Bombing of Freiburg

All aspects including lead-in to hostilities and results.

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Bombing of Freiburg

Postby karl_fallout4 » 2 years 9 months ago (Thu Aug 13, 2020 7:38 am)

Was it really a German cover-up? Is there any proof?


Re: Bombing of Freiburg

Postby Otium » 2 years 9 months ago (Thu Aug 13, 2020 11:42 am)

karl_fallout4 wrote:Was it really a German cover-up? Is there any proof?

The claim is that the Luftwaffe accidentally bombed Freiburg on the wrong side of the Rhine. It's not accepted that it was on purpose, as was initially claimed, but that it was indeed just an unfortunate accident. However, the same people who lied about it being intentional are the same people who're promoting, when much about the attack is little known, that it was the Luftwaffe. The Wikipedia page on this incident is sparse and uses one eyewitness source who may or may not be right. It cannot be known. There is obviously an incentive to blame the Luftwaffe, even if it was a simple miscalculation.

The Freiburg raid was surrounded in immediate mystery. The French, accused of having executed the attack, insisted that they were innocent, although a Potez 63 aircraft had been seen in the area; satisfied by this plea, the British Foreign Office published a clear warning that they regarded the German allegation as ‘mendacious’; they suspected an attempt at prefabricating a justification for a Luftwaffe (German air force) assault on allied towns: while recalling that on September 1, 1939 they had given an assurance to the President of the still, nominally, neutral United States that the Royal Air Force had been given orders prohibiting the bombing of civilian populations—an assurance which it must be stated the British prime minister up to May 10, 1940 had scrupulously observed—the British government now publicly proclaimed that it reserved the right to take whatever action it considered appropriate in the event of German air raids on civilian populations.4

Thus the Cabinet on its very first day of office under Mr Winston Churchill, the new prime minister, was able to dispose of Mr Chamberlain’s public guarantee to respect German civilian lives, a guarantee which could well have proved embarrassing in the offensive against Germany that was to ensue.

David Irving, Apocalypse 1945: The Destruction of Dresden (Focal Point Publications, 2005), Pp. 4

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