Daily Stormer & others Shut Down -Who's Next, us???

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Daily Stormer & others Shut Down -Who's Next, us???

Postby borjastick » 5 years 9 months ago (Tue Aug 15, 2017 8:06 am)

Some of you may have seen and heard that Daily Stormer, the bastion of free speech and presentation of a different vision and alt right position has been ejected from the internet by both google and Go Daddy.

They use the usual excuse that DS broke community rules etc. really that's just a way of justifying shutting down an alternative voice, and that in the land of free speech! DS always stressed a violence free position and never advocated anything other than peaceful protest and opinion.

This all came about after the Charlottesville riots last weekend where a legally held rally was attacked by antifa boot boys, who seem to say that it's right for them to use mass violence against white supremacists but not the other way around and that they can shut down free speech because they think so. Funny how the good old left are always right...

So what does this have to do with us here? Masses. The left seem to have gained the permission of both the law makers and the MSM to attack and shut down what they see as fascism and ugliness, just because they cannot control their foaming mouths and irrational thoughts that violence against free speech is totally justifiable and yet cannot see the pure irony of it all.

They of course see holocaust denial as a platform for right wingers and fascist Nazis who hate all but ourselves. Not true of course but hey why let the truth get in the way? If we allowed truth to win out Codoh and this forum wouldn't need to be here.

This could be a difficult time as antifa/jews/self righteous and all backed by the frightened media put the boot in on anything they don't like.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

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Re: Daily Stormer Shut Down -Who's Next, us???

Postby Hektor » 5 years 9 months ago (Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:49 am)

I guess that the forum/site would have been "shut down" long ago, if they really did do that.

Nevertheless, if you have any controversial site, be prepared to switch hosts.

On a side note the car crash suspect James Alex Fields was already hinted at as being a "Holocaust Denier". The woman got actually hit, when the car, which was attacked by ANTIFA previously reversed from the violent crowd. She was part of the group that attacked the car. If you play the game, you got to take the injuries.

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Pro-Revisionist websites attacked amid wave of Bannings, Purges...

Postby Sannhet » 5 years 9 months ago (Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:22 am)

According to a posting dated August 16, 2017 ("Counter Currents Under Attack") (Counter Currents is an Alt-Right online journal and publishes many authors sympathetic to Holocaust revisionism):
Counter-Currents Under Attack
Greg Johnson

On Wednesday, August 16th, Facebook shut down the Counter-Currents Publishing page and has blocked my personal account. This is an inconvenience, as it is an important way that people follow Counter-Currents. But it is not a catastrophe.

The catastrophe is that on Tuesday, August 15th, PayPal cancelled the Counter-Currents account for unspecified violations of their politically-correct terms of service.

This is a severe blow [...] [as] PayPal refusing to release our large balance for 180 days (an outrage) [...] puts us in an immediate cash crisis because I have salaries, credit cards, and rent due in the next two weeks. [....]

These moves by PayPal and Facebook [to ban Counter Currents and freeze its PayPal assets] are obviously part of a coordinated Leftist purge of white advocacy groups in the aftermath of Unite the Right. In the past few days alone:

- Both Red Ice servers were hacked, as were the site owners’ Twitter accounts, and still have not recovered.
- VDare, AltRight.com, and AmRen were bounced from PayPal.
- VDare’s conference next April has been shut down by the venue.
- TRS was taken down by their webhosting company, but got a new host and were back online in 3 hours.
- Mike Enoch was banned for the fourth time from Twitter.
- KickStarter, GoFundMe, and IndieGoGo have all vowed to shut down campaigns related to White Nationalist concerns.
- Pax Dickinson’s Twitter has been shut down.
- Hatreon is offline.
- PolNewsForever’s Twitter has been shut down.
- The Daily Stormer has been targeted with massive DDOS attacks.
- The Daily Stormer domain registration was dropped by GoDaddy, transferred to Google, and then seized by Google.
- The Daily Stormer discord server has been shut down.
- The Altright.com discord server has been shut down.
- Vanguard America’s WordPress account has been shut down.
- RootBocks has been taken down by its hosting company.
- Xurious has been removed from Bandcamp and Soundcloud.
- Daniel Friberg and Christopher Dulny, both Swedes, have been barred from entering the United States because of their presence at Unite the Right.
- Lauren Southern’s Instagram has been taken down.
- NPI’s Paypal account has been shut down.
- Two upcoming speeches by Richard Spencer have been canceled.
- Identity Europa’s PayPal has been shut down.
- Christopher Cantwell’s Facebook, PayPal, and website are gone.
- Weev’s LinkedIn account has been shut down.
- The Paranormies and other podcasts have been kicked off of Soundcloud.

