At last, I see the truth. The holocaust isn't a jewish thing after all!

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At last, I see the truth. The holocaust isn't a jewish thing after all!

Postby borjastick » 6 years 3 months ago (Thu Mar 09, 2017 1:45 pm)

The penny has just dropped, forgive me for being so slow.

All those years I've been seeing the holocaust as a jewish event because it's only the jews who tell us how they suffered and of course disregard all those others who were caught up in it. I'm not talking about Simon Wiesenthal's fake five million but the real hundreds of thousands of Christians, gays, Roman Catholics, non believers, political prisoners and undesirables who were rounded up and removed from the streets for any number of reasons. These were either sent east to find a new horizon or put to work in the German factories supplying the war effort.

The holocaust actually has very little to do with jews. It's just that they shout loud and much louder than anyone else. They could see an angle where the Catholics et al couldn't.

The holocaust for the jews presented a confluence of opportune events that could and was directed into a money pot and a country called israel. ... t/#respond

This story above just made the penny drop. In it she says this -
The resolution, a shrewd effort to pin Republicans down on something the Trump administration has needlessly made an issue, condemned the White House’s Holocaust Remembrance Day statement, which failed to mention Jews or the anti-Semitism that led to Adolf Hitler’s genocide against them. It also called for the House to reiterate “the indisputable fact that the Nazi regime targeted the Jewish people in its perpetration of the Holocaust,” condemn Holocaust denialism, and demand acknowledgment from the White House that Jews were targeted.

In the wake of controversy over the Holocaust Remembrance Day statement, the White House defended it, saying that it had wished to be inclusive by acknowledging that other groups had been killed by Hitler’s regime as well.

I think that's why Trump won't bow low enough to the jews, because he knows it's not really about them at all. And I agree.

With absence of all the facts to back up the jews' claim that they alone suffered more than anyone else and were the only group targeted; look at the auschwitz death records and the intercepts from bletchley park, they clearly show that more non jews died in the place and were transported out and away from it than were jews. Correct me if I'm wrong.

So we've been looking at this wrong all the time, well I have at least. The holocaust is a misnomer and has been turned into a brand that only shows the jews as victims and focuses everything on their suffering when in fact little happened to them that was out of the norm. If you were in the cross hairs of the Germans it didn't really matter what you were up to.

It's just that the jews invented PR and are very very good at it.

They coined the phrase and made it all about them, when it isn't at all.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: At last, I see the truth. The holocaust isn't a jewish thing after all!

Postby Jurgen » 6 years 2 months ago (Thu Mar 09, 2017 5:42 pm)

I would think that it should cause people to question. If the holocaust of the Jews is hard fact, why would there be a need for the White House to 'reiterate “the indisputable fact that the Nazi regime targeted the Jewish people in its perpetration of the Holocaust,”'?

I find that this and the banning of books by Amazon to be an indication of the success that Revisionists are having and the orthodoxy are running scared. The further we get from the event, the more people are becoming emotionally divorced from it and are able to look with an objective eye.

I'm encountering (albeit on the internets) more and more people who have doubts and are not afraid to voice those doubts. I think many of them are coming across Revisionist material when they are researching monetary policies and learning that "Jews control the banks"...etc
"The Holocaust narrative actually breaks down on a discrete, factual level, and is only tenable when it is presented as some vague or nebulous larger than life metahistorical event" Mulegino1

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Re: At last, I see the truth. The holocaust isn't a jewish thing after all!

Postby hermod » 6 years 2 months ago (Thu Mar 09, 2017 8:43 pm)

Jurgen wrote:I would think that it should cause people to question. If the holocaust of the Jews is hard fact, why would there be a need for the White House to 'reiterate “the indisputable fact that the Nazi regime targeted the Jewish people in its perpetration of the Holocaust,”'?

Because it works the other way. It is not the indisputability of the 'Holocaust' that made/makes US Presidents endorse it. It is the US Presidential endorsements of it that made/make the 'Holocaust' an indisputable fact. Hearing their supreme leader state something is very convincing for most people, and this was especially true in the 1940's. Getting Presidential statements supporting their Holocaust allegations was a Zionist method from the very beginning. In December 1942, when the Zionists launched their massive propaganda offensive, US Zionist leader Stephen Wise requested a formal hearing and confirmatory statement (a "heartening and consoling reply " as Stephen Wise put it at that time) from President Roosevelt. The trick worked like a charm. FDR's subsequent statement of outrage to his "old [Zionist] friend " instantly turned the Holo-scam into an indisputable fact for most US citizens of that time. And traditional demonizing war propaganda during the following years did the rest.


Image ... er_194.jpg

Image ... n_Wise.jpg

Image ... 1942_U.jpg
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: At last, I see the truth. The holocaust isn't a jewish thing after all!

Postby cold beer » 6 years 2 months ago (Fri Mar 10, 2017 5:15 am)

hermod wrote:It is not the indisputability of the 'Holocaust' that made/makes US Presidents endorse it. It is the US Presidential endorsements of it that made/make the 'Holocaust' an indisputable fact.

That's one of the best holocaust related quotes I've seen.

One of the more stomach turning aspects of these presidential comemoration speeches is finding out that the chief speechwriters for presidents are typically jews, then going back and listening to a president recite to the nation that jews are their moral compass.

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Re: At last, I see the truth. The holocaust isn't a jewish thing after all!

Postby borjastick » 6 years 2 months ago (Fri Mar 10, 2017 6:49 am)

As I say the holocaust is only a jewish event because they say so, not because it actually was more destructive to them than other groups. The jews lost fewer people than any other religious or nation group, so why do they convince everyone that it is their loss that is the largest and most important? because they shout loudest and we allow them to take that ground.

If one accepts that zero proof of mass murder by gas chambers in camps ever happened and shootings were fairly small then you would have to accept the official death figures, and they show a fairly small death rate for jews.

Maybe one of the boys could post some facts on the intercepted movement and death rates here.

So my point is the holocaust is accepted as a jewish only thing, and they were the worst impacted group, because they say so, in reality it's not. And that is perhaps one reason why President Trump is ignoring the word jew in his comments on the subject.
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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