hermod wrote:Hektor wrote:It relates to their denial of truth as a thing that is actually real. Then you also have to deny or disbelieve that there is something like Logic/Logos. Then you can selectively apply it as well. They will try to argue logically in matters to their convenience. But they will avoid doing that, if they don't like the conclusions.
In other words: The problem is far more fundamental than believing into atrocity propaganda from the middle of the 20th century.
I think that it's a consequence of believing atrocity propaganda from the middle of the 20th century because Holohoax propaganda is both Zionist land-grabbing advocacy and Globalist White-man bashing. As soon as one swallows the lie that the White man is the supreme supervillain of history, one also regards anti-White-man bias as normal and fair. In the mind of someone with those beliefs, any White man doesn't deserve a fair trial more than a "Nazi" did/does and justice even requires the beating and killing of such a monster without delay. Every human being's safety and happiness depends on that, Libtards believe. Basic Marxist reasoning.
Real hate speech.
It will be a dirty mixed back.
What the degressive left believes wasn't entirely new and came already to some prominence in the decades before World War Two.
Those putting (the leadership of) Germany on trial in Nuremberg were themselves major colonial powers. With Great Britain and France being global empires at the time. And the USA and the USSR being more localized empires themselves. Germany, which was essentially a Nation state was rather tiny in comparison. Essentially they started to scape-goat the Germans for their own behavior. And as far as Britain and France were concerned this quickly backfired in the two decades after WW2. The Soviet Union had expanded it's sphere of influence tremendously. But not to what they had hoped for prior to world war two. The US also expanded its influence (especially at the expense of Britain), but I don't think that was really the WASP elites plan prior to it. They were of course happy to have crushed a major competitor on world markets, giving them a competitive edge there for several decades after WW2. They also could expropriate German companies and patents, something that is widely ignored now.
The Libtard's aren't classical Marxist. Classical Marxism in the Western coutnries died a slow death after the so-called Russian Revolution, when the Bolsheviks took over the biggest scraps of the Czarist empire. It was secluded, but people in the West realized that what was happening there, wasn't exactly a good advertisement for Marxism. With the Frankfurt School Neomarxism was slowly developed. And this is first and foremost an attack on Western Culture, to which White people were of course the carriers. The Class struggle component of classical Marxism was Workers vs. Capital Owners/ Employers. The Neomarxists didn't ditch this immediately, but realized that the majority of workers isn't really interest into Utopia or being canon fodder for the revolution of some dandy intellectuals. All they wanted was fair contractual agreements and better living conditions.
The Frankfurters (and also some Hungarian Marxists around Bela Kun) concluded that it was 'culture' that prevented Workers from having successful revolutions in industrial societies. They didn't want to exterminate the Bourgeoisie, they wanted to emulate it, if possible. That means that you have to follow a different path for the negation of the negation, there. Bear in mind that the Marxist view on any existing order is that it is a negation that needs to be destroyed. That's of course no good advertising for ones ideology at all. So they came up with portraying the economic order as 'injust' and using Socialism or a 'classless society' as bait. It's actually a kind of 'alternative to Christianity'. Since Christianity teaches that the world is under sin, but that Christ died for redemption, so people can be reconciled with God and be with him in heaven one day.
Christianity was however 99% social conservative at the time essentially supporting law and order, property, contracts and charity was voluntary often organized by churches. That's probably the reason for the Marxist rhetoric against Religion. It is seen as a competitor that teaches stuff contrary to historical Materialism. They did however change their strategy on this and found also some collaborators in theology for that.
But first what was the changing plan with regards to Bourgeoisie/Middle Class? If you can't beat them join them. One needs to attack the culture first. And the power stations for cultural production are actually the universities. Especially the Humanities so they started focusing on that. Starting with Sociology, Psychology but gradually moving into other disciplines as well. In Germany they had the 'Institute for social research'. In itself a benign name, but they tried to figure out what makes society tick. The crude theory there is that cultural norms are repressive. That those norms are from the superego and to liberate the it, one needs to get the ego fighting the superego. It's of course only one of the tag lines, since human beings and society are more complex than that. They viewed a good relationship with parents as a problem, since the kids that respected their dad would become 'fascists' one day. So that relationship need to be undermined to get a 'really democratic and liberal' society. While the Frankfurters were Marxists, they started using lots of liberal verbiage over time. Something that gave them access to students from liberal families and backgrounds and it was at least remotely palatable to social conservatives.
With passing time and oversight, it does however become more apparent that their envy and hate is directed against Whites in general. And Christianity of course. Political correctness and multiculturalism are weapons against Whites... While the weapons against Christianity are already there with the materialism and changing anthropology in a way that contradicts Christian teachings. But there is more. There is also theological movements that are conducive to Marxism. Karl Marx and Paul Tillich being some prime Protestant examples. I don't see it that much with Bonhoeffer, but his mind is filled with hate against German society and culture in general. That was the real motivation for his treason. He buys and sells the Materialism as well. Insinuating that God is 'a working hypothesis that lost its meaning in the modern world. It's an appeal to redesign Christianity, while the outcome isn't really that much of a concern to Bonhoeffer. Probably "as long as it isn't German", would be his only requirement.
The result is the present state of Western academia which is a dirty bastard from cultural Marxism, Deconstruction and Naturalism aka Materialism.
No place for Logic, Truth and proper Methodology there.
The Holocaust Narrative and NAZI2.0. won't survive proper methodology and common sense for 5 minutes. That is of course, if you have access to documentation and a great oversight there. In fact the Holocaust assertions would have to be dismissed, based on them having no empirical evidence supporting the notion whatsoever.
And then there is the thing with the term "NAZI'... Which is a rather juicy thing in itself. It's not a German word. It is however a abbreviation for several Hebrew terms.