If you want to keep in touch with Counter-Currents, you can no longer trust your social media. Please bookmark Counter-Currents in your folder of sites you visit daily. Or better yet, make Counter-Currents your home page.
A good portion of the above named websites, individuals, and organizations associated with the Alt-Right would seem to be, in some way, associated with Holocaust Revisionism at the margins at least.

That said, I do not believe that Holocaust Revisionism is inherently something of the (so-called) "Far Right." Many of the central figures of Revisionism since the days of Rassinier have certainly not been figures from some kind of "NeoFascist Right" (far from it). At its core, Holocaust Revisionism is apolitical, and few revisionists are strict ideologues, in my experience (though some are). The most common political-personality type in Holocaust Revisionism is perhaps the libertarian.

Anyway, as far as a potential attack on CODOH. I do hope that CODOH has its files and all well backed-up, and that the CODOH team is ready to respond in the event of the webhost being intimidated to drop CODOH or etc.

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Re: Daily Stormer Shut Down -Who's Next, us???

Postby Revisionist » 5 years 9 months ago (Thu Aug 17, 2017 2:37 pm)

Like Sannhet said, the central figures of Revisionism do not agree with national socialism, however there are few exceptions like Zundel. But the national socialists I encountered on the net were all revisionists. Revisionism should be kept completly apolitical because it is a matter of evidence and not ideology.

But tech companies like google would classify revisionism as"hate speech" and ban it from their service plattform.
I recommend supporting http://gab.ai because it is the last plattform with free speech on the net. The DS staff has relocated there for now.

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Re: Daily Stormer Shut Down -Who's Next, us???

Postby Sannhet » 5 years 9 months ago (Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:55 am)

Revisionist wrote:I recommend supporting http://gab.ai because it is the last plattform with free speech on the net.

News came out today that in the widening witch hunt against these evil heretics/dissidents, GAB has been removed from the Google Play Store, which means many fewer people will be able to find it.

Gab is marketed as an alternative to Twitter, which frequently bans the accounts of problematic political dissidents. Despite the tendency to ban dissidents, there is plenty of Revisionist material on Twitter.

CODOH apparently has an account, @CODOHOutreach, but Tweets fairly irregularly and does no apparent 'original' Tweeting. It only Tweets links to postings of new material at CODOH.com.

CODOH Forum apparently also has an account, @CODOHForum, which is now totally inactive. (Only two posts in 2017.) (Someone should set up that account to retweet all new threads automatically, perhaps.)

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Re: Daily Stormer Shut Down -Who's Next, us???

Postby Sannhet » 5 years 9 months ago (Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:10 pm)

BBC News article on the removal of 'Daily Stormer' from the Internet:
Google's stance on neo-Nazis 'dangerous', says EFF
August 18, 2017 / [Link]

Decisions by Google, GoDaddy and Cloudflare to eject a neo-Nazi site from their services were "dangerous", a US-based digital rights group has said.

The Daily Stormer had denigrated 32-year-old Heather Heyer who died while protesting against a far-right rally in Charlottesville. This led to a backlash in which multiple web firms kicked the site off their platforms.

But the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has now criticised this response."We strongly believe that what GoDaddy, Google, and Cloudflare did here was dangerous," the EFF said."Because internet intermediaries, especially those with few competitors, control so much online speech, the consequences of their decisions have far-reaching impacts on speech around the world." It added that it believed "no-one" - including the government and private companies - should decide who is able to speak or not.
Will the Electronic Frontier Foundation, too, be banned from the Internet as a group promoting hate?

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Re: Daily Stormer Shut Down -Who's Next, us???

Postby georgesmiley » 5 years 9 months ago (Fri Aug 18, 2017 7:09 pm)

DS is in-line again. It had a brief spell online which required access by the TOR browser. Tor then denounced DS. Now it is is back on the main web - as dailystormer.lol

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Re: Daily Stormer Shut Down -Who's Next, us???

Postby Metal Murphy » 5 years 9 months ago (Sun Aug 20, 2017 1:04 pm)

Amazing the control Jews and their proxies dominate the internet.

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Re: Daily Stormer Shut Down -Who's Next, us???

Postby georgesmiley » 5 years 9 months ago (Sun Aug 20, 2017 3:06 pm)

Daily Stomer was abandoned by its host and is now only accesible via Tor browser http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/

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Re: Daily Stormer Shut Down -Who's Next, us???

