Angel of death Josef Mengele 'created twin town in Brazil!'

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Angel of death Josef Mengele 'created twin town in Brazil!'

Postby simon1003 » 1 decade 4 years ago (Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:01 am)

This was reported on BBC Radio 4's flagship Today programme this morning.

Nazi angel of death Josef Mengele 'created twin town in Brazil'

The Nazi doctor Josef Mengele is responsible for the astonishing number of twins in a small Brazilian town, an Argentine historian has claimed.

The steely hearted "Angel of Death", whose mission was to create a master race fit for the Third Reich, was the resident medic at Auschwitz from May 1943 until his flight in the face of the Red Army advance in January 1945.

His task was to carry out experiments to discover by what method of genetic quirk twins were produced – and then to artificially increase the Aryan birthrate for his master, Adolf Hitler.

Now, a historian claims, Mengele's notorious experiments may have borne fruit.

For years scientists have failed to discover why as many as one in five pregnancies in a small Brazilian town have resulted in twins – most of them blond haired and blue eyed.

But residents of Candido Godoi now claim that Mengele made repeated visits there in the early 1960s, posing at first as a vet but then offering medical treatment to the women of the town.

Shuttling between Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil, he managed to evade justice before his death in 1979, but his dreams of a Nazi master race appeared unfulfilled.

In a new book, Mengele: the Angel of Death in South America, the Argentine historian Jorge Camarasa, a specialist in the post-war Nazi flight to South America, has painstakingly pieced together the Nazi doctor's mysterious later years.

After speaking to the townspeople of Candido Godoi, he is convinced that Mengele continued his genetic experiments with twins – with startling results.

He reveals how, after working with cattle farmers in Argentina to increase their stock, Mengele fled the country after fellow Nazi, Adolf Eichmann, was kidnapped by Israeli agents.

He claims that Mengele found refuge in the German enclave of Colonias Unidas, Paraguay, and from there, in 1963, began to make regular trips to another predominantly German community just over the border in Brazil – the farming community of Candido Godoi.

And, Mr Camaras claims, it was here that soon after the birthrate of twins began to spiral.

"I think Candido Godoi may have been Mengele's laboratory, where he finally managed to fulfil his dreams of creating a master race of blond haired, blue eyed Aryans," he said.

"There is testimony that he attended women, followed their pregnancies, treated them with new types of drugs and preparations, that he talked of artificial insemination in human beings, and that he continued working with animals, proclaiming that he was capable of getting cows to produce male twins."

The urbane German who arrived in Candido Godoi was remembered with fondness by many of the townspeople.

"He told us he was a vet," said Aloisi Finkler, a local farmer interviewed by Mr Camarasa. "He asked about illnesses we had among our animals, and told us not to worry, he could cure them. He appeared a cultured and dignified man."

Another farmer, Leonardo Boufler, said: "He went from farm to farm checking the animals. He checked them for TB, and injected those that were infected. He said he could carry out artificial insemination of cows and humans, which we thought impossible as in those days it was unheard of."

But the Nazi eugenicist did not concentrate on animals alone.

A former mayor and town doctor, Anencia Flores da Silva, set out to try to solve the town's mystery. He interviewed hundreds of people, and discovered one character who crept on cropping up: an itinerant medic calling himself Rudolph Weiss.

Dr da Silva said: "In the testimonies we collected we came across women who were treated by him, he appeared to be some sort of rural medic who went from house to house. He attended women who had varicose veins and gave them a potion which he carried in a bottle, or tablets which he brought with him. Sometimes he carried out dental work, and everyone remembers he used to take blood."

The people of Candido Godoi now largely accept that a Nazi war criminal was an inadvertent guest of theirs for several years in the early 1960s. The town's official crest shows two identical profiles and a road sign welcomes visitors to a "Farming Community and Land of the Twins". There is also a museum, the House of the Twins.

While the twins birthrate varies widely in different countries, it is typically about one in 80 pregnancies – a statistic that has left Mr Camarasa certain in his claim that Mengele was successfully pursuing his dreams of creating a master race, a real-life Boys from Brazil.

