NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

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Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Postby Iris » 5 months 1 week ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 11:18 am)


Direct evidence is evidence that directly proves a key fact.

Indirect evidence, which is sometimes called circumstantial evidence, is a set of facts that, if they are true, allows a reasonable person to infer the fact in question.


Hunt's Treblinka documentary had some witnesses who named TII specifically but through the course of this thread I watched that segment again and saw that all mention "Treblinka" more generally. Thus, I am not aware of any instances where individual Jews claim to have been at TII, specifically, before being transited further east.

So because those jews used the word "Treblinka" and not "Treblinka II' Butterfangers is claiming that is not direct evidence.

Butterfangers, is there any indirect evidence that Jews within the, shall we say "Treblinka watershed," were put on trains on the, shall we say "Treblinka line" and, regardless of whether they disembarked and reembarked anywhere along the way or not, were transited as far east along the line to the area in or around what is generally referred to as "Treblinka" (which includes all things that are commonly called "Treblinka"), disembarked from the train, actually set foot within the confines of what is called "Treblinka Two" then got back on a train and were transited further east?

Now lets sit back and watch Butterfangers greasy reply.

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Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Postby Iris » 5 months 1 week ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 12:58 pm)


The evidence we do have that this occurred is indirect (such as the fact that Jews were transported further east via direct transports (i.e. not stopping at AR camps), that there was obviously no mass murder in TII, that some claim to have transited out of "Treblinka" (to Majdanek, etc.).

So Butterfangers is saying that indirect evidence includes facts.

He's also saying that there is indirect evidence that "some [jews] claim to have transited out of "Treblinka" (to Majdanek, etc."

Butterfangers, is there any indirect evidence that those jews who used the word "Treblinka" were referring to Treblinka Two?

Butterfangers, is there any indirect evidence that those jews who used the word "Treblinka" were NOT referring to:

1) The Treblinka village near Malkinia?

2) The Treblinka train station on the Malkinia-Siedlce branch line?

3) Treblinka One?

But you can prove that jews disembarked from a train heading east on the Treblinka line before they got as far at TII?


I never claimed "proof". What I did was share evidence. The evidence for Jews having disembarked is stronger than any evidence suggesting they did not.

So Butterfangers wants to play the preponderance of evidence game, AKA "the convergence of evidence" game.

No wonder he's been trying to avoid the issue of proof since he got here. And that tells us why he wants to use this definition of indirect evidence:

Indirect evidence, which is sometimes called circumstantial evidence, is a set of facts that, if they are true, allows a reasonable person to infer the fact in question.

Notice the "a set of facts that, if they are true..." Think about that; How can something be a fact if it has not been proven to be true?

That is why he likes to say there's evidence that something "may" have happened and likes to assume things, rather than talk about what has been proven.

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Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Postby PrudentRegret » 5 months 1 week ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 2:11 pm)

Iris wrote:Prudentregret, regardless of whether someone claims or assumes a figure of 10,000 or 1,000,000 "Jews who set foot in TII specifically" - "Is there any evidence that jews who were transited to Treblinka and actually set foot inside the TII camp were not killed and were transited elsewhere?"

What people are trying to tell you is that your question does not make any sense. It matters if ~1,00,000 vs 10,000 Jews step foot in T-II specifically. The Exterminationists say it was 750,000 - 1 million. If that is wrong then we can say that they do not know where the Jews went directly from the transports. You are asking us for evidence for where they went after they arrived at unknown location(s).

But to get to the heart of the matter, the major question that this thread brings up, which Butterfangers already pointed out, is related to Graf's assertion in Treblinka:

Since Treblinka was much too small to be able to accommodate the large number of Jews deported there at the same time, the transit camp thesis is, in fact, the single plausible alternative to the conventional picture of the extermination camp. Tertium non datur – no third possibility is given.

But there is a third possibility. The third possibility is that the camp we all know as T-II was a sorting camp used for the collection, sorting, disinfestation, temporary storage, and transport of property confiscated from Jews throughout the course of resettlement and the liquidated ghettoes. This initiative was referred to as "Aktion Reinhardt". In this capacity, it was a Jewish labor camp providing a workforce for the SS Clothing Works (SS-Bekleidungswerk) in the Warsaw district of General Government.

