What if there was no extermination policy?

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What if there was no extermination policy?

Postby Strafford » 6 years 2 months ago (Mon Mar 20, 2017 2:58 pm)


I was just starting to go into the Holocaust revisionism and after reading some stuff (mainly the books about Aktion Reinhardt by Mattogno, Graff and Kues), and the PDF "Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka" by the "Holocaust Controversies" bloggers, I just have ended thinking that according to the German contemporary documents of the Nazi goverment, it's almost not relevant if there were not an ad hoc extermination policy in extermination camps and gas chambers and so on, because the best one could conclude it's that the nazi policy on Jews would be almost as horrible: slave labour, depriving of rights, evacuation from all Europe to elsewhere (Madagascar or Russian East or who knows) and concentration of all the Jews under the SS supervision, even sterilitation, and all of this not having in mind the numerous mass shootings during the war. In addition to this, is for sure that the nazis considered the Jews something like a bacillus in terms of race.

So what is the big deal with the gas chambers and the rest? The result would be the same or even worse. Sometimes, having this in mind, I wonder what benefit were for the nazis in the face of history if they didn't just try to kill them all.

Thanks if someone want to comment on this.

P.D: English is not my language (I'm from Spain) so I could make mistakes writing in english. Sorry in advance.

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Re: What if there was no extermination policy?

Postby Hannover » 6 years 2 months ago (Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:13 am)

There definitely was no extermination policy. No 'what if' about it.

Why do you refer to "extermination" camps if you think there was no extermination policy?

What original, real German documents are you referring to?
Please show them.

How many dead Jews do you think are accounted for under your 'non gas chambers' list?
What proof do you have for that total?

Remember, the impossible narrative does state that there was such a policy, and that 'the Germans tried to kill every Jew they could get their hands on'.

It looks like you're trying to dodge the standard claims about 'gas chambers'.
Why? Because they are impossible as alleged?

Welcome, Hannover

The mere fact that we have so many "survivors" when it's claimed that 'the Germans tried to kill every Jew they could get their hands on' blows away the impossible storyline.

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that denies free speech and the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: What if there was no extermination policy?

Postby borjastick » 6 years 2 months ago (Tue Mar 21, 2017 6:31 am)

Strafford wrote:Hi.

I was just starting to go into the Holocaust revisionism and after reading some stuff (mainly the books about Aktion Reinhardt by Mattogno, Graff and Kues), and the PDF "Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka" by the "Holocaust Controversies" bloggers, I just have ended thinking that according to the German contemporary documents of the Nazi goverment, it's almost not relevant if there were not an ad hoc extermination policy in extermination camps and gas chambers and so on, because the best one could conclude it's that the nazi policy on Jews would be almost as horrible: slave labour, depriving of rights, evacuation from all Europe to elsewhere (Madagascar or Russian East or who knows) and concentration of all the Jews under the SS supervision, even sterilitation, and all of this not having in mind the numerous mass shootings during the war. In addition to this, is for sure that the nazis considered the Jews something like a bacillus in terms of race.

So what is the big deal with the gas chambers and the rest? The result would be the same or even worse. Sometimes, having this in mind, I wonder what benefit were for the nazis in the face of history if they didn't just try to kill them all.

Thanks if someone want to comment on this.

P.D: English is not my language (I'm from Spain) so I could make mistakes writing in english. Sorry in advance.

Strafford your comment and position seems to be similar to those who say '6m or 1m it doesn't matter how many died in the holocaust it's all the same, murder and persecution'. It matters massively what happened or didn't happen in the so called holocaust. Indeed the very word holocaust was coined precisely to identify the event with a specific and unique name.

There was a terrible war going on and hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people died for all sort of non combat reasons. The jews and those others in the camps system were part of that tally. As Thomas Dalton said the total and the intent to murder them is absolutely important but perhaps more so the numbers. Why? Because the truth deserves to be served well and told. People were put to death because of the lies about the gas chambers, many SS were imprisoned for long terms, the country of Germany and its people have been made to pay a financial tsunami of compo and shamed for decades for something that didn't happen. So you are asking does the camp system equate with the expulsion and privations inflicted on the jews, as it's all the same. No it's not the same.

You can view things in today's light and say no religious group would be targeted the same way and treated so bad as happened under Hitler with the jews. But the jews then knew they were causing trouble and that they were under the microscope, but continued to do the stuff that ultimately caused their demise. They appear to have learned very little since too.

Hitler was doing nothing more than had already happened 108 times before, in your country too, Spain. He blamed the jews for various disasters that had befallen Germany and wanted them removed. Not pleasant by today's standards (though one could argue that Syria's leader has done the same in a different way, and israel is doing a slow burn holocaust on the Palestinians) but things were different then.

It doesn't matter what might have happened to them in another time or in Germany under different circumstances, that's irrelevant. What matters is the truth and the holocaust as claimed is a lie
'Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.'

'We don't need evidence, we have survivors' - israeli politician

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Re: What if there was no extermination policy?

Postby hermod » 6 years 2 months ago (Tue Mar 21, 2017 6:51 am)

If the existence of a Nazi extermination policy doesn't matter, why the brutal & ruthless judicial persecution (in 20 countries, in Europe & Israel) and socio-economic demolition (in the same countries & in all Anglo-Saxon countries) of those who publicly state that there was no Nazi extermination policy through mass murder during WW2 ?!?

