Elevator at krema II and Krema III

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Elevator at krema II and Krema III

Postby bonniwell2923 » 4 years 3 months ago (Sat Mar 09, 2019 6:10 pm)

One thing I noticed in the piece about the following piece on the elevator, it is said they wanted the capacity of the elevator upgraded from 750kgs cap to 1500Kgs by just changing the cable? In terms of support, ok but what about the motor that would have to pull that double capacity? That too would have to be changed out to a beefier model too. But there was no mention
2000bodies X 60kgs average weight = 120,000kgs / 750kgs cap limit= 160 trips..... or at 300kgs = 400 trips (That poor motor!)
I feel my chute Idea from gas chamber level to furnace level would be a better deal

In case you have not read, I copied and pasted for you, fascinating reading

1.9. The Freight Elevators of Crematoria II and III
1.9.1. The History of the Freight Elevators of Crematoria II & III
Within the framework of an assumed mass extermination, the freight
elevators of crematoria II and III would have had a particular significance,
as they would have constituted the first bottleneck for such a
process (the second one being the cremation capacity of the ovens). According
to the initial plans, crematoria II and III were to be equipped
with freight elevators described as follows in the order given to Topf on
February 28, 1943, by ZBL:54

“2 compl. electrical elevator machines incl. electric motors for
three-phase 220/380 V, 7.5 HP each, special design, with overload
protectors, limit switches, braking devices, platforms 2.10×1.35×
1.80 m with safety device, otherwise as per above mentioned cost estimate
at 9,371 RM each = 18,742 RM.
1 patented Demag electro lift for 750 kg capacity, single cable, to
be raised to 1500 kg capacity by addition of second cable, at 968
RM. This Demag electro lift must be supplied at once, as it will have
to be used pending the arrival of the elevators mentioned in item 1.”

Delivery for the first position was to be about seven months. Pressac
shows drawing 5037 which was attached to the cost estimate. It had
been established by Gustav Linse Spezialfabrik f. Aufzüge of Erfurt on
January 25, 1943, and has the title “Lasten-Aufzug bis 750 kg Tragkraft
für Zentralbauleitung der Waffen SS, Auschwitz/O.S.” (freight elevator
up to 750 kg capacity for Zentralbauleitung der Waffen SS, Auschwitz/
O.S.; Pressac 1993, document 25).
This freight elevator was installed only in crematorium III, between May 17 and June 6, 1943, by
the Topf engineer Heinrich Messing (Pressac 1989, p. 371). In crematorium II, a very crude makeshift elevator was installed
which was ordered from Schlosserei WL on February 15, 1943. The order reads as
follows (Höss trial, vol. 11, pp. 82f.):

54 Letter from Zentralbauleitung to Topf of February 28, 1943. APMO, BW 30/34, p. 69.
“February 15, 1943, PoW camp,[55] crematorium I, BW 30. Object
1 flat-plate elevator for min. 300 kg payload incl. installation of
respective reel device, cable and motor as well as guide-rail. Order
no. 2563/:146:/ of January 26, 1943 from Zentralbauleitung. Order
taken over from former detainee metal workshop, terminated March
13, 1943.”

As can be seen from a Polish photograph of 1945 presented by Pressac,
this elevator was very primitive (photo 20, p. 488). It had to be repaired
right away by Messing on April 12, 1943, who needed 11 hours
for the job,56 but it still worked poorly. On July 23, 1943, Topf wrote a
letter to ZBL in which we can read:57

“In the recent telephone conversation with your site superintendent,
Sturmbannführer Bischoff, the latter stated that the elevator in
crematorium II, as well, has been giving rise to permanent problems.
We have, however, not built this elevator; rather, it was assembled
and installed by your own people. We are, therefore, at a
loss to see how you can make us responsible for a device not built by

