Have you ever been 'outed'?

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Have you ever been 'outed'?

Postby fountainhead » 9 years 3 months ago (Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:54 pm)

So, I only recently learned of David Cole's outing and it got me wondering if any of you have ever been outed as a revisionist? How did people react? Were you ever successful in convincing someone of the revisionist view as a result?

A few years back, I told my best friend about my revisionist opinion. He's always had an open mind and I trust him with my life, so he was one of the only people I felt comfortable talking to about it. He's a good sport and seems to understand that this might be a case of history being written by the victors. Unfortunately, even after years of arguing the revisionist case to him to the best of my ability, I don't think I have him convinced. Worse, he doesn't seem to find any of what I'm telling him to be shocking or important at all. Guess he doesn't see the link between the Holocaust story and the crimes of the state of Israel and how, in the west, the story is used as a bludgeon over our heads to promote war. This indifference or obliviousness of his is what ended up 'blowing my cover', later on.

The time I was actually 'outed', in the sense that I hadn't really planned for it, was when this same friend of mine (Let's call him "John") thought it'd be a good idea to tell one of our other buddies about it while we were out for a drink. Again, I don't think it quite hit him just how serious a topic the Holocaust is. He asked our other friend (Let's call him "Mark"), who I'm not as close with, "Do you believe in the Holocaust?" John didn't say anything more than that before Mark was visibly aghast. John started to plead that it wasn't his opinion, but Mark wasn't convinced and demanded to know who it was, if not him. Not wanting the poor guy to take any more heat, I admitted that it was me. Of course, Mark was upset. Let's just say he's a high school teacher and more of an intellectual type than John, thus more likely to have strong opinions about things. This was so awkward and I don't know why I didn't stop John from bringing it up at that time, especially since Mark had to go home at that point and I had no time to explain anything.

Afterwards, the two spoke to each other and I had John relay a short message that what I believe is that there were no gas chambers and thus no extermination program, but that the concentration camps were still real. This is the giant wall that must be overcome every time you speak to a believer. DEFINE THE HOLOCAUST. Otherwise they'll immediately switch off because denying the existence of the camps themselves would make you seem nuts. Still, I doubt this made any difference in either of their minds. Mark told John, as a way of arguing against me, that he has a primary source for the Holocaust. Guess who? Elie 'The Weasel' Wiesel himself. Of course, I told John that I've looked through Night and didn't find one mention of a gas chamber. "Hmm, interesting" is pretty much all I got back. Oh, and Mark mentioned something about not wanting to "stoop" to my level by honoring me with a debate. Typical. Later on, I believe Mark had a Holocaust survivor (Don't know who) come and speak at his school and sent John an IM saying, "Maybe I should call [fountainhead]". Heh.

The topic has never come up ever since with Mark. Never found the right time, though, we're still friends. John, I'm still trying, but very little is getting through. If anything, I at least want him to realize that whether the Holocaust happened or not is a very critical question! And I've only actually met ONE revisionist in person in my entire life but even then, because of where we were and the people around us, I didn't feel comfortable acknowledging that I'm in the same camp.

Anyway, just curious if this has happened to any of you and if you had any better luck than I did.
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Re: Have you ever been 'outed'?

Postby Werd » 9 years 3 months ago (Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:37 am)

I have only told ONE FRIEND out of the small circle I have. ONE FRIEND. I knew I could trust him because I mentioned other conspiracy theories I looked into and believed in and in fact converted him on. 9-11. Kennedy. WTC 1993 and 2001. Oklahoma City 1995. CIA drug running. Vaccine frauds. Oh and the fraud of Christianity. Once he realized I wasn't crazy, I slowly fed him the works of Norman Finkelstein and got him to see what a joke of a nation Israel is and how they treat the Palestinians. Once I got him to accept these things, coupled with the banking conspiracies and bloodlines eluicidated by the likes of Eustace Mullins, only then did I carefully proceed with the holocaust. The holocaust is a really BIG ONE if not THE BIGGEST, and so it is wise I find it to test the ground with other conspiraces. It is something to build to and it can take YEARS. That's what it took my friend. He was the ONLY ONE who actually read what I gave him over the years so I knew he was the only candidate that might "get it" so to speak when the time for the unveiling came.

