917. The interpelation of 5,300 girls of or about 15 years of age showed that no fewer than 4,100 that is 88 per cent., indulge in prostitution. Sailors, Red soldiers, and the vast class of profiteering speculators to which the Communist regime has given birth provide custom for these girls' earnings. The Bolshevist Commissariat of Public Health admits that while in 1917 in hospitals for social diseases there were 12 per cent of children to 88 per cent. adults, there are now 60 per cent. children to 40 per cent. adults."
Sovietism's Effect on Russia's Young - New York Times - July 17, 1920

Elena Varneck an American translator and historian specialising in Russian history, wrote an article which appeared in the Review of Reviews in September 1926, in which she concentrated on vagrant children in Bolshevik Russia:
—But No Funds for Homeless Children

Now, of all the misery in Russia that might be misreported, excused, or explained away, there remains that worst, that torturing fact which defies all manipulation: the existence of hordes of homeless children of all ages and both sexes who come and go incessantly across the whole country—famine and civil war, orphans, fugitives, and abandoned waifs most of whom know nothing of their parents' whereabouts. Most girls from the age of ten are prostitutes. Nearly all the girls and boys are thieves; a goodly percentage are drug addicts and have venereal diseases. They are clothed in rags, and lodge in boilers, sewers, asphalt kettles, etc. ...

Three Hundred Thousand Child Vagrants

Nor is this growing evil a recent one. It began after the famine of 1920, ...


Varneck, Elna. Soviet Extravagance and Poverty. The American Review of Reviews: An International
Magazine (New York). September, 1926. Vol. LXXIV. No.3. Volume 74. 1927. p.279.

Read more:

Jews, Bolsheviks and the Murder of Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov Family // Jewish Ritual Murder

Nationalities of NKVD Purge Officials Identified

Jews and Slavery - When Victims Rule

Human Trafficking in Israel ... _in_Israel
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance -- that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
— Herbert Spencer

NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Child prostitution in Jewish Bolshevik Russia after WW1

Postby Turpitz » 2 years 4 weeks ago (Wed May 12, 2021 4:21 am)

But they were all equal!

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Re: Child prostitution in Jewish Bolshevik Russia after WW1

Postby Hektor » 3 months 3 weeks ago (Wed Feb 15, 2023 9:20 am)

Any idea whether this was a new problem and if yes, how it did arose from previous conditions?

Me thinks that there could be several reasons for this. Breakdown of the family of course. Parents killed or send to Gulag. General decay in social mores at the time, etc.

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Re: Child prostitution in Jewish Bolshevik Russia after WW1

Postby UselessEaters » 3 months 3 weeks ago (Wed Feb 15, 2023 1:02 pm)

@Hektor, those are all causes of increasing child prostitution under the yoke of judeo-bolshevism, but there's a deeper cause, closer to the core: the jew-in-the-slav.

Firstly, the jew thrived in slavic conditions. On top of this, the jew morphed into the bolshevik. The jew used its international networks to spread bolshevism, infecting the world.

Secondly, the jew preyed on children, turning the child into a prostitute. Remember, to trade is to jew. And the trade in child flesh satisfied the two main drives of the jew: the shekel and the orgasm.

So it's no surprise that the child sex trade, with all that profit for the merchant, grew when Russia was under the tyranny of judeo-bolshevism. It's what racial science has told us all along.

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Re: Child prostitution in Jewish Bolshevik Russia after WW1

Postby Hektor » 3 months 3 weeks ago (Thu Feb 16, 2023 1:55 am)

That's a bit too simple to me. Not denying that Jews/Jewish culture can play a role in this. But Jews aren't a necessary ingredient for the described conditions. They exist in countries were there are no Jews at all. And well, Jews were around there for longer already. But the phenomenon described seems to be a new one. And it seems to relate to the ongoing Bolshevik Revolution. Parents generally won't allow their kids to engage in this, but if there is no family, no paternal authority (or vile parents) this may occur.

And well, just creating a narrative around this isn't a substitute for assessing the situation in detail.

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Re: Child prostitution in Jewish Bolshevik Russia after WW1

Postby UselessEaters » 3 months 3 weeks ago (Thu Feb 16, 2023 11:57 am)

Hektor wrote:That's a bit too simple to me.

@Hektor, I appreciate what you're saying. You're examining the child as prostitute under judeo-bolshevism, and stress that "the phenomenon described seems to be a new one. And it seems to relate to the ongoing Bolshevik Revolution".

That's why I contextualized the topic temporally: the longue durée of the-jew-in-the-slav, and one stage in its later development, the jew morphing into the bolshevik. What's new after 1917 is this: the jew as ruler. The jew unbridled, only constrained by domestic and foreign opposition, namely, the Whites and the Expeditionary Forces. And so to the winner, the prize -- including child prostitutes. Welcome to the world of the jew. Welcome to the jew enjoying its rule, more at ease revealing its nature in all its glory.