Nonetheless, this poorly functioning elevator stayed in place until
the end. The order for the two definitive freight elevators underwent a
number of changes. On May 25, 1943, Topf thanked ZBL for having
checked, approved and sent on to Berlin for payment four invoices. One
of these was for the Demag-Elektrozug, another was “Crematorium
II/III. Order no. 43/145/3. [for] 2 electrical elevators. RM 9,391.”58
A Topf Aufstellung (list), dated July 2, 1943, referring to the above
order, shows a first down-payment of 9,371 RM, half the total amount
(18,742 RM) (“1. Anzahlungs-Hälfte von RM 18,742… RM 9,371”), but
a handwritten entry by Jährling states that the down-payment had only
amounted to 1,876.43 RM.59
However, the freight-elevators had not yet been supplied and even ran the risk of never being actually delivered.
On August 4, 1943, more than five months after the order for these de-
55 KGL – Kriegsgefangenenlager: camp for prisoners of war. Official designation of the
Birkenau camp through March 31, 1944, when it was designated “Lager II Birkenau.”
Kirschneck’s note for the file dated March 31, 1944. AGK, NTN, 94, p.60.
56 “Bauwerk 30 Kr II Fahrstuhl repariert”: Arbeits-Bescheinigung Messing for the period
12-18 April 1943. RGVA, 502-1-306, p. 93a. Cfr. Pressac 1989, p. 370.
57 RGVA, 502-1-313, p. 29.
58 RGVA,502-1327, p. 83.
59 RGVA, 502-1-327, p. 74.
vices, Topf informed ZBL that the manufacturing permit for them had
not yet been granted:

“We have learned today from our sub-supplier that the Plenipotentiary
for machine construction has not yet granted the construction
permit. The application has been forwarded to the Reich minister
for armaments and munitions [Albert Speer] requesting his decision.”
Topf added that the Plenipotentiary for machine construction had
voted against the construction of the devices, and Topf therefore asked
ZBL to get in touch with the Berlin authorities in order to have the request
granted, speaking of serious consequences otherwise:60

“For your information please note that our sub-supplier has already
assembled the better part of the elevators. There is the danger,
however, that the order has to be stopped immediately if the Reich
minister for armaments and munitions does not give his approval.”
This incident is in stark disagreement with the thesis that the Birkenau
crematoria were the instruments for the implementation of Himmler’s
extermination order: in such a case any opposition on the part of
the Plenipotentiary for machinery construction would obviously have
been considered sabotage.
On September 9, ZBL sent to SS-Hauptsturmführer Prinzl of Amt C
V of SS-WVHA a copy of the Topf letter of August 4, with the request
to get in touch with the Reich minister for armaments and munitions in
order “to obtain [the approval for] the realization of the elevators urgently
required.”61 On May 12, 1944, ZBL sent Topf an “urgent telegram”

“installation of the 2 elevators cannot be done now. Installation
will be done later, together with installation of de-aeration equipment
in 4 and 5.”

It is not clear, however, whether the two elevators were ever installed
at all.

1.9.2. The Freight Elevators in the Irving-Lipstadt Trial
Van Pelt provides us with a long account of the discussion about the
freight elevators in the Irving-Lipstadt trial (2002, p. 468f.):
60 APMO, BW 30/34, p. 19.
61 APMO, BW 30/34, p. 78.
62 RGVA, 502-1-313, p. 10.
“Irving stayed close to the brief provided by the anonymous architect.
The most important discussion concerned the elevator connecting
the basement to the main floor of Crematorium 2.” (Emph.
The brief in question contained a computation of the time needed to
transport 2,000 passengers, “assuming a carrying capacity of 200 kilos.”
The time was stated to be 4 hours and 48 minutes for live persons, but
transporting corpses would obviously have taken twice or three times as
long, and the slightest mishap would have blocked the whole sequence
of gassings and incinerations (p. 469). Van Pelt then describes his own
reactions (ibid.):

“I had read this reasoning the night before and had found that
one of its flaws was the assumption that the elevator could only have
carried 200 kilos. In fact, I had a copy of a document from February
1943 stipulating that the carrying capacity of the elevator should be
doubled from 750 kilos to 1,500 kilos. Taking the calculation of the
anonymous architect as his point of departure, Irving presented the
elevator as the crucial bottleneck in the whole operation.” (Emph. added)
Then van Pelt shows an excerpt from the trial records which contains
two of his replies (p. 470):

“They immediately asked to increase the carrying capacity of
that elevator by providing extra cables to 1,500 kilos.”
“The 750 kilograms was installed by the time the building was finished
and immediately they asked to double the capacity.” (Emph.

During the trial, van Pelt assumed an average weight of 60 kg per
corpse, which means that the elevator could accommodate 25 bodies at
a time (p. 470, 472). Van Pelt concluded (p. 470):

“Irving did not return to the carrying capacity. It was clear to me
that an important assumption on which he planned his attack [sic]
had been proven wrong.”

