Long-term plans of the Nazi regime for Western Europe

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Long-term plans of the Nazi regime for Western Europe

Postby Critical » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Sun Sep 18, 2022 7:34 pm)


I would like to know what were the post-war plans that Germany had for Western Europe


Re: Long-term plans of the Nazi regime for Western Europe

Postby Otium » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Mon Sep 19, 2022 9:47 am)

Nobody has any idea. There were no such 'long-term' plans for what to do when the war was over, perhaps only statements which nobody could tell at the time what their longevity would be.

Seeing as the Germans didn't win the war, and they were fighting a war, there was no opportunity to draw up any such plans. They didn't even have 'long-term' plans for what to do with the Eastern territories (what they did have fit the moment, and changed constantly), much less Western Europe.

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Re: Long-term plans of the Nazi regime for Western Europe

Postby Critical » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Tue Sep 20, 2022 8:06 pm)

Otium wrote:Nobody has any idea. There were no such 'long-term' plans for what to do when the war was over, perhaps only statements which nobody could tell at the time what their longevity would be.

Seeing as the Germans didn't win the war, and they were fighting a war, there was no opportunity to draw up any such plans. They didn't even have 'long-term' plans for what to do with the Eastern territories (what they did have fit the moment, and changed constantly), much less Western Europe.

However, in the case of Eastern Europe there was some planning such as the Generalplan ost or the idea of dividing the territory of the Soviet Union into a multitude of republics.

Therefore, I really find it hard to believe that there was not something written about future planning, even if it is orientative.


Re: Long-term plans of the Nazi regime for Western Europe

Postby Otium » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Wed Sep 21, 2022 2:20 am)

Critical wrote:However, in the case of Eastern Europe there was some planning such as the Generalplan ost or the idea of dividing the territory of the Soviet Union into a multitude of republics.

I'm aware.

'Generalplan OST' was not a single plan, it was constantly in development with no finality, again because the war was not won.

The reason GPO was developed was to deal with the expansion of German lebensraum and also to deal with extant Germans who lived beyond the Reich's borders to the east, who could then be brought into the new Reich resettlement zone. This zone was automatically orientated in east because that's where these Germans came from. That there were no plans like this for the West, is because it was much more populous and didn't have anywhere near the amount of Germans cut off from the Reich. It simply didn't have the same settlement potential. There's no reason to assume equivalent plans would be developed in that case.

Critical wrote:Therefore, I really find it hard to believe that there was not something written about future planning, even if it is orientative.

Well believe it. There are no GPO equivalent plans for the West.

Prussian blue
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Re: Long-term plans of the Nazi regime for Western Europe

Postby Prussian blue » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Thu Sep 22, 2022 1:52 pm)

A detailed policy document would only have made sense after the military situation would have been decided.

According to Hitler's confidant Otto Wagener, Hitler had hoped before his accession to power that the success of the national-socialistic policy in Germany would inspire other countries to follow her example and to create something like a European Union:

“Germany has a mission in Europe,” Hitler replied to me on another occasion when I presented these ideas to him. “We cannot and must not sell out Europe to Bolshevism. It is quite all right to act cleverly' in politics—to the point of dishonesty, if you will—but one cannot draw one’s sword against one’s own race! One can try to get the better of the other economically—to the point of cheating, if you will—but it is not allowed to become a traitor to the shared destiny of the European peoples! It is possible to enter into treaties—to the point of hypocrisy', if you like—but they must ever and always in the last analysis serve the one grand goal: the salvation and preservation of Europe and its culture! I would not be able to look a German in the eyes if I, too, lost sight of this goal for even a single moment!

And I believe this, not out of some pan-European sentimentality, but because the times are past when nations so narrowly crammed into their borders as the European ones—with the exception of Russia—can make their own policies, possibly quite contrary to their neighbors’ interests. Thanks to the World War, great communities of nations have emerged, and their development can no longer be checked even by that ridiculous structure, the League of Nations. They are America, Russia, perhaps China, and—perhaps—Western and Central Europe with Africa. If England goes along with Europe, it will survive and join us in taking the leadership role. In that case, it will even be able to keep its dominions. If it does not go along, then our grandchildren will hear nothing about Great Britain in their geography lessons—it will be mentioned only in history class. But these children will be attending Russian schools.