"Nobody knows for sure exactly what date Mengele arrived in Candido Godoi, but the first twins were born in 1963, the year in which we first hear reports of his presence," he said.

Exactly how Mengele is supposed to have perfected his version of IVF of twins a full eighteen years before the world's first 'test-tube baby' was born in the UK is not explained.

This historian Jorge Camarasa only tells us that Mengele used 'new types of drugs and preparations.' Oh that explains it then.

However there is another reason that clusters of twins are born in smaller, remoter towns that Jorge doesn't consider, and that is that inbreeding over centuries produces a smaller gene-pool.

Quite how this astonishing story makes it onto the BBC without any research is beyond me.

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Postby Turpitz » 1 decade 4 years ago (Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:29 am)

Quite how this astonishing story makes it onto the BBC without any research is beyond me.

Why -- I mean why are you astonished?

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Postby simon1003 » 1 decade 4 years ago (Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:38 am)

Turpitz wrote:
Quite how this astonishing story makes it onto the BBC without any research is beyond me.

Why -- I mean why are you astonished?

Yes I know, you're quite right, for a moment then I thought maybe the BBC would follow some journalistic code and invetsigate a story before they publish it. Silly me. :D

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Postby Breker » 1 decade 4 years ago (Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:58 am)

Most astonishing. Mengele, who was supposedly in hiding, went about freely, crossing borders, went from location to location within German communities, where of course no one would think to look for him, and even interacted with one Aloisi "Finkler". Not exactly the stuff of someone with something to hide.

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Postby Paul der Cherusker » 1 decade 4 years ago (Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:15 pm)

You can't make this stuff up. Wait a minute. Yes you can. :lol:

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Postby Jerzy Ulicki-Rek » 1 decade 4 years ago (Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:59 pm)

Just a moment..It sounds the bell..It is not the only story :) I do remember a movie "Boys from Brazil" starring Gregory Peck as Wiesenthal :)
If Dr. Mengele was able to clone Adolf Hitler 30 years after the war in several different countries it will be a chicken feed for him to create a town of twins :)
He has a lot of practice. As stated by EVA KORR Dr. Mengele was 'cutting the twins in half and then sewn them together'. With such scientific background the rest is very simple ") What a crap! But it only says about the weakness of the holo-fiction. What will be next?:):):)

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Postby Malle » 1 decade 4 years ago (Sat Jan 24, 2009 9:40 pm)

Jerzy Ulicki-Rek wrote:I do remember a movie "Boys from Brazil" starring Gregory Peck as Wiesenthal

Small correction here, Gregory Peck was Dr. Josef Mengele and Laurence Olivier as Ezra Lieberman (= the fraud Wiesenthal) :wink:
I must be a mushroom - because everyone keeps me in the dark and feeds me with lots of bullshit.

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Postby Jerzy Ulicki-Rek » 1 decade 4 years ago (Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:02 pm)

Jerzy Ulicki-Rek wrote:I do remember a movie "Boys from Brazil" starring Gregory Peck as Wiesenthal

Malle wrote:Small correction here, Gregory Peck was Dr. Josef Mengele and Laurence Olivier as Ezra Lieberman (= the fraud Wiesenthal) :wink:

You are right:) Well ..lack of memory is painless but you have to do a lot of extra walking:)

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Postby MrNobody » 1 decade 4 years ago (Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:05 am)

This is an image of the Community members of Candido Godoi


So, the town is still producing twins despite Mengele having died in 1979, without him alive & still doling out his magical new age balms, salves & potions how does that work exactly?
Perhaps he cloned himself & he's still running through the hills no?

Did Mengele also travel to Nigeria to conduct his experiments?
perhaps he was also looking for ways to increase the birthrates of would be slave races to serve the Reich!

What bollocks!
This is just another story Yoos like to scare themselves silly with!

Oh looky look another "Land of Twins"!

Nigeria's 'land of twins' baffles fertility experts
15:27 AEST Sat Nov 17 2007
436 days 10 hours 36 minutes ago

Igbo-Ora, a sleepy farming community in southwest Nigeria, welcomes visitors with a sign proclaiming "The Land of Twins".