Van Pelt’s reply is based on a historically false hypothesis. As I have
shown in the preceding section, the “Demag-Elektrozug für 750 kg
Tragkraft” was not installed in crematorium II, but only in crematorium
Van Pelt asserts moreover that the SS “immediately asked” for the
capacity of the elevators to be doubled to 1,500 kg and then assumes
that this was actually done, because he speaks of 25 bodies being
moved at one time (p. 472).
But the document he mentions says only that the capacity of 750 kg “is being [or will be] brought to a capacity of
1,500 kg by the installation of the second cable,” which is an indication
of intent at best, but certainly not a specific request – and even less the
realization of such an intent. Nothing tells us, in fact, that the capacity
of the elevators was ever actually doubled.

The most serious matter, however, is van Pelt’s complete silence
about the fact that the freight elevator installed in crematorium II was
the “Plateauaufzug” (flat-plate elevator) with a capacity of 300 kg.
Therefore an extermination of 500,000 people in crematorium II would
have been implemented using this primitive and poorly functioning device.
As its capacity was 300 kg or an average of 5 bodies of 60 kg at a
time, the elevator would have had to do a total of 200,000 runs, 100,000
up and 100,000 down!

If we assume an average duration of five minutes for one complete
operation (loading, upward journey, unloading, downward journey) the
transportation of 2,000 bodies from the half-basement to the furnace
hall (the hypothesis discussed by Irving, see van Pelt 2002, p. 470)
would have taken ([2,000÷5]×5 =) 2,000 minutes or some 33 hours.
Such an average duration, which corresponds to 1 minute for the transit
time up and down63 and 4 minutes for the loading and unloading of the
bodies (i.e. an average of 24 seconds for loading and another 24
seconds for unloading one corpse), is definitely too short for two reasons:

First of all, the elevator worked poorly, therefore one has to allow
for lost time due to breakdowns, blockages, and delays. Secondly, according
to the witness Henry Tauber, in crematorium II (and III) four
detainees were assigned to the elevator, two for loading, and two for unloading,
they worked in 12-hour shifts (Tauber 1945a, p. 9). Even if we
assume, for the time being, an average transit time of 5 minutes per
load, these detainees, by mid-shift, i.e. after 6 hours, would have handled
and moved ([6×60÷5×300] =) 21,600 kg, and the increasing strain
would have reduced their efficiency more and more.

It is thus clear that the average transit time for one load was higher,
which makes the alleged movement of 500,000 corpses even more grotesque.
As the maximum number of days during which crematorium II
was operational was 433, the elevator would have had to perform
63 Van Pelt’s anonymous engineer assumed a duration of 30 seconds but, surprisingly, considered
only the upward journey of the elevator. Van Pelt 2002, p. 469.
(500,000÷5÷433=) 231 trips per operating day, each of which would have required on average (1,440÷231=)
a little over 6 minutes (i.e. 1 minute for each round trip and 30 seconds each for loading and unloading
each corpse), without interruption over 433 days (see chapter 8.8.1.), 24 hours a day – a truly absurd idea!

In conclusion, the freight elevator is in perfect agreement with the
actual number of cremations, something like 20,000 for crematorium II,
but is absolutely out of proportion when it comes to the gigantic figures
of a mass exterminations cited by van Pelt...............

Cut and pasted from: Mattogno, Auschwitz, the Case for Sanity Vol. 1, Pages 50 to 56

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Re: Elevator at krema II and Krema III

Postby Lamprecht » 4 years 3 months ago (Sun Mar 10, 2019 1:31 am)

I was searching the "Holocaust Controversies" site to see what their explanation was for this laughable elevator design. I found this page:

http://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot. ... -part.html

The Elevators at Crematoria 2 & 3

Mattogno argues that the flat-plate elevator "with a capacity of 300 kg" installed into crematorium 2 "is absolutely out of proportion when it comes to the gigantic figures of a mass exterminations cited by van Pelt" (Mattogno, ATCFS, p. 54), i.e. it was supposedly insufficient for mass extermination. It is noteworthy that the argument is not valid for crematorium 3, since there an elevator with 750 kg capacity (with optional upgrade to 1500 kg) was installed from the very beginning.