In Lublin, there was a major camp of the SS Clothing Works called Alter Flugplatz which came under the command of Christian Wirth: ... field.html

Wirth's interest in T-II, under this interpretation, would follow from his appointment in the activity of the SS-Bekleidungswerk, which fell under Department IVa of the SSPF Lublin Site Administration (making it ultimately accountable to the WVHA). Indeed Oswald Pohl intervened to replace Wirth's responsibilities for the delivery of confiscated property with Wippern, indicating that this activity ultimately fell under the auspices of the WVHA.

What was Department IVa in SSPF Lublin? It was code-named Einsatz Reinhardt, which further ties the "Reinhardt" codename to the economic policy and initiative of the WVHA. At the WVHA trial it was understood that the "Reinhardt" code-name referred to these economic objectives and not extermination (even the prosecution explicitly acknowledged this).

It is of course possible that this sorting camp could have doubled as a transit camp, especially to a limited degree. But we have strong evidence that "T-II" was not the destination of hundreds of thousands of deportees. Consider:

The earliest references to a "Treblinka" or "Treblinka extermination camp" could not have referred to T-II.

  • The earliest reports of a "Treblinka extermination camp" preceded the operation of T-II. There were reports of an "extermination camp" in Treblinka receiving transports before T-II even opened. See A Premature News Report on a "Death Camp" for Jews: ... r-jews/en/ This news reports of a Treblinka camp receiving transports of Jews could not have referred to T-II and must have referred to some other location known as "Treblinka" which received these Jews and became the origin of extermination rumors before T-II was open.
  • Wiernik's early map places the "extermination camp Treblinka" on the main Warsaw-Białystok line and not off the spur from the Malkinia-Siedlce branch line. The map itself also bears no resemblance whatsoever to the consensus "T-II" map:


    This early map could not have referred to T-II.
  • As discussed in this thread, the train schedules which have long been used as evidence for mass arrivals at T-II do not indicate that T-II was the destination for those transports. The transit timetables rule out that the "Treblinka" noted as the destination could have referred to T-II itself.

    The final destination of these transports is documented as some other location which could not have been T-II but was known as "Treblinka".
  • Witnesses show confusion over different camps, with all the variations of maps which suggest witnesses had different ideas for what "Treblinka" was. Some witnesses confessed to being stationed at Malkinia and were convicted of being stationed at T-II.

So Iris, your demand to answer how many Jews were transited from T-II East is not related to what we are discussing. If mainstream historiography cannot even prove where Jews went from their transports, why are you asking Revisionists to prove Jews transited east from T-II? The theory being discussed is that T-II itself did not receive mass arrivals of the large majority of deported Jews, so your question is moot in context with the possibilities we are discussing.

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Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Postby PrudentRegret » 5 months 1 week ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 2:29 pm)

To add to the above, the greatest physical evidence for mass arrivals to T-II is the property which was reported there, photographed there after the camp was abandoned, and has been excavated there. This has been treated by exterminationists as physical evidence for mass arrival and murder at T-II. But the interpretation I propose above - That T-II served as an outpost for the SS Clothing Works, under Christian Wirth, in the Warsaw district, suggests the it received property confiscated from Jews who themselves were never present in the camp.

In the same way, the Jewish Pabianince sorting camp sorted the property and confiscated wealth from Jews who were never in that camp. It also explains other phenomenon, like the reported black market surrounding the T-II camp from embezzled wealth, and the subsequent "gold rush" of the camp grounds after it was abandoned.

But it's important to consider that this mass of property and wealth could have been brought by transport and not carried by deportees to the camp. Note that we can confirm this was the case at the Belzec camp. The Katzmann Report confirms that property confiscated from the deportation actions and liquidation ghettos in Galicia were turned over to the "Reinhardt staff" in Belzec. This also included the transport of furs from the "Fur Action" which took place even before AR began. Thus T-II, like Belzec, would have received transports of property from previous owners who were never in the camp.

