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Re: Upcoming holocaust handbooks

Postby Werd » 7 years 7 months ago (Mon Oct 12, 2015 2:31 am)

Hannover wrote:You really need to visit http://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?main_page=1

- Hannover

Don't forget this link.
The codoh shop for example shows the latest edition of THE FIRST HOLOCAUST by Don Heddesheimer with a new cover and an expanded 2015 research update, while holocausthandbooks does not. The holocausthandbooks site and the codoh shop site are the two links that you need to be able to determine the newest books in English.

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Re: Upcoming holocaust handbooks

Postby OmegaTensei » 7 years 7 months ago (Mon Oct 12, 2015 4:01 am)

I've been checking the codoh store for updates on older books, however as I do not understand German and google messes up the translations, it's not always easy for me to know. I'm simply trying to save my money and figure out if I should wait for an update, like you do. I may have misunderstood, but that's no reason to be rude. As someone else has already posted, Holocaust Handbooks is no longer updating aide from those that are listed in upcoming.

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Re: Upcoming holocaust handbooks

Postby Werd » 7 years 7 months ago (Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:28 am)

Well if you want to wait for an English translation of the 2015 German edition of "Lectures" then go right ahead. The same goes for The Bunkers of Auschwitz and Jewish Emigration as they have new German editions with more pages. But you will be waiting a few years. I say this because of all the work needed to get Carlo Mattogno's next three books for English speakers done in one year's time, and also because of a long promised book on the Einsatzgruppen, Graf mentioned that book in his introduction to Mattogno's book INSIDE THE GAS CHAMBERS, and that Einsatzgruppen project does not even show up on the holocausthandbook website yet as something that is upcoming. It does not show up like those 3 Mattogno projects and one Graf project due next year for English speakers.

English translations for the new German editions of Lectures, Bunkers and Jewish Emigration are not even on the list of things to do on codoh shop, holocausthandbooks, and also Rudolf and mattogno never said anything about that to me. I also have had no indication from Rudolf or Mattogno about updating Open Air Incinerations. I don't even know why they would. Unless because this is what you are thinking of.

Smoking Crematory Chimney at Auschwitz: A Correction
Robert Bartec
However, in his impressive 2005 work on open-air incinerations at Auschwitz, Carlo Mattogno hypothesized that one air photo taken by a Canadian reconnaissance airplane on August 20, 1944, over the Birkenau camp “shows a dense column of smoke rising in a spiral from the chimney of crematorium III.”
Although I do not wish to argue here that coke-fired crematory chimneys of that era did not emit smoke, I will show in the following that Mattogno’s air photo evidence is flawed. In fact, what is visible on that particular air photo is not smoke from a chimney, as Mattogno claimed (see my Ill. 1), but rather a defect in the photograph.

Months ago I contacted both Bartec and Mattogno about this and Mattogno will not budge.

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Re: Upcoming holocaust handbooks

Postby OmegaTensei » 7 years 7 months ago (Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:31 pm)

On the shop page I saw a german edition listed a page or 2 before the first English edition, going through the newest release section. Maybe the original copy was just mistakenly put ahead of the translated one?

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Re: Upcoming holocaust handbooks

Postby Werd » 7 years 7 months ago (Mon Oct 12, 2015 6:35 pm)

At the codoh shop site, you scroll down and find this.
For other recent book releases, see our chronological listing of all publications (English & German).

Click on it and here you go.
I can not see any English edition of "Lectures" that is ahead of the 2015 German one. It says this German edition was added April 18, 2015. You have to go to page 3 to find the English edition of "Lectures" that was added April 16, 2014. Again, these are listed in chronological order.

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Re: Upcoming holocaust handbooks

Postby OmegaTensei » 7 years 7 months ago (Mon Oct 12, 2015 6:45 pm)

Not Lectures. for Open Air Incinerations. On page 3 there is a German edition listed right below the new German edition of Crematorium 1. The english edition goes a few pages back.

