Carto's Cutlass Supreme wrote:And 10% Polish and Hebrew could mean about 2 % Hebrew. A token amount. English probably has a higher amount of slang from the 1970's, 80's, and 90's, than that.
Yiddish is written in Hebrew characters, only because Hebrew is a phonetic alphabet. It is the same as how I could write Japanese with an English phonetic alphabet, like arigato. "Thank you" in Japanese.
From what I can understand, I don't think that Zuckerman is telling the truth. It's in ashkenazi best interest to have a yiddish Hebrew connection, to validate a connection to the holy land. which is why they chose the Hebrew phonetic alphabet to write a German dialect in the first place.
The tie in to the holocaust, is that yiddish was discarded, in fact even suppressed in Israel. It's one of the many reasons it's hard to show a trail of emigration from Europe to Israel. Yiddish emigration being a major tenet of revisionism.
Please let me add some interesting info from the jewish source.
We can read A LOT between the lines.
Of course the whole world is again against the poor jews but..
Please have a look:
by Alex Rose"
" Palestine Was Unambiguously Predestined As The Jewish State Even In Embryo
On December 9, 1917, five weeks after the Balfour Declaration, British forces took Jerusalem from the Turks. The total population of Palestine fell from around 800,000 in 1914 to approximately 640,000 at the end of WW1 [1918]. The composition of the population by December 1918 was as follows: Muslims 512,000; Christians 61,000; Jews 66,000.[1]
Of the 65,000 Jews, 25,000 had immigrated from Russia, Romania, Kurdistan, and Yemen following pogroms; this period is designated as the 1st Aliyah from 1882-1903. They were pre-Zionist socialists and religious Jews who wanted to escape persecution and/or to rebuild a homeland. During the 2nd Aliyah, from 1904-1914, 40,000 immigrants mostly from Czarist Russia and Poland made their way to Palestine as a result of violent pogroms in Kishinev, Russia. They desired to escape further pogroms and persecution while seeking to restore nationhood, dignity and to realize socialist ideals. The 3rd Aliyah from 1919-1923, numbering 35,000, were mostly from Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Romania, Western and Central Europe. They wanted to escape persecution and impoverishment, restore nationhood, dignity, and to utilize socialist ideals. The 4th Aliyah 1924-1928 primarily from Poland sought to escape persecution and impoverishment. The 5th Aliyah dating from 1929-1939 brought 250,000 Jews mostly from Germany and Austria seeking to escape persecution and anti-Semitism.
As we shall see, the British by the 1930s had by their actions violated the trust to help the Jews develop the infrastructure for a state, a responsibility they had solemnly taken on just a few years earlier.
One great Englishman recognized the implications of British policy in the 1930's. At a dinner held in his honor at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London months before the Nuremberg Laws, Josiah Wedgwood boldly brought the policy in Palestine into juxtaposition with the Nazi persecution.
"When we think of the treatment of little Jewish children in German schools and of the returned vanquished exiles sent to concentration camps to be 'taught' German virtues, the very stomach rebels. When I think of these poor Jews fleeing to Palestine from starvation and persecution in the hell of Europe only to be consigned to prison there under the English laws - of men and women all inoffensive and helpless, hunger striking to get through the walls to freedom, with English jailors looking on, there surely we see a double crime, a crime against G-d and a crime against our good name."[2]"