Likewise one could probably show that the primary purpose of Auschwitz Birkenau as a sorting camp, which is the most well-documented functionality of that camp, i.e.:


It should not be assumed that all the property collected and sorted in "Kanada" in A-B was brought to the camp by deportees. Similar to Belzec and the Lublin airfield camp, it is clear that A-B received transports of property from other sources and it could almost certainly be shown that it sorted the property of those who were never in the camp.

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Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Postby Iris » 5 months 1 week ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 3:39 pm)

Prudentregret, regardless of whether someone claims or assumes a figure of 10,000 or 1,000,000 "Jews who set foot in TII specifically" - "Is there any evidence that jews who were transited to Treblinka and actually set foot inside the TII camp were not killed and were transited elsewhere?"


What people are trying to tell you is that your question does not make any sense. It matters if ~1,00,000 vs 10,000 Jews step foot in T-II specifically. The Exterminationists say it was 750,000 - 1 million. If that is wrong then we can say that they do not know where the Jews went directly from the transports. You are asking us for evidence for where they went after they arrived at unknown location(s).

Apparently PR didn't notice that I broke the question down for BF. I'll do the same here for PR:

Prudentregret, is there any direct evidence that jews who were put on trains and transited east on the Treblinka line actually set foot inside the camp known as Treblinka II? (A simple yes or no will do.)

Prudentregret, is there any indirect evidence that jews who were put on trains and transited east on the Treblinka line actually set foot inside the camp known as Treblinka II? (A simple yes or no will do.)

FWI PR, BF admitted that "There is indirect evidence as such."

Prudentregret, is there any indirect evidence that Jews within the, shall we say "Treblinka watershed," were put on trains on the, shall we say "Treblinka line" and, regardless of whether they disembarked and reembarked anywhere along the way or not, were transited as far east along the line to the area in or around what is generally referred to as "Treblinka" (which includes all things that are commonly called "Treblinka"), disembarked from the train, actually set foot within the confines of what is called "Treblinka Two" then got back on a train and were transited further east?

Prudentregret, if your answer to the question directly above isn't yes, then answer the questions in its broken down format:

1) Is there any indirect evidence that Jews within the, shall we say "Treblinka watershed," were put on trains and transited eastward towards the area commonly referred to as "Treblinka"?

If your answer is yes, then is there any indirect evidence that any of those jews were actually transited as far east along the line to the area in or around what is generally referred to as "Treblinka"?

If your answer is yes, then is there any indirect evidence that any of those jews disembarked from the train and actually set foot within the confines of what is called "Treblinka Two"?

If your answer is yes, then is there any indirect evidence that any of those jews got back on a train and were transited further east?

BTW PR, are you claiming that Treblinka II is an "unknown location"?

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Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Postby Iris » 5 months 1 week ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 4:05 pm)


The third possibility is that the camp we all know as T-II was a sorting camp used for the collection, sorting, disinfestation, temporary storage, and transport of property confiscated from Jews throughout the course of resettlement and the liquidated ghettoes... In this capacity, it was a Jewish labor camp providing a workforce for the SS Clothing Works (SS-Bekleidungswerk) in the Warsaw district of General Government.

PR, is there any direct evidence "that the camp we all know as T-II " actually existed?

PR, if your answer is yes, is there any direct evidence that jews actually worked as laborers within "the camp we all know as T-II"?

If your answer to the above questions is yes, then tell us where those proven jewish laborers came from and what happened to them.


So Iris, your demand to answer how many Jews were transited from T-II East is not related to what we are discussing. If mainstream historiography cannot even prove where Jews went from their transports, why are you asking Revisionists to prove Jews transited east from T-II? The theory being discussed is that T-II itself did not receive mass arrivals of the large majority of deported Jews, so your question is moot in context with the possibilities we are discussing.

Look at PR dodging the question by trying to put words in my mouth.


The theory being discussed is that T-II itself did not receive mass arrivals of the large majority of deported Jews

PR, is there any indirect evidence that "the camp we all know as T-II" received the arrival of at least one deported jew?

