Dr. Sturdy-Colls discoveries at Treblinka

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Dr. Sturdy-Colls discoveries at Treblinka

Postby TheBlackRabbitofInlé » 1 decade 7 months ago (Sat Nov 03, 2012 3:57 pm)

I took the photo below in the Treblinka museum on Thursday, October 25th, 2012.

"Objects found on the ground of the Death Camp during the non - invasive survey conducted by Mrs. Caroline Sturdy - Colls."

Original size here: http://fotos.fotoflexer.com/abb81489761 ... b940b3.jpg

As for the thoroughness of Dr. Sturdy-Colls. The following day, I found the lump of metal pictured below, near number 6 (as numbered by Thomas Kues) of Dr. Sturdy-Colls' "Probable burial/cremation pits". It was just lying on the grass. I don't know what type of metal it is, but it did appear as if it once encased a pipe. I'd guess that it weighs around 2 pounds, and is 7 or 8 inches in length. I left it on one of the thousands of memorial rocks at Treblinka II, the way Jews often leave pebbles.

Original size here: http://fotos.fotoflexer.com/094c7dff9bb ... 77078a.jpg

Map of "Probable burial/cremation pits" http://barnesreview.org/images/t_mass_g ... mbined.jpg

(edited to correct a typo)
Last edited by TheBlackRabbitofInlé on Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dr. Sturdy-Colls discoveries at Treblinka

Postby Creox » 1 decade 7 months ago (Sat Nov 03, 2012 4:21 pm)

Well, to me these objects do not represent anything related to a "death camp" ...maybe the cup could represent someone went camping there, or lost a cup. Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Dr. Sturdy-Colls discoveries at Treblinka

Postby Hannover » 1 decade 7 months ago (Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:16 pm)

Objects found on the ground of the Death Camp during the non - invasive survey conducted by Mrs. Caroline Sturdy - Colls.

There you go, an admission that there was no excavation. To find items allegedly buried one would necessarily need to perform an "invasive survey". The junk they found could be found in most backyards the world over.

Perhaps the claim now is that the evil Germans made the Jews drink poison Kool-Aid from such cups, a la Jonestown.

Revisionists are just the messengers, the utterly stupid storyline of the 'holocaust' is the message.

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Re: Dr. Sturdy-Colls discoveries at Treblinka

Postby borjastick » 1 decade 7 months ago (Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:44 am)

Nice work once more from BlackRabbitofInle.

Can't help thinking of the complete rubbish, literally, shown in the picture that Ms S-C found at Treblinka. If I went to any war museum and gave them that lot to display they would laugh at me. The items are of no essential or material value. If any of us dig around in the soil of our back garden we will probably find some old pottery. Does that prove a death camp, ancient civilisation, hidden treasure? No it proves old pottery found there, no more.

To display this tin cannery in the Teblinka museum is all part of the hoax. It is done by smoke and mirrors plus a dollop of suggestion. Just by being on show it leads the viewer to conclusions that simply wouldn't stand up under normal circumstances.

Of course we are all still awaiting the results and conclusive proof of mass murder as discovered by Ms S-C. I shan't hold my breath because I might go blue in the face. Woops sorry that's another thread entirely...
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Re: Dr. Sturdy-Colls discoveries at Treblinka

Postby Kingfisher » 1 decade 7 months ago (Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:26 pm)

If that's all they found they must be getting desperate. I think the spoon must have been left by by that great Israeli con artist Uri Geller.

Do you think he made the ashes disappear?

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Re: Dr. Sturdy-Colls discoveries at Treblinka

Postby realitycheck » 1 decade 7 months ago (Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:26 pm)

Strange that the label doesn't refer to her as Dr. but instead uses "Mrs".

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Re: Dr. Sturdy-Colls discoveries at Treblinka

Postby Haldan » 1 decade 7 months ago (Sun Nov 04, 2012 4:06 pm)

That's just laughable. This is the best the Industry could afford? Apparently this Sturdy-Colls lady must have some merit to her name otherwise they would never flaunt / hype her the way it's been. Something tells me the Industry must be somewhat disappointed - because what good does these findings do for the storyline? Everything they've come up with or shown to the world about Treblinka only shows that the Germans tried to keep the inmates healthy and well-fed (or fed, in any case).
When are they going to show just a trace that indicates "genocide"? Anything at all would do at this stage :cry: If I was a believer I'd maybe start thinking about investing myself in another belief he he.

Good job, TheBlackRabbitofInlé. Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Dr. Sturdy-Colls discoveries at Treblinka

Postby Jerzy Ulicki-Rek » 1 decade 7 months ago (Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:03 pm)

Please let me share with you another discovery.On the same level as mrs Sturdy -Colls sturdy revelation:
Not from Treblinka but from Auschwitz/Oswiecim.

Several years ago this picture appeared on the official museum website :

According to info attached we see here a piece of sandstone discovered near Krema V which was "used probably to crash the un-burned bones of gas chamber victims."
After my letter to a current camp commandant picture vanished from the list of proofs and today-if you ask-they will refused to confirm its existence in the past.

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Re: Dr. Sturdy-Colls discoveries at Treblinka

Postby Toshiro » 1 decade 7 months ago (Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:21 pm)

Basically the same trash found at Sobibor and Belzec.