Years ago I tried to broach it with him but he ignored it and wrote it off as an actual thing that happened that could NOT be put in the category with faked conspiracies/false flags like 9-11, oklahoma, etc that he was already converted on. But I persauded him to give certain things a chance and treat it with an open mind like he did the other things I fed him information about. Now he doesn't think I'm so crazy with respect to revisonism. He has been forced to admit that there is a lot of truth to it. What made him realize that it did not make one a racist of a hater of all Jews to be a revisionist, was the fact that most of the first revisonists, and some really current vocal ones, ARE IN FACT JEWS. I sent him all of the information about Jewish revisonists that I have only recently combined in this thread
and he nodded his head and basically said, "Wow. If they say this stuff is okay, then maybe it is." David Cole's video FLOORED him. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. And Joseph Burg's testimony from the Zundel trial amazed him. I made him look into the work of Jewish revisionists before I fed him other things. He was able to relax a little more after that.

In other words, "Hey, Jews were saying it first, not me." :lol:

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Re: Have you ever been 'outed'?

Postby fountainhead » 9 years 3 months ago (Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:38 am)

Funny you mention the other conspiracy theories as a kind of 'gateway' to the big H, lol. That's one of the other reasons I thought it'd be all right to tell my best friend (the John character). He was already a bit of a conspiracy theorist in other areas, but I think it was more so just a casual curiosity than the result of hours upon hours of research. To be honest, I'm still a skeptic with respect to the other theories, but I can definitely understand why they warrant investigation.

Good that you got your friend to watch David Cole's video. That was probably the turning point for me. But I couldn't even get my friend to sit through the whole video. I think he was just lost because he didn't even know what Auschwitz was. I think all he retained about the Holocaust is "HITLER KILL JEWS IN CONCENTRATION CAMP. HITLER BAD. JEWS GOOD." You know, sometimes, I think it'd be better to have everyone 'educated' in the exterminationist camp than just plain indifferent like this. Makes it much more difficult to show them the flaws in the story. We look a lot crazier when the details we're pointing out don't even seem relevant.

You know, I almost blew my cover by accident when watching the History channel with my dad. They were showing the Buchenwald table display with the shrunken heads and human skin lampshades and my dad was like, "Jeez, look at that." I forgot to take my revisionist cap off and said, "Ugh, are they still pushing that story? Those were probably planted there by the Psych. Warfare Division for propaganda purposes." I think I was mixing it up with the human soap story which HAS been discredited by the mainstream, for the most part. Good thing my dad seemed more confused than suspicious!
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Re: Have you ever been 'outed'?

Postby Carto's Cutlass Supreme » 9 years 3 months ago (Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:57 am)

I find this topic and your accounts interesting. It's just hard for me to add, without divulging too much personal info.

By the way, the table contents were planted by American Psyche Warfare. The Human Soap Story is different and is Soviet propaganda. Joachim Neander has written the best article on the human soap story.

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Re: Have you ever been 'outed'?

Postby Scotsman » 9 years 3 months ago (Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:30 am)

Yes, though for people who know me personally, they weren't that surprised - being that I am a well known 'right winger' in these parts they just assume I 'hate Jews', so I would naturally be attracted to Holocaust denial.

I am the opposite of your first reply. I am somewhat of an anti-conspiracy theorist. I used to believe that Denial (like denierbud, this label does not bother me) was the conspiracy theory. But after really reading up on it, and I became convinced that there was some 'meat' behind Denial, I realized it was the exact opposite - the Holocaust story is a conspiracy theory completely unsupported by the facts, clouded by the murkiness of what actually went on in some of the more obscure camps and the uncertain fate of many of the Jews shipped east.

As far as being outed, it hasn't affected me whatsoever. Holocaust education (propaganda) is much, much less light in the US than in Europe, where it is the State religion. Most people will just shrug their shoulders if you tell them you deny the H. A friend of my who 'found me out' thought it meant I denied Hitler was anti-Jewish. I explained to him the whos and whys of Denial, told him was the scholarly opinion on it was, and he was instantly converted merely by hearing the ridiculousness of the stories.

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Re: Have you ever been 'outed'?

Postby PotPie » 9 years 3 months ago (Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:15 pm)

I've only told close family members, so no. Especially having written and published a revisionist essay, that's something that would cause difficulty in my professional life. It's really pathetic, actually, to have to do that. All because of an artificially-created taboo against "those people," created by interest groups and popularized by the media. That's kind of about what modern American popular culture is now, isn't it?

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Re: Have you ever been 'outed'?

Postby Hektor » 9 years 3 months ago (Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:23 pm)

PotPie wrote:I've only told close family members, so no. Especially having written and published a revisionist essay, that's something that would cause difficulty in my professional life. It's really pathetic, actually, to have to do that. All because of an artificially-created taboo against "those people," created by interest groups and popularized by the media. That's kind of about what modern American popular culture is now, isn't it?