He explains that for an
"average duration of five minutes for one complete operation (loading, upward journey, unloading, downward journey), the transportation of 2,000 bodies from the half-basement to the furnace hall...would have taken...some 33 hours"
(ATCFS, p. 53; Mattogno further asserts that the "average transit time for one load was higher" than he assumed in his estimation).

First of all, 300 kg was not necessarily the available capacity, but the "minimum payload" ordered by the construction office. That's a difference. The metalworking shop may have constructed the platform with a higher maximum payload. We don't have the technical documentation of the device, so we don't know. And even if its maximum payload was 300 kg, if it was properly constructed with safety factor, its actual maximum load that could have been exploited by the Sonderkommando prisoners was higher. The cables were designed for higher loads anyway, else the construction office would not have ordered a minimum, but a maximum load. Furthermore, it cannot be excluded that the payload of the elevator wasn't upgraded at some point. In short, the actual operation capacity of the elevator is far from certain and well established from German documents.

Secondly, Mattogno does not explain why two strong Sonderkommando prisoners should have required at least 2 minutes for lifting five corpses on the elevator's platform. This is 24 s for one single corpse, which sounds patently absurd. All they had to do was to grab the legs or arms of the corpse, rotate by 180°, walk one or two steps and drop the corpse. This is done in few seconds. After loading these corpses on the elevator platform, they had time to relax until the empty platform came back again.

Thirdly, Mattogno assumed that it took 60 s for a round trip of the elevator without the loading time. Actually, he misunderstood the estimation from an "anonymous architect" cited by Van Pelt in The Case for Auschwitz, p. 469. This Revisionist assumed that it took 30 s for a modern elevator round trip of one person for one floor, including loading of the (living) person. Mattogno understood that these 30 s referred only to a single upward trip. So he doubled it to arrive at 60 s for the roundtrip. But this is doublecounting, since the 30 s is already the time for the round-trip according to the anonymous architect. By the way, Mattogno's 30 s for the upward trip translates into an average elevator speed of something like 0.1 m/s. It takes a power of about 300 W to lift 300 kg (neglecting the weight of the platform) in 30 s at a height of 3 m. Yet, the engine installed in crematorium 2 to operate the elevator had 10 HP or about 7000 W. If Mattogno's assumption of load and speed were true, this elevator had an awful poor efficiency.

Thus, each of Mattogno's parameters assumed to estimate the time it took to transport 2000 bodies from the basement to the furnace is either unfounded or false. The loading capacity may have been higher than 300 kg, the elevator took likely less than 30 s for the 2.6 m from the basement to the furnace hall and the time to load a corpse was certainly less than 24 s. If we only correct Mattogno's loading time down to 12 s (which seems still too long for something like lifting a corpse onto the elevator by two strong men, who may have been replaced once they got fatigue), the 2000 corpses were transported in less than 17 hours to the furnace hall, which is less than the actual bottleneck, the cremation of these corpses took.

Mattogno also argues that the fact that Topf's supplier faced some trouble to get the construction permit for two brand new elevators for crematoria 2 & 3 from the Reich Minister for Armament and Ammunition in August 1943 "is in stark disagreement with the thesis that the Birkenau crematoria were the instruments for the implementation of Himmler’s extermination order" because "in such a case any opposition on the part of the Plenipotentiary for machinery construction would obviously have been considered sabotage" (ATCFS, p. 51). But the Reich Minister for Armament and Ammunition would have hardly even cared if the central construction office Auschwitz considered anything they decided as "sabotage". The issue had to be escalated to higher levels before such a powerful authority would feel any pressure. In fact, the SS-WVHA apparently intervened and achieved the approval of the elevators, as they were finished in May 1944.

On 12 May 1944, the construction office Auschwitz sent an "urgent telegram" to Topf according to which "installation of the 2 elevators cannot be done now. Installation will be done later, together with installation of de-aeration equipment in 4 and 5" (ATCFS, p. 51). The document suggests that Topf reported the construction or dispatch of the elevators to the construction office and was already prepared to install them in the crematoria, but were called off by the Auschwitz authorities. The date of this urgent telegram makes it particular interesting, it was few days before the Hungarian transports were rolling into Auschwitz. Obviously, the Auschwitz authorities could not afford down times of crematoria 2 and 3 when thousands of Hungarian Jews had to be killed at these sites in the next days (see also Pressac, Die Krematorien von Auschwitz, p. 115).