That is why it will go along. England will be quite clear about the fact that Germany’s existence is crucial to its own survival and to that of a united Europe. If Germany is defeated by Bolshevism, then the rest of Europe is nothing more than carrion, good for nothing but to be thrown in the Russian bear’s path. That is why on the one hand the survival of Europe depends on Germany’s betrayal of, or loyalty toward, Europe. But on the other hand, Germany’s future also depends on the preservation of Europe. And England is a part of Europe. My political attitude is shaped accordingly. That, furthermore, we must travel the road to the socialist reorganization of things—of that I never had any doubt. But socialist experiments are better made once order has been established. Otherwise, they slide all too smoothly into Bolshevik channels.
Otto Wagener: "Hitler -- Memoirs Of A Confidant", p. 158

Next, we must form economic communities of interest with the countries around us—with Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, and the Balkans; further, with Denmark and Holland, and perhaps with Belgium and Luxembourg; and with Switzerland as well. Thus, a Central European economic bloc would be created, which would connect these nations more and more firmly and closely through the advantages it offers to each separately. Hand in hand with it goes a monetary union, followed by a customs union. With this, the ridiculous customs barriers, which here in Europe defy any reason, would topple, and the creation of a confederation of states that is also political would be the consequence. In this way, Europe would at last be given a strong heart, which would assume in whole or in part the principles of our social economics—and this would happen all the sooner the more successfully this form develops among us and the more severe is the Communist pressure from the East, on the one hand, and the economic-imperialist pressure from America, on the other.

When we reach that point, the time should be ripe to approach England, and then probably also the remaining European nations, with the exception of Russia, in order to join all of Central, Western, and Southern Europe into a grand union.

It might even turn out that the Ukraine will have to be included even in the preliminary Central European alliance. Otherwise, Central Europe could still be starved out. For Central Europe is a complex of a hundred forty to a hundred sixty million people with the highest standard of living. Neither the United States of America nor Russia shows a greater population. But the space is too small to guarantee the required foodstuffs. That is why it would be advisable to make sure of the Ukraine as soon as possible. In the effort, England would shield us against America, and then, in alliance with us, reconquer undisputed naval supremacy.
p. 162

I cannot believe that the civilized nations of the world are so blind that they will lacerate each other to smooth the way for Bolshevism. The contrary is essential: coalition, by groups, into confederacies of states, into families of nations, perhaps even here and there into federal states.
p. 172

What you told me earlier about Russian armaments serves only to make us realize that the sooner we can make up our minds to shatter the universal danger of Russian Bolshevism at its center of power, the easier it will be got rid of. Furthermore, if Europe is to prevail in the decisive battle with America, it must have the grain, the meat, the wood, the coal, the iron, and the oil of Russia. That is in England’s interest as well as in ours, it is in the interest of a United States of Europe! England and Germany are equally threatened. But they are also the backbone of the West, the old world, the cultural source of mankind. And a Europe that stretches from Gibraltar to the Caucasus includes all the spheres of interest of the countries that belong to it in other parts of the world especially all of Africa, India, the Malayan archipelago, Australia, and New Zealand. Canada will also remain loyal to such a concentration of power, which would otherwise fall to America; and the Arabic family of nations will complete the circle of these United States of the old world.

This is the prize we offer England! World peace would be assured for all eternity. No earthly power could sow discord into such a community, and no army or navy in the world could shake such power.
p. 173

Otto Wagener: "Hitler -- Memoirs Of A Confidant"
https://archive.org/details/wagenerhitl ... aconfidant
(The quality of the PDF is quite bad, I hope that in the above quotes I've corrected all errors of the OCR processed text.)

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Re: Long-term plans of the Nazi regime for Western Europe

Postby hermod » 8 months 2 weeks ago (Fri Sep 23, 2022 10:14 am)

Prussian blue wrote:A detailed policy document would only have made sense after the military situation would have been decided.

According to Hitler's confidant Otto Wagener, Hitler had hoped before his accession to power that the success of the national-socialistic policy in Germany would inspire other countries to follow her example and to create something like a European Union:

Otto Wagener: "Hitler -- Memoirs Of A Confidant"
https://archive.org/details/wagenerhitl ... aconfidant
(The quality of the PDF is quite bad, I hope that in the above quotes I've corrected all errors of the OCR processed text.)

Not a European Union. Rather a federation of strong sovereign European states able to cooperate with each others and resist the New World Order. The words "European Union" are now infamous and stand for the exact opposite of that. The European Union is an organization created by the victorious Globalists of 1945 in order to subvert and dilute the European peoples allegedly liberated by their armies during WWII.


"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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