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Re: Dr. Sturdy-Colls discoveries at Treblinka

Postby six gun » 1 decade 7 months ago (Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:30 pm)

I sent Dr Sturdy-Colls an email saying

Dear Caroline

I listened with great interest to the BBC radio programme about your work at Treblinka.

Over the last year I have been studying the events of the holocaust.

The Rabbi in the programme stated that the Treblinka site had not been excavated which of course is untrue.

As I am sure you will know from 9-13 November 1945 the examining magistrate of Siedice, Z Lukaszkiewicz along with the State Attorney of the District Court of Siedice J Maciejewski supervised a partial excavation at Treblinka. Quite a number of pits were discovered. No mass graves were discovered.

On the Birmingham University website
http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/ou ... caust.aspx
It states "Jewish Halacha law prohibits disturbance of human remains.."

There are many examples where graves are disturbed. Companies even offer services where they will exhume a body and take it to Israel.


Thus saying there is a prohibition under Jewish law is not true.
If the Jewish religious authorities refuse to permit it in this case, that is quite another matter and the Birmingham University website ought to reflect this rather than saying something that is just not true.

All the best

I got this reply

Out of Office: Work at Treblinka site
I am on study leave abroad from the 5th-27th October. I will have access to email during this time but I may be a little slower than usual in responding.

If your inquiry is urgent, please contact the Sciences School Office.

Funnily enough I have had no further response.

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Re: Dr. Sturdy-Colls discoveries at Treblinka

Postby The Warden » 1 decade 1 month ago (Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:28 am)

Haldan wrote:That's just laughable. This is the best the Industry could afford? Apparently this Sturdy-Colls lady must have some merit to her name otherwise they would never flaunt / hype her the way it's been. Something tells me the Industry must be somewhat disappointed - because what good does these findings do for the storyline? Everything they've come up with or shown to the world about Treblinka only shows that the Germans tried to keep the inmates healthy and well-fed (or fed, in any case).

As veterans on the subject, you and the others know exactly why they did this; Every so often, new information is released to remind everyone in the world there are victims. Victims don't get sympathy, support, and/or paid without having a full audience at all times. It's a reminder, a resemblance to the note on the calendar about someone's birthday, a trained obligation. The fact the information is true or false really has no relevance to them since the majority of the public will eat what they feed them. The only people who will call their information false amount to a few stragglers they label "deniers", which just happens to fit in nicely to the program of being victims. Not only do the so called victims get the spoils, but now the people enabling the victims become victims of "deniers" themselves. It's a bull market and they're constantly in the black as long as they have an avenue for their information.

Control the media, control the information.
"There's no truth in the news, and there's no news in the truth."

Too may people have become dependent on the spoils of WWII and the aftermath. The "victims" have been created and are now the welfare recipients of the pool of cash collected by the equivalent of what can best be called a "Holocaust government" which taxes the masses, distributes the wealth, and controls the weak.
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Re: Dr. Sturdy-Colls discoveries at Treblinka

Postby borjastick » 1 decade 1 month ago (Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:36 am)

Warden you are of course correct. The issue here is that the 'investigation' took place and not what it found, if anything. The objective was publicity, the effort to keep the name of Treblinka and the holocaust in the public eye. By doing so the great unwashed are cajoled and prompted to show guilt and respect for those poor jews who suffered in the holocaust. They are not prompted to think 'what if?' or 'what's the truth?'.

Ms Sturdy-Colls will not be publishing her findings very soon I guess, because they don't contain anything new or more to the point any proof of mass murder.
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Re: Dr. Sturdy-Colls discoveries at Treblinka

Postby Jim Voss » 1 decade 1 month ago (Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:48 pm)


Ms Sturdy-Colls will not be publishing her findings very soon I guess, because they don't contain anything new or more to the point any proof of mass murder.

I think you miss the point a little here. Her most significant claim is that she found the alleged mass graves that allegedly contain the alleged bodies of the alleged mass murdered 870,000 jews and who knows how many non jews, thus "proving" the Treblinka holocasut story true. Of course nothing could be farther from the truth.

I think the main point here is, there is not the least bit of proof that the pits she claims to have found contain any human remains. The fact that pits were "discovered," when it was already known that a number of trash pits had been dug on the site, shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. My concern is the charade she's playing with those who are ignorant of the facts. She is a fraud, plain and simple. This whole thing is a charade.

Colls and her "investigation" are both a criminaly fraudulent.

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Re: Dr. Sturdy-Colls discoveries at Treblinka

Postby The Warden » 1 decade 1 month ago (Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:10 am)

I'll have to step in and say I think you're the one who's missing the point here, Jim Voss. It's not what she's claiming that's significant, it's the act of making a claim overall. Holocaust claims or new studies are nothing more than another Holocaust Remembrance Day, another museum opening, another diatribe to a classroom, or another warped tv show used to indoctrinate. They're reminders used to fund an industry built on victimization. What they claim is irrelevant at this point. They only need a steady flow of compassion, be it genuine or subconsciously forced through laws and misinformation.
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Re: Dr. Sturdy-Colls discoveries at Treblinka

Postby Jim Voss » 1 decade 1 month ago (Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:15 am)

The Warden

What they claim is irrelevant at this point.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

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