Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby Hektor » 4 years 3 months ago (Mon Mar 04, 2019 7:44 am)

bonniwell2923 wrote:Hanover, most everything you wrote I am in total agreement with you on. But I did not write "situated immediately below". Yes, My idea requires different building design that is more friendly to industrial extermination if a 2 level complex is necessary......

Non of the crematoria buildings is designed for "industrial style homicidal gassings". They are crematoria with morgues and ovens/muffles designed for single corpse creation. The claim that one of the underground morgue rooms was used as homicidal gas chamber to kill thousands of people in one batch is ridiculous. E.g. because it's unpractical to have a small elevator transporting the corpses from the underground rooms to the ground floor for cremation. It's a bottle neck and also a maintenance nightmare after a while. Those creating the narrative clearly did not think that part through.

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby bonniwell2923 » 4 years 3 months ago (Thu Mar 07, 2019 2:47 am)

Do you know how many elevators installed at II and III?

I heard from one Sondercommando that they gassed 2000 at a time. @ 45Kgs average body weight that's 90,000kgs of dead meat that needs to go up the lift. I heard the lift had a 750kgs cap rating. so that would make for about 120 trips at max cap up the lift. At 225kgs(5 corpses) that comes to 400 trips up. As a technician shmuck. I designed a more efficient building than the person that so called building. Since it was not hard for me, I am convinced the gas chambers at II and III were indeed morgues

Does anyone have a figure on the total said cremated at Krema 1 only? I looked and looked for that information

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby bonniwell2923 » 4 years 3 months ago (Thu Mar 07, 2019 2:56 am)

a sample of my Krema 2 and 3
1. Yes, it is said that up to 2000 bodies must be removed from the gas chamber. Like the floor rail system at Auschwitz Krema 1, 2 and 3, there is a rail system that gurneys can transport bodies with ease. This rail system can extend all the way into the back of the gas chamber, come out of the gas chamber, pass through the gold extraction room. There it is determined if there is gold to be mined. If there is gold in them thar teeth, slide the body off the gurney on rail to a table for processing. Both the table top and the gurney top are to be the same height. There could actually be an express rail to the chutes for those without gold. Not all corpses will have gold in their mouth, and they can take the express gurney rail route. Once the body is checked for valuables, it can be loaded back on the gurney for transport to the chute. Cornstarch or something can be used to lube the body as it slides on the gurney, table top and chute. The chute to the lower level can resemble a wide slide for kids at the park. If narrow, then be best the head is loaded in the chute first to avoid the arms and legs from catching on something. At the bottom of the slide the corpse is slid onto a gurney of equal height or slightly lower for transport to furnace entrance. Gurneys with castor wheels instead of riding on rails also very acceptable so long as the gurney height is correct.
2. Yes, a lot of bodies, and a lot of ash. But I have that covered too. For 4 million people at an average weight of 45Kgs turning into 1.6Kgs of ash will be about 6400 metric tons of ash. But you fail to say, that that 6400 tons does not come out at you at one time. Auschwitz 2 and 3 began operation in March 1943 and June 1943 to Oct 1944, Nov 1944 respectively. Ash would not be coming out on a constant basis. Regardless. The best way to handle that amount of ash is to first have a conveyor belt running near the ash doors on the furnaces. Shovel the ash from the furnace onto the (Metal) conveyor belt. After the last furnace, the conveyor will elevate up and out of the building and pour into a truck with a container. When the container is full, I can have Sgt. Schultz at S13 drive the truck to secret locations for disposal off camp. Here, I eliminated the need to dig ditches to hide ash and bones and create Ash Pond? The truck can be driven out of camp within a minute out the exit where the memorial area is at Berkinau. Two trucks will be needed so it does not cause a halt in operations. Since Henry Ford made trucks for Hitler during the war, he has me covered.
3. As for trucking coke fuel to the input chutes. Reference Krema 1 building layout at the main camp. The coke fuel was loaded thru a window chute in a room in back of the two famous furnaces on display. If you go outside that window, you will not see any railroad in the area there either. Thus, it had to be trucked in. So if you can truck it to the window chute at Krema 1 you can do the same for my design for krema 2 and 3 also.
4. The most labor intensive points my plan are loading bodies on the gurneys in gas chamber and shoveling coke fuel into the gasifier input chutes. For that crew, I will treat them right by giving them time off and a second portions of Lisa Douglas’ hot water soup to keep them healthy. I hear it is the best hot water soup in Hooterville. They will be required to be somewhat brawny. The rest of the process there is very manageable labor process and I would be able to have my assistance work horizontally instead of vertically and be able to work longer hours.

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby Hannover » 4 years 3 months ago (Thu Mar 07, 2019 11:15 am)

Do you know how many elevators installed at II and III?

There was one hand drawn, 4 X 9 ft elevator for each krema.
Given the timeframe alleged, getting 2000 corpses onto that one elevator and up to the cremation 'ovens' would have been completely impossible.
Not to mention everything else I mentioned that you apparently did not read here:

an analysis of the alleged gassing process:

And no, cremated bodies do not simply turn to "ash", there are massive mounts of bulky bones left over which would need to be laboriously processed in order to be converted to ash.

Yes, there are many ways it could have been done, but the point remains that the way it's alleged to have been done is simply impossible any way one looks at it.

- Hannover
If it can't happen as alleged, then it didn't.

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby bonniwell2923 » 4 years 3 months ago (Thu Mar 07, 2019 7:19 pm)

True not ash, but ash and bone. Ash was a convenient term. I can say I know what it is like to help lift a dead body and see the remains after cremation and even the time it takes. Life here in Japan has introduced me to that
I shall look over your link....Thanks

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby Moderator » 4 years 3 months ago (Thu Mar 07, 2019 8:20 pm)

:director: Forumites, let's not forget the subject of this thread; blueprints, schematics and plans.
Only lies need to be shielded from debate, truth welcomes it.

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby david2923 » 3 years 11 months ago (Tue Jun 25, 2019 1:49 am)

birkenau crematorium.jpg
see the crematorium blue print I have attached.
see arrow pointing to the doorway of the gas chamber.
Drawing indicates doors opening in. As Cole pointed out about door opening directions, this drawing also indicates door opening in. thus dying people would block the doors from opening.
Are you all aware of this? if not, you are now
birkenau crematorium.jpg
Water came down instead of the gas :drunken:

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Re: Where are blueprints, schematics and plans?

Postby Marley775 » 3 years 11 months ago (Tue Jun 25, 2019 8:05 am)

Final blueprint 2197 of crematorium II has more details. It shows that the door entrance of leichekeller 1 was too large for the gas tight door ordered for the crematorium prior March 1943 when this blueprint was available.

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