If your answer is yes, is there any direct evidence of such?
Last edited by Iris on Mon Dec 26, 2022 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Postby PrudentRegret » 5 months 1 week ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 4:13 pm)

Iris wrote:BTW PR, are you claiming that Treblinka II is an "unknown location"?

I am saying that the far greater part of the deportees did not arrive at TII, and that conclusion is not established by documents. Since historians say they arrived at T-II, they do not know either where the greater part of the deportees actually disembarked from their wagons.

PrudentRegret wrote:But there is a third possibility. The third possibility is that the camp we all know as T-II was a sorting camp used for the collection, sorting, disinfestation, temporary storage, and transport of property confiscated from Jews throughout the course of resettlement and the liquidated ghettoes. This initiative was referred to as "Aktion Reinhardt". In this capacity, it was a Jewish labor camp providing a workforce for the SS Clothing Works (SS-Bekleidungswerk) in the Warsaw district of General Government.

In Lublin, there was a major camp of the SS Clothing Works called Alter Flugplatz which came under the command of Christian Wirth: ... field.html

Wirth's interest in T-II, under this interpretation, would follow from his appointment in the activity of the SS-Bekleidungswerk, which fell under Department IVa of the SSPF Lublin Site Administration (making it ultimately accountable to the WVHA). Indeed Oswald Pohl intervened to replace Wirth's responsibilities for the delivery of confiscated property with Wippern, indicating that this activity ultimately fell under the auspices of the WVHA.

There is a document which provides direct evidence for this:


The origin is "Treblinka", the sender is the Bekleidungswerk der Waffen-SS, Aussenstelle Lublin, or the Clothing Works of the Waffen-SS, Lublin Office. But wait, why is the "Lublin office" of the SS Clothing Works sending a shipment of fur form "Treblinka" to Lublin? Obviously, it had a branch in the Warsaw district which would have been ultimately under the command of Christian Wirth. This was T-II.

Note also the stamp of the SS-St. D. Verwaltung Lublin, or the Site Administration of Lublin (under Georg Wippern). This is also direct evidence for my conclusions regarding the administrative development and purpose of T-II.

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Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Postby Iris » 5 months 1 week ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 4:19 pm)

BTW PR, are you claiming that Treblinka II is an "unknown location"?

I am saying that the far greater part of the deportees did not arrive at TII..,

That's not an answer to my question. Answer please.


I am saying that the far greater part of the deportees did not arrive at TII

So you're saying that some deportees did in fact arrive at TII.

Is there direct evidence that at least one jew did in fact "arrive at TII"?
Last edited by Iris on Mon Dec 26, 2022 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Postby PrudentRegret » 5 months 1 week ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 4:23 pm)

It is a known location, the location of the present Treblinka Museum. Excavations have proven a camp previously existed at that location, and the buried and discarded property attests to the sorting functionality of the camp. There are also images of the camp area taken in 1944 by the Soviets which correspond to what we now consider T-II, and those photographs also show debris from destroyed property consistent with archaeological investigations.

What is lacking is physical evidence that this location was the receiving point for 750,000 - 1 million deportees. That evidence does not exist, but there is a large amount of physical evidence for the existence of a sorting camp at this location. It was a satellite of the SS Clothing Works under Department IVa (Einsatz Reinhardt), of SSPF Lublin

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Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Postby Iris » 5 months 1 week ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 4:46 pm)

PR, you're dodging questions:

Prudentregret, is there any direct evidence that jews who were put on trains and transited east on the Treblinka line actually set foot inside the camp known as Treblinka II? (A simple yes or no will do.)

Prudentregret, is there any indirect evidence that jews who were put on trains and transited east on the Treblinka line actually set foot inside the camp known as Treblinka II? (A simple yes or no will do.)

FYI PR, BF admitted that "There is indirect evidence as such."

Prudentregret, is there any indirect evidence that Jews within the, shall we say "Treblinka watershed," were put on trains on the, shall we say "Treblinka line" and, regardless of whether they disembarked and reembarked anywhere along the way or not, were transited as far east along the line to the area in or around what is generally referred to as "Treblinka" (which includes all things that are commonly called "Treblinka"), disembarked from the train, actually set foot within the confines of what is called "Treblinka Two" then got back on a train and were transited further east?