The provisional elevator in crematorium 2 was capable to perform the task of transporting 2000 corpses from the basement to the furnace hall in less than 20 hours (provided the elevator was not out of order, see also ATCFS, p. 50). Mattogno's contrary conclusion is based on unfounded and false parameters determining the daily capacity of the elevator.

Most seriously, he assumed the Sonderkommando prisoners were working in slow motion. It's entirely possible that Mattogno - at his present age and shape - would need twenty-four seconds to move 30 kg (= 60 kg corpse lifted by two) by say one meter. But certainly not so the strongest guys in their early 20s selected from a pool of hundreds of people.

Seems to me a matter of grasping at straws. Could, theoretically, the nazis have picked the toughest, strongest jews to spend all this time hauling piles of corpses back and forth onto the elevator? I guess, but why would they do something so inefficient?

It just seems so absurd for industrial mass murder
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NOTE: I am taking a leave of absence from revisionism to focus on other things. At this point, the ball is in their court to show the alleged massive pits full of human remains at the so-called "extermination camps." After 8 decades they still refuse to do this. I wonder why...

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Re: Elevator at krema II and Krema III

Postby bonniwell2923 » 4 years 2 months ago (Thu Mar 14, 2019 4:48 am)

Ask yourself a question, if the elevator last the first 2000, (always pushing elevator capacity) will it last the next 2000 bodies?
I took the time to design my own version of Krema 2 and 3 from gas chamber to conveying remains into the truck, most processes even women could do and utilizing 1940s technology

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Re: Elevator at krema II and Krema III

Postby Hannover » 4 years 2 months ago (Thu Mar 14, 2019 2:37 pm)

'holocaust' controversies stated:

The provisional elevator in crematorium 2 was capable to perform the task of transporting 2000 corpses from the basement to the furnace hall in less than 20 hours (provided the elevator was not out of order, see also ATCFS, p. 50). Mattogno's contrary conclusion is based on unfounded and false parameters determining the daily capacity of the elevator.

"Less than 20 hours"?
The impossible 'holocaust' narrative says that the gassing process in total lasted mere minutes before the next batch, supposedly waiting just outside the door, was let in and then they were killed in just minutes as well.

No matter how they lie they are always tripped up by their other lies and science.

The entire, alleged Auschwitz homicidal gassing process reviewed and demolished here:

This is just too easy.

- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Elevator at krema II and Krema III

Postby bonniwell2923 » 4 years 2 months ago (Fri Mar 15, 2019 7:33 pm)

see attachment for a mock up of the elevator. a clear view of what is presented. see attachment

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Re: Elevator at krema II and Krema III

Postby Dresden » 4 years 2 months ago (Fri Mar 15, 2019 8:22 pm)

bonniwell2923 wrote:see attachment for a mock up of the elevator. a clear view of what is presented. see attachment

Maybe, just maybe, they believe what they are telling you about the 'holocaust', but maybe, just maybe, their contempt for your intelligence and your character is beyond anything you could ever have imagined. -- Bradley Smith

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Re: Elevator at krema II and Krema III

Postby bonniwell2923 » 4 years 2 months ago (Sat Mar 23, 2019 6:09 am)

The following is my humble redesign of Krema II / Krema III. I updated my figures from the last postings thanks to Van Pelt. The updated weight of average corpse is now 60kgs. See testimony of Van Pelt in the Irving Lipstad trial. Also, I learned from a the B&L Nat Geo science of death that remains weigh about 2.72kgs on average not 1.6kgs. 2000 gassed at one time stays the same.

My redesign of Auschwitz Birkenau Krema 2 and 3

I would rather opt for a single level structure, but since the Krema 2 and 3 were built as 2 level structures with basement and ground floor. The major difference of my design will be the gas chamber located on the ground floor, and the furnaces to cremate corpses on the basement level.

Changing room

The victims will walk into a ground level changing room entrance at the end of the building. They will disrobe and proceed through a single door at opposite side of the entrance and go into this door to the gas chamber.