"There is hardly a family here without a set of twins," said community leader Olayide Akinyemi, a 71-year-old father of 12, as he settled a dispute between two neighbours.

"My father had 10 sets, while I had three sets. But only one set, a male and a female, survived," he said.

The town's high incidence of twins has baffled fertility experts — underscoring a more regional twin trend and an array of elaborate African rituals around them.

The rate of identical twins is pretty steady throughout the world at about 0.5 percent of all births, according to a 1995 study by Belgian researcher Fernand Leroy, who has worked extensively on twins.

But West Africa bucks that trend, particularly with a much higher incidence of fraternal, or non-identical twins than in Europe or Japan. That is especially true, experts say, amongst Nigeria's Yoruba community which is largely concentrated in the southwest of the country where Igbo-Ora is located.

Overall, almost 5 percent of all Yoruba births produce twins, the Belgian study said, compared with just 1.2 percent for Western Europe and 0.8 percent for Japan — although fertility drugs in the developed world are changing those figures.

Yam consumption may be one explanation for Africa's largesse, some West Africans and Western experts believe. Yams contain the natural hormone phytoestrogen which may stimulate the ovaries to produce an egg from each side.

For their part, Igbo-Ora's residents appear nonplussed about their twin phenomenon.

Some like Akinyemi support the yam theory — and point specifically to the reputedly high oestrogen content of agida, the local name for yam tubers.

"We eat a lot of okro leaf or Ilasa soup. We also consume a lot of agida. This diet influences multiple births," he said.

Others are not so sure.

"The real cause of the phenomenon has not been medically found," said Akin Odukogbe, a senior consultant gynaecologist with the University Teaching Hospital (UCH) in Ibadan, the nearest big town.

"But people attribute the development to diet," he said, adding that studies have shown that yam can make women produce more than one egg which can be fertilised.

Chief nursing officer at the hospital, Muyibi Yomi, who records a monthly average of five twins for every 100 births, puts it all down to genetics.

"If a family has a history of multiple births, this will continue from generation to generation," she said.

That should be good news for Yorubaland, where twins are regarded as a special gift from God and bearers of good luck, Akinyemi said.

"Twins are treated with affection, love and respect. Their birth is a good omen," he said.

But while many African cultures see twins as blessed, they often believe twins also have divine powers and the ability to harm those who cause them displeasure.

In pre-colonial times some communities used to kill twins and occasionally their mothers, believing a double birth was an evil portent and that the mother must have been with two men to bear two children at once. A Scottish missionary is credited with ending this practice.

In Yorubaland and indeed in large swathes of sub-Saharan Africa, twins are also believed to possess one soul between them. This belief accounts for a whole series of distinctive, and in some cases macabre rituals that are often country specific.

If one twin dies in a Yoruba family, the parents order a wooden figure called an "ibeji" to be carved, to take the place of the dead twin. The half soul of the deceased twin is thought to live on in the ibeji figure -- which is clothed, "fed" and carried by a mother in the same way as the living twin.

When living twins reach maturity they take responsibility for the ibejis' care.

Meanwhile, a twin who dies in Malawi is buried with a piece of clothing belonging to the surviving sibling.

But when a twin dies in South Africa, the surviving twin is made to lie face down on his sibling's coffin the night before the burial, to mourn his death and say goodbye properly.

Another variant has the surviving twin being made to lie face up in the freshly dug grave the day before his sibling is buried. If not, communities fear the surviving twin will pine so much for his dead sibling that he will also die.

Amongst the Yoruba — one of Nigeria's dominant ethnic groups who are also present in Benin, Ghana and Togo — a mother who loses both twins will take part periodically in ritual ceremonies where she dances with both ibeji figures, either one in each hand, or both tucked into her shirt.

Anthropologists say the elaborate rituals surrounding twins go back to the days when perinatal mortality was very high for twins — the increased chances of premature delivery compounding the problem of inadequate healthcare in traditional societies.