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Re: Upcoming holocaust handbooks

Postby Werd » 7 years 7 months ago (Mon Oct 12, 2015 7:26 pm)

Sorry, I was confused. The German version of Open Air Incinerations has 174 pages. The newest English edition has 131 pages. Now that I know what you are getting at, what I said before about "Lectures" should still apply here as well.
there will be a waiting period for a better English version. That is not on the list of immediate projects however as is evidenced by looking around at http://holocausthandbooks.com and scrolling to the bottom of the list to see what the English world should be expecting by fall 2016. Clearly Rudolf and the rest have decided that it's more important to translate other works into English for the first time, than simply update something already in English in a second corrected edition.

So perhaps "Lectures" and "Open Air Incinerations" will be available in English late 2016 or some time 2017. I doubt it though. I think Rudolf and the rest would rather get some foreign books into at least a first English edition. I would agree with them. I would like to see those three books that Mattogno is working on, and the one that Graf is slated to write all come out in English by fall 2016. That is clearly more important for English readers.

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Re: Upcoming holocaust handbooks

Postby Werd » 7 years 7 months ago (Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:36 am)


Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 10:
Carlo Mattogno: Special Treatment in Auschwitz

Currently out of print. A new, revised edition is planned for late 2015/early 2016.

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Re: Upcoming holocaust handbooks

Postby NLH » 7 years 5 months ago (Tue Dec 22, 2015 5:53 am)

Where we stand now, I think I have it all in one post here for everyone's convenience. :D


Special Treatment in Auschwitz by Carlo Mattogno (Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 10)
A new, revised edition is planned for late 2015/early 2016.
As Werd has said “Germar Rudolf has informed me that Assistenza Sanitaria, will not be merged with Special Treatment as previously suspected. They will remain seperate works. Special Treatment will simply be expanded and corrected in the future.” “I can happily report that Albert Richardson is working on this. We have yet to see if the English translation of this, Assistenza Sanitaria.” “will or will not be merged with the old TandD version of Special Treatment in Auschwitz. If so, I suggested to Germar Rudolf that a more updated version of Special Treatment should also take into account/include a self correction Mattogno made a while back here.

So, what is Assistenza Sanitaria exactly?

Image Image


Healthcare at Auschwitz by Carlo Mattogno (Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 33)
Production stage: translation; scheduled for: 12/2015


Garrison and Headquarter Orders of the Auschwitz Concentrations Camp: A Critically Commented Selection by Carlo Mattogno (Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 34)
Production stage: writing/scripting; scheduled for: 3/2016


Commandant of Auschwitz: Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions by Carlo Mattogno (Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 35)
Production stage: writing/scripting; scheduled for: 6/2016


Auschwitz Confessions and Testimonies: A Critical Analysis by Jürgen Graf (Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 36)
Production stage: writing/scripting; scheduled for: 8/2016


An Auschwitz Doctor's Eyewitness Account: The Tall Tales of Dr. Mengele's Assistant Analyzed - Miklos Nyiszli by Carlo Mattogno (Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 37)
Production stage: project definition; scheduled for: 5/2016


We did have The Wannsee Protocol—A Critical Analysis by Roland Bohlinger and Johannes Peter Ney:

In January 1942 several top official of Third Reich Germany met in the Wannsee suburb of Berlin to discuss the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question." After the war a document was published that claims to be a protocol of that meeting: The Wannsee Protocol. Ever since mainstream historians and the media have claimed that this protocol proves that the Germans were planning to kill all Jews. But lo and behold: there are several versions of this "document" which exhibit many strange features, as this study shows…

ca. 250 pp. pb, 6"×9", bibliography. Production stage: project definition; scheduled for: late 2016

This was advertised as Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 27, but that is now a different book. Does anyone know what is happening with The Wannsee Protocol—A Critical Analysis by Roland Bohlinger and Johannes Peter Ney?

Their is a German edition of the book: http://holocausthandbuecher.com/index.php?page_id=27 but it says: Produktionsstufe: Projektdefinition; vorgesehen für: late 2013 (Production stage : project definition ; intended for : Late 2013) - appears they are slightly behind with the German edition. I wonder what is happening with this in an English edition?


