Official death numbers?

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Re: Official death numbers?

Postby Hektor » 2 days 17 hours ago (Wed Jun 07, 2023 12:51 pm)

TLSMS93 wrote:The question is old but here we go

The official number of deaths today in the camps is 4.3 million people, not counting the so-called “Holocaust of bullets” on the eastern front, which according to orthodoxy is estimated at 1.5 or 1.7 million deaths. Were they all Jews? No way. Where were the 5 million non-Jews killed who allege they were also part of the genocide? If they were not cremated in the camps there must be mass graves somewhere like Poland as it is said that 3 million ethnic Poles were killed, if these were killed in the camps then "only" 1.3 million Jews could have been killed, perhaps less since a small % would be from other nationalities like gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, political prisoners, let's say 90% would be Jews, so little more than a million Jews could have died in these camps, however another problem arises, where Did the millions of captured Soviets die? In conventional prisons that were already crowded? It is known that more than 1 million Soviets survived German captivity and feared returning to the USSR that did not recognize Soviet prisoners, so they were inside the Reich and not in makeshift prisons in the USSR, where these 3.5 million people died and where are they incorporated in numbers?

So to answer your question, today it's at 4.3 million, not including Jasenovac which wasn't operated by Germans and Maly and ghettos like Warsaw.

There is a lot of numbers hurled around. But, when it comes to the evidential base to this, don't expect them to be too open with it. The technique is to feed folks with piecemeal information... Anything that makes the paradigm appear to be warranted in some way.

It's a masterpiece of deception based in self-deceit. Place some testimony sounding useful, place pictures that are shocking and repeat this over and over again... With time the incredulous will give in.

For the lack of evidence all kinds of excuses are offered:
* "The NAZIS destroyed all the evidence".
* Code Language in the Documents.
* "It was top secret."

At the same time they will claim that the Holocaust was the best documented genocide in human history. And well, 'we must trust the science'.

That someone is suspicious, because most of the info they come up with stemmed from 'psychological warfare' or is rather suggestive than supportive, will be dismissed. They count on emotional effect and that this will beat reason most of the time. And in that they aren't even that wrong.

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Re: Official death numbers?

Postby TLSMS93 » 2 days 16 hours ago (Wed Jun 07, 2023 1:48 pm)

I asked Chat Gpt for evidence that 6 million Jews died and I was returned the statement by Major Wilhelm Höttl in Nuremberg who claims to have heard this figure from Eichmann, 4 million in gas chambers and 2 million in the Holocaust of bullets, of course Eichamann later in Jerusalem he denied that he had been told this and that he probably heard it from some source on Allied radio, is this considered the highest proof of the 6 million? For orthodoxy it is, appeal to authority, if it was someone from the SS involved who spoke it must be true. lol

They have this double game that the Germans destroyed the evidence and on the contrary, they have plenty of documents to expose the genocide. An alcoholic like Blobel committed the perfect crime but forgot to warn the camp commanders or Baldur von Schirach to burn the Einsatzgruppen action reports?

I also asked the AI how long it would take to cremate a body and with what amount of charcoal in the modern era and it returned me between 2-3 hours and 54 kg of charcoal, would the AI be revisionist or did the cremation make it involuntary since you could cremate 4 people in 15 minutes and some even with a piece of wood the size of a cigarette box 80 years ago

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Re: Official death numbers?

Postby hermod » 2 days 15 hours ago (Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:21 pm)

TLSMS93 wrote:For orthodoxy it is, appeal to authority, if it was someone from the SS involved who spoke it must be true. lol

Logically, orthodox/antirevisionist historians should tell people that the Nazis perpetrated the Katyn massacre and used a pedal-driven brain-bashing machine. They have "evidence" for those stories, according to their own evidentiary standards...


"[Austen Chamberlain] has done western civilization a great service by refuting at least one of the slanders against the Germans
because a civilization which leaves war lies unchallenged in an atmosphere of hatred and does not produce courage in its leaders to refute them
is doomed.

Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, on the public admission by Britain's Foreign Secretary that the WWI corpse-factory story was false, December 4, 1925

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Re: Official death numbers?

Postby Hektor » 2 days 14 hours ago (Wed Jun 07, 2023 3:22 pm)

TLSMS93 wrote:I asked Chat Gpt for evidence that 6 million Jews died and I was returned the statement by Major Wilhelm Höttl in Nuremberg who claims to have heard this figure from Eichmann, 4 million in gas chambers and 2 million in the Holocaust of bullets, of course Eichamann later in Jerusalem he denied that he had been told this and that he probably heard it from some source on Allied radio, is this considered the highest proof of the 6 million? For orthodoxy it is, appeal to authority, if it was someone from the SS involved who spoke it must be true. lol

Human Intelligence won't tell you anything else. And it's an admission that they don't have physical evidence for this.