The rituals were destined to help communities come to terms with the loss of the babies.
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Postby Roscov » 1 decade 4 years ago (Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:40 am)

Jerzy Ulicki-Rek wrote:Just a moment..It sounds the bell..It is not the only story :) I do remember a movie "Boys from Brazil" starring Gregory Peck as Wiesenthal :)
If Dr. Mengele was able to clone Adolf Hitler 30 years after the war in several different countries it will be a chicken feed for him to create a town of twins :)
He has a lot of practice. As stated by EVA KORR
Dr. Mengele was 'cutting the twins in half and then sewn them together'.

Did any of the twins survive? :lol:

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Postby ASMarques » 1 decade 4 years ago (Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:02 pm)

Roscov wrote:Did any of the twins survive? :lol:

Here is proof of the SS surgery feats (4th picture):

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Postby KostasL » 1 decade 4 years ago (Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:42 pm)

ASMarques wrote:
Roscov wrote:Did any of the twins survive? :lol:

Here is proof of the SS surgery feats (4th picture):

Where are siamese twins ? Didn't he sew twins together ? 8)
When you realize that the Holocaust is a LIE, then all of a sudden, ALL your questions, ALL bizarre and strange things, disappear, and ALL things make sense, at last.

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Postby NeilfromBris » 1 decade 4 years ago (Tue Jan 27, 2009 10:10 pm)

Here is proof of the SS surgery feats (4th picture):[/quote]

I would be greatful if someone could translate the cartoons.
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Postby ASMarques » 1 decade 4 years ago (Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:53 am)

NeilfromBris wrote:I would be greatful if someone could translate the cartoons.

The author is Konk, a great French cartoonist whose work disappeared from view from all the media as soon as he dared to confront the "Holocaust" pushers. You can see more of his work here:

-- The cartoon captions in English:

Robert Faurisson (and others) claim the gas chambers never existed!

It is said: this guy is nuts. What, with all those testimonies! Even the culprits' own confessions!

This can't be a lie...

Nevertheless, I verified a detail of his thesis, conceningt the Zyklon B ventilation. Here is what the witnesses say:

The victims were pushed into the gas chamber...

The door was closed and the Zyklon B introduced...

You waited a few minutes...

And you opened the door: "The victims, still warm, fell in our arms." "Five minutes later we took out the bodies."

Impossible! Everybody would have been killed! You need to ventilate the Zyklon B gassing premises for hours (the maker indicates 20 hours)... Even with gas masks, it wouldn't be possible. Do as I do: seek information!

There you have the press: 46 years of "Holocaust" information, and not a single journalist sought to interview a gas specialist. Don't buy newspapers. Better read novels.

By the way, I love Roscov's avatar! :lol:

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Postby NeilfromBris » 1 decade 4 years ago (Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:21 pm)

With regard Dr Mengle being in South America, you can get a great laugh from a book I came across couple of years back. "Inside the Fourth Reich" by Erich Erdstein.A couple of the claims made in the book by the author:

He captured Dr Mengele twice !! The first time he took the Dr to a Paraguan jail.After he left the jail the Dr was released by sympathetic government officials.
The 2nd time it was his intention to smuggle Mengele across the border from Paraguay to Argentina so he could be extradited.At the time of the "capture" the Dr was in he company of another man the author didnt recognise.When he asked Mengele who the man was he replied that it was Heinrich Mueller, the former Gestapo chief.During the attempt to get the pair across the border a gunfight broke out with Paraguan soldiers.
The author claims that Mueller escaped back to Paraguay but that he personally shot Dr Mengele 4 times.He even goes into details about where the bullets hit.The body then fell into the water but the author didnt recover it because he knew the man was dead so there was no point in retrival.

He also claims to have identified Martin Bormann by fingerprints that Bomann left on a beer bottle in a bar.He saw the man but didnt approach him beause he wasnt sure that it was Bormann.Once the man left he retrieved the empty beer bottle and had the prints confirmed as belonging to Bormann.

The whole book is really a great laugh from start to finish.It wouldnt mention it here except that the cover proclaims in large print" A daring look inside the Fourth Reich and its all TRUE" Its no wonder people will believe stories about 6 million in the car ash tray etc etc
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