Postby Revisionist » 5 years 9 months ago (Fri Aug 25, 2017 5:11 pm)

Stormfront was booted from the registrar. It is the next victim of tech censorship.
Youtube also stepped up their censorship game. Reported "hate" videos can't be commented, rated or searched anymore.

Same thing will happen to codoh if the tech companies don't face resistance. Maybe codoh should prepare a Tor or a gab presence to inform user just in case.

Positive news: Lots of people who don't agree with us (conservatives, Donald Trump supporters, libertarians) are having the same problems and are willing to launch counter initiatives to preserve free speech on the internet. We are not alone in this battle.

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Re: Daily Stormer Shut Down -Who's Next, us???

Postby Hektor » 5 years 9 months ago (Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:11 pm)

Revisionist wrote:Stormfront was booted from the registrar. It is the next victim of tech censorship.
Youtube also stepped up their censorship game. Reported "hate" videos can't be commented, rated or searched anymore.

Same thing will happen to codoh if the tech companies don't face resistance. Maybe codoh should prepare a Tor or a gab presence to inform user just in case.

Positive news: Lots of people who don't agree with us (conservatives, Donald Trump supporters, libertarians) are having the same problems and are willing to launch counter initiatives to preserve free speech on the internet. We are not alone in this battle.

https://www.stormfront.org/forum/ is still accessible.

Isn't the registrar the institution that works with the domain name?

I agree we should look for alternatives though. There seems to be a move to shut anything down that is somehow associated with "the right" at least on what "the left" and the centercucks view as "the right". Meanwhile such labels have become quite superficial, if there weren't already for a long time.

And it looks very much like a coordinated attack on dissidents, if I may them call that way. Interesting that you mention those groups (conservatives, Donald Trump supporters, libertarians). You say they don't agree with us, but I don't think this isn't always true. A lot of them know that the Holocaust is a hoax - or at least something horribly exaggerated. Just that many don't say that, because they think it's not that important. Turns out, it may have been important all the long. Simply because the Holocaust is the tool that was used to prepare the present mass hysteria about "Nazis" behind every bush. Secondly the persecution and jailing of Revisionists set the precedent to crack down on any other peaceful dissident as well.

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Re: Daily Stormer Shut Down -Who's Next, us???

Postby Dresden » 5 years 9 months ago (Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:19 pm)

Tucker Carlson and Mark Steyn both agree that stifling free speech is "very dangerous".

Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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Re: Daily Stormer Shut Down -Who's Next, us???

Postby Revisionist » 5 years 9 months ago (Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:25 pm)

Hektor wrote:
https://www.stormfront.org/forum/ is still accessible.

Isn't the registrar the institution that works with the domain name?

I agree we should look for alternatives though. There seems to be a move to shut anything down that is somehow associated with "the right" at least on what "the left" and the centercucks view as "the right". Meanwhile such labels have become quite superficial, if there weren't already for a long time.

And it looks very much like a coordinated attack on dissidents, if I may them call that way. Interesting that you mention those groups (conservatives, Donald Trump supporters, libertarians). You say they don't agree with us, but I don't think this isn't always true. A lot of them know that the Holocaust is a hoax - or at least something horribly exaggerated. Just that many don't say that, because they think it's not that important. Turns out, it may have been important all the long. Simply because the Holocaust is the tool that was used to prepare the present mass hysteria about "Nazis" behind every bush. Secondly the persecution and jailing of Revisionists set the precedent to crack down on any other peaceful dissident as well.

Yes, it has something to do with the domain name. I can't access stormfront like many people. I tried it with TOR.

I agree that this is a coordinated attack on the right. The incident on Charlottesville just lightened the fuse.
These groups were mentioned not only because they suffer themselves from censorship but their core principal is freedom of speech. This is the core issue. And we revisionists are one of the first victims of censorship, because of the political implications it would have when we are getting successful.

A demolished holocaust storyline would change our political landscape and change the Far-East policy.

Dresden wrote:Tucker Carlson and Mark Steyn both agree that stifling free speech is "very dangerous".

Lol, the video is banned in my country.

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Re: Daily Stormer Shut Down -Who's Next, us???

Postby Dresden » 5 years 9 months ago (Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:40 pm)

Revisionist said:

"Dresden wrote:
Tucker Carlson and Mark Steyn both agree that stifling free speech is "very dangerous".

"Lol, the video is banned in my country"

The very definition of irony! :lol:
Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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Re: Daily Stormer Shut Down -Who's Next, us???

Postby Revisionist » 5 years 9 months ago (Fri Aug 25, 2017 9:17 pm)

If the ban is ever lifted, the history should not be forgotten.
banned.png (210.74 KiB) Viewed 5180 times

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