Holocaust Memorial Day Lecture at Staffordshire University

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Jerzy Ulicki-Rek
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Holocaust Memorial Day Lecture at Staffordshire University

Postby Jerzy Ulicki-Rek » 1 decade 3 months ago (Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:45 am)

Holocaust Memorial Day Lecture at Staffordshire University

A forensic investigation into the events of a former death camp during the Holocaust formed part of commemorative Memorial Day lecture held at Staffordshire University. :idea:


"Dear Madame
I would like to ask you a question:
are you familiar with the steam chambers in Treblinka?
If "yes" what could you tell us about it?
I have a testimony of dr TADEUSZ CYPRIAN presented during the IMT in Nuremberg.
What can you tell us on this subject?"

From the same source:

A Body of Evidence: Studies in Medical & Forensic Science

Every year people disappear and many are thought to have been disposed of by burial in hidden graves.
In his professorial lecture, Professor John Cassella discusses the "new" science of thanatochemistry which is increasingly being used by public to add to the body of evidence in the case of missing persons.
Find out more: http://www.centreofscience.com/events...


I hope we could use all your wast knowledge in investigating the "holocaust"


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Re: Holocaust Memorial Day Lecture at Staffordshire Universi

Postby EtienneSC » 1 decade 2 months ago (Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:07 am)

On the supposed Jewish Halakha law referred to bt Sturdy-Colls, there are actually articles in Encyclopaedia Judaica on exhumation and disinterment. There is no unconditional law against disturbing human remains, although it is the general rule. In Jewish Virtual Library:
http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jso ... 05253.html
We find:
"Jewish law forbids the transfer of a dead body or of remnant bones from one grave to another, even when it is to a more respected site [...] This traditional prohibition is, however, lifted in the following cases: [...] (c) The body of a Jew interred in a gentile cemetery may be exhumed for reburial in a Jewish cemetery. (d) Where a grave is in danger of water seepage or if it is not safe against robbers, etc., transfer is permitted. [...]

In modern times, urban planning and the construction of railroads, highways, etc., frequently encroach on cemetery sites, necessitating disinterment by order of the authorities. Most halakhic authorities permit the transfer of the dead on condition that decent repose for the deceased is provided."

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