Forced labor, not "slave labor" as the victors of WW2 claimed for demonizing propaganda purposes (a slave performs forced labor from her/his birth to her/his death or escape, not only during the duration of a titanic war sucking in all the fit men of a nation on various battlefields, and automatically transmits her/his beast of burden status to all her/his descendants; stop insulting the memory of the real slaves with the Soviet-Allied deceptive label "slave labor"), was a policy due to the demands and necessities of an unparalleled war. Many Gentile men in German-occupied countries were also requisitioned for forced labor serving the war effort of the Third Reich.

The evacuation of the Jews from all Europe to elsewhere was not very novel. There is hardly a European area from where all the Jews weren't expelled at least once. Even England expelled all her Jews and kept them out for centuries !! Only the territorial scale concerned by the Nazi anti-Jewish policy from 1939 was new.

Strafford wrote: "for sure that the nazis considered the Jews something like a bacillus in terms of race." So what? How did the White Americans and British considered all the non-White people under their yoke in the 1940's according to you? Merely the general mentality of those days. You'll hardly find someone who was not racist at that time, anywhere. Your offended attitude is just anachronistic sentimentality. And how do you think Jews consider Gentiles?

The moral consideration of history is childish. History is not a comic book with its all-good superheroes and all-bad supervillains. Grow up...
"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: What if there was no extermination policy?

Postby Jurgen » 6 years 2 months ago (Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:42 am)

Strafford wrote:I wonder what benefit were for the nazis in the face of history if they didn't just try to kill them all.

This is a valid question I think and borjastick makes a good point here:

borjastick wrote:You can view things in today's light and say no religious group would be targeted the same way and treated so bad as happened under Hitler with the jews. But the jews then knew they were causing trouble and that they were under the microscope, but continued to do the stuff that ultimately caused their demise. They appear to have learned very little since too.

Hitler was doing nothing more than had already happened 108 times before, in your country too, Spain. He blamed the jews for various disasters that had befallen Germany and wanted them removed. Not pleasant by today's standards (though one could argue that Syria's leader has done the same in a different way, and israel is doing a slow burn holocaust on the Palestinians) but things were different then.

To my mind, even today, in EVERY Western country, we need to do what those other 108 countries successfully did. Which was to evict the Jews.

I say this not because I am a Jew hating, Nazi loving, anti-Semite, but because the Jews have an unfortunate habit of causing untold problems where-ever they infest. Again, borjastick hit the nail on the head "but continued to do the stuff that ultimately caused their demise. They appear to have learned very little since too."

They infest the banking sector.
They infest the film industry.
They infest the porn industry.
They infest the News/Media industry.
They infest politics.

They infest.

And all their infestations are to their benefit and the slavery of the country they are infesting.

They are PARASITES. They get bloated and fat off the labour and sweat of the hard working goyim of the country that have attached themselves to. Like some loathsome leech. Their ways are not our ways. Their ways are detrimental to all society.

This is why Hitler wanted to oust them from Europe. So that Europe could be free to lift their people out of the abject misery of the 1930's and begin to have a better quality of life. To prosper.

This is what every country must do.

Oust the Jew!

(maybe I am an anti-semite? After that rant I'm not so sure...)
"The Holocaust narrative actually breaks down on a discrete, factual level, and is only tenable when it is presented as some vague or nebulous larger than life metahistorical event" Mulegino1

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Re: What if there was no extermination policy?

Postby hermod » 6 years 2 months ago (Thu Mar 23, 2017 6:36 am)

Jurgen wrote:
Strafford wrote:I wonder what benefit were for the nazis in the face of history if they didn't just try to kill them all.

This is a valid question I think and borjastick makes a good point here:

borjastick wrote:You can view things in today's light and say no religious group would be targeted the same way and treated so bad as happened under Hitler with the jews. But the jews then knew they were causing trouble and that they were under the microscope, but continued to do the stuff that ultimately caused their demise. They appear to have learned very little since too.

Hitler was doing nothing more than had already happened 108 times before, in your country too, Spain. He blamed the jews for various disasters that had befallen Germany and wanted them removed. Not pleasant by today's standards (though one could argue that Syria's leader has done the same in a different way, and israel is doing a slow burn holocaust on the Palestinians) but things were different then.

True. Zionism undertook to solve the Jewish problem/question. Theodor Herzl's Zionist manifesto was entitled "The Jewish State: An Attempt at a Modern Solution of the Jewish Question/Problem." But few people know today that early Zionists meant the problem Jews WERE FOR Gentiles, not the problems Jews HAD WITH Gentiles, when they were talking about the Jewish problem. In Herzl's days, the Zionists offered the European Gentiles to help them get rid of all those annoying Jews who were disturbing their (the Gentiles') lives. Theodor Herzl theorized that poor Jews were disturbing agitators leading to social disorders while rich Jews were dangerous dominators ruling over Gentile masses through money. Hard to say anything more anti-Semitic than that. But fairly quickly, some Zionists understood that charity business was much more attractive and beneficial to their propaganda effort and wallet than their original anti-Semitic stand. So they moved to another definition of the Jewish problem and opted for a martyrdom of millions of Jews (most often, 6 million Jews) in their appeals, which culminated during WW2 with the 'Holocaust' as we know.


"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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