Albert Einstein, 17th June 1921. "Jewish Nationalism and Anti-Semitism", The Jewish Chronicle, p. 16:
"This phenomenon in Germany is due to several causes. Partly it originates in the fact that the Jews there exercise an influence over the intellectual life of the German people altogether out of proportion to their number. While, in my opinion the economic position of the German Jews is very much overrated, the influence of Jews on the Press, in literature, and in science in Germany is very marked, as must be apparent to even the most superficial observer. This accounts for the fact that there are many anti-Semites there who are not really anti-Semitic in the sense of being Jew-haters, and who are honest in their arguments. They regard Jews as of a nationality different from the German, and therefore are alarmed at the increasing Jewish influence on their national entity."
From Richard Lynn's book on Jews: ... -1918-1933 Jews remained prominent in the economic elite during the Weimar Republic. Mosse (1987, pp.355, 362), the historian of the socio-economic position of Jews in Germany, writes that “men of Jewish extraction were to be found in some 39 of the largest industrial companies… and down to 1931, there is little evidence of any significant overall decline of the role of Jews in German economic life” although he does not provide any further statistics to substantiate these assertions. In these years Jews were becoming increasingly assimilated with gentile society. In 1901-1905, 15 per cent of Jews married gentiles. In 1926-1932 this figure had risen to 36 per cent, and by 1933 to 44 per cent (Gordon, 1984, p.17).
Statistics showing the percentages of Jews among the socio-economic elite in the WeimarRepublic are given in Table 10.9 (at this time Jews were about 0.78 per cent of the population). Rows 1-3 show that in 1925 16 per cent of the doctors, 15 per cent of the dentists and 25 per cent of the lawyers were Jews. Row 4 shows that in 1928 80 per cent of the leading positions in the Berlin stock exchange were occupied by Jews. Row 5 shows that in 1930 43 per cent of the leading positions in Jewish private banks were held by Jews and row 6 shows that in the same year 6 per cent of the leading positions in non-Jewish banks were held by Jews. Row 7 shows that in the same year 80 per cent of the plays produced in Germany were written by Jews and row 8 shows that in 1931 50 per cent of theatre directors were Jews. In addition, “ a large number of prominent actors and actresses were Jewish” (Gordon, 1984,p.14).
On August 26, 1936 the British Embassy in Berlin compiled a researched report and sent it to the Foreign Office in London, stating that:
In 1931 out of 3,450 lawyers in Berlin, 1,925 were Jews. In Breslau the numbers were 285 and 192, and in Frankfurt-on-Main 659 and 432 respectively. In Berlin the number of Jewish doctors was 52%, while in most towns the average was 30%. Fifteen Jewish bankers are stated to have held 718 director-ships in banks and commercial undertakings. Of theatre directors, 50.4% were Jews. Although Jews formed less than one per cent of the total population, there is a widespread feeling that they blocked the approaches to all the leading positions in the State, monopolising them for themselves.
Medlicott, Professor W.N., Dakin, Professor Douglas, Bennett, Gillian, Documents on British Foreign Policy 1919-1939, Second Series, vol.xvii, HMSO London, 1979, p.175.