Also, “in the back of Weckart's book JEWISH EMMIGRATION, as well as a few other old T&D books, we were supposed to have seen English versions of Franz W, Seidler Crimes Against The German Wermacht (vol. 1& 2) as well as Walter Post.The Defamed Wermacht.. Does anyone know if any of these ones are still in the planning stages for Barnes or have they been abandoned?” This is linked here: http://www.cwporter.com/seidl1.htm


NEW GERMAN EDITIONS (possible new English editions coming?)

Vorlesungen über den Holocaust: Strittige Fragen im Kreuzverhör, 3. korrigiert und erweiterte Ausgabe (5/2015)
This is a 3rd corrected and expanded edition, published May 2015 in German of Lectures on the Holocaust—Controversial Issues Cross Examined by Germar Rudolf.
In English, we have it as a 2nd, revised and corrected edition (2010): http://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=15%27

Image Image


Die Bunker von Auschwitz: Greuelpropaganda versus Geschichte, 1. Ausgabe (5/2015)
This May 2015 edition in German may just be a new edition with a new cover in the style of the new series of covers as opposed to an update. In English (The Bunkers of Auschwitz—Black Propaganda versus History by Carlo Mattogno) we have it as a 2004 edition: http://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=11%27

I hope we see this updated version in English.

Image Image


Auswanderung der Juden aus dem 3. Reich, 3. Ausgabe (4/2015)
This, in German, is a 2015 3rd advanced and generously illustrated edition.
We have it in English (Jewish Emigration from the Third Reich) in the old style released in 2004: http://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=12%27

Image Image


Other planned monographs cover: Fillip Mül-
ler, Rudolf Vrba, Henryk Tauber, Yankiel Wiernik,
Richard Glazar... Scholars interested in taking on
any witness, please get in touch using the contact
form at www.codoh.com/contact-us


Brochure on the Holocaust Handbooks Servies website:

New 2016 catalogue on the CODOG Shop site:
https://shop.codoh.com/media/uploads/CH ... atalog.pdf


Some other updates by Werd:

Werd wrote:I'm sure people remember this book of Mattogno's.
as a response to this book
mentioned in this topic.
He and Rudolf both informed me that this is on the list of things to translate.

as I know, not this yet:

That all being said, it appears another Mattogno book has made it out of Italy.

Olodogma translated from Italian
1112 - June 2015: new books by Edizioni Effepi, Carlo Mattogno and ... more

We present the last (in time) publication "revisionist", in hard copy, by Carlo Mattogno (1).
The study is three particular aspects of the life of the concentration camp at Auschwitz: supplies
- Coke
- Timber
- Zyklon B (the alleged homicidal agent in claims gaskammern) to the field itself.
At the same time there are additional novelty of Effepi.


Those interested in purchasing this or other volumes, can order:
1) by post to: effepi Via B. Piovera 7/3 - 16149 Genoa (ITALY)
2) E-mail to: [email protected]
3) by phone: 010-642 3334 - 338-9195220
For more news see here: Effepi-Editions-News-Giugno2015
1) On this website you can see a large collection of studies of revisionists Carlo Mattogno, the leading revisionist researcher living of the alleged $ seimilionario olocau to Hebrew,


I am looking forward to Graf and Mattogno's book on the Einsatzgruppen. No news yet though.

"Believe me, I came into Auschwitz in a much worse condition than I actually left it."
- Kitty Hart-Moxon, Jewish Holocaust Survivor (June 1998 testimony, USC Shoah Foundation, Visual History Archive. Part 2 - YouTube - 1:21:42)

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Re: Upcoming holocaust handbooks

Postby Werd » 7 years 5 months ago (Fri Dec 25, 2015 2:19 am)

It would appear according to the 2016 flyer, we will soon see an updated English edition of The Bunkers of Auschwitz.

I hit "Deutsche" when in the codoh shop and I made a screengrab.