Science, at heart, is simple: it cuts through the contingencies to identify the ever-present forces at work, the necessary ones.

And since mosaic times, the jew force has been at work.

I also agree with you that a broadbrush scientific explanation "isn't a substitute for assessing the situation in detail" -- we need both. That's why the best historiography blends an idiographic account with a nomological one. This brings the past alive, connecting what happened with comprehension, understanding, meaning, and, as we shall see, also explanation and prescription.

And this brings us to consider what the writing of history is all about, the theme, indeed, of these fora. Here I'll remark on two topics: description and explanation; contingency and necessity.

Some people are happy with descriptive accounts. Others, however, want the description within an explanatory context, either to give it more meaning or for it to even make sense. And explanatory accounts have one great advantage: they can suggest prescriptions, such as how the situation in hand could have been improved upon, or how to do things better in the future. This is where science comes in, helping us come up with explanations, and prescriptions. Preeminently, racial science and its subspecies, racialized ethical science. Science as a guide to action. Including arduous tasks demanded by duty.

Turning to contingency and necessity. We can get bogged down with details, the particulars. The unique combination that seems to characterize the situation. The idiosyncracies. These are the contingencies -- present in this situation (sometimes fleeting, sometimes enduring), absent in others. But they shouldn't bewitch us. The situation is always more than surface: it has its subterranean reality.

And this is the point: the real work is done underground. Pushing up one fact here, another there. And it's crucial to recognize that sometimes the forces of the organism in question are neutralized by other forces (the law and the anti-law), causing quite different facts to appear on the surface, making it seem that the organism has mutated or expired, or that it's gone away, even gone away for good. That the pernicious has been vanquished. That the danger has passed. This is another reason why we need science to make sense of what's going on, especially racial science.

So this is the nature of the organism, caught momentarily in a snapshot, and framed as 'a situation'; here, Russia post-1917, a concern with rising child prostitution. I hope I've put the case that we always need to be vigilant, never getting lost in the trees, always keeping sight of the wood -- and the need to neutralize the roots that sustain it, the need to attack the physiology of the organism. The organism that is the-jew-in-the-slav.

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Re: Child prostitution in Jewish Bolshevik Russia after WW1

Postby Hektor » 2 months 1 week ago (Wed Mar 29, 2023 8:35 am)

The thing is that one needs to have something like a control group. Given that it is a historical setting, that's of course not too easy. One question would be, if there was already a child-prostitution problem in Russia prior to the 'Russian'-Revolution. That would have to be assessed first. I admit that the subject in itself is revolting. And actually there is a link to the world of today with 'sexualization of children' being pushed by state sponsored agencies in many countries right now.

There are of course several other issues that deliver some circumstantial evidences on the matter.
* The Bolsheviks were pretty much anti-family, viewed it as a relic from past societies and a realm of 'exploitation'. I think Friedrich Engels wrote extensively on this, but would have to polish up my 'Marxist studies' again. There was also a new strain within Marxism at the time that pushed for 'sexual politics'. The Bela Kun regime in Hungary tried to pull off a couple of things there.
* And then we have an ethnic group there, which promotes 'sex with kids' in their theological literature. "Yeah, but not all of them believe that'. Sure that's possible and those that advanced into positions of power at the time probably didn't bother to much about this neither. Doesn't mean that there isn't an intergenerational pattern in this. a cultural pattern if you want. Attitudes persist even with those that leave a religion/religious community.
* Then there are phenomena like Frankism that 'celebrates sin'. It's legalist Judaism in reverse. The Messiah doesn't come, when 'all Jews keep the Torah', but when all laws are broken.

Additionally the break down of economic relations (due to widespread expropriation) and social relations (due to orthodox Christianity being overthrown) and the political upheaval may also have lead to a general breakdown of the family. Subsequently a huge number of children is 'on the street', nobody taking care of them, nobody protecting them and they're essentially 'game' for sexual predators from then on.

The thing remains that while I have no problem believing that the Revolution and its aftermath came with a social and moral breakdown in society, one still will need more thorough investigation and avoid jumping to conclusions.

Charles Sarolea in his 'Impressions of Soviet Russia' only hinted at 'sexual issues'. It appears however that there was more engagement in sexual action by pupils at the Communist schools. He didn't do a detailed study on the subject though, just noted his impressions from a visit to Soviet Russia. He also deals with the J-question in this. All this while insisting that he isn't an "Anti-Semite". Nevertheless he points out the dominance of Jews within the Soviet-State and Bolshevik movement, which apparently was impossible to overlook in the 1920s. There is the argument that Bolshevism was 'retaliation' for previous ill-treatment from the gentile side. But that ignores the Anti-Gentilism, which is actually taught to Jews as a unifying moment of their community. He even admits this, leaving out the Antigentilism, at some point. "Uniting against the Gentiles brings all the faction of Jews together, whenever need arises".

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