"Objects found on the ground of the Death Camp during the non - invasive survey conducted by Mrs. Caroline Sturdy - Colls."
Original size here: http://fotos.fotoflexer.com/abb81489761 ... b940b3.jpg
As for the thoroughness of Dr. Sturdy-Colls. The following day, I found the lump of metal pictured below, near number 6 (as numbered by Thomas Kues) of Dr. Sturdy-Colls' "Probable burial/cremation pits". It was just lying on the grass. I don't know what type of metal it is, but it did appear as if it once encased a pipe. I'd guess that it weighs around 2 pounds, and is 7 or 8 inches in length. I left it on one of the thousands of memorial rocks at Treblinka II, the way Jews often leave pebbles.
Original size here: http://fotos.fotoflexer.com/094c7dff9bb ... 77078a.jpg
Map of "Probable burial/cremation pits" http://barnesreview.org/images/t_mass_g ... mbined.jpg
(edited to correct a typo)