TLSMS93 wrote:They have this double game that the Germans destroyed the evidence and on the contrary, they have plenty of documents to expose the genocide. An alcoholic like Blobel committed the perfect crime but forgot to warn the camp commanders or Baldur von Schirach to burn the Einsatzgruppen action reports?

That's a conspiracy within a conspiracy.... What they say is that almost on last minute Himmler or the RSHA had all the documentary evidence of their extermination program destroyed, while conveniently forgetting some documents that can be used in innuendo to persuade those that already are primed to believe the Holocaust.

TLSMS93 wrote:I also asked the AI how long it would take to cremate a body and with what amount of charcoal in the modern era and it returned me between 2-3 hours and 54 kg of charcoal, would the AI be revisionist or did the cremation make it involuntary since you could cremate 4 people in 15 minutes and some even with a piece of wood the size of a cigarette box 80 years ago

The Math doesn't add up, even if one uses very lenient figures in it. But most Holocaust Believers and folks in the Humanities that believe it aren't exactly very clued up with mathematics, rigid logic or technical question. They assume it's true and that the technology could be simply made to do it. It's kind of those folks that fall for any claims of miracle, even when they are totally preposterous.

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Re: Official death numbers?

Postby TLSMS93 » 2 days 14 hours ago (Wed Jun 07, 2023 3:43 pm)

Within the myth of the Holocaust there is that of Jewish soap, it is alleged that the bodies of the dead had value to manufacture soap, glue, oil and even fertilizer to overcome the lack of raw material for these products and that each body could be worth 50 marks , if this is true, the destruction of bodies in open-air cremations and crematoriums falls to the ground since there would be millions of marks in lost “products”, even to create an absurd narrative, part of its narrative collapses.

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Re: Official death numbers?

Postby Whodunnit? » 2 days 13 hours ago (Wed Jun 07, 2023 4:25 pm)

TLSMS93 wrote:The question is old but here we go

The official number of deaths today in the camps is 4.3 million people, not counting the so-called “Holocaust of bullets” on the eastern front, which according to orthodoxy is estimated at 1.5 or 1.7 million deaths. Were they all Jews? No way. Where were the 5 million non-Jews killed who allege they were also part of the genocide? If they were not cremated in the camps there must be mass graves somewhere like Poland as it is said that 3 million ethnic Poles were killed, if these were killed in the camps then "only" 1.3 million Jews could have been killed, perhaps less since a small % would be from other nationalities like gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, political prisoners, let's say 90% would be Jews, so little more than a million Jews could have died in these camps, however another problem arises, where Did the millions of captured Soviets die? In conventional prisons that were already crowded? It is known that more than 1 million Soviets survived German captivity and feared returning to the USSR that did not recognize Soviet prisoners, so they were inside the Reich and not in makeshift prisons in the USSR, where these 3.5 million people died and where are they incorporated in numbers?

So to answer your question, today it's at 4.3 million, not including Jasenovac which wasn't operated by Germans and Maly and ghettos like Warsaw.

Jasenovac is another can of worms. There were throat slashing-contests and the guards did not only cut the throats of the innocent victims, they even drank their blood!

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Re: Official death numbers?

Postby TLSMS93 » 2 days 12 hours ago (Wed Jun 07, 2023 6:01 pm)

The field where the evil Germans were disgusted by Croatian atrocities. :lol:

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Re: Official death numbers?

Postby Hektor » 22 hours 19 minutes ago (Fri Jun 09, 2023 8:02 am)

TLSMS93 wrote:The field where the evil Germans were disgusted by Croatian atrocities. :lol:

And as always, nothing really verifiable, nothing that can be tested whether it is true or not.... One has to rely on what people want to 'believe'. In that case I go with the In dubio pro reo rule.

Now the Holocaustian reply is, that if I don't 'believe the witnesses' I am saying that they are lying. And well, perhaps they are, perhaps they are only mistaken... But exactly what witnesses are lying, those sensationalists that make statements that aren't credible to begin with. Or those that are far more credible and are cautious to say that they didn't know about it?

The reasonable conclusion is that the narrative is based on rumors and vicious atrocity propaganda. But people have fallen in love with this sado-masochistic phantasy and are not willing to let go. Not willing to admit that they were duped... And also not willing to admit that they themselves spread vicious falsehoods. So their denial of atrocity propaganda falsehood boils down to psychological issues they are having there. Ego-Defense and grandstanding as "White Knights" of "Holocaust Victims".

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