Gas chamber room

At the opposite end of this room from the entrance, will be two more doors that will be the exits to the next room and on both left and right side of the gas chamber room. From the exit doors and in the floor, will be gurney track system extending back to the wall where the entrance is located. When the victims are all dead, the exit doors open and gurneys that run in the tracks on the floor will be used to transport corpses to the next room. The gurneys on tracks can be pushed back to the wall of the gas chamber entrance for victims to be picked up with a gurney nearby. A deceased victim in the gas chamber is picked up and placed on the gurney, and transported out of the gas chamber to the next room, I will label as the Extraction Room.

Extraction Room

Coming out of either left or right door, victims are transported to this room to check for gold in teeth, rings on finger or diamonds up the asshole. The tracks for the corpse transport gurneys will extend through the extraction room and will pass very close proximity to extraction tables along the walls that are used to lay the body on for extraction of valuables. If the body is found with valuables to be extracted, the gurney will stop alongside of one the extraction tables, and the body will be slid from the gurney onto the extraction table. The gurney is now free to return to the gas chamber to pick up another body. Or go to another extraction table to get a body that is finished being extracted of valuables. Once stripped of valuable, the body on the extraction table can be slid back on to a gurney for transported to the Chute area. Those bodies with no valuables will not stop at an extraction table and continue to the chute area. In between the left and right tracks is another gurney and will be in the middle on a track also, however these tracks will go to the wall of the extraction room near left and right door and extend to the chute area, This middle gurney would be utilized for extraction overload. A body from the left or right gurney can be slid on to this gurney for processing and can also transport a body to the chute area. It is important that the height of all the tables and all the gurneys are the same height for ease of body being slid over. Bodies striped of valuables are now transported to the chute area.

Chute Area

Bodies stripped of valuables are transported to the chute area on the gurney running on tracks. Here you will find the end of the tracks for gurneys. The gurney will have a top plate that can be tipped up via hinges to let the body slide onto the chute down to the furnace level. If the gurney top is long and the body is loaded head first into the chute, you have the leverage needed to easily tip gurney top with ease, thus letting the body slide off the gurney and onto the chute down to the furnace level. The Chute can take various forms of a slide you may find at a park. The body slides head first to the next area called the Furnace area.

Furnace Area

The body slides down the chute and onto a table area where it can wait to be picked up by gurneys in the furnace area. However these gurneys need not be on tracks, but roll around on castors wheels. The body is slid off the flat area below the chute and onto a gurney for transport to a furnace door entrance. The height of the flat area top is to be slightly higher than the gurneys for easy handling. The gurney transports the body to an open staging area in front of the furnace door opening and slid on to that surface to be the next into the furnace for processing. Inside the furnace the body is reduced from an average of 60kgs to about 2.72kgs of remains. If too cheap to install a chute, then drop them below onto an elevated surface where gurneys can pick them up.

Human remains conveyor inside the furnace room

Inside the furnace, the remains of the body is reduced to an average weight of 2.72kgs. When necessary, the remains and ash are removed from the furnace and placed on a nearby conveyor. The conveyor belt with remains will elevate up and out of the building AFTER passing by the last furnace/muffle in a line. It is best to keep the top of the conveyor below the level of the door that the ash is removed. This way the worker is working in a side to side motion.

Conveyor to outside the building

The remains exit the building on the conveyor and runs over a waiting truck with a container. When the remains reach the end of the conveyor, the remains fall into the container of the truck, and the conveyor belt returns back into the furnace room. One person will be required to move the truck and or rake the topside buildup (Mountain tops) due to remains falling in one spot. When the truck container is full, the truck will drive out of the camp to a secret location to dispose of the remains be it at a landfill or body of water. It would be prudent to have two trucks assigned for this procedure so as not to stop operations. One truck can be filling and the other disposing of remains.

Coke fuel supply to furnace gasifier

Since the furnaces are in a basement, the coke fuel will need to enter the gasifier from ground level. This is accomplished by dumping the coke fuel near the location of the coke fuel chute inlets at ground level outside that lead to the furnace gasifier. Furnaces can be fueled from outside the building.

Please note:

Characteristics of this building structure design does not address the capabilities of the furnaces, only the building structure to give more efficient and easier movement of bodies. I personally would not build a structure for mass killing on two levels. A kill center for mass murder with one level structure would be much more prudent. Since Auschwitz Birkenau krema 2 and krema 3 were built as 2 level structures and mirror images of each other, I designed a structure that is two level AND much more efficient than that the German designers of that time came up with. Each technology I cite from Changing room and gas chamber to truck container must have been available in the early 1940s era.