I think those that know me, also know that I do not believe in the orthodox Holocaust narrative and deem at a propaganda lie.
In my country being heretical about the Holocaust is not a crime.
But it could become a problem, if I am "outed", while traveling to a country where it is.

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Re: Have you ever been 'outed'?

Postby PotPie » 9 years 3 months ago (Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:07 pm)

Hektor wrote:
PotPie wrote:But it could become a problem, if I am "outed", while traveling to a country where it is.

Yes, this is one reason I chose a pen name. I would like to visit Germany some day and using my real identity in writing, I'm quite sure I'd end up in a German prison.

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Re: Have you ever been 'outed'?

Postby fountainhead » 9 years 3 months ago (Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:55 pm)

Yes, I actually tend to think of it that way too. That the 'conspiracy theory' is that the Germans were able to carry out this mass extermination without leaving any traces of physical or documentary evidence. The same weakness that most conspiracy theories are criticized for. But most of the people out there unfamiliar with revisionism are going to say denial is the conspiracy theory and that the exterminationists are the skeptics, much like Michael Shermer.

Wow, as an American, I didn't know the Holocaust denial laws elsewhere were that strict. I knew you could be arrested for public activities such as publishing articles/books or speaking at a public function. Can you even be arrested, say, if you're having a conversation with a friend and a cop overhears you denying the Holocaust? Or, in our case, just posting your opinion on a messageboard?
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Re: Have you ever been 'outed'?

Postby Mkk » 9 years 3 months ago (Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:59 am)

Yes. I wrote about it in some early posts of mine. Suffice to say it wasnt a pleasant experience.
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Re: Have you ever been 'outed'?

Postby Kingfisher » 9 years 3 months ago (Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:06 pm)

fountainhead wrote:Wow, as an American, I didn't know the Holocaust denial laws elsewhere were that strict. I knew you could be arrested for public activities such as publishing articles/books or speaking at a public function. Can you even be arrested, say, if you're having a conversation with a friend and a cop overhears you denying the Holocaust? Or, in our case, just posting your opinion on a messageboard?

In general it has to be a public denial, but that denial need not have been in the country in question. They tried to get Frederick Toben in Germany for what he posted on the Web. He was arrested in London and about to be deported, but he won his deportation hearing. I would like to think this was because HD is not illegal in the UK, but I am told it was on a technicality because Lady Michelle Renouf got him a good lawyer.

That said, a known denier friend of mine was told by Germar Rudolf that you have to be high profile to be bothered in Germany, and said friend subsequently visited Germany without any problem. This is purely anecdotal of course and no guarantee of anything.

I visit France regularly but I never log into Codoh from there, and I always use a pseudo for rev activity anyway.

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Re: Have you ever been 'outed'?

Postby Landulf » 9 years 3 months ago (Fri Feb 21, 2014 3:02 pm)

Well, seems Im lucky to live in Sweden. If some official was to tell me I can't say this or that, I kick his ass so faaaaaar. I guess thats why Sweden is mentioned in the last report on antisemitism in Europe 2013. We can actually tell each other that this story is just a fairy tale… So either the jews has to accept that or leave this country. I prefer the latter...

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Re: Have you ever been 'outed'?

Postby Kingfisher » 9 years 3 months ago (Fri Feb 21, 2014 3:24 pm)

Landulf wrote:Well, seems Im lucky to live in Sweden. If some official was to tell me I can't say this or that, I kick his ass so faaaaaar. I guess thats why Sweden is mentioned in the last report on antisemitism in Europe 2013. We can actually tell each other that this story is just a fairy tale… So either the jews has to accept that or leave this country. I prefer the latter...

Don't be so sure. We had a poster from Sweden who got 2 months inside for denial. They got him for "hets mot folkgrupp" which he reckons can be bent to cover anything they want it to. Likewise here in the UK, the "Heretical Two" were done for inciting racial hatred (which to be fair they possibly did) but the real offence was denial.

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Re: Have you ever been 'outed'?

Postby Landulf » 9 years 3 months ago (Sat Feb 22, 2014 3:52 am)

They can't jail you for denial in Sweden, but you are right that they can get you if you talk bad about someone according to race, religion etc…

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Re: Have you ever been 'outed'?

Postby Cloud » 9 years 3 months ago (Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:27 pm)

What is more important to your average anonymous CODOHian: his physical safety or historical truth?

Some revisionists compare themselves to Galileo. But did Galileo ever use a pseudonym?

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