Prudentregret, if your answer to the question directly above isn't yes, then answer the questions in its broken down format:

1) Is there any indirect evidence that Jews within the, shall we say "Treblinka watershed," were put on trains and transited eastward towards the area commonly referred to as "Treblinka"?

If your answer is yes, then is there any indirect evidence that any of those jews were actually transited as far east along the line to the area in or around what is generally referred to as "Treblinka"?

If your answer is yes, then is there any indirect evidence that any of those jews disembarked from the train and actually set foot within the confines of what is called "Treblinka Two"?

If your answer is yes, then is there any indirect evidence that any of those jews got back on a train and were transited further east?


PR, is there any direct evidence "that the camp we all know as T-II " actually existed?

PR, if your answer is yes, is there any direct evidence that jews actually worked as laborers within "the camp we all know as T-II"?

If your answer to the above questions is yes, then tell us where those proven jewish laborers came from and what happened to them.

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Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Postby PrudentRegret » 5 months 1 week ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 4:52 pm)

You aren't engaging with anything I'm saying, I'm just going to ignore you (unless you have constructive arguments to make) and suggest others do the same.

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Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Postby Iris » 5 months 1 week ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 5:12 pm)

PrudentRegret wrote:You aren't engaging with anything I'm saying, I'm just going to ignore you (unless you have constructive arguments to make) and suggest others do the same.

IOW, you cannot defend your thesis in an honest and open debate, so you are going to dodge the simple questions that shoot holes in your assumption based thesis. :D

Before you run away PR, let's remind everyone here just how greasy you have been and howafraid you are of the simplest questions.


Is there any evidence that jews who were transited to Treblinka and actually set foot inside the TII camp were not killed and were transited elsewhere?


It is impossible to say how many Jews actually set foot inside the TII camp.

PR, is it possible or impossible to say that at least one jew actually set foot inside the TII camp?
Last edited by Iris on Mon Dec 26, 2022 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Postby PrudentRegret » 5 months 1 week ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 5:16 pm)

Instead of "asking questions" you should just make the arguments you think you are conveying with your questions. I will engage with that. But I have answered questions you have been asking and you have not engaged with a single point or piece of evidence I have provided. You don't make an argument by asking questions, you make an argument by laying out an argument, which I have done and you have not engaged.

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Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Postby Iris » 5 months 1 week ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 5:27 pm)

PrudentRegret wrote:Instead of "asking questions" you should just make the arguments you think you are conveying with your questions. I will engage with that. But I have answered questions you have been asking and you have not engaged with a single point or piece of evidence I have provided. You don't make an argument by asking questions, you make an argument by laying out an argument, which I have done and you have not engaged.

This is a debate forum PR, not an argument forum. Your dodging of my questions is ipso facto proof that you cannot defend your assumption based thesis in an honest and open debate.

Come on PR, they're right here:


It is impossible to say how many Jews actually set foot inside the TII camp.

PR, is it possible or impossible to say that at least one jew actually set foot inside the TII camp?

Come on PR, you can do it. (Even BF admitted that "There is indirect evidence as such.")

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Re: NEW Considerations on Treblinka and the AR Camps

Postby Iris » 5 months 1 week ago (Mon Dec 26, 2022 5:44 pm)

And speaking of Butterfangers:
I'll save you a Google search since you apparently can't be bothered to learn common terms and phrases in English before debating here. My definition agrees with this one (the legal definition):

"The legal definition of direct evidence is evidence that directly proves a key fact. On the other hand, indirect evidence, which is sometimes called circumstantial evidence, is a set of facts that, if they are true, allows a reasonable person to infer the fact in question."

Well let's see for ourselves:

Why are PR and BF so afraid of my trying to figure out what kind of evidence they are proffering here; especially since they are the ones who brought the issue up? (As a way to obfuscate what issue it is I brought up and as a greasy way to attempt to dodge my simple questions.)

Why are they so afraid to let people know the difference between evidence that clearly and directly relates the proof of an existence of a fact and evidence which uses indirect facts to establish what is likely to have occurred?

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