Rough english from google translate:
Healthcare in Auschwitz : The medical care and special handling of registered prisoners

In Auschwitz there were hospitals and clinics , and thousands of prisoners were there nursed back to health . Since the end of 1942, the camp administration , led by camp doctor Dr. Wirths , the Auschwitz prisoners tried by all possible means alive and get healthy . This book is filled with irrefutable documentary evidence .

Learn more...

amazon link.
http://www.amazon.com/Gesundheitsf%C3%B ... B018XWCYZK
Gesundheitsfürsorge in Auschwitz: Die medizinische Versorgung und Sonderbehandlung registrierter Häftlinge (Holocaust Handbücher 33) (German Edition) Kindle Edition
by Carlo Mattogno (Author), Christoph M. Wieland (Author), Jürgen Graf (Translator)

File Size: 23566 KB
Print Length: 512 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Castle Hill Publishers; 1 edition (December 3, 2015)
Publication Date: December 3, 2015
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: German
Last edited by Werd on Fri Dec 25, 2015 3:07 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Upcoming holocaust handbooks

Postby Werd » 7 years 5 months ago (Fri Dec 25, 2015 2:28 am)

Regarding the Einsatzgruppen book, Graf told me that he was very busy and could only contribute an introduction.

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Re: Upcoming holocaust handbooks

Postby Werd » 7 years 4 months ago (Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:05 am)

From another thread:
WarpSoldier wrote:We already had an estimate of when vol. 33 was coming out in English, around the holidays. Out of the blue though, the German edition drops off the face of the earth, even though it's up for sale apparently for a brief period.

That is true. When you click on Deutschen after hitting SHOP, it is no longer there. But it still exists on Amazon.

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Re: Upcoming holocaust handbooks

Postby NLH » 7 years 4 months ago (Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:50 pm)

Hot off the press...

Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 12: Ingrid Weckert: Jewish Emigration from the Third Reich
2nd revised and expanded edition, 130 pages, January 2016.


"Believe me, I came into Auschwitz in a much worse condition than I actually left it."
- Kitty Hart-Moxon, Jewish Holocaust Survivor (June 1998 testimony, USC Shoah Foundation, Visual History Archive. Part 2 - YouTube - 1:21:42)

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Re: Upcoming holocaust handbooks

Postby Dresden » 7 years 4 months ago (Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:13 am)

Thank you,NLH!

Here is a description of the book:

Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 12:

Ingrid Weckert: Jewish Emigration from the Third Reich
2nd revised and expanded edition

Historical writings to date dealing with matters related to the Third Reich paint a grim picture. This applies especially to writings that deal with the Jewish ethnic group. To this day there are still accounts of the Jewish emigration that depict it as some kind of clandestine operation – as if the Jews who wished to leave Germany had to sneak over the borders in defiance of the German authorities, and leave all their possessions and wealth behind.

The truth is that the emigration was welcomed by the German authorities, and benefitted from encouragement and assistance that increased over time. Emigration was not some kind of wild flight, but rather a lawfully conducted and regulated matter. Weckert‘s booklet elucidates the emigration process in law and policy, thereby correcting the traditionally received picture of Jewish emigration from Germany significantly.

German authorities and Jewish-Zionist agencies worked closely together on this emigration. Jews interested in emigrating received detailed advice and offers of help from both sides. The accounts of Jews fleeing Germany in secret by night across some border or straits are fabulous. On the contrary, the German government wished German Jews only to live elsewhere. The myths to the contrary were contrived only to accord with the greater myth of genocidal intent and were capitalized upon by erstwhile “smugglers” seeking sainthood.
Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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Re: Upcoming holocaust handbooks

Postby Werd » 7 years 4 months ago (Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:57 am)

The only real difference between the Theses and Disserations Press edition and this newer one is an additional appendix: Affidavit by Dr. Ernst Marcus, Manager of Paltreau. This appendix contains useful footnotes showing where the author made errors. In the back of the pdf of this new book, we see an advertisement for the handbooks which includes a photo and description of the updated English edition of The Bunkers of Auschwitz. This one contains about 30 or 35 more pages.

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