Weak points of my plan

Bodies will need to be lifted up and onto the gurneys on tracks in the gas chamber. This can be heavy work. No doubt brawny individuals with plenty to eat and rest will be required. Once on the gurney, the rest of the process can be accomplished with relative ease.

Shoveling coke fuel could be a labor intensive job so I assign one man to each chute. It takes anywhere from 28 to 31kgs of coke fuel cremate a body once the furnace is at correct cremation operating temperature.

Positive points of my plan…

Most of the work is preformed horizontally and using gravity

Bodies transported on gurneys for ease of movement

Levels of tables, gurneys and chute(s) promote ease of transformation/transport
Easy access for extracting valuables from bodies. This can be as many tables as you want, but the length of building would have to extend to accommodate more extraction tables. Gurneys would be in continuous movement.

Bodies fall down to the furnace room instead of the need for an elevator that can breakdown, and the need to worry about weight capacity of elevator. There is no loading and unloading bodies onto and off the elevator. Here gravity works for you instead of against you in a big way. Instead of moving and estimated 120 metric tons of bodies up, they merely need to fall due to gravity. The chute has no moving parts, but if the elevator breaks down, the whole body movement process stops.

120 tons of bodies go down, and 5.44 tons of remains go upward per gassing of 2000 victims. The conveyor does all the work to carry the 5.44 tons remains to the truck container. Since remains will not be pouring out at high speed due to limitations of the furnaces, but over a period of time, thus the conveyor can easily handle the load. Furthermore, the speed of the conveyor need not be so fast. What is important is that the conveyor does all the work to bring the remains to the truck.

You will be able to work your most of men/women longer hours due to less physical fatigue due to intensive labor.

No more need to have details to dig ditches to bury remains, since the remains can be trucked to a secret location away from the camp. Once the truck moves from under the conveyor it can be out of the camp within a minute.

I suppose if you really wanted to get real technical, you could design so when bodies fall down the chute onto non-motorized conveyor top, they align themselves as to who is next in line into the furnace and merely being pulled and unjam along by an attendant by hand to entrance to furnace muffle door entrance. Each chute leads to a furnace muffle. This would look like an assembly line of waiting for their turn in the furnace.

Bodies are to be loaded on the gurney so as the body falls head first onto the chute to avoid jams due to arms and or legs getting caught (like a human arrow). Loading the head first will offset the center of gravity, and the gurney top is easier to tipped up to unload onto the chute.

Note: that stainless steel existed back then and a German helped to invent it.

My figure of 120 metric tons per gassing comes from Van Pelt’s stated estimate of average corpse weight being 60kgs in the Lipstad/Irving trial. The figure of 2,000 gassed victims per batch comes from Sondercomando testimony. Thus, (2,000 X 60kgs = 120,000kgs or 120 metric tons). 2.72kgs of remains comes carrying my mother’s and son’s cremated remains and hearing from someone in the cremation business reinforces that figure. I once had to help move the dead body of wife’s grandmother, and it was like lifting a sandbag or a sack of rice.

Alternate building design
In order to avoid the excavating to construct a basement, have the victims walk up one flight to changing room, gas chamber, gold extraction and chute opening. The furnace and remains conveyor can be on the ground floor. This too could work

My point in all this is what?

If a schmuck technician like myself, can come along and easily design a building leaps and bounds much more efficient than that of Auschwitz Birkenau Krema 2 and 3 and also use 1940s era technology, then those buildings must not have been kill centers. The “morgue” that some refer to as to a gas chamber is indeed just that, a morgue. The morgue is underground to help keep the corpses cool before cremation. Remember, when you die, you rot. (Some rot with gangrene before they die). The cheesy elevator system was there, but not designed to operate at max cap day in and day out. In fact it broke down soon after first going into service in 1943. If the designers of Krema 2 and 3 structures indeed designed these buildings to be buildings of industrialized killing, then they should have been shot. Shot for gross inefficiency. Whether or not to cremate is up to you.
If this building was so grossly inefficient as a kill center, then it must have been a morgue with cremation furnaces. I cannot think as the Germans at that time as such dumb people to build kill centers like these.

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